European Communication Research
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  • 21.04.2022 21:02 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Comunicação Pública no. 33 (Special Issue December 2022)

    Deadline: July 7, 2022

    In recent years, we have seen a violent attack on the values of democracy. The growth of populism and authoritarian governments has contributed to a democratic backlash. In this context of threat to liberal democracy, citizenship and civic participation are also at risk. It is therefore urgent to reflect upon the growth of these trends, but above all it is necessary to understand that in a scenario dominated by media and digital communication, as well as by disinformation, it is essential to develop literacy for citizenship, participation and democracy.

    Languages: Portuguese; English; Spanish

    More Information:

  • 21.04.2022 20:58 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    ECREA pre-conference workshop

    October 18, 2022 (10:00-18:00 AM)

    Aarhus (Denmark)

    Deadline: May 31, 2022

    KEYNOTE: Sophie H. Bishop: “Young People and the Influencer Culture in the UK”.

    FORMAT: One-day physical event, free of charge.

    Entertainment media play a vital role in the media lives of teenagers and youth, as do social, digital and global platforms such as YouTube, TikTok, Snapchat and Netflix. Today’s youth entertainment culture thus includes not only entertainment produced by legacy mass media producers, but also content creators, influencers and ‘new media’ players. Many of these content creators make entertainment to be spread across platforms to strengthen brands and income and create fictional and non-fictional cross-media storylines. The prominent position of global entertainment platforms among teenagers also impacts viewing communities by reconstructing place and locality and by extending the production and modes of cultural reproduction that inform and shape how people perceive themselves and others. All this raises the stakes for national media industries to retain younger segments and for media policymakers, who traditionally have fulfilled policy goals by regulating national media institutions.

    This pre-conference invites contributions that further theories about industry notions, practices and strategies of conducive production and distribution practices related to young people as audiences. Contributions can deal with questions concerning all aspects of genre and all aspects of entertainment made for or consumed by youth—from policy and production perspectives to textual analysis and reception studies. Addressing such questions, we are especially interested in papers that shed new light on one or more of the following themes:

    • Case studies of youth productions and/or youth content.
    • Studies investigating how youth consume or use entertainment media.
    • Studies investigating how screenwriters, producers and commissioners conceive and produce content aimed for and consumed by youth.
    • Studies investigating how emerging producers, content creators or influencers conceive and produce content aimed for and consumed by youth and teenagers.
    • Studies investigating the role of public service media and other national institutions in serving and engaging young people.
    • Studies investigating why young people seek out non-domestic/global entertainment.
    • Studies investigating the role that language plays in the consumption of global entertainment.
    • Studies investigating the role of policymakers, policies and funding schemes in facilitating high ‘quality’ content needed by young people.
    • Research and theoretical reflections on the ways in which transnational cultural encounters via screen impact opinions and behaviour towards the Other.
    • Studies of different genres, aesthetics and modes of address in current content targeting young audiences.
    • Conceptual and critical interventions into the production and consumption of youth media content, including perspectives on cross-media storytelling, youth fiction, social media entertainment, content creators and influencers.
    • Methodological interventions that address the challenges in researching young audiences, youth productions and/or youth content.

    We particularly encourage PhD students and young scholars to submit their research.


    Andrea Esser, Pia Majbritt Jensen, Marika Lüders, Eva Novrup Redvall, Jeanette Steemers, and Vilde Schanke Sundet.

    The following research projects co-organise this pre-conference: “Reaching young audiences: serial fiction and cross-media storyworlds for children and young audiences”, “Global natives? Serving young audiences on global media platforms”, and “Screen Encounters with Britain: What do young Europeans make of Britain and its digital screen culture?”


    This conference is supported by the ECREA Media Industries and Cultural Production Section and the ECREA Television Studies Section.


    To apply, submit a 300-500-word abstract (excluding references) and a 100-word bio for each speaker (including email address and affiliation). Please send your proposal (PDF) to Vilde Schanke Sundet ( and Eva Novrup Redvall ( Be sure that your proposal clearly articulates:

    · The main issue or research questions to be discussed

    · Key theoretical approach or concept

    · The critical or methodological framework

    · Main argument or expected findings and conclusions


    Deadline for proposal: May 31. Decisions will be communicated to the authors by June 20.


