European Communication Research
and Education Association

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  • 16.06.2021 09:26 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    ECREA Election Committee consisting of Alenka Jelen and Miguel Vicente invites candidacies for members of ECREA Executive Board for the upcoming election period.

    The candidacies should include:

    1) a brief position statement,

    2) a short CV,

    3) a statement specifying if you wish to become a candidate for one of the statutory positions (President, Vice-President, Treasurer or General Secretary), and

    4) the scan or photograph of passport or identity card.

    The deadline for sending your candidacy and all documents is 9 July 2021.

    The documents should be sent by email to:

    The candidacies (position statements, CVs and candidacy statements) will be made public by the election committee one month prior the elections at the latest.

    The General Elections will take place during online General Assembly organised at 8th European Communication Conference on 9 September 2021. The new Executive Board will be elected for the period 2021 – 2024.

    How do ECREA elections work: Elections of ECREA Executive Board take place in two stages. During the first stage, ECREA members are invited to nominate themselves for Executive Board positions. During the General Assembly at an ECC conference, ECREA members (individual members and institutional co-ordinators) elect up to 12 members of ECREA Executive Board.

    The elected Executive Board members then organise a vote for positions of the President, the Vice-President, the Treasurer and the General Secretary.

    In the second stage, the call for representatives of Sections, Networks and Temporary Working Groups is organised. The candidates come from management teams of Sections, Networks and Temporary Working Groups and are elected by members of respective management teams.

    Legal provisions: For detailed information and procedures concerning ECREA elections you can consult Title III and Title IV of ECREA Statutes ( and Title I of ECREA Bylaws ( If less than 3 candidacies will be submitted, the Call for ECREA Executive Board Members will be repeated and the election period of the existing Executive Board will be extended by 6 months to organise the elections.

    More information: Should you have any questions concerning the Executive Board elections send your inquiries to

  • 14.06.2021 08:23 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Bureau of the Executive Board (composed of Ilija Tomanić Trivundža, John W. Downey, Irena Reifová and Pawel Surowiec) organized a General Assembly on 7-11 June 2021. The voting at the General Assembly was organised through an on-line voting tool.

    The agenda was the following:

    1. Approval of the minutes of the previous General Assembly (25-29 May 2020)
    2.  Vote upon the ECREA Executive Board Report 2020
    3.  Any other business

    563 ECREA Working Members (individual members and coordinators of institutional members) had the right to vote. Each individual member has one vote and each institutional coordinator has five votes. The 201 votes cast by 73 individual members and institutional coordinators represent 12% of all possible votes.  Annual report for 2020 and Minutes of the previous General Assembly were approved.

  • 09.06.2021 08:51 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    ECREA is happy to inform you that the Gender and Communication Thematic Section has changed the name to Gender, Sexuality and Communication. Management team believes that this name will represent the true spirit of the section as it evolves in the last years.

    "Our section aim is to be an inclusive group that works on communication using a particular lens (and sensibility) that comes from gender studies. Sexuality studies, as well as porn studies and the other fields connected to gender and sexuality, now, are intrinsically contained within the label Gender, but we think that it could be better to express that the sections have a broader view about the field also inserting the term ‘Sexuality’. From our point of view, this kind of change will permit to more scholars to identify themselves with the section and will express that Gender and Sexuality are both important topics that the section wants to use as pillars in its structure."

  • 07.06.2021 15:48 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    With great sorrow we remember Filip Láb, head of the Department of Journalism at Charles University Prague, whose work, often in close collaboration with colleagues, extended and broadened our knowledge of photojournalism, photographic ethics, and the impact of digitization on photographic practices. Filip Láb was exceptionally active internationally, and a speaker and participant in a wide range of international conferences focusing on photography, journalism and media and communication research. Láb's presence was special, he was attentive, generous, with a keen interest in his colleague's work, and is warmly regarded by members of the ECREA Section Visual Cultures. A life too early lost, we mourn his sudden passing and send our deepest sympathies and condolences to his family and close friends.

