European Communication Research
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  • 08.09.2022 12:01 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    November 3-4, 2022

    Lusofona University (Portugal)

    Deadline: September 19, 2022

    We invite submission of high quality papers for FL_Fashion Sustainability - International Conference focusing on relevant, original and previously unpublished research. Submitted papers must fit one of the 5 main thematic areas of the Conference.

    All approved papers will be published in an electronic book of proceedings (eBook) with ISBN, provided they are received by the appropriate deadline and defined formatting standards.

    Conference Publications:

    - Proceedings book - eBook with ISBN

    - Palgrave Book - Springer nature

    - IJFMA Journal - Special issue - Scopus

    FL_Fashion Sustainability - International Conference, is an International Conference that focuses on the discussion of Sustainability in Fashion, Design and Media. It proposes to be a space of union between Industry, Business and Academia around a common theme, however, with several very distinct approaches and with a very diverse exchange of experiences and knowledge.

    Thus, we are looking for a Conference format that allows this exchange in moments of presentation of papers, in the presentation of projects in exhibition format, or other, leading to the richness of sharing.

    The Conference is based on 5 main thematic areas: Fashion Sustainability; Fashion Trends Communication; Fashion and Audiovisual for Sustainability; Fashion Tradition and Identity; Education for Fashion Sustainability.

    The official languages of the Congress are Portuguese and English. The oral presentation will be made in Portuguese or in English. The material supporting the presentation (slideshow) should be bilingual Portuguese/English. Papers submitted in Portuguese should be supplemented, in the final review process, with an English version. Papers submitted in English do not need to be submitted in another version.

    Important Dates:

    • Call opening - May 02, 2022
    • Deadline for Submission of Papers (Articles and Projects) - September 19, 2022
    • Notification of decision - September 30, 2022
    • Early bird registration - October 10, 2022
    • Deadline for Final Paper Submission - October 21, 2022
    • Deadline for Conference registration - October 21, 2022
    • Final Conference Program - October 26, 2022
    • FL_Fashion Sustainability - International Conference - November 03-04, 2022
    • Early Bird - until October 10
    • Authors: 150
    • PHD and MSC Students Authors: 80
    • Other Students: 30

    More info:

    Conference website:

  • 08.09.2022 11:55 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Edited book, Helsinki University Press (HUP)

    Deadline December 15, 2022

    David Ramírez Plascencia (University of Guadalajara) and David Dalton (University of North Carolina at Charlotte) invite abstracts for the edited collection The pandemic of the Forgotten: strategies of endurance among deprived groups in Ibero-America during the COVID-19 emergency, which will be submitted to Helsinki University Press (HUP). The University press area has already expressed great interest in the project. 

    The irruption of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 has brought several negative impacts on the world economically, socially, and in the realm of public health. Governments were forced to establish quarantines and other similar preventive measures to slow the expansion of the virus, people were required to work from home, and students continued their education virtually. Despite numerous efforts, both public and private, the effects of the pandemic were terrible: economic recession and inflation; the massive closure of companies; and, in many countries, a massive loss of jobs. According to World Health Organization, there have been about 600,000,000 identified cases of Covid-19 and 14.9 million people have died either directly or indirectly because of the virus. That said, the effects go much farther. For example, many of those fortunate enough to have avoided infection have confronted mental health issues such as depression and anxiety.

    Covid-19 has differed from past pandemics because its outbreak appeared among a digitally interconnected background. Digital media allowed people to follow the expansion of the pandemic almost in real time and in first person. Many people broadcasted their experiences live on social media, while government officials and international organizations provided reliable information in a timely fashion. During the early months of the health emergency, the pandemic was a principal trending topic in digital and traditional media. It also became an important topic of academic production. Indeed, researchers explored all facets of the disease: from the development of a vaccine to the relationship between the pandemic and the rise of oppressive regulations and measures across the globe. Beyond this omnipresence of the pandemic in the mediatic coverture, little attention was given to those forgotten members of society. Here we refer to those who lived in a deprived situation. Many were racial and ethnic minorities, people marginalized due to their gender or sexuality, refugees, sex workers, disabled people, essential workers (drivers, farm workers), elderly citizens living in nursing homes, etc.

