European Communication Research
and Education Association

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  • 14.07.2021 22:05 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    University Oldenburg

    The Institute of Philosophy at the School of Humanities and Social Sciences seeks applications for a JUNIOR PROFESSORSHIP FOR THE ETHICS OF DIGITALISATION salary scale W1 with tenure track to W2 (m/f/x)

    The professorship is to be filled as soon as possible. It is funded by the Tenure Track Programme of the German Federal Government and the Federal States, supporting junior scientists. Pending fulfilment of the applicable employment laws, the successful candidate will be employed as a temporary civil servant for a period of three years. A contract extension for a further three years is contingent on a positive evaluation of the initial three years. At the end of this period, appointment to a tenured professorship at W2 level is intended in accordance with the relevant statutory provisions. Candidates should be in the early stages of their career.

    The core task of the professorship is to identify and philosophically reflect on the ethical problems that are connected, in society as a whole, with the rising digital technologies. It thereby strengthens the profile of the University of Oldenburg within the scope of digitalisation.

    Both knowledge of the normative theories to be critically applied and knowledge of the technologies to which these theories are applied are required. Theories include not only those that have recently been developed with an eye toward digital technologies, but also fundamental moral theories (deontology, utilitarianism, virtue ethics) as well as philosophical theories of society, democracy and justice. Technologies include, for example, AI-based automation processes, which are research foci in Oldenburg already (in the areas of locomotion, health and energy).

    Moreover, an above-average scientific university degree and an above-average PhD are required, with at least one of these degrees obtained in philosophy. Scientific excellence has to be demonstrated, inter alia, by publications in international peer-reviewed journals. Relevant teaching experience and experience in raising third-party funds are desired.

    The University of Oldenburg offers the successful candidate a variety of scientific cooperation partners on site and at the nearby Universities of Bremen, Osnabrück and Hannover. Within the University of Oldenburg, partners are to be found in the research centre ‘Human-Cyber-Physical Systems’, the research training group ‘Social Embeddedness of Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems’ and the PhD programme ‘Shaping the Future. Transformation of the Present through Scenarios of Digitalisation’.

    The successful candidate will teach practical-philosophy modules of the BA, MA and MEd courses of study in philosophy as well as values and norms, the latter being a school subject in Lower Saxony. Furthermore, the successful candidate is to contribute, in cooperation with the social sciences and computer sciences, to conceptions of an MA and a BA course of study, and to support teaching these courses. As there is a cooperation agreement between the Universities of Bremen and Oldenburg, the successful candidate’s active involvement in this cooperation is expected.

    The eligibility requirements for the position are based on the statutory provisions in the state of Lower Saxony (§ 30 NHG). For candidates who have been employed in Germany as a research associate or research assistant before or after their doctoral studies, the period spent as a doctoral student and researcher should not be longer than six years in total.

    The University aims to increase its proportion of female professors and strongly encourages female scientists to apply. Therefore, equally qualified female candidates will be given preference. Applicants with disabilities will be preferentially considered in case of equal qualification. The position is suitable for part-time employment.

    Applications include a full curriculum vitae, certificates, lists of publications, talks and courses, an account of present and previous third-party funded research activities, research and teaching concepts and a selection of publications, doctoral degree and employment phases (…are). The selection of publications should include a monograph and three articles. Preferably, applications are submitted in electronic version by 9th August 2021 to Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Fakultät IV, Dekanin Prof. Dr. Dagmar Freist,

    For the formal call for applications, see…172

  • 14.07.2021 21:41 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Review of Communication Research

    Deadline: November 7, 2021

    Review of Communication Research invites the submission of systematic reviews and meta-analyses that explore the influence of CGI Production and Visualization Techniques on Communication. CGI production and visualization techniques have influenced the traditional media, making communication processes evolve towards new realities. We welcome papers that include, but are not limited to, the following areas:

    • irtual and augmented reality experiences
    • CGI and social media
    • Storytelling techniques, transmedia, crossmedia, videogames, etc.
    • CGI visual effects on film productions
    • CGI and virtual education
    • Telepresence on live events

    Authors should submit their manuscripts through the RCR editorial management system:

    Paper proposals, questions, and comments should be addressed to Roi Méndez ( cc

    Deadline: November 7th, 2021

    About the Journal:

    Review of Communication Research ( is an internationally respected open-access journal that specializes in publishing high-quality literature reviews and meta-analyses for the field of Communication. The comprehensive critical reviews that we publish summarize the latest advances in the field, but also root out errors and provoke intellectual discussions among scholars.

    RCR ranks Q1 in Scopus CiteScore. It ranks in the top 1% in Social Science (#104/8,420, according to Scopus SNIP indicator) and top 6% in Communication (#28/478, according to the SJR indicator.)

    We are looking forward to receiving your manuscripts or proposals!

  • 14.07.2021 21:26 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    December 7 - 8, 2021

    International Online Scientific Conference

    Deadline: October 20, 2021

    The Conference aims to bring together scholars and researchers to discuss the issues of post-pandemic environmentally-sustainable economic recovery from the economic, social, public policy and legal standpoint. In the dawn of the pandemic crisis, the European Union launched the proposal of the Environmental European Law (2020) setting a legal framework to achieve the 2050 climate neutrality goal, only a year after the introduction of the European Green Deal (2019). The interconnection of climate action and environmental protection activities, dealing with social and political challenges and inclusive COVID 19 recovery is the central theme for critical consideration from both, theoretical and practical perspectives, creating the forum for holistic and integrative approaches’ identification and development. During the pandemic, governance and media practice have been changed as well.

