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  • 08.07.2022 12:13 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Submission of open access book chapters proposals

    Deadline: July 31, 2022

    We are currently seeking contributions for a forthcoming book proposal for the Routledge Studies in European Communication Research and Education Series.

    Meta comes from the Greek word meta, which means “after” or “beyond”. When combined with words in English, meta- often signifies “change” or “alteration” as in the words metamorphic. So, we are at the entrance of a new universe in communication that the companies and social media groups are building, like Facebook or Instagram, that pour its resources into constructing virtual reality products and setting up the Metaverse.

    This is a concept that blends augmented reality and virtual reality together, providing people with the future of the internet, where the new generations create their new digital communication universe. How will the new communication in this new universe be constructed? Are we facing a complete change of how we communicate on the internet?

    Submit your 300-word abstracts and 5 key words about any of the following themes: Metauniverse and : Communication, the Future, Violence, Narrative, Law, FakeNews,Business, Journalism, Art, etc.

    Deadline July 31st., 2022. 0.00 hours Central European Time (CET). Send proposals to and to

  • 01.07.2022 11:50 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    1–3 June 2023

    Eberhard Karls University, Tübingen, Germany

    Deadline: September 30, 2022

    8th Rhetoric in Society Conference

    Organized by the Rhetoric Society of Europe in collaboration with the Institute for General Rhetoric and the Institute for Media Studies at Tübingen University

    We are very happy to announce that proposals are now invited for panels, papers, roundtables, and other forms of presentation to be delivered at Rhetoric in Society 8, which is the biannual conference organized by the Rhetoric Society of Europe. The conference is scheduled to take place from June 1st to 3rd, 2023 at Eberhard Karls University in Tübingen, Germany.

    We are planning a real conference with face-to-face conversations and in-person meetings on our campus and in town. Yet, the incalculable nature of the COVID-19 pandemic obliges us to remain precautious. However, we are optimistic and very much looking forward to welcoming you in Tübingen.

    We invite proposals for:

    - Papers or panels which speak directly to the conference theme (explained below);

    - Papers or panels which address general issues related to the theory, analysis & practice of rhetoric in society;

    - Other kinds of presentations such as roundtables, world cafés or debates.

    Please note:

    If you already submitted a paper for the planned and postponed conference in 2021, you have two options:

    - You are either invited to submit your original proposal once again.

    - Or you are of course invited to submit a new proposal in case you would like to change the subject or the focus of your proposal.

    In any case you will be obliged to submit again. Already submitted papers will not be included in the reviewing process for the conference in 2023.

    If you did not submit a paper for the planned conference in 2021, please feel encouraged and welcome to submit a proposal now.

    Rhetoric as Strategic Thinking

    With its focus on ‘strategy’ and ‘strategic thinking,’ the Rhetoric in Society 8 conference discusses the ways we define rhetoric as a specific form of communication, argumentation, persuasion, or mediation. Strategic thinking as a complex cognitive activity involves the mental representation of a goal as well as an understanding of the ways and means to achieve this goal through communicative action. Rhetors are expected to imagine a number of possible scenarios before deciding on a specific strategy and even to adjust this strategy during a campaign or even during a single speech. As Quintilian famously put it in his Institutio oratoria (II, 13, 2, transl. Butler): “If the whole of rhetoric could be thus embodied in one compact code, it would be an easy task of little compass: but most rules are liable to be altered by the nature of the

    case, circumstances, time and place and by hard necessity itself. Consequently, the allimportant gift for an orator is a wise adaptability since he is called upon to meet the most varied emergencies.” The bellicose metaphor of the commander (strategos) is often used in ancient rhetorical theories to conceive of the orator’s ability to adjust a strategic plan to specific circumstances or specific audiences. Like the commander, Quintilian’s orator has to find answers “in the circumstances of the case.” (Institutio oratoria, II, 13, 5, transl. Butler)

    The conference endeavors to discuss rhetoric as strategic thinking in order to both define and question a key characteristic of rhetorical communication––one that has recently gained significance in the public eye due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the verbal rearmament of public discourse. The conference intends to explore different concepts from different disciplinary backgrounds, such as argumentation, strategic maneuvering, imagination and mental simulation, rhetorical agency, situational rhetoric, literature and linguistics, political theory, communication and media studies, organizational rhetoric/communication, public relations, philosophy of language and many more. We would also like to discuss the blurring boundaries between rhetoric and

    other forms of strategic communication such as manipulation, propaganda, populism, or

    warfare, to assess the strategies applied by human and non-human actors in scripted or artificial media environments, and to explore the conditions responsible for the success or failure of rhetorical strategies and tactics in societies that are increasingly coping with polarization, radicalization, and deception.

