European Communication Research
and Education Association

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  • 09.06.2022 22:11 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    September 26-29, 2022


    Deadline: June 14, 2022

    The Communication Institute of Greece (COMinG) invites you at its 7th Annual International Conference on Communication and Management (ICCM2022), 26-29 September 2022, which will be held remotely

    Click here for the call for participation

    with the endorsement of

    University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, France

    King Graduate School at Monroe College, USA

    Media Informatics Lab, School of Journalism and Mass Communication, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

    Journal of Education, Innovation and Communication (JEICOM)Journal of Applied Learning & Teaching (JALT)

    After the organization of ten (10) successful Annual International Conferences (see the Previous Conferences of COMinG), the 7th International Conference on Communication and Management (ICCM2022), entitled ‘Communicate to Innovate and Innovate to Communicate’ provides opportunities for academics, students and professionals, from various fields and cross-disciplinary interests, to discuss the future directives and innovations in communication, marketing and management. This interdisciplinary conference welcomes papers that deal with innovation and communication, especially when they treat and propose solutions to the actual ‘strange’ situation around the world.

    The conference will take place remotely, during 4 (four) days in connection with the EDU2022 conference (2+2 days ), as we believe that educators in communication and in education have a lot to learn from one another.

    The conference themes will be under four thematic panels:

    a) Panel on Leadership and Management

    b) Panel on Multidisciplinary Approaches to New Media Technologies

    c) Panel on New Horizons in Journalism

    d) Panel on Sustainable development

    During the conference we also propose a workshop facilitated by well known academics around the world, entitled Qualities we should aspire as academics, facilitated across two days. Please click here for the tentative program.

    Conference scientific committee

    *Dr. Margarita Kefalaki, President and founder COMinG, Greece.

    *Dr. Michael A. Altamirano, Vice President of Strategic Management, COMinG & Professor, King Graduate School, Monroe College, USA.

    *Dr. Carolin Rekar Munro, Vice President of Leadership Development, COMinG & Professor of Leadership, Faculty of Management, Royal Roads University, Canada.

    *Dr. Andreas Veglis, Professor, and Head, Media Informatics Lab and School of Journalism and Mass Communication, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece.

    * Dr. Michael Nevradakis, Communication Instructor, Hellenic American University (Athens, Greece & Nashua, NH, USA).

    *Dr. Katerina Diamantaki, Assistant Professor, Graduate Program Coordinator – MA in Digital Communication and Social Media DEREE-The American College of Greece.

    *Dr. Andjelka Mihajlov, Professor, Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Serbia/Advisor, Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development, Belgrade, Serbia.

    *Dr. Athanasios Podaras, Assistant Professor, Technical University of Liberec, Department of Informatics, Liberec, Czech Republic.

    *Dr. Song Yingfa, Professor, School of Public Policy and Management, China University of Mining and Technology, China & Chair, Research Committee on Political Socialization and Education, International Political Science Association (IPSA)

    *Dr. Steen Sauerberg, Professor emeritus, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

    *Dr. Elena Shestopal, Professor, Head of the Chair of Sociology and Psychology of Politics, Department of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia

    *Dr. Argyro Kefala, Associate Professor, Graduate Program Coordinator- MA in Strategic Communication & Public Relations, Communication Department, Deree-The American College of Greece

    *Mr. Louis-Caleb Remanda, Ph.D. Candidate, LAREQUOI Research Center of Management, University of Versailles – Paris Saclay, France

    *Dr. Sotirios Maipas, Physicist, MSc, Ph.D., MBA Cd, Environmental Health Specialist & Research Associate at the Master Program “Environment and Health. Management of Environmental Health Effects”, Medical School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece.

    *Dr. Bradley Freeman, Head, Department of Communication, Sunway University, Malaysia.

    *Dr. Mohsen Bensalem Brahmi, FEM Sfax University, Co-Editor-in-Chief Strategy & Development Review, Tunisia.

    * Dr. Emmanouil Takas, Instructor, Cardiff Metropolitan University, City Unity College, Greece.

    *Dr. Asha Kaul, Professor, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, India.

    *Dr. Khaled Gaweesh, Assistant Dean, College of Communication, University of Sharjah, UAE.

    Participants can propose either a traditional paper presentation, or an alternative presentation format, such as a poster, round table discussion, or workshop. Please find here all the different formats you can propose for this conference.

    For paper presentations, please submit your abstract by email to , as a .doc file using the Abstract_template. Decisions are reached within two weeks of the abstract submission. The deadline to register and to submit full papers will be specified in your acceptance letter.

    In case you would like to participate without presenting a paper, please send an email to Dr. Margarita Kefalaki, President, Communication Institute of Greece & Adjunct Professor, Hellenic Open University at

    Please take a look at the provisional conference program

    Abstact submissions deadline: Tuesday 14 June 2022


    All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings online with ISBN (abstract book /conference proceedings).