    The empowerment of the EU industry and business, boosting the circular economy, particularly, the waste control and management as well as building the new Just Transition concept of workers and community adaptation to green jobs, alongside with introducing respective educational practices are core issues that will be in the focus of the Conference participants.

    The public health crisis calls for strong responses based on solidarity, cooperation and responsibility. That requires the identification of current challenges find new paths to support key international and national actors in their efforts to “repair” and “transform” societies by tackling the inequities and, stimulating the growth.

    • Session 1

    Green Pandemic Recovery Plans – where we stand and where we are going to on a global scale?

    • Session 2

    Policy and Legal Approaches towards Circularity, Just transition to Green jobs and Environmental Justice, Institutions and Rule of Law - EU countries perspective

    • Session 3

    Challenges of Green Recovery Framework development in Western Balkan countries

    • Session 4

    Democratic Challenges During Covid-19 Pandemic

    Session 1. How did COVID-19 pandemic crisis change economic activities, employment opportunities, labour relations, social inequalities as well as social inclusion and poverty reduction globally? Modalities to overcome weaknesses in a regulatory and institutional sphere that are negatively affecting economic, social and environmental sustainability development. Pathways and plans for the future and how pandemic affected them on a global scale.

    Session 2. What has been achieved in the area of green sustainable development policy in the EU countries so far? What are the priorities for the future? What capacities and policies are needed to achieve EU strategic environmental goals? Challenges in implementation of the Green recovery development plans in the EU countries.

    Session 3. How pandemic and post-pandemic recovery plans in the Western Balkan countries (WBC) are related to Green recovery development plans in the EU (neighboring) countries? What are the perspectives for cooperation between the WBC and EU countries on the implementation of Green recovery plans, after the pandemic period. Needed factors (instruments, resources, attitudes, policies etc) as prerequisites for developing environmentally-conscious policy and legal responses to the effects of COVID-19.

    Session 4. How did the Covid-19 pandemic crisis impact democracy and democratization? What are the political, social and institutional implications of Covid-19? How did the pandemic crisis change the media and journalism practices, how did it affect the digital transformation and journalists’ preparedeness for future challenges? What is the role of the new media and the social media/networks during a global crisis?

    Conference topics:

    • Sustainable Development Goals and COVID-19 Crisis;
    • Entrepreneurism and Business Growth Challenges before and after the COVID-19 Crisis;
    • Social Equity, Economic Growth and Environmental Protection from Human Right Perspective;
    • Climate Change Policy Response and Socio-economic Policy and Law – International, Comparative and National perspective;
    • European Green Deal and Impact of the Pandemic - Financing the Green Transition in Times of Economic Recovery; European (non) Solidarity;
    • Sustainable Development, Current and Post-pandemic Challenges in Education;
    • Institutions, Rule of Law and Social Justice in Post-pandemic era;
    • New Working Paradigms, Employment, Emergence of New jobs, Remote Work, Accessing the Workplace and Labour Rights during the Pandemic;
    • Implications of COVID–19 on Standard of Living, Poverty and Economic Inequalities;
    • Just Transition Policy and Green Jobs;
    • Circular Economy and Society in Post Covid Reality;
    • Risk Mitigation, Risk Management and Risk Communication;
    • Gender issues - Green Recovery and Gender Equity;
    • Digital Transformation – Web, 5G, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Internet of Things Technology, Online Commerce, Online Sales, Service Delivery, Platform Work; Digital Initiatives, Data Transparency, New Virtual Identities
    • Media and Journalism Challenges during and after COVID-19 Crisis – Media coverage, Social media and social movements, Infodemic and fake news, Misinformation and Disinformation, Science journalism
    • Inclusive Energy Transition – New Employment Opportunities, Workforce planning, Training and skills development across genders, minority groups and marginalized communities, Health and Safety Standards;
    • Antidiscrimination Law and Practice;
    • Democratic Challenges during Covid-19 - Politicial trends, Populism, Electoral and census implications, Social transformation capacities;
    • Social Inclusive COVID-19 Recovery – Government role, Public-private partnership, Social partners, Civil organization, Citizens
    • Migration and the European Green Deal

    Important Dates:

    Conference dates: December 7 - 8, 2021, Online

    Abstract submission: deadline October 1, 2021; send to e-mail: and,

    Paper submission: deadline February 28, 2022

    Publication and copyrights:

    All full paper submissions will be peer-reviewed and evaluated based on originality, technical and/or research depth, accuracy, and relevance to conference themes and topics and published in Conference Proceedings.

    Abstract should contain the following components:

    • Author name and title: Times New Roman; bold; 14 pt; single-line spacing; alignment left.
    • Affiliation and e-mail address: Times New Roman; Italic; 12 pt; single-line spacing; alignment left.
    • Article title: Times New Roman; 14 pt; bold; alignment centered; single-line spacing; All Caps.
    • Abstract text: up to 300 words; Times New Roman; 12 pt; single-line spacing; justify.
    • Keywords: 5-7 keywords; Times New Roman; Italic, 12 pt; single-line spacing; justify.

