European Communication Research
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thematic section

Journalism Studies

The purpose of the Journalism Studies Section of ECREA is to support academic research that deepens understanding of the cultural, political, economic, social and professional aspects of journalism.

Its main objective is to promote research on occupational, regulatory, ethical, technological, political, commercial, cultural and educational factors in journalism.

The Journalism Studies Section aims to create a forum for dialogue between academics and practitioners from different disciplines and theoretical perspectives, who employ a variety of research methodologies to investigate aspects of journalism across different types of media, media content and geographical regions.

The Journalism Studies Section’s goals are:

  • to consolidate a European network of researchers on journalism, with the participation of as many countries as possible;
  • to actively participate in the organisation of journalism studies panels at the ECREA conferences and at other conferences and events;
  • to organise regular seminars between ECREA conferences in order to foster the international exchange of ideas and knowledge;
  • to organise regular symposia of academics and professional journalists;
  • to develop its website as a clearing house for journalism departments and researchers in Europe, and
  • to work towards the authoring and editing of books and special journal issues.

Section events

Management team


Lada Price (University of Sheffield, UK)

Vice Chair:
Yael de Haan (University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands, Vice-Chair)

Vice Chair

Lenka Waschková Císařová (Masaryk University)

YECREA representative:

Bissie Anderson (University of Birmingham, UK)


Gregory Perreault (University of South Florida in Tampa Bay)

A list of management team contacts is available on  ECREA intranet

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6041 Charleroi

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