  • 21.04.2022 20:51 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Special Issue

    Deadline: July 15, 2022

    Guest Editors: Ben Abelson (Mercy College) and Allison R. Levin (Webster University)

    Before the concretization of fan studies as an academic discipline, fans would routinely be labeled and treated as “fanatics” — people with excessive love for something or someone that could lead them to engage in maladaptive, even dangerous, behavior. Over time the term mental health disorders developed to mean a condition that affects a person’s behavioral, and emotional well-being. As both fanaticism and mental health are framed as being all about how people think, feel, and behave, public discourse framed fandom as a mental health issue. Along with being problematic due to class, racial, gender and other issues, this positioning meant that fandom was not well understood until the recent couple decades.

    Now, scholars return to this idea of mental health and fandom, but for the purposes of understanding how being a fan relates to their own mental health. This special issue explores what fans learn about mental health from their fandoms and how their fandoms can impact their own mental health, for better or worse. Discussing these issues and intersections will further our understanding of the complex ways in which fandom weaves into people’s lives.

    Fans experience and express issues with mental health in various ways. The essays intended for this issue demonstrate the importance of neither deriding nor lauding fans and fandom. Instead, they engage with fans to understand how their fandom operates as another component of their lives, which can have positive and negative impacts on their mental health. Such examinations can further reduce any lingering stigma associated with fandom as well as highlight true areas of concern that fans and their communities would benefit from better understanding.

    We are looking for theoretical or empirical articles that consider the mental health issues experienced by fans, within fan communities, and/or related to fandom.

    Potential topics include, but are not limited to:

    • Prevalence of mental health issues within fan communities
    • How fans negotiate mental health issues
    • How fandoms/media cause mental health issues in fans
    • Using fandom as a therapeutic tool
    • Representation of fans’ mental health issues and how media depictions of mental health affect fans
    • Fan activity as therapy
    • What causes mental health issues within fans, fan communities, fandoms
    • How fandoms act as therapy/coping mechanisms
    • How fans learn about mental health issues
    • How fans talk about mental health issues
    • Negative aspects of mental health issues in fandom
    • Positive aspects of mental health issues in fandom

    We’re especially interested in articles by science communicators and collaborations between scientists and humanities/pop culture scholars, concerning, for example, how scientists/physicians use pop culture to teach or talk to patients about mental health.

    Abstracts Due: July 15, 2022

    Abstracts should be 250 to 500 words and present the intention of the research, the research’s original contribution, and how it relates to popular culture.

    Please send abstracts to with “Mental Health Issues In Fandom” in the subject line.

    • Acceptances: August 1, 2022
    • First Drafts: October 1, 2022
    • Peer Review: November-December, 2022
    • Final Drafts: February 2023
    • Published: April 2023

    Submission Guidelines:

    Authors interested in contributing to the special issue should submit an approximately 500-word abstract explaining the proposed article or text. This abstract should include the article’s title and the author’s full name and contact information. In addition, all potential authors should include with their abstract a 100-word author bio to be included upon acceptance and publication.

    Essays should range between 15-25 pages of double-spaced text in 12-pt. Times New Roman font, including all images, endnotes, and Works Cited pages. Please note that the 15-page minimum should be 15 pages of written article material. Less than 15 pages of written material will be rejected, and the author asked to develop the article further.

    In accordance with the PCSJ style guide, essays should also be written in clear US English in the active voice and third person, in a style accessible to the broadest possible audience. Authors should be sensitive to the social implications of language and choose wording free of discriminatory overtones.

    For documentation, the PCSJ follows the Modern Language Association style, which calls for a Works Cited list, with parenthetical author/page references in the text. This approach reduces the number of notes, which provide further references or explanation.

    For punctuation, capitalization, hyphenation, and other matters of style, follow the MLA Handbook and the MLA Style Manual. The most current edition of the guide will be the requested edition for use. The Purdue Online Writing Lab provides updated information on this formatting style.

    It is essential for authors to check, correct, and bring manuscripts up to date before final submission. Authors should verify facts, names of people, places, dates, and source information, and double-check all direct quotations and entries in the Works Cited list. As noted above, manuscripts not in MLA style will be returned without review.

    Before final submission, the author will be responsible for obtaining letters of permission for illustrations and for quotations that go beyond “fair use,” as defined by current copyright law.

