European Communication Research
and Education Association

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ECREA Weekly Digest

11.01.2019 20:22 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

ECREA is happy to announce the launch of a new membership service - ECREA Weekly Digest.

ECREA Weekly Digest has two objectives - to inform members about upcoming academic events that might be of interest to media and communication scholars and to support publication efforts of ECREA members either through promotion of their newly published books and journal special issues or through calls for articles and collaboration.

Unlike the constant flow of information typical of mailing lists, ECREA Weekly Digest will offer a structured weekly summary of conference calls, calls for publications, job openings and member publications. It is designed as a curated service that goes against the cacophony and the constant bombardment with information, typical of contemporary information ecology and always-on lifestyle.

Like ECREA Newsletter, the Weekly Digest is a membership-related service. As part of association’s official communication with members, it will be sent weekly on Fridays to all members with active membership.

If you wish to promote academic events, job postings or your major new publications simply email ECREA Weekly Digest editor at Please read the content and format requirements here.



Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 14
6041 Charleroi

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