    This edited book looks for contributions on relevant cases from Ibero-America (Latin America, Spain, and Portugal) that discuss the negative impact of the pandemic on forgotten members of society from marginalized groups. Possible topics include but are not limited to public repression, negligent attitudes, xenophobic attacks, negative media framing, human rights violations, labor exploitation, etc. Other topics include the strategies that marginalized individuals and communities employed to weather the economic, social and health challenges of the pandemic. We are particularly interested in those proposals that focus on describing the resilience mechanisms developed by these groups. These may include examples of street and digital mobilizations, the use of social media to create solidarity, local and international solidarity networks, the role of social organizations and community initiatives, etc. We are open to receive proposals from multidisciplinary, comparative, and historical approaches.

    You are warmly invited to provide a document with a brief bio (no more than 250 words with titles, affiliations, and contacts) and an abstract (500-750 words). Please send the proposal to the following addresses: and 

    Please feel free to contact us with any questions.

  • 01.09.2022 15:26 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    5-6 December 2022

    Lisbon, Portugal

    Deadline: September 15, 2022

    The concept of ‘captured media’ has been used to describe media systems in countries that have transitioned from authoritarian to democratic regimes in the late 20th century (Mungiu-Puppidi 2013; Guerrero & Marquez-Ramirez 2014). Despite being far from a homogenous reality, young democracies have experienced difficulties in building strong, independent media ecosystems, and are still characterized by self-censorship and both political and economic pressures as part of the daily routine of newsrooms. These systems either go down “the path toward an Authoritarian/Communist type media system” (Batorfy, 2019) or “serve as propagandists and political instruments to befuddle, misinform, and disinform audiences and thus oppose civil society and democratization.” (Armanca & Gross, 2020). In this respect, the concept of captured media exhibits many of the dimensions that factually stifle freedom of expression and its role in a democracy. Hallin and Mancini (2004) speak of political parallelism which, in its extreme form, may lead to political instrumentalization, party colonization (Bajomi-Lazar, 2014), and oligarchization (Ryabinska, 2014), with the creation of a media system that is merely a mouthpiece of political elites (Zankova, 2021).

    Thus, the conference “Captured Media: Researching Media Systems in and after Transitions” aims to bring together researchers working on media systems in countries that participated in the third wave of democratization, from Portugal in 1974 to Asia-Pacific and Latin American countries in the 1980s and Eastern Europe, following the collapse of the Berlin Wall. The aim is to discuss how media systems have evolved after the establishment of democracy, and to debate how media and journalistic institutions are co-opted by political and economic structures in countries that lack a strong tradition of press freedom and adequate guarantees.

    While the media are traditionally perceived as performing a central role in the democratic process, responsible for scrutinizing power structures, this role has been particularly questioned and undermined in the last decade by populist movements (which label journalism as an ‘enemy of the people’), the collapse of traditional business models, the emergence of new reception practices and ultimately a climate of uncertainty that has led to profound changes in the relationship between the media and the outside world (Ribeiro & Zelizer, 2022). While these tendencies can be found in most countries, in young democracies they may be particularly disruptive, due to the lack of a strong culture of press freedom and media independence, close ties between the media and the political class and ineffective legal frameworks. They may result in self-censorship and deficiencies in media professional standards and accountability. Thus, the conference welcomes papers with comparative research, and others, focusing on case studies from countries and media systems that have undergone a transformation from authoritarian to democratic regimes. Papers dealing with the following topics are especially welcome but many others may be proposed:

    · Press Freedom and media independence in young democracies;

    · Self-censorship;

    · The evolution of media systems in young democracies;

    · Political parallelism;

    · Journalism practices in times of uncertainty;

    · Media and journalism and new business models;

    · Media and populist discourses;

    · Media concentration and opacity of media ownership;

    · Comparing news practices in different countries;

    · Media in transition;

    · Democratic culture and media;

    · Media frameworks and media freedom guarantees.

    Abstracts for paper proposals between 300-400 words may be submitted in English or Spanish until 15 September (deadline) by email:

    All abstracts will be peer reviewed before final acceptance. A collection of some of the papers may be published after the conference

    Keynote Speaker:

    Mireya Márquez-Ramírez, Universidad Iberoamericana

    Conference organization

    The conference is organized by the Research Centre for Communication and Culture (CECC) hosted at the Faculty of Human Sciences at the Universidade Católica Portuguesa in cooperation with the project ‘The Media System and Journalism Culture in Bulgaria (A Study in the Light of the Three Models of Media – Politics Relations by Hallin and Mancini)’, hosted by Veliko Tarnovo University “St. Cyril and St. Medhodius and funded by the Bulgarian Scientific Fund.