    Selected papers, after the peer review process, will be offered various possibilities to be published :

    *Journal of Education, Innovation and Communication (JEICOM)

    *Journal of Applied Learning & Teaching (JALT)

    *Cambridge Scholars

    *Strategy and Development Review

    Conference Topics

    Papers can broadly include topics in the areas of Communication and Management, from an educative principle. To be more precise, topics are broadly defined as, but not limited to, the following:

    COMMUNICATION Rhetorical communication, mass communication, political communication, cultural and intercultural communication, advertising, journalism, business communication, communication technology & digital media, communication and education, crisis/risk communication, internal communication, public relations, ethics communication and negotiation, media studies, corporate communication, communication education and curriculum development (CECD), communications advocacy and activism (CAA), climate change and Communication- understanding climate risks, investing in climate action ( sustainable development, cities, and urbanization, Investors, global governance).

    Aging and longevity in communication and education– technology and innovation (digital communications, artificial intelligence, diversity, and inclusion, inequality).Political communication, International relations

    Media and politics, internet and politics, political use of (social) media, political visuals, political metaphor, political rhetoric, deliberative democracy, political campaigns, political image, studies in perception, political impression management, presentation performance and personality of leaders, communication and political socialization, public opinion formation, political participation, communication of interest groups and political parties, political marketing, PR processes in government, communication in local and informal forms of governance, methods in political communication, political discourse analysis, geopolitics and communication, comparative politics, national systems, democratic innovations, green politics, cross-national political analysis, supranational and intergovernmental politics, political development, foreign policy analysis, intelligence governance, conflict analysis, international law and politics, public administration and local government studies, political psychology, interdisciplinary perspective on violence and politics, globalization, global governance, international political economy, ecological sustainability, nuclear proliferation, global crisis and global change, change and order in world politics, managing global capitalism, international terrorism, territorial conflicts, international security, diplomacy and international negotiations, European studies.Arts and Communication

    All papers/workshops/ posters related to humanities and performing, visual, and media arts. Additionally issues on creativity in the arts, music and dance (midern and traditional) creation expression are also welcomed.

    MANAGEMENT Event management, cultural management, enterprise resource management, human resource management, strategic management, leadership management, performance management, risk management, health management, media management, knowledge management, management creativity and innovation, advertising and brand management, strategic management, financial service management & banking management, investment and portfolio management, risk, and insurance management, supply chain management, information technology management, managing people, managing yourself, human resource management, decision-making management, productivity management, management competencies, problem-solving, team building, change management.


    To register, pleace click here

    Our Ambassadors and participants of our workshops (see ) will have a 50% discount (100 euros) to the conference fee, as we aim for interaction and knowledge sharing.

    The Communication Institute of Greece (COMinG) was established in 2003 in France. Based in Greece since 2013, it is an independent academic association that has for mission to become a forum, where academics, researchers, and professionals – from all over the world – can meet in Greece to exchange ideas on their research and to discuss future developments in their disciplines.

    You are more than welcome to become a member and contribute to the Institute’s objectives. If you would like to become a member, please download the relevant form (membership form).

    For any information/proposal etc., please send us an email at

    Fee payment here

  • 09.06.2022 13:36 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Post-graduate & early career seminar

    June 20, 2022 (10 AM - 6 PM)

    Department of Media and Communications, London School of Economics and Political Science

    To attend in person register here / To attend online register here

    This all-day post-graduate & early career seminar seeks to understand the relationship between communication, global politics, and war. It examines the role of global media in shaping the global conversation around war, global security, resistance, and refuge.

    The seminar evaluates how media’s coverage of recent wars, and their discursive production of knowledge informs and legitimizes practice in global politics. The interdisciplinary character of the seminar and of the case studies of media from Western and non-Western traditions brings together conceptual and theoretical strands from multiple disciplines: media and communications, history, politics, war studies, migration studies.

    In particular, the seminar seeks to address the following questions:

    • How is war imagined and narrated by internationally oriented media?
    • Who speaks in the stories of war, resistance, and refuge?
    • What specific issues are promoted? What identities are constructed?
    • What goals, norms, values, and moral purposes are endorsed?
    • What kind of new world order is emerging from the mediated discourse of wars, resistance, and refuge?