    Filip Láb was also guarantor of doctorial study programmes, former Vice-Dean, chairman of the legislative commission, long-time senator of the Academic Senate and member of the Research Board at Charles University Prague. He was also the head of a local branch of European Journalism Observatory.

    Láb was cherished as a lecturer by his visual studies and photography students. Many of them joined together to establish a memorial place of flowers and candles in front of the school building in Prague. The ECREA Section Visual Cultures remembers and honours Filip Láb's life, whose presence will be deeply missed in the future.

    Photo: Barbora Součková

  • 06.06.2021 19:37 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The 2021 ordinary General Assembly of ECREA opens on Monday 7 June (6:45 CEST) and will close on Friday 11 June (23:45 CEST) 2021. We invite all the members, who are eligible to vote, to participate and cast their votes online.

    The Assembly deals with a number of important issues, such as Approval of ECREA Executive Board Report for 2020.


    Please note that only individual members and institutional coordinators are entitled to vote. If you are a member through an institution, you do not have the right to vote but need to communicate to your institutional coordinator. If you do not know who your institutional coordinator is, please ask ECREA’s Office Manager at In line with ECREA Statutes, each individual member has one vote and each coordinator of an institutional member holds five votes.

    All members, who are eligible to vote will receive a separate email with voting credentials and a link to dedicated online area when the General Assembly opens.

  • 20.05.2021 12:33 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    ECREA is pleased to announce the publication of the new book from the Routledge Studies in European Communication Research and Education Series. The edited collection Gender and Sexuality in the European Media. Exploring Different Contexts Through Conceptualisations of Age brings together original empirical and theoretical insights into the complex set of relations which exist between age, gender, sexualities and the media in Europe.

    The book was edited by Cosimo Marco Scarcelli, Despina Chronaki, Sara De Vuyst, Sergio Villanueva Baselga.

    Read more HERE.

    Purchase the book HERE.

    Don´t forget that members can buy the books from the series (and other Routledge books in the field of media and communication studies) with a 20% discount by using the code available on ECREA intranet under ‘member-only offers’.

    Routledge Studies in European Communication Research and Education Series provides a diverse overview of the collaborative work of ECREA members and groups, showcasing diversity of topics and areas within the field of contemporary media and communication research.

  • 17.05.2021 12:29 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    ECREA Election Committee consisting of Alenka Jelen and Miguel Vicente invites candidacies for members of ECREA Executive Board for the upcoming election period.

    The candidacies should include:

    1) a brief position statement,
    2) a short CV,
    3) a statement specifying if you wish to become a candidate for one of the statutory positions (President, Vice-President, Treasurer or General Secretary), and
    4) the scan or photograph of passport or identity card.

    The deadline for sending your candidacy and all documents is 9 July 2021.
    The documents should be sent by email to:

    The candidacies (position statements, CVs and candidacy statements) will be made public by the election committee one month prior the elections at the latest.

    The General Elections will take place during online General Assembly organised at 8th European Communication Conference on 9 September 2021. The new Executive Board will be elected for the period 2021 – 2024.

    How do ECREA elections work: Elections of ECREA Executive Board take place in two stages. During the first stage, ECREA members are invited to nominate themselves for Executive Board positions. During the General Assembly at an ECC conference, ECREA members (individual members and institutional co-ordinators) elect up to 12 members of ECREA Executive Board.

    The elected Executive Board members then organise a vote for positions of the President, the Vice-President, the Treasurer and the General Secretary.

    In the second stage, the call for representatives of Sections, Networks and Temporary Working Groups is organised. The candidates come from management teams of Sections, Networks and Temporary Working Groups and are elected by members of respective management teams.

    Legal provisions: For detailed information and procedures concerning ECREA elections you can consult Title III and Title IV of ECREA Statutes ( and Title I of ECREA Bylaws ( If less than 3 candidacies will be submitted, the Call for ECREA Executive Board Members will be repeated and the election period of the existing Executive Board will be extended by 6 months to organise the elections.