    General papers

    We also invite proposals for papers and panels more generally concerned with the theory, practice or analysis of rhetoric. This may include, for example, historical scholarship, theoretical analysis and contemporary cultural or political critique; work grounded in political theory, philosophy, languages and linguistics, argumentation, literary studies, communication studies, composition, media studies, psychology, sociology, history, cultural studies and more. Papers might be comparative, national or transnational in focus, concerned with particular orators, ideologies or movements and focus on spoken, written or audio-visual communication.

    Alternative presentations

    We welcome proposals for forms of presentation other than panels and papers. This might include: roundtables addressing key rhetorical themes, works or phenomena; debates between contending positions; other, novel and effective ways of communicating research findings, claims and arguments.

    How to submit a proposal

    Please submit your paper proposals by September 30th, 2022 to

    We will inform you about our decision in November 2022.

    Please do not submit more than two proposals. Panel proposals should not comprise more than four individual papers.

    Individual Paper Proposals

    All individual paper proposals must be written in English and submitted to the

    Committee with the following information:

    - Title

    - Author name

    - Email address

    - Affiliation

    - Abstract (300 words maximum)

    Session Proposals

    Session Organizers should submit session proposals written in English to the Committee

    with the following information:

    - Session title

    - Session abstract of 300 words maximum

    - List of participants including chair, presenters and discussants (if applicable),

    their email addresses, and the names of the institutions that they are associated with

    - The related paper abstracts (300 words maximum/ paper)

  • 01.07.2022 11:24 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Journalism and Media (SPECIAL ISSUE)

    Deadline: October 15, 2022

    Progressively more instances of weather and climate extremes are reported to impact human society, the societal infrastructure, and the natural environment. The coverage of climate issues in the media has led to an increase in public attention to these topics. As an arena for public debate, media shapes public knowledge and awareness of the situation, at times merely reporting ecological and climate events, often, however, linking cyclones, wildfires, tornados, tropical storms and melting of the permafrost to humans’ activities and (lack) of care for a sustainable future. As stakeholders try to engage the public on climate change, it is important to understand how climate change is communicated to the public through the media, to understand the role that the media plays in communicating information about climatic changes. The special Issue of Journalism and Media (ISSN 2673-5172) is dedicated to Media and Climate Change. Financial support (in the form of APC waiver) is available to authors after the blind peer-review. Submissions should be done through the journal website. The call and further information at

  • 30.06.2022 10:28 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    University of Zurich

    The Media Change & Innovation Division (Prof. Dr. Michael Latzer) at the Department of Communication and Media Research, University of Zurich invites applications for an open position as senior research and teaching associate / postdoctoral researcher (80-100%). Start of employment: October 1, 2022 (or upon agreement).

    The Media Change & Innovation Division studies societal implications of digitalization and the internet, algorithmic selection and AI in everyday life, dataveillance and privacy, governance of media change, digital inequalities, and digital well-being (see for the division’s recent publications).

    Further information and application details:

    Review of applications starts immediately, but the position will remain open until a qualified candidate is found.

    Please contact Dr. Moritz Büchi ( for questions.

  • 28.06.2022 11:23 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    September 30, 2022

    Deadline: July 1, 2022

    Online conference (Zoom)

    Approval deadline: 2 September 2022 (Friday)

    Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE) Faculty of Law and University of Bucharest (UB) Faculty of Law are pleased to announce a conference entitled "Audiovisual Media Regulation during the COVID-19 in Central and Eastern Europe", for which we invite applications for speakers.