    LSE Media, Collegium Civitas, NAWA, POLIS


    Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) Project No.: PPI/APM/2018/1/00019



    The Consequences of Diplomatic Neutrality in the Russia/Ukraine Conflict: An analysis of media coverage in two Global South countries; Camila Bailey and Talia Nanton

    The impact of the Russia-Ukraine War on international security framed in CGTN’s news reports; Zichen Jess Hu, Suheng Issac Fu and Zhigang David Dong, Xinyu Kurt Deng

    French portrayal of the major political actors involved in the War in Ukraine; Liliana Alloueche, Ella Startt, Malvina Adorno

    German broadcaster’s coverage of the Ukraine and Gaza conflicts; Luke Gonnella and Yasmina El Farkh


    Settler Colonialism: Presence and Absences in Media Narratives of Palestine; Vartika Rastogi

    How do mainstream news media uphold American imperialism within contexts of Israel and Palestine? Comparing BBC and Al-Jazeera; Shivani Mathur

    The western principles of journalism cannot support the Palestinian struggle: A case study of how the BBC mediated Palestine; Lea Markidis

    Hierarchy of resistance: media framing of anti-occupation resistance in Ukraine and Palestine; Lea Markidis and Cima Chehab


    Speaking to whom? Comparing CGTN and China Daily in reporting the Russia-Ukraine War;

    Zichen Jess Hu, Xinyu Kurt Deng, Botao Xu and Zhigang David Dong

    Who really builds the narratives of wars: a study of the Ukrainian National News Agency; Petra Radic

    Voice of Palestinians in Gaza raid, comparison of BBC and Al-Jazeera reporting; Haelin Jeon

    A critical analysis of media coverage of Ukraine: the voices elevated through war reporting; Hunter Morgan


    Changing attitudes towards refugees in Europe: ‘Hierarchy of being a refugee: comparative perspective of Syrian and Ukrainian refugee crises’; Katarina Zajacova

    Distant Suffering as Political Agenda: The Mediated Spectacle of Operation Ganga by Indian national press; Vaishnavi Nair

    How are South-Eastern Asian refugees (underdeveloped ‘other’) represented by mainstream Western media outlets during Russian-Ukraine War? Karlav Joshi and Fanmeng Wu


    Discursive construction of Ukrainian refugees on CNN: are displaced Ukrainians framed as more deserving of sympathy? Xinyu Kurt Deng, Kedi Zhou

    War doesn't have a woman's face' again: visualised values of wartime: the case of Ukrinform; Anna Tashchenko

    Women, Gender, and Refugees: The differentiated focus of media representation between China Daily and CNN; Kedi Zhou

    Exploring discursive formation of mediated Palestinian masculinities; a comparative study of Al Jazeera and the BBC; Anoushka Schellekens, Vartika Rastogi

  • 09.06.2022 12:50 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    University of Augsburg, Department of Media, Knowledge, and Communication

    The Department of Media, Knowledge and Communication at the University of Augsburg (research area “Media Effects and Processes”, Prof. Dr. Helena Bilandzic) is hiring a Post Doc researcher and lecturer to support teaching and contribute to the area’s research agenda. The Post Doc would teach 5 weekly hours per semester in the BA and MA program “Media and Communication” in the areas of media effects and empirical methods, and supervise BA and MA theses. The candidate is expected to contribute to and develop research in fields of media processes and effects, including, but not limited to, media use, digital communication, health communication, environmental communication, science communication, narrative persuasion, or strategic communication. Also, the candidate will seek grant opportunities, work with team members to develop research proposals, work on peer-reviewed journal articles and present research to the scientific community. The tasks also include service assignments, for example, regarding departmental and public service.

    The position is two-year appointment.

    What we require:

    Applicants must have a PhD in Communications or another relevant field (e.g., Psychology, Sociology), or foreign equivalent. Candidates are expected to be familiar with quantitative methods and statistics, and with at least one field of media processes and effects. In addition, fluency in English (speaking and writing) is expected.

    Our offer:

    We offer a Postdoc position (full-time employment of 40,1 hours per week; German tariff: TV-L 13) for a fixed term of 2 years. This position can be varied as part-time employment. Preferred starting date is October, 1st, 2022. You will work with a highly motivated team of researchers focusing on media effects, media use, as well as quantitative methods. Interdisciplinary research centers at the University of Augsburg enable networking with researchers from other disciplines.

    The University of Augsburg promotes the professional equality of women. Female candidates are explicitly invited to submit their application. The University of Augsburg stands up for compatibility of family and professional life. For more information, please contact the woman’s representative office. Severely disabled applicants are given preferential consideration in the event of equal qualification.

    Application Instructions:

    Your complete application documents must include a cover letter, your CV, your degree certificate, as well as a publication list. Application deadline is June 30, 2022.

    Application materials must be submitted by email (pdf) to Prof. Dr. Helena Bilandzic,

    Please note that the authoritative version of this advertisement is the German one, which can be found at the website:

  • 09.06.2022 12:46 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    University of Augsburg, Department of Media, Knowledge, and Communication

    The Department of Media, Knowledge and Communication at the University of Augsburg (research area “Media Effects and Processes”, Prof. Dr. Helena Bilandzic) is hiring a doctoral researcher and lecturer to support teaching and contribute to the area’s research agenda.