    We encourage you to invite colleagues to participate at the Conference and submit original research for the conference Call for Papers.

    International Programme Committee:

    Predrag JOVANOVIĆ, PhD, Principal Research Fellow/Profesor, Head of the Center for Economic Research, Institute of Social Sciences, Belgrade, SERBIA;

    Bojana NAUMOVSKA, PhD, Associate Professor, Director of the Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical Research, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, NORTH MACEDONIA;

    Goran BAŠIĆ, PhD, Principal Research Fellow, Director, Institute of Social Sciences, Belgrade, SERBIA;

    Sanja STOJKOVIĆ ZLATANOVIĆ, PhD, Research Associate, Center for Legal Research, Institute of Social Sciences, Belgrade, SERBIA;

    Vladimir NIKITOVIĆ, PhD, Principal Research Fellow, Center for Demographic Research, Institute of Social Sciences, Belgrade, SERBIA;

    Vincenzo PIETROGIOVANNI, PhD, Associate Professor, Lund University, Department for Business Law, SWEDEN;

    Béla GALGÓCZI, PhD, Senior Researcher, European Trade Union Institute, BELGIUM;

    Sanja BOGOJEVIĆ, PhD, Associate Professor, University of Oxford, Faculty of Law, UK;

    Katerina SPASOVSKA, Associate Professor, Western Carolina University, Communication Department, USA;

    Gergana YANKOVA DIMOVA, PhD, Research Fellow, University of Winchester, UK

    Fabio MATTIOLI, PhD, Assistant Professor/ Associated Researcher , University of Melbourne, School of Social and Political Sciences/ Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Digital Ethics, AUSTRALIA;

    Christian LUTZ, PhD, Director, Institute of Economic Structures Research, Osnabrück, GERMANY;

    Pedro CABRAL, PhD, Associate Professor, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, PORTUGAL;

    Reinhard HEINISCH, Ph.D, Full Professor, University of Salzburg, Department for Political Sciences, AUSTRIA;

    Madhumita DAS, PhD, Assistant Professor, Jindal Global Law School, INDIA;

    Panajotis CAKIRPALOGLU, PhD, Full Professor, Palacký University Olomouc, CZECH REPUBLIC;

    Anna WÓJTOWICZ, PhD, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, POLAND;

    Jacek BYLICA, PhD, Assistant Professor , Jagiellonian University, Krakow, POLAND;

    Ljubinka KOVAČEVIĆ, PhD, Associate Professor, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Law, SERBIA;

    Djordje MITROVIĆ, PhD, Associate Professor, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Economics, SERBIA;

    Branko ANČIĆ, PhD, Senior Research Associate, Institute for Social Research in Zagreb, Centre for Research in Social Inequalities and Sustainability, CROATIA;

    Boštjan FERK , PhD, director/Assistant Professor , Institute for Public-Private

    Partnership/Public Administration at the Graduate School of Government and European Studies, SLOVENIA;

    Camelia Florela VOINEA, PhD, Associate Professor, Faculty of Political Science, University of Bucharest, ROMANIA;

    Orinda MALLTEZI, PhD, Associate Professor , University of Tirana, Faculty of Social Sciences, ALBANIA;

    Ketrina ÇABIRI MIJO, PhD, European University Tirana, ALBANIA;

    Olivera KOMAR, PhD, Assistant Professor ,University of Montenegro, Department for Political Science, MONTENEGRO;

    Igor MILINKOVIĆ, PhD, Associate Professor, University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Law, BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA;

    Belma RAMIĆ-BRKIĆ, PhD, Associate Professor, University Sarajevo, School of Science and Technology , BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA;

    Pande LAZAREVSKI, PhD, Full Professor, Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical Research, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, NORTH MACEDONIA;

    Petar ATANASOV, PhD, Full Professor, Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical Research, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, NORTH MACEDONIA;

    Mirjana BOROTA POPOVSKA, PhD, Full Professor, Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical Research, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, NORTH MACEDONIA;

    Ruzhica CACANOSKA, PhD, Full Professor, Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical Research, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, NORTH MACEDONIA;

    Slavejko SASAJKOVSKI, PhD, Full Professor, Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical Research, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, NORTH MACEDONIA;

    Vesna ZABIJAKIN-CHATLESKA, PhD, Associate Professor, Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical Research, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University – Skopje, NORTH MACEDONIA;

    Goran JANEV, PhD, Full Professor, Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical Research, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University – Skopje, NORTH MACEDONIA;

    Marija TOPUZOVSKA – LATKOVIKJ, PhD, Associate Professor, Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical Research, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University – Skopje, NORTH MACEDONIA;

    Ivan BLAZHEVSKI, PhD, Assistant Professor, Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical Research, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, NORTH MACEDONIA;

    Organizing Committee:

    Jovan PROTIĆ, MA, National coordinator, International Labor Organization, Office in Serbia, Belgrade, SERBIA;

    Ivana OSTOJIĆ, MA, Center for Economic Research, Institute of Social Sciences, Belgrade, SERBIA;

    Ranko SOVILJ, PhD, Research Associate, Center for Legal Research, Institute of Social Sciences, Belgrade, SERBIA;