    More information: Should you have any questions concerning the Executive Board elections send your inquiries to

    Alenka Jelen, ECREA Election Committee member
    Miguel Vicente, ECREA Election Committee member

  • 21.04.2021 18:37 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The ECREA Young Scholars Network (YECREA) and ECREA invite applications for:

    • 35 ECC 2021 view wavers for young scholars who are ECREA PhD members and are accepted to present at ECC (the PhD fee for members would be €75)
    •  Deadline for application: 29th of April 2021

    Receiving the ECC 2021 grant means that you can join the conference for free. The grants are intended for YECREA members (visit to learn how to become a YECREA member) in order to support access to the academic community of media and communication scholars by attending ECREA’s first online conference from 6th to 9th September 2021. The number of grants is exceptionally high this time as a reaction to the challenging situation during the pandemic. YECREA and ECREA are aware of problems like uncertain employment and isolation that especially young scholars are currently facing. Therefore, we want provide free conference access to 35 PhD members to reconnect with colleagues.

    Grant awards will be made based on several criteria, of which the most important is the applicants’ access to financial resources (e.g. from your home university, third-party funded projects or national funding institutions). The grants will be awarded only to young scholars whose presentation has been accepted to the programme of the conference. The applications will not be reviewed in terms of academic quality. However, applicants should preferably submit abstracts as first authors to the ECC conference programme.

    The grants will be provided on the basis of waived registration fee.

    Application & Timeline ECC Grants 2021

    Applicants are expected to complete and submit the following Application Form:

    If selected for a grant, you will be asked to send a proof of acceptance to the conference (forwarding e-mail of acceptance of your presentation) as well as some evidence of your PhD or post-doctoral research status (e.g. prove of enrollment or link to your home university profile).

    To apply, please complete the form no later than by 29th of April 2021. We will notify the applicants by 3rd of May 2021. All grantees should confirm their attendance till 6th of May.

    Timeline ECC 2021

    Important dates are:

    • 13th of April registration process opens
    • 6th of May: Participants need to confirm their participation at the ECC (deadline updated)
    • 2nd of August: Early bird registration closes (check the for updates)

    For further information, please contact the YECREA management team (Johan Farkas, Corinna Lauerer and Norbert Šinković):

  • 07.04.2021 14:45 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    We are happy to announce that the 8th European Communication Conference - Communication and Trust, scheduled for 6-9 September 2021, will take place as an online conference.

    The conference, initially scheduled for October 2020, was postponed to September 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Given the current state of the pandemic and the rather grim outlook for being able to organise a major international physical event in September, the International Organising Committee has decided to organize the event in an online format.

    Since we strongly believe that ECREA conferences are more than merely occasions for the unidirectional broadcast of research findings, the conference will take place as a live online event. We will not rely on pre-recorded presentations – all panels will be organised as live sessions, with presentations given in real time. The format of the plenary sessions will also be adjusted to the new digital reality. Only a small number of special sessions, such as poster sessions, will be pre-recorded.

    Read more here:

  • 15.03.2021 08:28 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    ECREA European Media and Communication Doctoral Summer School 2021 that will take place at the University of Cádiz, Cádiz, Spain, mainly from 20-24 September 2021 (with activities before and after these dates). Because of the pandemic situation, it is impossible to plan a physical meeting, so this Summer School will be an online event.

    ECREA will be awarding 30 grants to doctoral candidates participating in the 2021 ECREA European Media and Communication Doctoral Summer School. The grants are intended to encourage and support PhD candidates with limited economic support and with limited opportunities to participate in international academic events. The grant will cover the Summer School fee.

    The deadline for both Summer School application and grant application is March 23, 2021.

    Apply and read more here:



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Help fund travel grants for young scholars who participate at ECC conferences. We accept individual and institutional donations.



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