    The doctoral candidate would teach 3 weekly hours per semester in the BA and MA program “Media and Communication” in the areas of media effects and empirical methods, and supervise BA and MA theses. The candidate is expected to contribute to research in fields of media processes and effects, including, but not limited to, media use, digital communication, health communication, environmental communication, science communication, narrative persuasion, or strategic communication. Also, the candidate will develop a topic for a PhD thesis, and carry out empirical studies. The tasks also include service assignments, for example, regarding departmental and public service.

    The position is two-year appointment.

    What we require:

    Applicants must have an M.A. degree in Communications or another relevant field (e.g., Psychology, Sociology), or foreign equivalent. Candidates are expected to be familiar with quantitative methods and statistics, and with at least one field of media processes and effects. In addition, fluency in English (speaking and writing) is expected.

    Our offer:

    We offer a PhD position (part-time employment of 20,05 hours per week; German tariff: TV-L 13) for a fixed term of 2 years. Preferred starting date is October, 1st, 2022. You will work with a highly motivated team of researchers focusing on media effects, media use, as well as quantitative methods. Interdisciplinary research centers at the University of Augsburg enable networking with researchers from other disciplines.

    The University of Augsburg promotes the professional equality of women. Female candidates are explicitly invited to submit their application. The University of Augsburg stands up for compatibility of family and professional life. For more information, please contact the woman’s representative office. Severely disabled applicants are given preferential consideration in the event of equal qualification.

    Application Instructions:

    Your complete application documents must include a cover letter, your CV, your degree certificate, as well as a publication list. Application deadline is June 30, 2022.

    Application materials must be submitted by email (PDF) to Prof. Dr. Helena Bilandzic,

    Please note that the authoritative version of this advertisement is the German one, which can be found at the website:

  • 09.06.2022 11:47 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    March 23-24, 2023

    Brussels (Belgium)

    Deadline: September 1, 2022

    DESIRE, the centre for the study of Democracy, Signification and Resistanceis happy to invite you to submit paper and panel proposals for the second edition of the colloquium ‘Discourse Theory: Ways Forward’. After the success of the first edition of 2019( we are looking forward to continuing the conversation.

    The colloquium will take place on 23-24 March 2023 in the Palace of the Academies in Brussels (

    The aim of the colloquium is to bring together scholars working with constructivist and post-structuralist discursive approaches, broadly defined. The colloquium is open to scholars working on a wide range of themes across disciplines, with work on the following themes especially welcomed:

    • Environment and climate
    • Media and journalism
    • Political communication and propaganda
    • Health and care
    • The discursive and the material
    • Discourse, class, and political economy
    • The past, present and future of progressive politics
    • Nationalism, racism, and the (populist) far right
    • Sex and gender
    • International relations, conflict and war
    • Discourse studies, critique and practice

    Confirmed keynote speakers are Emmy Eklundh (Cardiff University) and Alan Finlayson (University of East Anglia).


    We invite paper proposals as well as panel proposals. The deadline for paper proposals and panel proposals is 1 September 2022.

    Paper proposals should include, in the following order:

    -Paper title

    -Author name(s), email(s) and affiliation(s)

    -Indication of which of the colloquium topics (one or several) the paper fits with most closely

    -A 300-word abstract giving a clear indication of the tradition(s) of discursive research the paper builds upon, central concepts in the paper, method, and main arguments and results.

    Panel proposals should include four paper presentations. Panel proposals should be submitted by the panel convener(s) as one document (the individual paper proposals should not be submitted individually).

    Panel proposal should include, in the following order:

    -Panel title

    -The name(s) of the panel convenor(s), emails and affiliations

    -Indication of which of the colloquium topics (one or several) the panel fits with most closely

    -A 200-word panel abstract

    -The 300-word abstracts for each of the four individual papers (following the instructions for individual abstracts (see above)

    Paper and panel proposals should be submitted by 1 September 2022 at the latest via easychair:

    Colloquium fee

    The colloquium fee includes lunch and coffee breaks on both days of the colloquium.

    The standard colloquium fee is €250.

    The reduced colloquium fee for PhD students and researchers in precarious positions is €100.

    When applying, please indicate whether you qualify for the reduced colloquium fee.

    For members of the DESIRE research group, participation in the colloquiumis free.

    Participants are expected to arrange their own travel and accommodation.


    The colloquium program committee consists of Benjamin De Cleen (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, colloquium co-coordinator), Jana Goyvaerts (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, colloquium co-coordinator), Nico Carpentier (Charles University), Jason Glynos (University of Essex), Yannis Stavrakakis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki), Ilija Tomanić Trivundža (University of Ljubljana).

    The local organizing committee consists of Benjamin De Cleen, Jana Goyvaerts, Max Grönegräs, Savvas Voutyras (Vrije Universiteit Brussel), and Pieter Maeseele (Universiteit Antwerpen).