  • 21.04.2022 20:48 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    October 12-15, 2022

    Ankara (Turkey)

    On behalf of the CIDA International Symposium Organizing Committee, we cordially invite you to participate in the CIDA International event focusing on the Digital Age. The event is scheduled for 12-15 October 2022 in Ankara.

    The CIDA International event is a full-day program being curated by the Communication Research Association (ILAD) (, which was founded in 1989, and the Communication Faculty Deans Council (ILDEK) (, formed by the deans of communication faculties operating in Turkey, with an expectation of a large audience, made up of students and faculty of multiple universities around the country. Our goal is to take a closer look at the Digital Age.

    Two Communication Symposiums in the Digital Age were held, the first of which was hosted by Mersin University Faculty of Communication in 2018 and the second one was hosted by İzmir University of Economics Faculty of Communication in 2020. The third of the symposium, CIDA International 2022, will be held under the leadership of Ankara University Faculty of Communication (ILEF), in addition to the communication faculties of Başkent University, Hacettepe University and Ankara Hacı Bayram VeliUniversity, as well as the relevant departments and programs of Çankaya, Atılım, Ankara Social Sciences universities in Ankara.

    The Call for Papers is open internationally. We would be interested in the opportunity to introduce you to scholars in Turkey. We would also deeply appreciate it if you could encourage colleagues to submit abstracts/papers.

    Here is the link to the website:

    Thank you in advance for your consideration, and we look forward to hearing from you.

  • 13.04.2022 22:21 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    October 7, 2022

    Online pre-conference

    Deadline: June 1, 2022

    Open to submissions by academics, activists, creative and media practitioners

    How can we challenge norms on gender and sexuality? How can we disrupt the status quo and propose alternative, more inclusive narratives? Forms of unruliness, dissent, and going against the grain are expressed in various ways and transcend boundaries between research, activism, artistic and media practices.

    Resistance exists in individual subversive acts and forms of collective action. For example, challenging systems of oppression in media production, representations going beyond stereotypes, and audiences engaging in oppositional reading practices. In Europe, resistance takes on additional meaning in the current context of the war in Ukraine, the horrible violations of human rights and the ongoing struggle against attacks on the press and disinformation.

    In order to foster change, it is important to have opportunities for exchanging ideas and connecting with each other. As feminist scholar Sara Ahmed notes: collective movements are created by how we are moved in dialogue with others. This online pre-conference aims to create a space for sharing knowledge and having these constructive interactions.


    The program will consist of roundtable sessions exploring different aspects of resistance to norms on sexuality and gender in media. Speakers will be asked to prepare a 7-10-minute presentation. After the presentations, there will be plenty of time to discuss, share insights, and explore ways to collaborate.

    Presentations can be inspired by research, creative, media, activist, and interdisciplinary practices. We are open to contributions by academics, activists, creative and media practitioners (e.g., journalists, filmmakers, podcasters, zine makers, slam poets, bloggers, artists, …). Submissions can cover diverse geographical areas and explore the intersection of gender and sexuality with other social categories such as age, ethnicity, class and (dis)ability.

    Participation in the event is free.

    We look forward to submissions on (but not limited to) the following topics:

    • Collaborations between researchers, activists, artists, and media producers to resist norms on gender and sexuality
    • Counter-hegemonic media and artistic practices (e.g., zine-making, podcasting, crafting, feminist and queer media, slam poetry)
    • Challenging norms on ageing, gender and sexuality, subversive portrayals of older women, queer ageing in media and art
    • Expressions of revolt by older women in media and art, tackling the intersection of ageing and sexism
    • Resistance strategies in digital spaces and online articulations of feminist, queer, anti-racist, anti-ageist, anti-ableist activism
    • Queer resistance in popular culture, expressions of unruly (queer) intimacies and sexualities in art, film, television, and literature
    • Strategies for countering (online) attacks on women and minority journalists
    • Feminist acts of mediated resistance during military conflicts
    • Protests, activism and acts aimed at challenging gender inequality and intersecting systems of oppression in media production and journalism


    Please email a proposal (max. 250 words) that highlights how your work relates to the pre-conference topic, methods used, and perspectives you would like to bring to the discussion to Proposals may include video, audio, images, text, hyperlinks and multimedia that illustrate your reflections in the proposal.

    Individual submissions will be arranged in roundtables by the organizing team. If you would like to submit a pre-constituted roundtable (four or five presentations), please send a maximum 800-word proposal with the overall theme and the contribution of each speaker.