    The international pandemic situation, which has been going on for two years now, impacts our daily lives. However, this natural phenomenon does not leave the world of media world  untouched either. Moreover, in Central and Eastern Europe, these processes are often covert: as if governments are using the viral situation to achieve their unstated goals.

    Freedom of expression as a fundamental human right can very quickly face severe restrictions in such cases, raising the problem of conflicting fundamental rights. In addition, legislation, the functioning of the media system and other media rights issues have been on the agenda in many Central and Eastern European countries. The exercise of exceptional powers has reached the region: extraordinary seems to become the norm.

    The conference thus aims to bring together the historical and contemporary challenges of the press, the media and our mediatised world, i.e. to explore the issue from the perspectives of (legal) history and existing law, as well as social and political science, identifying the intersections where past experience can help to address the social and regulatory challenges of the present.

    The main objective of the conference is to make the links visible to the broader audience between the pandemic situation and media legislation (negative and positive), its history, its social impact, its effects on the exercise of fundamental rights, and the experience, research findings and academic positions in Central and Eastern Europe on past and current regulatory issues. Therefore, the organisers of the conference will welcome contributions from the fields of law, political science, journalism, history and social science. The deadline for the application for the conference is 1 July 2022. Please, send a title with a short abstract (maximum 400 words) in English on the topic of the presentation to

    The conference will be held online via Zoom platform. If there are enough applicants, a separate Master and PhD session will be organised. In adddition, the organizers will provide publication opportunities for manuscripts based on the best presentations.

  • 23.06.2022 21:28 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Special Issue of Comunicação Pública no. 33 (December 2022)

    Deadline: July 7, 2022

    Editors: Ricardo Morais (IADE - Faculdade de Design, Tecnologia e Comunicação, Universidade Europeia, Universidade da Beira Interior/LabCom) and Patrícia Silveira (IADE - Faculdade de Design, Tecnologia e Comunicação, Universidade Europeia, CECS – Universidade do Minho)

    Languages: Portuguese; English; Spanish

    In recent years, we have seen a violent attack on the values of democracy. The growth of populism and authoritarian governments has contributed to a democratic backlash. In this context of threat to liberal democracy, citizenship and civic participation are also at risk. It is therefore urgent to reflect upon the growth of these trends, but above all it is necessary to understand that in a scenario dominated by media and digital communication, as well as by disinformation, it is essential to develop literacy for citizenship, participation and democracy.

    Description and Framework

    In recent years there have been several phenomena put democratic values to the test, to the point that we now can speak of a regression of liberal democracies around the world (V-Dem 2020; Democracy Index, 2019). The political transformations that have taken place in countries such as Hungary, Turkey or Brazil, with the election of populist leaders and the constitution of antidemocratic governments, are just some of the visible faces of a larger problem, which reaches its maximum expression with the increase in the number of autocracies, which is now higher than that of democracies, something that has not occurred since 2001 (V-Dem, 2020, p. 6).

    Researchers have explained most of these transformations based on the idea that citizens no longer trust “the political system and democratic institutions” (Belchior, 2015). This mistrust would be at the origin of citizens' discontent and at the base of their adherence to populist politicians, who defend nationalist or protectionist measures, as well as restrictions to individual freedoms and rights.

    The media have been used, in this process, as the main channel to transmit populist ideas. When the media are not available, digital platforms are the privileged vehicles to attack traditional media, convey disinformation and encourage the polarization of discourses. In this context, the question that arises is whether citizens are prepared to understand and critically assess the diversity of messages to which they are exposed in contemporary society.

    The fast pace at which information circulates, especially in the digital world, combined with the transformations that have taken place in the production of content (Bruns, 2007; Anderson, Bell & Shirky, 2014), have reinforced the importance of promoting media and digital literacy as a democratic development strategy. Critical understanding and active participation are thus the basis of all democracies, as the absence of these competences prevents certain sectors of society from making informed choices, exposing them to false content and affecting the nature and quality of public debate.