    The conference will be held at the Lisbon campus of Universidade Católica Portuguesa, which can be easily accessed via metro (30-minute ride), bus or taxi (10-minute ride) from the Lisbon airport.

    Conference Organizing Committee:

    Isadora Ataíde

    Catarina Duff Burnay

    Ioli Campos

    Nelson Ribeiro

    Ivo Indzhov

    Bissera Zankova

  • 01.09.2022 15:23 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    London College of Communications

    We are seeking excellent applicants for two new full time Senior Lecturer roles at the London College of Communications, University of the Arts London (UAL). The first is in Social Analytics and the second is in Creative Skills. Full details in links below.

    Senior Lecturer in Social Analytics, Communications and Media

    Senior Lecturer in Creative Skills, Communications and Media

    Closing date is September 23.

    We value diversity and are especially keen to hear from applicants who will challenge the canon and promote equality and diversity in their work and areas of expertise.

  • 01.09.2022 15:21 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Freie Universität Berlin

    The research team “Communication Policy/Media Economics” (Prof. Dr. Matthias Künzler) is looking for a researcher as a doctoral candidate participating in the international research group "Local Communication". The position is limited to four years.

    Are you interested in the role of traditional local media and new journalistic start-ups in democratic societies? Are you curious to explore which business models, organisational structures and journalistic concepts these media companies rely on? Are you also interested in what information needs local communities have for local media and how they try to inform their citizens?

    If you are interested in these and/or other questions about local communication, we look forward to receiving your application as a PhD candidate. For more information see

  • 01.09.2022 15:18 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Edited by: Herman Wasserman and Dani Madrid-Morales

    In Disinformation in the Global South, media and communications scholars Herman Wasserman and Dani Madrid-Morales deliver a unique and geographically diverse collection of perspectives on the phenomenon of disinformation as it manifests in the Global South. In many parts of the Global South, coordinated political disinformation campaigns, rumor, and propaganda have long been a part of the social fabric, even before disinformation has become an area of scholarship in the Global North. The way disinformation manifests in this region, and responses to it, can therefore be highly instructive for readers around the world.

    Through case studies and comparative analyses, the book explores the impact of disinformation in Africa, Latin America, the Arab World and Asia. The chapters in this book discuss the similarities and differences of disinformation in different regions and provide a broad thematic overview of the phenomenon as it manifests across the Global South. After analyzing core concepts, theories and histories from Southern perspectives, contributors explore the experiences of media users and the responses to disinformation by various social actors drawing on examples from a dozen countries. Disinformation in the Global South also includes:

    • A thorough introduction to Southern perspectives on national histories, theories of disinformation, and research methods in disinformation studies
    • Global case studies of cultures of disinformation, including ethnographic insights into how audiences engage with disinformation
    • Comprehensive explorations of responses to online and offline disinformation, including discussions of news literacy and the management of disinformation

    A valuable resource for scholars of disinformation everywhere, as well as senior undergraduate and graduate students in courses covering transnational or global perspectives to communication studies, Disinformation in the Global South is also an ideal reference for anyone studying or working in media or journalism.

  • 01.09.2022 15:13 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    September 8, 2022

    I am pleased to invite you to the next in the series of IPRA Thought Leadership webinars. The webinar Climate Change: how PR can save the world will be moderated by IPRA Secretary General Philip Sheppard in conversation with members of the IPRA Climate Change Chapter on Thursday 8 September 2022 at 12.00 GMT/UCT (unadjusted).

    What is the webinar content?

    The world needs action in the face of climate change. Which role does our profession play here? What are our possibilities and best practice examples? In this edition of the IPRA Thought Leadership webinar series, Daniel Silberhorn, Sophia Kudjordji and Svetlana Stavreva – all members of the IPRA Climate Change Chapter – discuss how communications can make a positive impact, thereby playing a responsible part in working towards achieving the UN’s sustainable development goal 13, Climate Action.

    How to join

    Register here at Airmeet. (The time shown should adjust to your device’s time zone.)

    A reminder will be sent 1 hour before the event.