    Sofija NIKOLIĆ POPADIĆ, PhD, Center for Legal Research, Institute of Social Sciences, Belgrade, SERBIA;

    Milan BLAGOJEVIĆ, MA, Center for Sociological Research, Institute of Social Sciences, Belgrade, SERBIA;

    Milka DIMITROVSKA, LLM, Research Assistant, Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical Research, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, NORTH MACEDONIA;

    Driton MALIQI, PhD, Assistant Professor, Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical Research, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, NORTH MACEDONIA;

    Blazhe JOSIFOVSKI, MA, Research Assistant, Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical Research, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, NORTH MACEDONIA;

    Tea KONESKA VASILEVSKA, MA, Research Assistant, Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical Research, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, NORTH MACEDONIA;

  • 08.07.2021 10:35 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Corporate Communications (special issue)

    Full Paper Submission Due: October 15, 2021

    Over the last 50 years, risk and crisis communication research has been dominated by a developed world bias. Most of the research published on ‘crisis communication’ between 1953 and 2015 focused on the United States, though in the last ten years, there has been a meaningful increase in research for Europe and parts of Asia (e.g., China). However, there has been a dearth of research in English-language journals on risk and crisis communication focusing on Africa, Latin America, and Southeast Asia. The objective of this special issue is to target research about and from those regions.

    There are three aims of this special issue:

    • Reduce the ‘Western’ and developed nations bias in risk and crisis communication research
    • Support and promote risk and crisis communication research in and about Africa, Latin America, and Southeast Asia
    • Identify theoretical developments based on diverse cultural experience in risk and crisis communication

    Indicative list of themes and key features of the Special Issue

    While there may be some room for Covid-19 related studies, the intention of this special issue is to develop a broader research agenda related to developing nations; therefore, we would encourage researchers to submit pieces that look beyond the pandemic.

    • Knowledge transfer of non-English language research in Latin America, Southeast Asia, and Africa (e.g., systematic review of non-English language research in the regions)
    • Theory development and application in risk and crisis communication in developing nations
    • Case studies in risk and crisis communication in developing nations
    • Critical challenges and opportunities in crisis planning and crisis response in developing nations
    • Intercultural dimensions of risk and crisis response in developing nations
    • Leadership and risk and crisis communication in developing nations
    • Employee risk and crisis communication in developing nations
    • Media, ethics, and crisis communication in developing nations

    Submission information

    The special edition submissions site will open online on 8 July, 2021 and will close on 15 October, 2021. All submissions will be double-blind reviewed and should conform to CCIJ’s author guidelines (see for more details).

    Submit your papers to:

    Questions about the special issue, contact the Guest Editor – Dr. Audra Diers-Lawson at

  • 08.07.2021 10:28 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    October 28-29, 2021 

    Complutense University of Madrid and Nebrija University (Madrid, Spain)

    Deadline: July 16, 2021…men

    The Scientific Association Icono 14

    To propose a paper (English or Spanish), please send an abstract of 200 words maximum before July 16.

    You will be able to participate in the conference in the following ways:

    • Video abstract (180 € registration fee).

    The researcher sends a video summary of the paper and will receive the book of the conference and the certificate (Spain and Portugal. The rest of the countries will receive it in digital format).

    • Virtual (registration 150 €)

    The researcher presents his paper in videoconference ( platform) and will receive the conference book and the certificate (Spain and Portugal. The rest of the countries will receive it in digital format).

    • Attendance (registration fee 120 €)

    The researcher presents his paper at the congress in Madrid and will receive the book of the conference and the certificate in Madrid. Students (registration fee 50 €)

    Undergraduate students. No book or certificate.

    More information:

  • 08.07.2021 10:08 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Deadline: July 28, 2021

    Call for Chapters


    • José Gabriel Andrade, Universidade do Minho, Portugal
    • Teresa Ruão, Universidade do Minho, Portugal

    Full Chapters Due: October 10, 2021

    Submission Date: October 10, 2021

    The dialogue between organizational communication and digital communication is a common practice in contemporary organizations. This cross working allows the development of new narratives inside and outside organizations, causing communication professionals to face a moment of change in communication management, regarding form, content and production. Digital communication is not developing a virtual world, but a real virtuality integrated with other forms of interaction in an increasingly "hybridized" everyday life. In fact, the relationship between organizations and its publics evolved into more symmetrical models - allowed by digital media -, being imperative the recognition of the inevitable involvement of citizens in organizational communication processes that give rise to new business and institutional choices. On the other hand, the relationship that audiences establish with organizational information in digital environments may also interfere with the way in which each individual experiences daily life. Thus, the impacts are conjoint and paradoxical. It is well known that public involvement has the power to promote an active circulation of media content and that this can generate economic and cultural value for organizations. The current perspectives on interactions between audiences, organizations and content production suggest a relational logic between audiences and media, through new productivity proposals.