    PhD masterclasses

    The day before the collloquium, on 22 March 2023, we organise PhD masterclasses on Discourse-theoretical Approaches to Politics, Society, Communication and Media. Confirmed masterclasses are with Nico Carpentier (Charles University in Prague), Emmy Eklundh (Cardiff University), Jenny Gunnarsson Payne (Södertörn University), Alan Finlayson (University of East Anglia) and Yannis Stavrakakis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki).

    More information on the PhD masterclass and how to apply can be found at

    The application and selection process for the colloquium and the masterclasses are independent of each other.

  • 09.06.2022 11:39 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Revista Latinoamericana

    Deadline: January 30, 2023

    Volume 21 N° 3 (September-December de 2023)

    Opening for receipt of articles: May 2022 Closing of receipt of articles: January 30, 2023

    Editorial Committee for the monograph: Mahia Saracostti (Universidad de la Frontera, Universidad de Valparaíso, Unesco Chair on Childhood and Youth Wellbeing, Education and Society, Chile), Katitza Marinkovic (The University of Melbourne, Australia), Rocío López (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia), Dominique Sweneey (University of Melbourne, Australia).

    Map monographic theme

    All children and adolescents (CA) have the right to be heard, express their points of view, and considered in decision-making processes that affect their lives (ONU, 1989). These rights cannot be excluded from the field of scientific research and knowledge creation (Aguirre et al., 2021). Moreover, recent evidence has shown that in the context of Covid-19, research that actively engages with children and adolescents has acquired greater relevance (Cuevas-Parra, 2020) and this will continue in subsequent periods.

    Participatory research with CA is an umbrella term that encompasses children’s participation in decision-making related to the research process. The active participation of children and adolescents in scientific research as co-researchers has evolved significantly in recent decades (Saracostti et al., 2015) which has shown a movement in the focus of social science research and research processes involving children and adolescents. This shift reflects a change of focus in social science research, from viewing children and adolescents as subjects-objects of studies, to acknowledging them as subjects capable of participating in the co-construction of knowledge (James & Prout, 2010).

    In turn, this approach to intergenerational research between adult researchers and children can enable the construction of more democratic knowledge about their lives and the recognition of children and adolescents as agents of change and capable researchers (Marinkovic et al., 2022). Additionally, Liebel (2007) argued that research carried out with children and adolescents can generate significant and helpful knowledge to learn about their ways of thinking, opinions, and points of view. The specialized literature in this topic shows that CA are willing and able to participate in the different stages of research and that research benefits from their incorporation in the various stages (Davis, 2000; Davis et al., 2003; Jones, 2004; Kirby, 1999; Mannay, 2017; Shier, 2015). Additionally, adult researchers’ commitment to actively involve CA as co-researchers transforms both the process and outcomes of the research. In this way, the experience of being a young coresearcher itself holds the potential to become a significant learning tool for children and adolescents (Reimer & McLean, 2015).

    Lundy and McEvoy (2011) attributed importance to CA actively participating in research question formulation, method suitability, data collection instrument design or application, analysis, and interpretation of results and/or dissemination materials and methodology design. To achieve this, flexible and creative methodologies are becoming increasingly popular in social research with children (Mannay, 2017; Tisdall et al., 2010). The scientific literature on the topic shows a variety of strategies for involving children in the research process, including focus groups, research capacity-building training sessions or workshops, photography, and filming.

    Many participation strategies use a variety of data collection methods where children and adolescents are the subjects and we seek here to better differentiate between children's participation as subjects in studies that use participatory methods (e.g., focus groups to collect data) and children's participation within participatory research processes (e.g., focus groups used to involve children in decision making related to the research process). It is necessary to consider that participatory research with CA poses important ethical challenges for adult researchers, particularly in relation power-sharing during the process of knowledge co-construction (Rodríguez-Pascual, 2007).

    Adult researchers require addressing these considerations to actively involve children in the research process and avoid tokenistic participation. Lundy, McEvoy and Byrne (2011) pointed out that this approach to doing research with CA implies a deep ethical commitment on the part of adult researchers to carefully design methodologies that make it possible to co-construct valid knowledge with CA about their views and experiences. In this context, participatory researchers have developed strategies and techniques to balance power dynamics in the research setting and facilitate children's freedom expression. For example, actively involving children in research from the outset of a project can help negotiate with them how they want to participate in the production of knowledge (if they wish to do so). This monograph will be guided by three central questions: (1) What methodological strategies have been used to involve children and adolescents in research processes as co-researchers in different contexts of Latin America and the world? (2) What are the implicit or explicit ethical considerations in participatory research studies conducted with child and adolescent co - researchers? (3) What are children and adolescents’ own views and experiences of being coresearchers?