    Background to IPRA

    IPRA, the International Public Relations Association, was established in 1955, and is the leading global network for PR professionals in their personal capacity. IPRA aims to advance trusted communication and the ethical practice of public relations. We do this through networking, our code of conduct and intellectual leadership of the profession. IPRA is the organiser of public relations' annual global competition, the Golden World Awards for Excellence (GWA). IPRA's services enable PR professionals to collaborate and be recognised. Members create content via our Thought Leadership essays, social media and our consultative status with the United Nations. GWA winners demonstrate PR excellence. IPRA welcomes all those who share our aims and who wish to be part of the IPRA worldwide fellowship. For more see

    Background to the IPRA Climate Change Chapter

    The Chapter of like-minded IPRA members pursues the following four objectives:

    • To further knowledge and expertise among IPRA members, enabling them to play a valuable part in furthering communications aspects of climate change in line with UN sustainable development goal 13.
    • To facilitate dialogue and best-practice exchange between IPRA members on communications aspects of climate change.
    • To create communication materials for IPRA members and non-members on communications aspects of climate change.
    • To promote entries to the Golden World Awards Climate Change category.


    International Public Relations Association Secretariat

    United Kingdom

    Telephone +44 1634 818308

  • 01.09.2022 14:46 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Kristiania University College, Oslo Norway

    Kristiania University College is advertising several fully funded PhD positions in Communication and Leadership. Applications are due by 15 September. For full details and application information go to:

    Positions include a good stipend plus full tuition remission. We have positions available on projects including: applied information technology, communication and leadership (specifically Scandinavian political communication during the pandemic), sustainability-oriented innovation, digital communication and social media engagement, disability representation in adventure tourism, and risk communication and community engagement.

  • 18.08.2022 12:02 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Deadline: November 25, 2022

    Dear professor;

    A book, edited by me, named “The Competence of Communication in the Digital World: Persuasion and Perception” is going to be published. The book with its multi-directional concept carries out an embedded structure of the studies applied in the fields of communication. Changing and developing technologies, forms of lives, comprehension of consumption, succession forms of media and new media, ideological attitude and socio economic status all together influence the persuasion of individuals and masses. Particularly recently what lays in the center of agenda turns around convincing masses whether to get the vaccine applied or not, and creating a kind of perception among masses. That is to say, controlling persuasion and perception is included in every aspect of the agenda.

    All the disciplines of communication unit (Public Relations, advertisement, political communication, new media, brand administration, credibility etc.) are based on persuasion of the target mass. Whatever communication discipline it is included, controlling persuasion and perception makes up a target goal. Shortly, controlling persuasion and perception is to alter and convert individuals and masses by convincing them for the desired thoughts, attitudes or opinions. In the process, the alteration occurs first in the thoughts, then opinions and lastly in the practice. Controlling persuasion and perception is put into usage not only in politics but in almost every other field as well. Commercials, public relation processes, social media projects, digital atmosphere, films, series and news all create effect on masses, and thus change thoughts, opinions, attitudes and forms of living. This change and transformation might be for the benefit of the individual and public, but it might as well be a benefit for the expedience, politics or financially strong groups.

    It can be said that perception control and propaganda are ally concepts inasmuch as propaganda means “planting, sprouting”, which means it is similar to planting, watering and greening a thought, a belief, an opinion or attitude into masses like a seed into the soil. In order to affect society that is masses a thought in the form of a seed needs various communicational and ideological tools to grow and green. These communicational and ideological tools, in general meaning, lay widely around television, newspaper, internet, social media, education foundations, religious foundations, non-governmental organizations. There are a lot of ideological clutches wanting to roll up society for their own profit. Those bodies could be political bodies, an international non-governmental organizations, companies etc. And yet each of us undergoes a number of persuasion tactics, perception operations and propagandas throughout our lives. We, perhaps deliberately or unwittingly, embrace them because perception and persuasion control and propaganda methods take their effect in a long term gradually. This book is going to enjoy the persuasion and perception strategies within the potential of communication with their details, exemplifications, theoretical approaches, field studies and critical perspectives.

    Shortly this book will include the genuine academic topics below depending upon the basic concepts of persuasion and perception management with the contribution of valuable American, European and Asian academicians. Thus this book having an international qualification will contribute to fields of communication below with contemporary approaches, recent studies and latest theories:


    • Public Relation Practices
    • Political Communication Practices
    • Credibility Conspiracy Practices
    • Advertisement Practices
    • Brand Management Practices
    • Credibility Management Practices
    • Digital Communication and New Media Practices

    The book will be published in December 2022 by a book company (Kopernik Publishing) with the status of Reputed International Press with existing Academic Incentive and Associate Professorship criteria. Each author will be sent three PDF documents of the pressed book and 3 pressed books by cargo. Besides a document with an official signature indicating that the press company is a book company with the status of Reputed International Press will be added in the cargo. The languages of the book will be Turkish and English. Depending on the volume of participation the book might have two volumes. The book will be sent to university libraries in Turkey and World, Political Party Leaders, non- governmental organizations and leading opinion leaders in the field.