    In this context we understand that it is necessary to consolidate scientific knowledge and the perception that citizens have about the democratic process, civic participation and citizenship. It is not simply a matter of analyzing what the public knows about politicians or political institutions. Thinking about literacy for citizenship and democracy is to enter the broader field of identifying a set of competencies without which citizens would not be able to act critically, in a democratic context. In this sense, this call for papers aims to collect theoretical and empirical contributions that can help to reflect on the importance of this kind of literacy for citizenship and democracy, and more specifically what skills should be developed and what tools can be used to help combat democratic backlash. Among others, it seeks to obtain answers to the following questions: How to prepare citizens to participate critically in the democratic process? What kind of knowledge, attitudes and skills are essential for the exercise of citizenship in the digital age? To whom should media literacy actions be addressed? What strategies can help foster young people's interest in democracy?

    Objectives and approaches

    Considering that literacy for citizenship and democracy is the central axis of this call for papers, we seek contributions that take into account the following topics, (although not limited to them):

    • Media literacy, citizenship and democracy
    • Misinformation and information literacy
    • Populisms, polarization and digital literacy
    • Digital divide, teaching and media literacy
    • Political literacy and civic participation
    • Public policies and media literacy
    • Technology, literacy and digital citizenship


    1st Call for Papers: 1 March 2022

    Deadline for Submissions: 7 July 2022

    Deadline for Notification of Acceptance: 15 October 2022

    Deadline for submitting the final version of accepted paper: 1 November 2022

    Publication date: 15 December 2022

    Submission guidelines:

    Articles must be submitted online via

    Authors are required to register in the system before submitting an article; if you have already registered, simply log into the system and start the 5-step submission process. Articles must be submitted using the preformatted template of Comunicação Pública. For more information on submission, please read Information for Authors and Guidelines for Authors.

  • 23.06.2022 21:25 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    University in Bydgoszcz

    Faculty of Game Studies and Information Technologies; Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland offers a position of Assistant Professor in new media, including games studies and information technologies.

    Further information regarding the job description can be accessed under the following link:

    APPLICATION DEADLINE is 07/07/2022 00:00 - Europe/Brussels

    For any details or questions, please contact Faculty’s chair:

  • 23.06.2022 21:19 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    November 22 – November 25, 2022

    University of Wollongong, Australia

    Deadline: July 31, 2022

    ANZCA 2022 Conference

    Convened by School of The Arts, English and Media, Faculty of the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities, and Centre for Digital Transformation, Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences

    ANZCA 2022 will showcase new directions for research focusing on fundamental changes occurring across the broad sectors of communication, journalism, digital health, and digital media. This includes burgeoning research and methodological frameworks in public and health communication, civic participation, and community-building. The conference will bring together academics, independent researchers, creative practitioners, and activists to explore a range of issues that intersect with digital, social, and virtual communities and Web futures, as well as the ascendency of streaming services and social gathering platforms.

    The conference will run as an inclusive hybrid face-to-face and online event, welcoming emerging, aspiring, and established thinkers interested in interrogating new communication developments, connections, and disruptions that have transpired during the COVID pandemic era.

    ANZCA 2022 will also facilitate debates on a range of developments that are responding to the apparent deepening of digital divides and the prevalence of misinformation in an era marked by significant global crises. The conference will scrutinise the emergence, adoption, propagation, and extension of new community cultures and practices, as well as the policy and governance mechanisms that have yet to keep pace with them, inviting us to consider questions such as what are some of the new testing grounds for human creativity and for overcoming post-COVID challenges in this interdisciplinary arena?

    Key topic areas include:

    – The transformation and impacts of COVID-era organisational, intercultural, and interpersonal communications, and responses to misinformation;

    – New and dynamic forms of public relations and health communication, and the creative use of digital media tools among communities of creative practitioners, commentators, audiences, fans, and policymakers;

    – The evolution of virtual communication and social engagement in networked, mobile, augmented reality, and online spaces in the COVID era, and the environmental/carbon impact of these forms of engagement; and

    – Adaptions made to civic and community-building communication practices that are designed to support participation in society during periods of lockdown, isolation, and restricted mobility.

    – The first day of the conference will feature a Postgraduate (HDR) and Early Career Researcher (ECR) Day, which is being organised by the Fan Studies Network Australasia. More details will be provided about this soon.