    In this monograph, we are concerned with providing space for the main results arising from research in which children and adolescents have participated as co-researchers, including thematic findings and an analysis of the methodological strategies and/or ethical dimensions at play. Articles from any country or region of the world will be accepted. Articles should follow the Guidelines of the authors of the journal (

  • 09.06.2022 10:26 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Special edition of the Journal of Social Sciences

    Deadline (extended): August 31, 2022

    We are currently seeking contributions for a forthcoming Special Issue entitled “The Politics of New Media Practices,” which will be published in the Journal of Social Sciences. In an expanding media verse that is increasingly intertwined with the world of politics, we are seeking to explore the ramifications and broader impacts of new media practices in the political realm, while the existence and operation of a broad range of social media outlets has, itself, become highly politicized in recent years.

    We welcome theoretical, empirical, or professional contributions of the highest standard on any of the following topics: polarization; hate speech; fake news; populism; sensationalism and clickbait; activism and new media practices; moderation policies and free speech issues; algorithms policy making approaches (such as net neutrality and regulation of social media).

    Ph.D. candidates with original empirical research are also strongly encouraged to submit an abstract.

    The submission deadline has been extended to August 31, 2022.

    Guest Editors

    • Dr. Vasiliki Tsagkroni
    • Dr. Michael Nevradakis

    Manuscript Submission Information

    Manuscripts should be submitted online at by registering and logging in to this website. Once you are registered, click here to go to the submission form. Manuscripts can be submitted until the deadline. All papers will be peer-reviewed. Accepted papers will be published continuously in the journal (as soon as accepted) and will be listed together on the special issue website. Research articles, review articles as well as short communications are invited. For planned papers, a title and short abstract (about 100 words) can be sent to the Editorial Office for announcement on this website.

    Submitted manuscripts should not have been published previously, nor be under consideration for publication elsewhere (except conference proceedings papers). All manuscripts are thoroughly refereed through a double-blind peer-review process. A guide for authors and other relevant information for submission of manuscripts is available on the Instructions for Authors page. Social Sciences is an international peer-reviewed open access monthly journal published by MDPI.

    Please visit the Instructions for Authors page before submitting a manuscript. The Article Processing Charge (APC) for publication in this open access journal is 1200 CHF (Swiss Francs), however, discounts and waivers may be requested from the publisher. Submitted papers should be well formatted and use good English. Authors may use MDPI's English editing service prior to publication or during author revisions.


    • polarization
    • hate speech
    • fake news
    • populism
    • sensationalism and clickbait
    • activism and new media practices
    • moderation policies and free speech issues
    • algorithms policy making approaches

    Special Issue Editors

    • Dr. Vasiliki Tsagkroni E-Mail Website (Guest Editor)

    Comparative Politics, Institute of Political Science, Leiden University, 2311 EZ Leiden, The Netherlands

    Interests: comparative politics; discourse analysis; political communication; political radicalism; political science; populism; radicalisation

    • Dr. Michael Nevradakis E-Mail Website (Guest Editor)

    Faculty of Communication, Hellenic American University, Nashua, NH 03063, USA

    Interests: communication and journalism; Social media and the public sphere; media policy and regulation; political communication; alternative media

  • 03.06.2022 07:14 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    October 14, 2022


    Deadline: June 30, 2022

    Online workshop before the 9th European Communication Conference

    The pandemic has put lots of restraints on audience research making it harder to conduct and pushing scholars to adjust their research methodology to suitable ways of data collection. With the Audience and Reception Studies pre-conference workshop we will look at how audience research has changed, increasingly shifting to a digital methodology, and what are the methodological challenges faced by researchers given Covid restrictions.

    Join us to discuss your experiences of how to do audience research during these times, to share your thoughts of what is methodologically “feasible” and what is not, to address your concerns on how audience research is changing or your ideas about new innovative tools and methods that can be used.

    You can review the specific methodology used in your current project and how this adapts to the (post) Covid era, or discuss the difficulties you are facing in applying your methods of data collection, or address wider matters of interest regarding methodology (e.g. how is qualitative research taking place during the pandemic? Are we increasingly moving to quantitative methods of audience research? What are the losses and what are the gains of such changes? and more).

    Rather than the usual format, this online event will consist of workshops made up of 15-20-minute methodological reflections designed to generate debate and discussion.

    The workshop will take place online on Friday, 14 October 2022.

    Fill in the registration form no later than 30 June 2022 and give us an indication of the method/topic you would like to present or discuss.

    No attendance fee required.

    More detailed program to follow soon after the registration is closed.