    The ECREA pre-conference is organized by the ECREA Gender, Sexuality and Communication section in collaboration with the ERC-funded Later-in-Life Intimacy: Women’s Unruly Practices, Representations and Places research project (LiLI).

    The ECREA Women’s network is a supporting partner of this event.

    For questions, please send an email to


    • The deadline for submissions is the 1st of June 2022.
    • We will notify all contributors by the 15th of June 2022.
    • The event will take place on the 7th of October 2022.
  • 13.04.2022 22:17 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Vienna University of Economics and Business

    The Vienna University of Economics and Business offers a position for a Full Professor of Business Communication with a focus on International Organizational Communication. Further information regarding the job description can be accessed under the following link:

    The deadline for applications is May 11, 2022. If you have any further questions, please also contact Jens Seiffert-Brockmann ( We are looking forward to your application!

  • 13.04.2022 21:53 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    July 8, 2022 (14:00 - 22:00 UTC)

    Online (Hosted by Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, in Lima, Peru)

    Deadline: April 30, 2022

    This one-day virtual seminar focuses on ethics and communication rights, especially for audiences that seek a broad view of political, social, cultural, and scientific phenomena. The recent economic and health crises have had an analog in the proliferation of false information. The constant attack on journalism and the consequent damage to the economic, social, and health structures of countries around the world.

    Although it is true some initiatives have been developed, with an important role in the search for and dissemination of the truth through alternative channels, based on digital spaces, the problem persists in terms of the sustainability of information, self-regulation, and the responsible exercise of communication. For all these reasons, a broad analysis of the current situation and proposals related to this thematic axis is proposed, both from the point of view of journalism and from the role of an active audience, which seeks truthful information and participates in the construction and dissemination of information.

    The main topics of interest are listed below:

    • Historical and contemporary view of access to health information: main challenges and perspectives
    • The configuration of new digital information spaces: the role of the creator and the receiver
    • The study of audiences, specifically in the last two years of the pandemic
    • Journalistic ethics: initiatives around truth, laws, and security in times of COVID

    Abstract submission guidelines

    We invite the academic community to submit 350-word abstracts, in Spanish or English. Both theoretical and empirical works, based on scientific methods and evidence, will be considered. Abstracts should be accompanied by a literature review, considering a maximum of 100 words. Send your abstract to

    A report and proceedings will be published after the event.

    Key dates

    Abstract submission deadline: 30 April 2022

    Notification on submitted abstracts: 15 May 2022

    Date and time of preconference: Friday, 8 July 2022 |14h00 – 22h00 UTC|

    Registration and participation:

    Participation is open to all interested people. A registration fee of USD 20 will be charged for participation in the virtual pre-conference seminar. However, it will be free for IAMCR members and PhD students.


    For more information about the pre-conference and registration visit


    Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola is a higher education institution, considered among the top 10 in Peru. Its main faculties include Communication, Business Sciences, Engineering, Hospitality Tourism and Gastronomy, and Education.

    Universidad Complutense de Madrid is the largest university in Spain, with one of the best educational offers in Madrid, surrounded by green areas and with an intense cultural and sports life.

    Forum Internacional de ética y Derecho de la Información (FIEDI) has over 20 years of history, and has been collaborating with IAMCR since 2015.

    IAMCR Law Section. The Law Section of IAMCR has been co-sponsoring this conference since 2015.


    Dr. Rolando Rodrich, Dean, School of Communication at Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola

    Dr. Mauro Marino-Jiménez, research professor at Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola

    Dra. Marisa Aguirre, Professor of PAD, School of Management of the Universidad de Piura

    Dña. Marianna Herrera, Universidad Complutense, Madrid

    Scientific Committee

    Dr. Ignacio Bel Mallén, President of FIEDI

    Dr. Rolando Rodrich, dean of Communication Faculty at Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola

    Dr. Mauro Marino, research professor at Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola

    Dra. Marisa Aguirre, Professor of PAD, School of Management of the Universidad de Piura,

    Dra. Loreto Corredoira, full professor at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Co-chair IAMCR Law Section

    Dr. Rodrigo Cetina Presuel, Executive Director of the Real Colegio Complutense. Researcher, Institute for Global Law and Policy, Harvard Law School, Co-Chair IAMCR Law Section