    In this sense it is interesting to observe the reasoning of audience experience through the concepts of interactivity and participation. However, it can be observed a gap between the intentions of communication professionals and their organizations and the effective circulation and content retention among the audiences of interest, as well as the distinction between informing and communicating. Thus, the goal of this book Navigating Digital Communication and Challenges for Organizations is to provide an in-depth review of research related to the concepts and theories around topics such as Publics and Productivity, Interactivity and Participation in organizational communication settings, including, but not limited to conceptualizations, theoretical foundations, conceptual analysis, empirical studies, cases, applications, and interventions. We aim to contribute to an improvement in our understanding of Digital Communication in Organizations, and to present resources to better navigate this difficult times of organizational communication management.

    Recommended Topics

    1. Digital Organizational Communication

    1a. Internal Communication

    1b. External communication

    2. Digital Strategic Communication

    2a. Advertising

    2b. Public Relations

    2c. Press Advisory

    3. Digital Communication

    3a. Information Technology

    3b. Social Media

    4. Transmedia

    5. Publics and Audiences


  • 08.07.2021 09:58 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    University Oslo

    Apply here:

    Job description

    A Doctoral Research Fellowship (SKO 1017) in Media Studies is available at the Department of Media and Communication (IMK), University of Oslo. The position is affiliated with the research project Global Natives. The project is funded by the Research Council of Norway and is led by professor Marika Lüders, the Department of Media and Communication. Project partners include the University of Bergen, The Institute of Social Research/ISF, and King’s College.

    More about the position

    The research project Global Natives studies the position of global media platforms among Norwegian teenagers, and how national media producers and policymakers respond to global platforms and the media habits of a new media generation. The term ‘global natives’ refers to teenagers of today, who have always assumed the place of global platforms as part of everyday life. We use the term to rethink how transforming media habits may represent challenges and impetus for reshaping media production and policy models. The project focuses on entertainment services, and it includes both entertainment media produced by industry players rooted in a mass media paradigm and entertainment media produced by users-turning/turned-professional-producers in an online media paradigm. More information about the project can be found on the project’s website. The project description can be obtained by contacting the project leader Marika Lüders (see contact details below).

    The PhD candidate will be a central member of the project team and a core contributor to the empirical studies of the media experiences of teenagers. The candidate is expected to investigate how Norwegian teens appropriate and ascribe value to entertainment on global platforms. The candidate will take part in the project’s longitudinal qualitative study. This involves collaborating with project members in conducting qualitative interviews with a socio-demographically diverse sample of young study participants in Norway. The empirical data will largely encompass material in Norwegian, and the PhD candidate is therefore expected to be fluent in Norwegian or another Scandinavian language. The applicant is expected to develop a PhD project description, which must be submitted as a part of the application.

    The person appointed will be affiliated with the Faculty's organized research training. The academic work is to result in a doctoral thesis that will be defended at the Faculty with a view to obtaining the degree of PhD. The successful candidate is expected to join the existing research milieu or network and contribute to its development. Read more about the doctoral degree.

    The appointment is for a duration of 3 years. All PhD Candidates who submit their doctoral dissertation for assessment with a written recommendation from their supervisor within 3 years or 3 ½ years after the start of their PhD position, will be offered, respectively, a 12 or 6 month Completion Grant.

    Qualification requirements

    • A Master's degree or equivalent in Media Studies, Sociology, or other disciplines relevant for the project. The Master's degree must have been obtained and the final evaluation must be available by the application deadline.
    • The candidate’s research project must be closely connected to and relevant for the Global Natives project.
    • Fluent oral and written communication skills in English, see Language requirements
    • The candidate is expected to take part in in conducting research interviews with Norwegian teenagers, and must therefore have fluent oral and written communication skills in Norwegian or other Scandinavian language.
    • Personal suitability and motivation for the position.

    To be eligible for admission to the doctoral programmes at the University of Oslo, applicants must, as a minimum, have completed a five-year graduation course (Master’s degree or equivalent), including a Master’s thesis of at least 30 ECTS. In special cases, the Faculty may grant admission on the basis of a one-year Master course following an assessment of the study programme’s scope and quality.

    In assessing the applications, special emphasis will be placed on:

    • The project's originality, scientific merit and innovation.
    • The applicant's estimated academic and personal ability to complete the research training and his/her research project within the stipulated time frame
    • Good knowledge of theories and methods used in the Global Natives project
    • Good collaboration skills and an ability to join and contribute to the Department’s research environment and interdisciplinary academic communities
    • Research ambition such as demonstrated through academic publications and conference presentations is advantageous, but not a requirement.

    Provided the conditions above are met, applicants who have recently graduated with excellent results may be given preference.

    We offer

    How to apply

    The application must include:

    • Application letter describing the applicant’s qualifications and motivation for the position
    • Curriculum Vitae (with a list of education, positions, teaching experience, administrative experience and other qualifying activities, publications. Information about publications should preferably include DOI or downloadable links.
    • Educational certificates of your Bachelor’s and Master's degrees. Applicants with education from a foreign university must attach an explanation of their university's grading system
    • Documentation of Language requirements
    • Project description, including a detailed progress plan for the project (3 - 5 pages, maximum 14,000 characters. See Template for project descriptions)
    • A list of 2-3 reference persons (name, relationships to the candidate, contact information)
    • DO NOT include any certificates or transcripts that are not listed above

    Please note that all documents must be in English or a Scandinavian language.

    Other educational certificates and master thesis are not to be submitted with the application, but applicants may be asked to submit such information or works later

    The application with attachments must be delivered in our electronic recruiting system,

    Short-listed candidates will be invited for an interview.

