European Communication Research |
ECREA Book Series in European Communication Research and Education provides a diverse overview of the collaborative work of ECREA members and groups, showcasing diversity of topics and areas within the field of contemporary media and communication research. The Book Series has two main objectives. The first objective is the promotion of European media and communication research. Books, published in the Book Series, have a strong European dimension either by virtue of inclusion of regionally and ethnically diverse voices and cases, or by virtue of comparative research. The Book Series' second aim is to promote collaborative research, especially collaboration between our members or within and between our Sections, Networks and Temporary Working Groups. Edited volumes can include a limited number of authors who are not ECREA members or who provide insights beyond European perspective. An annual call for book proposals is published every September and up to four proposals can be selected for publication annually. Proposals are reviewed by ECREA Book Series editors and their selection confirmed by ECREA Executive Board. Book Series Editors (from 2024): Beata Klimkiewicz, Asko Lehmuskallio, Tanya Lokot, Sergio Splendore, Maarit Jaakkola Book Series Editors (2021-2024): John Downey, Christina Holtz-Bacha, Simone Tosoni, Göran Bolin Book Series Editors (2016-2020): Ilija Tomanić Trivundža, Christina Holtz-Bacha, and Galina Miazhevich Book Series Advisory Board: John Downey, Christina Holtz-Bacha, Simone Tosoni, Göran Bolin You can access and buy the books published in ECREA Book Series at Routledge website (up to Wave 19) and Palgrave website (from Wave 20). Published titles