    Conference Attendance: Given the ongoing uncertainty with COVID-19, ANZCA 2022 will be held in hybrid (in person and online) mode. Stay tuned for more details about attendance and registration options.

    Guidelines for Submission: We welcome submissions for papers and panels on a wide range of topics as outlined above. We invite four types of submissions: individual paper abstracts; panel proposals; HDR/ECR roundtable day; and full papers for consideration in a special conference-themed journal issue. Please indicate whether you intend to present in person, or online.

    ABSTRACTS: Abstracts should be a maximum of 250 words. Please indicate your submission type and include a 100-word author biography with your submission.

    PANEL PROPOSALS: Pre-constituted panels can feature 3-4 speakers whose papers share a strong thematic link. To propose a panel, please submit the following: panel title; an abstract providing an overview of the panel (250-500 words); an abstract for each individual paper (250 words each); and a 100-word bio for each presenter.

    HDR/ECR ROUNDTABLE: For HDR students and ECRs (i.e. those within 5 years of being awarded their PhD), we invite submissions of 200 words for our Roundtable session on Day 1 of the conference. This session will offer each speaker the opportunity to receive feedback on any element of their research from both their peers and senior academics. Please include a 100-word author biography with your submission.

    FULL PAPERS: All full papers submitted will undergo a double-blind peer-review process to assess the suitability for one of two ANZCA conference special issues – in either Communication Research Practices (CRP) or Media International Australia (MIA). ANZCA no longer publishes conference proceedings. However, the organising committee will issue a formal letter of acceptance to the paper author(s) based on the peer-review. Please eliminate any authorial identifying information from the submitted paper, including from the title page, headers and footers, and document file names. This will ensure blind refereeing, and failure to deidentify a paper may lead to its rejection.

    The body of the paper should be double-spaced, and left-aligned or justified. Quotations should be in “double quotation marks” and paragraphs of cited text longer than 40 words should be indented. Please number all pages of your manuscript in the top-right header. The suggested word count is a maximum of 6000 words, including references cited. Papers must be referenced in APA style. Authors selected for either CRP or MIA will be contacted following the conference, with anticipated publication in 2023.

    ELIGIBILITY: You do not need to be a member of ANZCA to submit an abstract, panel proposal, or full paper. If your submission is accepted, you will be asked to register for the conference via our website. There are a range of different registration fees available, depending on career stage/employment, which will be announced soon.


    – Submission site opens: 1 May 2022

    – Submissions close: 31 July 2022

    – Acceptance notifications and instructions emailed to participants: 30 September 2022

    – Early Bird registration opens: 30 September 2022

    – Registration for Postgraduate/ECR pre-conference symposium opens: 30 September 2022

    – Early Bird registration closes: 15 October 2022

    – Registrations close: 21 November 2022

    Keynote speaker confirmed: Dr. Lev Manovich – Presidential Professor, City University of New York

    Manovich is a world-renown innovator and top influencer in many fields, including media theory, digital humanities, cultural analytics, and media art. He is a Presidential Professor at The Graduate Center, City University of New York, and a Director of the Cultural Analytics Lab. Manovich was included in the list of “25 People Shaping the Future of Design” and the list of “50 Most Interesting People Building the Future”. He is an author of 180 articles and 15 books that include Cultural Analytics, Instagram and Contemporary Image, and The Language of New Media described as “the most suggestive and broad-ranging media history since Marshall McLuhan.” Manovich’s digital art projects were shown in over 110 international exhibitions in Centre Pompidou, ICA London, ZKM, KIASMA, and other leading venues.

    UPDATE submission portal now open

    We are now accepting submissions for abstracts, panels, full papers, and HDR roundtable discussions. You can access the submission site here, which will be open until Friday 22 July 2022 (11.59pm AEST).

    We look forward to receiving your submissions!

    If you have any enquiries please contact

    Apply here:

  • 23.06.2022 21:12 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    December 2, 2022

    Instytut Nauk o Komunikacji Społecznej i Mediach, Lublin (Poland)

    Deadline: October 15, 2022

    Continuing our research meetings focused on specific issues of mediatization research chaired by eminent experts (Göran Bolin (2017), Johan Fornäs (2018), Andreas Hepp (2019), Mark Deuze (2020) André Jansson (2021)), this year the workshop will take place online on the 2 December 2022 and it will be led by Professor Andrew Hoskins, University of Glasgow.