    For questions regarding the workshop, please email

    • Alessandro Nani, Tallinn University,
    • Vivi Theodoropoulou,
    • Jelena Kleut, University of Novi Sad,
  • 03.06.2022 07:04 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    October 12, 2022 (9am-1pm GMT)


    Deadline: July 8, 2022

    In the digital age, school-age children are increasingly digital consumers, highly exposed to different digital media – particularly mobile media -, and living immersed in a sea of data and information. If leveraged in an appropriate and meaningful way, digital technology can be a game changer for children from low income households, for children with special needs, as well as for young migrants and other vulnerable or at risk groups – opening new doors to engage in social, political and economic dynamics. However, if access is kept restricted, if children’s digital rights cannot be guaranteed or when media and information literacy (MIL) competencies are not promoted effectively, digital technology can lead to the amplification of existing divides. This can make it difficult for younger generations to enjoy the empowering potential that might flow from their interactions with technologies.

    Children engage with digital technologies through imitation, gradually refining their practices making these infrastructures central vehicles of expression, learning and living. Screens become much more than mirrors of reality; they are reality; they become sources of experiences and the center of growth for a generation profoundly linked to hybrid spaces with both digital and materials layers.

    In this scenario, terms such as algorithms, attention economy, produsage, metaverse, digital citizenship and participation are more than buzzwords used in socio-political and economic discourses. They are key aspects and mediators of everyday life. Considering their impact, it is essential that these key terms are considered from multiple perspectives and through the lens of different stakeholders, including the government, academia, industry and civil society. Therefore, with our event we aim to promote the establishment of such dialogues in order to join forces to prevent negative impacts, to promote the positive growth and engagement of younger generations with digital technologies, and to develop new pedagogies and transferable knowledge (Fedorov, Levitskaya & Camarero, 2016; Nupairoj, 2016).

    We invite all students, researchers, practitioners, youth workers, NGO members and others (ECREA and non-ECREA members) with expertise and/or interest in the topics of this pre-conference to participate and engage in roundtable discussions and participant-led sessions.

    The envisioned outcome of our event is to create a:

    • List of recommendations or key takeaways from the roundtable and participant-lead sessions;
    • Short online publication based on the papers from the attendee-lead sessions or a short aftermovie;
    • A strengthened community in which participants have gained fresh ideas, in a collaborative and creative way.


    This pre-conference intends to be a participant-led event. It will engage participants in an interactive and fruitful dialogue about how government, academia, industry and civil society – four major actors in the innovation system – can collaborate to promote a positive digital future for the young generations, as well as to showcase good practices. Its final goal is to highlight learnings that can contribute to the positive development of the activities carried out in each of these sectors, towards a healthy growth in the algorithmic conundrum.

    We start with one roundtable that will gather academics, teachers and trainers, NGO members, decision-makers and professionals of the tertiary sector focused on the major issues related to the theme of the pre-conference. We invite all participants to submit questions they wish to see addressed during this roundtable.

    Then two participant-led sessions will take place. We will give our community the chance to present their works and reflections about subjects related to the pre-conference’s topics. These participant-led sessions will promote a critical, creative and collaborative environment to foster discussion and sharing of experiences and knowledge among all participants.

    Find the preliminary program below:

    9:00 – Welcome

    9:15 – Roundtable

    10:50 – Break

    11:00 – Participant-led session 1

    11:50 – Break

    12:00 – Participant-led session 2

    12:45 – Closing

    Call for participation

    The ECREA CYM seeks submissions that link to one or more of the following topics but not exclusively:

    • media and digital exposure;
    • attention economy;
    • metaverse and new hybrid realities;
    • vulnerable groups and digital disconnection;
    • algorithms and the impact in online learning and media consumption;
    • algorithms and emotional wellbeing;
    • challenges and threats to digital citizenship and participation;
    • innovative pedagogical approaches to Media and Information Literacy;
    • experiences and collaboration with stakeholders beyond academia.
    In your application, you can contribute to our event by submitting:
    • one or more questions you would like to see addressed in the roundtable, with a special focus on the major themes covered by the event;
    • and/or

    abstracts (max 500 words, excl. references if applicable) about the topics above that you would like to present at the participant-led sessions. Participants can submit up to three abstracts. Abstracts must have a maximum length of 500 words which does not include the reference list and also not the keywords. For each abstract you submit, include at least the following aspects 1) title 2) body text 5) keywords (up to 5 keywords max). Presentations of the selected works must have a max. duration of 10 min.

    This event will be online and free of charge.

    How to submit your proposal?

    Questions for the roundtables and/ or short abstracts must be submitted by 8th July through the form below.

    Submit your proposal here.