    The tentative starting date is January 2022.

    Formal regulations

    See also regulations as well as guidelines for the application assessment process and appointments to research fellowships.

    Following the Freedom of Information Act (Offentleglova) § 25, Chapter 2, demographic information about the applicant may be used in the public list of applicants even if the applicant opts out from the entry in the public application list.

    No one can be appointed for more than one PhD Research Fellowship period at the University of Oslo.

    The University of Oslo has an Acquisition of Rights Agreement for the purpose of securing rights to intellectual property created by its employees, including research results.

    The University of Oslo aims to achieve a balanced gender composition in the workforce and to recruit people with ethnic minority backgrounds.

    Contact information

    Professor Marika Lüders, Project leader of "Global Natives"

    HR Adviser Mira Kramarova, for questions on how to apply

    Banner UiO/ fakultet

    About the University of Oslo

    The University of Oslo is Norway’s oldest and highest ranked educational and research institution, with 28 000 students and 7000 employees. With its broad range of academic disciplines and internationally recognised research communities, UiO is an important contributor to society.

    The Department of Media and Communication's (IMK) main purpose is to conduct research, education and dissemination on the modern media, their importance for society and for people. IMK has approximately 50 employees, including 10-12 doctoral candidates and postdoctoral fellows. There are around 500 active students on different levels. The department offers one-year study program on the Bachelor's level and a Bachelor's degree in media and communication, in addition to Master's degrees in Media Studies, Journalism, Political Communication and Screen Cultures. IMK is a multidisciplinary department, based on the academic traditions of the humanities and social sciences. The department is ranked as one of the top 50 media and communication departments in the world (QS Ratings).

  • 08.07.2021 09:49 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    University Oslo

    Apply here:

    A Doctoral Research Fellowship (SKO 1017) in Media Studies is available at the Department of Media and Communication, University of Oslo. The position is affiliated with the research project “PHOTOFAKE – Visual Disinformation, the Digital Economy and the Epistemology of the Camera Image,” funded by the Research Council of Norway and coordinated by the School of Economics, Innovation and Technology, Kristiania University College. The Department of Media and Communication, University of Oslo, is a partner in the project.

    The PhD candidate will work closely with Professor Liv Hausken who is responsible for the research effort of PHOTOFAKE taking place at the Department of Media and Communication, University of Oslo, which will be the candidate’s workspace.

    More about the position

    Presentation of the research project PHOTOFAKE

    PHOTOFAKE investigates visual aspects of the current crisis of disinformation, a crisis which is exacerbated by AI-altered and generated material that perceptually appears to be camera-derived. The purview of the project involves a multitude of seemingly camera-derived material that can be employed for manipulation – from the most rudimentary to the AI-enhanced videos of tomorrow. Media organizations struggle to get a handle on such material and the threat it poses by developing manuals and practices for fact-checking visual materials.

    PHOTOFAKE offers research-based guidelines for the optimization of such fact-checking manuals and practices. The research is mainly organized in three work packages, WP1, 2 & 3.

    WP1 explores how contemporary manuals for detecting audiovisual disinformation may be optimized by drawing on the history and theory of film and photography. This involves a critical reassessment of the vocabulary and the implicit media theoretical assumptions underpinning the manuals.

    WP2 explores how actual practices of fact-checking audio-visual material in news media may be optimized given internal constraints as well as external pressures from a global digital media ecology largely outside their control. This involves exploring the institutional practices in which the manuals are embedded, including the procedural and technological tools involved.

    WP3 explores what new alteration technologies and camera practices with deceptive potential are now evolving. This, in order to improve the understanding of the material the manuals and practices must be ready to guard against.

    Contact information and more about the research project PHOTOFAKE can be found here.

    Expectations for the PhD-project:

    The PhD-project forms part of WP3. It must find a productive research strategy for addressing the objective of WP3 outlined above, so that it can provide relevant inputs to the challenges dealt with in WP1 and WP2 and productively contribute to the overall objective of PHOTOFAKE.

    The PhD-candidate is expected to develop a research project for the PhD based on the described objectives of PHOTOFAKE. This project should be based on concrete investigations and account for its empirical and theoretical contributions to PHOTOFAKE. While the PhD-project thereby should serve the overall objective of PHOTOFAKE, it is at the same time expected to be of value as a research intervention in its own right. The project could be comparative, it could involve historical perspectives as well as various theoretical perspectives.

    It is advantageous if the PhD-project explores how some of the visual sub-cultures in online forums and social media contribute to making camera practices more malleable and open to alteration and generation practices. Camera practices that (even if this was not a main purpose behind their invention) may come to support disinformation efforts and also practices that potentially bear on the epistemology of photographic images by, for example, undermining the credibility of camera-images and contribute to redefine how photographic imaging may function and operate is of particular interest.

    The empirical material investigated in the PhD-project may for example involve camera practices, technologies in photographic and related equipment, as well as attitudes among users, for example concerning deception by means of alteration practices. While media studies, potentially informed by theory on photography and moving images, may be a productive vantage point, perspectives from computer science, technology studies, visual culture, digital media and the digital attention economy may be also be productive.