    Written language: English/Turkish

    Press: Kopernik Publishing (Agreed)​

    Pages: 20-35

    Latest date to send the article: 25th Nowember, 2022

    Press date: December, 2022

    Text flow of the article: Introduction, Main Text, Method, Conclusion, Resources and Additional Resource Indication. APA 6 method

    Page arrangement:

    ∙A4 vertical with normal side gaps

    ∙Times New Roman – 11 font size (charts and block citations 9 font size)

    ∙1 row pitch

    ∙Text with block paragraphs

    ∙Paragraph gap first 0 nk then 6 nk

    ∙Paragraph 0

    ∙No upper and below footers or page numbers in the chapters

    Dear Colleague,

    Your participation in this book will be an honor for me. This work with its international status will contribute both to academic and applicable fields. It will enlighten latest contemporary information literature, and with its being international it will b a first.


    Dr. Fatma Kamiloğlu

    Communicatıon Deparment

    Nişantaşı University, İstanbul, Türkiye




  • 18.08.2022 11:54 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    October 7, 2022

    Online pre-conference

    Dear members and followers of the Gender, Sexuality and Communication section,

    We are pleased to present the preliminary programme of our online pre-conference "From unruliness to collective action: challenging norms on gender and sexuality in the media". On Friday October 7 2022, we will have a full day of interesting discussions on different aspects of resistance, collective protest and subversion of norms on gender and sexuality from artistic, activist, academic and media perspectives. There will also be two roundtable discussions on news and diversity (organised by Greta Gober) and feminist open-access journals (organised by ECREA Women's Network, supporting partner of the event). We hope you are as excited as we are to meet each other and exchange ideas about gender, sexuality and media.

    Registration is free and open to non-members. Feel free to share the link with others who might be interested:

    Preliminary programme

    9-9.15: Opening and welcome (Sara De Vuyst)

    9.15-10.30: Collective action and protests (chaired by Greta Gober)

    · Adolfo Carratala (University of Valencia): Fighting for equality, fighting disinformation: the strategies of LGBTQ+ organizations against fake news about the community in Spain.

    · Katarzyna Ciarcińska and Katarzyna Zawadzka (University of Szczecin): Making dissent heard and visible. Polish women's protests during the pandemics.

    · Louiselle Vassallo (University of Malta): #occupyjustice - an all-women pressure group campaigning for truth and justice in the wake of the assassination of investigative journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia in Malta.

    10.30-10:45: short break

    10.45-12.00: Unruly bodies and sexualities (chaired by Sara De Vuyst)

    · Martina Vitackova (Ghent University): “Oud word is nie vir sissies nie“. Representations of older women’s sexuality in popular romance literature in Afrikaans.

    · Christina Goestl (artist,, Orgasm. On the flux and flow of a term through times and spaces.

    · Katrien Jacobs (Chinese University of Hong Kong): Algorithmic Fat Bellies and Menopausal Rage.

    12.00-13.00: Lunch break

    13.00-14:15: Fixing, diversifying and problematizing representations (chaired by Despina Chronaki)

    · Brenda Murphy (University of Malta): FIXED-IT and PANELS NOT MANELS CAMPAIGNS APPLICANT Mediating Women: Balancing the Media - a foundation based in Malta, working to promote gender equality in and through the media.

    · Paula Rodríguez-Rivera (University of Vigo) and Pedro Ferreira (University of Porto): Exploring trans* identity trough videogames: A Normal Lost Phone.

    · Manuel Bolz (University of Hamburg): Queering 'Rape and Revenge'. Revenge cultures and sexualized violence beyond heteronormative worldmaking.

    Taaka Irene (Friends UG): Friends UG In Ekigoma Flash Mob (Efm)

    14:15-14:30: short break

    14:30-15:30: Panel on news and diversity organized by Greta Gober

    15:30-15:45: short break

    15:45-17:00: Panel on feminist open access journals organized by the ECREA Women’s Network moderated by Tonny Krijnen

    17:00-17.15: closing remarks

    For more info/questions, please send an email to

    We are looking forward to the event.

    Kind regards,

    The Organizing Committee

    Sara De Vuyst (chair), Despina Chronaki (vice-chair), Greta Gober (vice-chair), Vittoria Bernardini (YECREA representative), Valentyna Shapovalova (communication officer), Elisa Paz Pérez (communication officer), and Aleka Stamatiadi (communication officer)




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