    Dr. Fernando Gutiérrez Atala, professor at Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción

    Contact email:

  • 13.04.2022 21:45 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    September 29-October 1, 2022

    University of Bonn (Germany) and online (via Zoom)

    Deadline: June 30, 2022

    An International Hybrid Conference of the Research Association NRW Digital Society

    We bring together twelve research projects within the framework of six junior research groups and one graduate school, which conduct research on issues related to the digital transformation of society. Further information on the projects, the members and the disciplines involved can be found here:

    After five years of funding, we are now approaching the end of the project, which is why we will be hosting the international hybrid conference “Quo vadis Digital Democracy? Strengthening and Preserving Democracy in the Digital Age“. The conference will take place from 29 September to 01 October 2022 at the University of Bonn (Germany) and online (via Zoom).

    I would like to draw your attention to the Call for Participation (see attachment).

    The conference brings together international and interdisciplinary researchers working empirically and theoretically on issues related to the digitization of democracy and the public sphere.

    We were able to confirm as keynotes for the conference:

    1) Prof. Dr. José van Dijck (University of Utrecht)

    2) Dr. Dmytro Khutkyy (University of Tartu)

    For more information on the conference and our keynote speakers, please visit:

    As we would like to address a broad interdisciplinary and international audience, we are reaching out to you.

  • 13.04.2022 21:35 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    ICS, University of Navarra

    The Institute for Culture and Society (ICS, University of Navarra) is seeking to hire a postdoctoral fellow for one academic year (extendable) starting no later than September 1, 2022. We would appreciate it if you could help us spread this offer in your centre.

    This is the basic information:

    The selected candidate will join the Youth in Transition (YiT) research team, specialized in the assessment of the status of youth in the early 21st Century, with a particular focus on their interaction with technological devices, and the behavioral trends derived thereof. Our work is organized in two main projects:

    TRANSADULT: Transitions to Adulthood in the 21st Century

    We are developing a model of interpersonal and psychological tools that facilitate youth’s transition to adult responsibilities. In 2021 we surveyed a nationally representative sample of 1,200 Spanish youth ages 18 to 32; and in-depth interviewed 30 of the same youth.

    WISE: Wellbeing in the use of the Internet, Social Media, and Entertainment

    We are conducting a four-year cohort study on the role of social media and the smartphone in the relational and psychological wellbeing of youth. The study follows 1,200 young adults in Spain, between the ages of 18 and 25. In 2022 we are adding a nationally representative sample of Portuguese youth, to be tracked from ages 20 to 25.

    Using the available data (quantitative & qualitative) the selected candidate’s main job will be to help develop an annual Youth Report, with three main parts (subject to reconsideration):

    • Work: view of work, ideal working conditions, work preferences and expectations.
    • Love: their values, attitudes, beliefs and expectations on romantic relationships.
    • Mind: psychological and emotional maturity, own sense of adulthood.

    Additionally, the selected candidate will have the opportunity to develop his/her own research agenda, to bring new ideas to the group, and to contribute to the group’s existing research portfolio.

    More information:

  • 13.04.2022 21:26 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Journal of Communication Management

    Deadline: July 1, 2022

    Communication scholars have an important role in counteracting social and environmental crises in developing and developed countries and provide knowledge that contributes to social transformation and sustainable development. This special issue in Journal of Communication Management seeks high quality research papers addressing the role of communication to meet the challenges of the transformation into a more sustainable society.

    We favor a broad range of subjects in this special issue, and welcome research from all perspectives: critical, postmodern, interpretive and post-positivist. We urge researchers studying organizational communication, strategic communication, public relations, environmental communication, health communication, media and communication, journalism, and other disciplines to submit manuscripts to make a difference.

    See the call for papers here:

    Deadline for submission of manuscripts: 1st July 2022

    Guest Editors

    Queries relating to the special issue should be directed to the Guest Editors:

    Catrin Johansson (PhD in Media and Communication) is Professor of Organizational Communication in the Department of Media and Communication at Mid Sweden University:

    Jody Jahn is Associate Professor in Communication at University of Colorado, Boulder (PhD, University of California, Santa Barbara):

    Wim J.L. Elving is Professor of Sustainable Communication at the Hanze University of Applied Sciences and member of the Centre of Expertise, EnTranCe:




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