European Communication Research
and Education Association

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  • 07.10.2021 12:46 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    May 2022

    Deadline: November 5, 2021

    ICA 2022 Paris submissions: Submission to ICA 2022 in Paris is now open for business and we would love to see your papers! Submit your work at this website:

    GSD will accept full research papers, full theory papers, research escalators (extended abstracts), poster proposals, and panel proposals this year. The full GSD CfP is available here:

    Deadline for submission is Friday, 5 November 2021, at 12:00 Noon ICA Headquarters time (EST).

    GSD social event in October: GSD leadership is planning a virtual event in GATHERTOWN ( to share information about the division and facilitate collaborations on ICA papers and panels. RSVP form is here:

  • 07.10.2021 12:42 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    ​Special Issue of Tourism Geographies

    Deadline: October 15, 2021

    This special issue examines practices, meanings and impacts of emerging media technologies: digital, mobile, geo/locative and augmented reality technologies within tourism geographies. The special issue aims to situate emerging media technologies within processes of the production and transformation of space, spatial knowledge and social relations within the tourist encounter. We ask contributors to the special issue to consider: What are the configurations of different technologies involved with tourist experiences? In what ways do emerging media technologies shape tourism imaginaries and experiences? What are the particular cultural inflections in the relationship between digital and tourist practices? How do broader infrastructural and economic conditions shape the relationships between digital and tourist practices?

    Papers in this special issue will explore the unfolding contexts of media, digital and emerging technologies in tourism geographies across breadth and depth and may include the following topics:

    • Culturally and geographically situated explorations of digital practices in tourist sites (including empirical investigations into travel photography, virtual reality headsets, online travel writing, and travel vlogs)
    • The role of emerging media technologies for wayfinding and placemaking
    • Digital practices and infrastructures in relationship to tourism work and livelihoods
    • Specific studies of social and digital media platforms and apps and tourist practices (eg. Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp)
    • Specific studies of geo/locative and augmented reality technologies and tourist practices (eg. GoPro, WallaMe)
    • Non-use and non-digital environments such as sacred and religious sites
    • In-depth qualitative or ethnographic studies of emerging media technologies in literary tourism, film tourism, theme parks, fan tourism, music tourism, food tourism, heritage tourism, or roots tourism in comparative contexts (we particularly welcome studies situated in countries in the Global South)
    • Tourism locations and technologies and of visual cultures

    Guest Editors:

    Jolynna Sinanan, University of Manchester

    Christian Ritter, Erasmus University Rotterdam

    Contact email:

    Abstract submission: 15 Oct 2021

    Full publication timeline:

    We are looking forward to receiving your contributions.

  • 07.10.2021 12:39 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    October 15-16, 2021

    Sapienza University of Rome and online on Zoom

    The Conference has the objectives of advancing discussion about gender and media studies and exchange among scholars from different countries, providing an overview of the most recent and original studies on gender and the media, and giving prominence to research strands that are not always visible in the international arena.

    There will be two keynote lectures, three round tables and fifteen parallel panels. The opening lecture will be given by Rosalind Gill (City, University of London). The closing lecture will be a dialogue between Milly Buonanno (Sapienza University of Rome) and Paola Bonifazio (University of Texas at Austin).

    Free registration:

    Full programme:


  • 06.10.2021 18:48 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    November 4-5, 2021

    Online conference

    The European Conference on Health Communication (ECHC2021) will take place online on 4 and 5 November 2021 on “Health communication dynamics in turbulent times”. Our two keynote speakers, dr. Wyke Stommel (Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands) and Koen Wauters (science journalist at VRT, Belgium) will provide exciting insights in their research and journalistic practice in turbulent times.

    The academic programme furthermore features over 70 traditional presentations, almost 20 work-in-progress presentations and 3 panels. In addition, we organize a number of themed sessions specifically aimed at PhDs and early career researchers. EACH, ICA and ECREA will present themselves in a dedicated ‘meet the associations’-session.

    Registration for the ECHC 2021 conference is now open. Please register here

    More information on the program here:

  • 30.09.2021 08:49 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    June 10-16, 2022

    Barcelona, Spain

    We are excited to announce that the International Symposium on Electronic Art will be held in-person from 10 to 16 June 2022 in Barcelona, Spain.

    We invite artists, designers, scholars, researchers, educators, innovators, and creators to contribute to this growing discussion about our world of “possibles” and the following sub-themes:

    • Humans and Non-humans
    • Natures and Worlds
    • Futures and Heritages
    • Educations and Societies

    October 20

    — Full and short papers

    — Posters

    — Panel discussions

    October 22

    — Artist Talks

    — Institutional presentations

    — Workshops

    — Tutorials

    October 30

    — Artworks’ Proposals

  • 30.09.2021 08:40 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    July 18-19, 2022


    Deadline: January 31, 2022

    We are pleased to announce the Call for Papers for the 2022 International Conference on Social Media & Society (#SMSociety)! #SMSociety will be held virtually on July 18th & 19th, 2022. The conference’s two-day program will feature live panels and paper presentations, tutorials, and networking events.