    While the PhD-project is expected to help amend the challenges the current information disorder has brought, the PhD-project is also expected to share in PHOTOFAKE’s ambition to contribute to a theoretically and philosophically pertinent intervention beyond the immanently useful and provide a better basis for an interdisciplinary understanding of photographic epistemology which will be valid throughout the decade. In short, PHOTOFAKE wants to combine applied research with more fundamental investigations into how visual media lodged within a digital attention economy, remade by computational developments, bear on the knowledge produced and circulated.

    The person appointed will be affiliated with the Faculty's organized research training. The academic work is to result in a doctoral thesis that will be defended at the Faculty with a view to obtaining the degree of PhD. The successful candidate is expected to join the existing research milieu or network and contribute to its development. Read more about the doctoral degree.

    The appointment is for a duration of 3 years. All PhD Candidates who submit their doctoral dissertation for assessment with a written recommendation from their supervisor within 3 years or 3 ½ years after the start of their PhD position, will be offered, respectively, a 12 or 6 month Completion Grant.

    Qualification requirements

    • A Master's degree or equivalent in media and/or film studies, or related fields such as digital media, visual culture, or technology studies. The Master's degree must have been obtained and the final evaluation must be available by the application deadline.
    • As PHOTOFAKE is interdisciplinary in nature, the successful candidate might have a background from a range of fields in the humanities and the social sciences, including but not limited to media studies, film studies, digital media, visual culture and technology studies.
    • The candidate's research project must be closely connected to the objectives (of PHOTOFAKE and WP3) as described above.
    • The project proposal should account for its empirical and theoretical contributions to PHOTOFAKE as well as to the field of research more generally.
    • Fluent oral and written communication skills in English, see Language requirements. Ability to communicate in Norwegian or another Scandinavian language is desirable, but not necessary.
    • Personal suitability and motivation for the position.

    To be eligible for admission to the doctoral programs at the University of Oslo, applicants must, as a minimum, have completed a five-year graduation course (Master’s degree or equivalent), including a Master’s thesis of at least 30 ECTS. In special cases, the Faculty may grant admission on the basis of a one-year Master course following an assessment of the study program’s scope and quality.

    In assessing the applications, special emphasis will be placed on:

    • The project's originality, scientific merit and innovation
    • The proposed project’s relevance for PHOTOFAKE
    • The applicant's estimated academic and personal ability to complete the research training and his/her research project within the stipulated time frame
    • Good collaboration skills and an ability to join and contribute to the Department’s research environment and interdisciplinary academic communities
    • Research ambition such as demonstrated through academic publications and conference presentations is advantageous, but not a requirement.

    Provided the conditions above are met, special preference may be given to:

    • Candidates who are well versed in relevant online media sites and visual sub-cultures
    • Candidates who are well versed in relevant photographic practices, including video and other audio-visual formats
    • Candidates who have graduated with excellent results.

    We offer

    How to apply

    The application must include:

    • Application letter describing the applicant’s qualifications and motivation for the position
    • Curriculum Vitae (with a list of education, positions, teaching experience, administrative experience and other qualifying activities, publications. Information about publications should preferably include DOI or downloadable links.
    • Educational certificates of your Bachelor’s and Master's degrees. Applicants with education from a foreign university must attach an explanation of their university's grading system
    • Documentation of Language requirements
    • Project description, including a detailed progress plan for the project (3 - 5 pages, maximum 14,000 characters. See Template for project descriptions)
    • A list of 2-3 reference persons (name, relationships to the candidate, contact information)
    • DO NOT include any certificates or transcripts that are not listed above

    Please note that all documents must be in English or a Scandinavian language.

    Other educational certificates and master thesis are not to be submitted with the application, but applicants may be asked to submit such information or works later

    The application with attachments must be delivered in our electronic recruiting system,

    Short-listed candidates will be invited for an interview.

    Formal regulations

    See also regulations as well as guidelines for the application assessment process and appointments to research fellowships.

    Following the Freedom of Information Act (Offentleglova) § 25, Chapter 2, demographic information about the applicant may be used in the public list of applicants even if the applicant opts out from the entry in the public application list.

    No one can be appointed for more than one PhD Research Fellowship period at the University of Oslo.

    The University of Oslo has an Acquisition of Rights Agreement for the purpose of securing rights to intellectual property created by its employees, including research results.

    The University of Oslo aims to achieve a balanced gender composition in the workforce and to recruit people with ethnic minority backgrounds.

    Contact information

    Professor Liv Hausken, for information about the position

    HR Adviser Mira Kramarova, for questions on how to apply

    About the University of Oslo

    The University of Oslo is Norway’s oldest and highest ranked educational and research institution, with 28 000 students and 7000 employees. With its broad range of academic disciplines and internationally recognised research communities, UiO is an important contributor to society.

    The Department of Media and Communication's (IMK) main purpose is to conduct research, education and dissemination on the modern media, their importance for society and for people. IMK has approximately 50 employees, including 10-12 doctoral candidates and postdoctoral fellows. There are around 500 active students on different levels. The department offers one-year study program on the Bachelor's level and a Bachelor's degree in media and communication, in addition to Master's degrees in Media Studies, Journalism, Political Communication and Screen Cultures. IMK is a multidisciplinary department, based on the academic traditions of the humanities and social sciences. The department is ranked as one of the top 50 media and communication departments in the world (QS Ratings).