    The title of this year's edition is: Mediatization of War

    We invite all mediatization researchers who wish to discuss their own research projects in a narrow and closed group of media scholars under the guidance of an expert.

    This year we would like to dedicate the workshop to such topics of contributions as:

    • Mediatization of war, invasion, armed conflict
    • Mediatization of war refugees and humanitarian crisis
    • Mediating the politics of war: manipulation, propaganda, and persuasion
    • The importance of cyber warfare in mediatization
    • Between mediatization of military, economy and culture
    • Looping crises and their mediatization: war, pandemic, environment, markets
    • The relationship between data, attention and control in contemporary war
    • The gathering and potential (mis)use of open source information in shaping perceptions, and the memory and forgetting of war, and in pursuing the prosecution of war crimes

    The idea and format of the meeting is based on a closed specialization workshop in a formula proven in the previous editions, i.e.:

    • participants work on different types of materials (articles, works in progress, proposals, theses, reports, drafts etc.) under the guidance of the expert;
    • meeting is preceded by substantive preparation by the expert and all participants on the basis of materials circulated among all participants in advance;
    • during the meeting all participants focus on group discussion and expert feedback (presentations and speeches are limited to a minimum);
    • seminar is preceded by an introductory lecture by the leader.

    *There is no conference fee.


    [15.10.2022] - submissions of proposals

    Please use the form available below; other submission will not be accepted

    [31.10.2022] - notification of acceptance of proposals

    [28.11.2022]- submission of materials for discussion (only pdf format is accepted)

    [29.11-1.12.2022] - preparation for the workshop by the leader and all participants

    [2.12.2022] - closed online workshop (Google Meets will be used)

    Any substantive questions about the workshop can be answered by Katarzyna Kopecka-Piech, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, via email:,24329.htm#page-2

  • 23.06.2022 20:44 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    June 29, 2022

    Virtual meeting

    First of our 2022 series: your reminder to join us for the virtual launch of the DFC's new report in their Education Data series, looking at the challenges schools face in managing children's education data

    Thank you to those of you who have already registered to join us next week for a breakfast briefing to launch the Digital Futures Commission's latest report, 'Education Data Reality: The challenges for schools in managing children's education data'.

    If you haven't already, it's not too late! Tune in to find out how schools are struggling to manage the considerable complexity of students’ data collected and processed by EdTech. What support do they call for, and what changes do they want, to ensure children’s best interests?


    • Date: Wednesday 29th June
    • Time: 09:00 - 10:00am BST
    • Location: virtual, see link below

    Register for the event here

    Sonia Livingstone OBE, Professor of Social Psychology at LSE and DFC Research Lead will be joined by:

    • Al Kingsley, CEO of NetSupport and Chair of a Multi-Academy Trust
    • Sarah Turner, PhD researcher focusing on data protection and socio-technical cyber security

    To learn more about what you can expect from the launch event, read the Digital Futures Commission's latest blog post here. There will be time for an interactive Q&A with attendees at the end.

    We do hope you will be able to join us, and please do feel free to forward this invitation to anyone in your network who may be interested in attending.

    If you have any questions about the event or the Digital Futures Commission please contact us on

    Thank you,

    The Digital Futures Commission team

    The Digital Futures Commission – hosted by 5Rights Foundation – is a flagship project driven by a board of Commissioners. It consists of three work streams – Play in the Digital World, Beneficial Uses of Education Data, and Guidance for Innovators. In each strand we are trying to shift the dial – our outputs will be focused on reimagining the digital world as if it were built for children, by design.

    Our Commissioners represent the following organisations: 5Rights Foundation; BBC Research & Development North Lab; Centre for Data Ethics and Innovation; Erase All Kittens; EY; Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop; LEGO; London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE); Technological University Dublin; The Alan Turing Institute; The Behavioural Insights Team; University of Leeds.

    You can learn more about the Digital Futures Commission here. You can also check out our blog, where we regularly profile the DFC's work.




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