    In keeping with the conference’s inter- and transdisciplinary focus, we welcome both quantitative and qualitative scholarly and original submissions that crosses disciplinary boundaries and expands our understanding of current and future trends in social media research across many fields including (but not limited to): Communication, Computer Science, Education, Journalism, Information Science, Law, Management, Political Science, Psychology and Sociology.


    #SMSociety is a gathering of leading social media researchers from around the world. It is the premier venue for sharing and discovering new peer-reviewed interdisciplinary research on how social media affects society. Organized by the Social Media Lab at Ted Rogers School of Management at Ryerson University, #SMSociety provides participants with opportunities to exchange ideas, present original research, learn about recent and ongoing studies, and network with peers.

    NEW FOR 2022

    #SMSociety will switch from being an annual conference to a biennial conference. After 2022, the next iteration of #SMSociety will be in the summer of 2024 (exact date, location and format TBD).

    The Program Committee for #SMSociety will be authors who have submitted their papers to the conference for consideration. For a submission to be considered, one author from each submission is required to peer review (double blind) three other conference submissions.

    Instead of Full and WIP paper submissions, #SMSociety will now be inviting authors to submit extended abstracts with a 1k-1.5K word limit.

    The program will be organized in a way to support attendance across multiple time zones and will allow our authors to safely connect. All presentations will also be recorded and made available to registered attendees for a limited time after the conference.


    • Cyberbullying, Trolling and Antisocial Behavior
    • Digital Methods
    • Discourse and Public Opinion
    • Health and Wellbeing
    • Marketing and Outreach
    • Misinformation and Disinformation
    • Online and Offline Communities
    • Platform Governance and Regulation
    • Politics and Policy
    • Privacy, Security and Trust
    • Use and Users


    Conference Date: July 18-19, 2022

    Papers (Extended Abstracts) Due: Jan. 31, 2022

    Workshops & Tutorials Due: Mar. 14, 2022

    Panels Due: Mar. 14, 2022

    Notification Due: Mar. 31, 2022



    Publication of Pre-prints and Datasets: To promote your work during and after the conference, authors of accepted papers (extended abstracts) are encouraged to share their work as a pre-print via EasyChair Preprint. Preprint will be accessible via the conference online program and other channels. If you have a dataset to share, you can also upload it to one of many data repositories such as Dataverse or figshare. Authors of accepted papers will then have an opportunity to provide a link to their pre-print and/or dataset for inclusion in the conference program.

    Journal Publications: We will circulate CFP to relevant journal special issues as they become available in 2022. (We hope that feedback received from other scholars during the review process and the Q&A part of your presentation will help you refine your ideas and develop your work into a full paper after the conference. Once ready, you are encouraged to submit your full paper to a journal of your choice.)


    Anatoliy Gruzd, Ryerson University

    Philip Mai, Ryerson University

    James Cook, University of Maine at Augusta

    Zoetanya Sujon, London College of Communication

    Chei Sian Lee, Nanyang Technological University

    Jenna Drenten, Loyola University Chicago

    Céline Yunya Song, Hong Kong Baptist University

    Katrin Weller, GESIS – Leibniz Institute for Social Sciences

    Felipe Soares, Ryerson University

  • 23.09.2021 16:57 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    University of Bern

    At the Institute of Communication and Media Studies (ikmb) of the University of Bern, a position is available as a PhD student

    The position will be available from December 1st, 2021 (or by appointment) for an initial period of three years. It is intended to serve the purpose of scientific qualification (doctorate).


    - conducting research and writing of publications (the possibility exists to get involved into an ongoing research project that combines panel surveys, web-tracking and automated text analysis; fields: media usage, media impact, media content)

    - teaching of courses in the BA Social Sciences

    - contribution to the general tasks of the Institute


    - above-average degree in communication science, a related social science discipline and /or in computational social science

    - strong interest in online and political communication

    - very good skills in the methods of empirical social science

    - a plus: affinity for computational methods

    - ability to work in a team

    We offer:

    An attractive working environment awaits you at the Institute for Communication and Media Science

    at the University of Bern: a collegial team, cooperation and exchange, as well as the freedom to develop your own ideas. Employment adheres to the regulations of the Canton of Bern.

    The University of Bern strives to increase the proportion of women in research and teaching and therefore urges qualified female candidates to apply.

    Applications (letter of motivation including a description of your future research interests / ideas; CV

    (if available incl. list of publications), certificates, a central chapter of the master thesis / another publication; one letter of reference) should be mailed as pdf file by October 17, 2021 to Prof. Dr. Silke

    Adam ( For further information, please contact Prof. Dr. Silke Adam. Job interviews will take place at October 26/27th.