  • 08.07.2021 09:47 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    University of Nottingham Ningbo China

    Join a unique British University in China. The University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) was the first Sino-foreign university to open its doors in China. This award winning campus offering a UK style education has grown to establish a student body of over 8,000 in just 16 years.

    A pioneer in Sino-foreign tertiary education, UNNC is rapidly expanding as part of the University of Nottingham’s Global University. The institution seeks ambitious, talented academics with a flair for research and a passion for teaching to join its team of experts, offering unique teaching and research opportunities in a highly dynamic economy.

    The School of International Communications is the largest school in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, and is affiliated to the Department of Culture, Media and Visual Studies at the Nottingham UK campus. Our BA (Hons) in International Communications is a provincial level accredited degree which includes a dedicated programme of study for a European or East Asian language. Its sister programme, BA (Hons) in International Communications with Chinese, has proved successful in attracting high quality international students to the school. We currently run an MA programme in International Communications and also have one of the most successful PhD programmes in the university.

    The post-holder will be expected to teach across the full range of our programmes, undertake supervision of BA and MA dissertation students. The Role holder will have specific responsibility for identifying the learning needs of students and ensure that the content, methods of delivery and learning materials meet the defined learning objectives of our School modules. More details of the school and its teaching and research activities can be found here:

    Candidates must have a PhD or close to completion in relevant subject area, which could include:

    • Media technologies
    • Film studies
    • Digital heritage
    • Digital Humanities
    • Media convergence
    • News media and journalism studies
    • Cultural studies
    • Filmmaking
    • Gender Studies
    • Games studies
    • Celebrity Studies

    Salary will be within the range of RMB331,602 to RMB451,939 per annum depending on skills and experience. In addition, an attractive package including employment support allowance and international private medical insurance will be provided.

    The post will initially be offered on a fixed term contract with the University of Nottingham Ningbo China for a period of 5 years starting August 2021 or as soon as possible thereafter. This contract may be extended by mutual agreement.

    All applicants are required to formally apply online for the position.

    Informal enquires may be addressed to Dr Filippo Gilardi, Head of School of International Communications, email: Please note that applications sent directly to this address will not be accepted. Applications must be submitted on-line.

    Interview will be arranged in August in Ningbo or on Teams for oversea candidates, but these are subject to change.

    Please be advised that your referees will be contacted prior to interview.

    For more details and/or to apply on-line please access:

    If you are unable to apply on-line please contact Recruitment Team, Email:

    Please quote ref.181790. Closing date: 18 July 2021.

    For other vacancies and more about working at the University of Nottingham Ningbo, China please see:

  • 08.07.2021 09:45 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    University of Nottingham Ningbo China

    Join a unique British University in China. The University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) was the first Sino-foreign university to open its doors in China. This award winning campus offering a UK style education has grown to establish a student body of over 8,000 in just 16 years.

    A pioneer in Sino-foreign tertiary education, UNNC is rapidly expanding as part of the University of Nottingham’s Global University. The institution seeks ambitious, talented academics with a flair for research and a passion for teaching to join its team of experts, offering unique teaching and research opportunities in a highly dynamic economy.

    The School of International Communications is the largest school in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, and is affiliated to the Department of Culture, Media and Visual Studies at the Nottingham UK campus. Our BA (Hons) in International Communications is a provincial level accredited degree which includes a dedicated programme of study for a European or East Asian language. Its sister programme, BA (Hons) in International Communications with Chinese, has proved successful in attracting high quality international students to the school. We currently run an MA programme in International Communications and also have one of the most successful PhD programmes in the university.

    The role holder will conduct research and teaching broadly in the area of Media, Communication and Cultural Studies on our BA and MA International Communications programmes. S/he should have a specialism in Communication and Media and be able to teach in one of the key area of the School.

    More details of the school and its teaching and research activities can be found here:

    Candidates must have a PhD in relevant subject area, which could include:

    • Media technologies
    • Film studies
    • Digital heritage
    • Digital Humanities
    • Media convergence
    • News media and journalism studies
    • Cultural studies
    • Gender Studies
    • Games studies
    • Celebrity Studies

    A specialization or industry experience in filmmaking will be an asset.

    Salary will be within the range of RMB421,889 to RMB555,548 per annum depending on skills and experience.. In addition, an attractive package including employment support allowance, international private medical insurance and schooling support will be provided.

    The post will initially be offered on a fixed term contract with the University of Nottingham Ningbo China for a period of 5 years starting September 2021 or as soon as possible thereafter. This contract may be extended by mutual agreement.

    All applicants are required to formally apply online for the position.

    Informal enquires may be addressed to Dr Filippo Gilardi, Head of School of International Communications, email: Please note that applications sent directly to this address will not be accepted. Applications must be submitted on-line.

    Interview will be arranged in August in Ningbo or on Teams for oversea candidates, but these are subject to change.

    Please be advised that your referees will be contacted prior to interview.

    For more details and/or to apply on-line please access:

    If you are unable to apply on-line please contact Recruitment Team, Email:

    Please quote ref.1818102. Closing date: 1 August 2021.

    For other vacancies and more about working at the University of Nottingham Ningbo, China please see:




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