    For questions regarding your submission, please contact

    Important dates

    Submission/ questions and abstracts submission deadline: 8th July 2022

    Communication of results: 1st August 2022

    Registration deadline: 16th september

    Pre-conference Date: 12th October 2022

  • 02.06.2022 23:34 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    November 23-25, 2022

    Berlin, Germany (HIIG Berlin, ZeM Potsdam)

    Deadline: June 20, 2022

    Autonomy has been a multifaceted term for centuries that was and remains a key concept in discussions about individuals and societies alike. More recently, autonomy has gained a renewed relevance and additional meanings in the context of technical innovation, where it is ubiquitously employed in variations of “autonomous systems”. It is often associated with independently moving or self-controlling machines such as drones, vehicles or robots, or more generally with a wide range of automation processes. In this broad understanding, 'autonomous' becomes an attribute for (artificial) intelligence or (machine) learning and is used synonymously with self-determination or adaptability. At the same time, the term invokes (at least) one other meaning: a relational understanding of autonomy that denotes individual and collective processes that are embedded in infrastructures and conditioned by them. It is only in relation to and in the context of media, rules, norms, laws, practices, architectures, materialities or machines that the idea of autonomy acquires any meaning at all.

    Against this backdrop the Infrastructures of Autonomy conference’s main objective is to address said conditions, structures and relations that constitute both human and machine autonomy. This also entails the various interpretations of the concept of autonomy.

    In particular, papers are invited that address the following core themes:

    Conceptual aspects: This core theme reflects on the historical and philosophical roots that shape today’s debates on autonomy and automation. We pick up on the feminist discourse of “relational autonomy” that established the irreducibility of interdependence and relatedness for normative theories of autonomy. We posit that there is a troubling tension between industrial and digital automation that benefits consumerist subjects and the struggle for autonomisation that is dependent upon the suspension of automatic responses made by moral subjects. This struggle has always relied on external means of suspension and establishing new habits. For example, what is the contribution of technical, economic or public infrastructures to the normative claims and ethical or political practices of autonomisation? How does the extended conception of rationality that explicitly includes artefacts relate to the findings of infrastructure studies? Is autonomy always “scaffolded”? What can automated data capture and processing contribute to the struggles for autonomisation? Or does this automation of so many aspects of life rather interfere with these struggles? Lastly, if autonomisation depends on uncovering and suspending habits in the sense of dis-automatisation, how can the conspicuous tension between this dis-automatisation and the automatisation of infrastructures be conceived without falling back into a simple opposition?

    Technologies: This core theme is primarily driven by the idea of so-called “autonomous systems”, a term often used to describe a degree of (machine) agency without human oversight or control. These phenomena necessitate a reflection of agential hybrids – intricate human/machine networks of distributed agency and responsibility – and lead to questions on the varying degrees of automation and the contexts and structures of human/machine relations and interaction. What are the conditions of autonomy in “autonomous systems” – from planning and implementation to interaction with them; is it conceivable at all to make autonomy programmable? Which concept of learning is applied in “self-learning systems”? We are also interested in exploring the configurations of machine autonomy, may it be enacted or prescribed to these technical objects, and understanding its relationship(s) to human autonomy in the varying contexts that exist today.

    Bodies: The third core theme focuses on the somatic aspects and cognitive requirements of (human) autonomy. This refers to those premises of autonomy that are associated with socio-cultural constructs of human dis/ability, but also includes the role of affects, non-conscious cognitions and ‘automatic’ habits that counter the prevalent idea of the conscious and autonomous mind. The material dimension of technology plays an important role in these considerations, namely in settings of human-machine interaction, leading to questions of interface design, the ‘bodily’ presence of machines and the complex aspect of their potential to enable or constrain human agency and autonomy. We are interested in discussing how infrastructures in interaction with bodies shape, enable or prohibit autonomy; what performances of bodily autonomy might look like; and how this entanglement and enactment changes with new mechanical and digital infrastructures. In particular, we would like to address how the practice of care for one's own and other bodies is changing under the conditions of a computerised world.

    All these major themes are to be understood as highly interconnected with the effect of mutually constituting dynamic infrastructures of autonomy. We believe the discourse on infrastructures of autonomy is highly relevant beyond a theoretical perspective, since it touches upon issues with high stakes and severe consequences, such as:

    ● autonomous weapon systems

    ● robotics and smart technologies in the field of care work

    ● health care applications and technologies

    ● autonomous systems in the field of machine learning

    ● smart housing and smart cities

    ● …

    We welcome contributions from scholars of diverse disciplines, such as the arts, cognitive science, computer science, cultural studies, design studies, literature and film studies, media and communication studies, philosophy, psychology, political science, science and technology studies or sociology. Interdisciplinary approaches (e.g., those combining social, cultural and technical perspectives) are particularly encouraged. Submission process

    ● Abstracts of approximately 300 to 500 words in length (excl. references) should be submitted no later than 20 June 2022 to

    ● Speakers will be notified by 30 July 2022

    It is planned to publish selected papers.

    If you have any questions, you can contact the conference organisers via For more information, visit our website at

    Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG)

    Thomas Christian Bächle & Theresa Züger

    Brandenburg Center for Media Studies (ZeM)

    Bernd Bösel & Jan Distelmeyer




Chaussée de Waterloo 1151
1180 Uccle

Who to contact

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