  • 23.09.2021 16:48 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Josef Trappel, Tales Tomaz

    To what extent do structures and conduct of leading news media correspond with requirements of contemporary democracies? Based on a root concept of democracy and several empirical indicators, the Media for Democracy Monitor (MDM) delivers a panorama of the news media’s performance regarding freedom, equality, and control across several countries. In 2011, the MDM analysed 10 democracies. Ten years later, it covers 18 countries worldwide and pinpoints essential strengths and weaknesses during this decade of digitalisation. Around the globe, news are highly attractive to users, and the journalistic ethos of watchdogs and investigators is paramount. On the downside, journalistic job security eroded over time, and gender gaps both in content and employment patterns remain strikingly excessive in most countries.

    Volume one contains countries present in the 2011 MDM edition, allowing for longitudinal comparative analysis: Australia, Austria, Finland, Germany, the Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.

    Link for the open access version:

  • 23.09.2021 16:31 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    May 2022


    Deadline: November 5, 2021

    International Communication Association is organizing its annual conference in May 2022 in Paris/online. Our LGBTQ Studies Interest Group welcomes extended abstracts (1,500 to 3,000 words) or panel proposals.

    This year, ICA also welcomes non-English submissions. The submission deadline is 5 November, 12:00 noon (New York time/ UTC -4). For the details of our CFP and language support, please refer to

    Our International Liaison Lik Sam Chan and Student and Early Career Representative Jessica Rauchberg will be organizing two information sessions to introduce our Interest Group and explain what qualities our we look for in successful submissions. We welcome anyone who has not been to ICA before, our new Interest Group members, scholars in any geographical location who are working in LGBTQ studies, and student & early career scholars to join.

    To cater to audiences in different time zones, we are holding two sessions:

    Session 1: Moscow Time (UTC +3) 9am – 10am, September 24 (for audiences from Oceania, Asia, and part of Europe and Africa)

    Session 2: New York Time (UTC -4) 3pm – 4pm, September 24 (for audiences from North America, South America, and part of Europe and Africa)

    Please make use of this website ( to convert the respective time zones into your local time zone.

    If you are interested in joining any of these sessions, please register here:

    And please do share this information with colleagues and students—this is open to anyone interested in submitting to our Interest Group.

    We look forward to seeing you in one of these pre-submission sessions and at ICA next year.

  • 16.09.2021 21:34 | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    Deadline: September 30, 2021

    We would like to announce that the scientific journal JCR-Scopus Q1 'Comunicar' is open for manuscript submission for the Calls for Papers 71, Hate speech in communication: Research and proposals' until 30 September. This issue is coordinated by Dr. Mª Dolores Cáceres-Zapatero (UCM, Spain), Dr. Mykola Makhortykh (University of Bern, Switzerland), and Dr. Francisco Segado-Boj (UCM, Spain), contributing to the study of hate speech from the analysis of messages, theirbackground and effects on media, as well as their regulation and action.

    Hate speech is considered the conscious and wilful public expression of hostility and rejection towards individuals, groups or collectives, whether based on racial, ethnic, religious or national criteria, on the grounds of gender, sexual identity or orientation, or any other criteria, which promote intolerance, discrimination, stigmatization, violence, aggression or, in its most serious form, physical extermination. These discourses, traditionally reflected in the mass media and alternative circuits, currently, focus their dissemination channel through online media, digital communities and social media. Therefore, this call is open to research that helps to understand this phenomenon, both from a perspective focused on the analysis of the messages, and the background and repercussions of this type of discourse, as well as on prevention and intervention to minimise alleviate the impact of these messages.

    Possible topics may include, but are not limited to:

    • Discriminatory and vexatious stereotyping.
    • Hate speech on social media and in semi-private communities.
    • Hate speech in the mass media.
    • Populism and politics.
    • Rhetorical and linguistic-discursive strategies of hate speech.
    • Bots and troll farms.
    • Legislation, self-regulation and discourse moderation.
    • Disinformation and hate speech.
    • Audiovisual dimension of hate speech in TikTok, Instagram, memes...
    • Prevention and containment of hate speech

    Full CFP can be found at:

    The full author guidelines can be read at:


    Article submissions will be due on September 30th, 2021, with notifications of acceptance before January 2021. Issue editors: Mª Dolores Cáceres Zapatero (Complutense University of Madrid, Spain), Mykola Makhortykh (University of Bern, Switzerland) and Francisco Segado (Complutense University of Madrid, Spain).

    The journal has achieved the best data of its history in the most prestigious world indexes Journal Citation Reports and Scopus. In JCR-JIF it is 7th in the world out of 234 journals in 'Education' (top 3% worldwide), increasing its IF from 3.37 to 6.01. In the area of 'Communication' in JCR-JIF/JCI the journal is ranked 9th in the world (top 10%) among 94 and 204 journals respectively.

    The most significant news is that in both areas, 'Comunicar' holds the 1st absolute position in the world as an 'open access' journal, according to the guidelines of Horizon Europe of the European Commission. Similarly, on Scopus the journal has obtained the 2nd position in the world (out of 1,307 journals) in 'Cultural Studies', the 23rd (top 2%) in 'Education' out of 1,319 journals, and the 14th (top 4%) out of 429 journals.




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