European Communication Research
and Education Association

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  • 16.09.2020 11:49 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Deadline: October 10, 2020

    Please send your

    1) name, affiliation & contact info

    2) 100-word bio

    3) Chapter title

    4) 600-800-word abstract plus references to:

    • Notices of acceptance will be sent by October 15, 2020.
    • Your fairly final draft is due: November 15, 2020
    • Full chapters of 7000-8000 words are due January 30, 2021.

    Race and ethnicity as social categories and concepts continue to generate critical perceptions of differences that ultimately define who we are in local, national and international settings. We are looking for academic essays that provide an in-depth look at issues of race, ethnicity and communications from the Eastern European, Russian and East Asian perspectives. Contributions will not only identify the malaise of our times with regard to the topics of race and ethnicity, but will also provide a bridge to understanding our historical and political pasts that affect our present and will continue to have an impact on our future. Potential approaches could be built on, but not limited to, the following areas:

    Traditional/Digital/Alternative Media

    Structural issues of mass media

    • Laws and policies for or against ownership of media by ethnic racial groups or individuals
    • Ownership or control of media by ethnic/racial groups or individuals
    • Media management by ethnic racial/groups or individuals
    • Ethnic/race-oriented outlets: print (newspapers, magazines), broadcast (radio, television), cable, telecommunications, Internet for news and/or entertainment.

    Content of mass media:

    • Political content: 

    - The coverage of ethnic/racial candidates during elections

    - Media outreach and advertising campaigns by ethnic/racial candidates during elections

    - Political comparisons of individuals, politicians, and/or campaigns of ethnic/racial vis-à-vis “dominant/majority society” individuals, politicians, and/or campaigns

    • News content (other than politics): 

    --Newspaper (national, regional, local) coverage of ethnic/racial individuals, events, stories related to: culture, science, sports, crime, environment, climate change, natural disasters -

    - Television (national, regional, local) coverage of ethnic racial individuals, events, stories related to: culture, science, sports, crime, environment, climate change, natural disasters

    -Online (national, regional, local) coverage of ethnic/racial individuals, events, stories related to: culture, science, sports, crime, environment, climate change, natural disasters.

    • Entertainment content:

    - Television representations, portrayals, stereotypes of ethnic/racial individuals (in drama, soap operas, crime, comedies, children’s shows, animation, etc.)

    - Cinematic representations, portrayals, stereotypes of ethnic/racial individuals (in crime, drama, adventure, horror, comedies, etc.)

    - Online (YouTube, games, social media) representations, portrayals, stereotypes of ethnic/racial individuals.

    • Commercial advertising content: 

    - Print, broadcast, online representations, portrayals, stereotypes of ethnic/racial individuals 

    • Public service: 
    - Print, broadcast, online representations, portrayals, stereotypes of ethnic/racial individuals.

    Audiences/Uses of mass media:

    • Ethnic/racial characteristics, differences and/or similarities of exposure to print, broadcast, cable, online, telecommunications, social media
    • Ethnic/racial characteristics, differences and/or similarities of uses of print, broadcast, cable, online, telecommunications, social media
    • Ethnic/racial characteristics, differences and/or similarities in opinions about or critiques of print, broadcast, cable, online, telecommunications, social media 
    • Ethnic/racial characteristics, differences and/or similarities in meaning-making of print, broadcast, cable, online, telecommunications, social media.

    Effects of mass media:

    • Ethnic/racial characteristics, differences/similarities regarding how print, broadcast, and online media are correlated with or influence political, ideological, social, economic, cultural, consumerist: 

    - knowledge

    - attitudes

    - opinions

    - behaviours.

    Social Scientific/Critical Orientations in Non-Media Communication


    • Cross-cultural communication 
    • Identity politics 
    • Power 
    • Discourse 
    • Hybridity
    • Diaspora relations
    • Peace communication
    • Immigration/migration
    • Marginalization
    • Stereotypes
    • Discrimination
    • Empowering/disempowering practices. Interpersonal
    • Negotiation of identity
    • Intersecting forms of identity and oppression
    • Diversity in communication


    • Communicative organizing of race and ethnicity
    • Normative power of organized Whiteness
    • Communicating diversity in the workplace
    • Structured division of labor and organizational discourse
    • Marginalization.


    • Social justice
    • Social change
    • Rights
    •  Language politics
    • Discourse
    •  Deconstruction of negative stereotypes
    • Multicultural contribution in regional development
    • Civic engagement.

    Production studies

    • Audience studies
    • Internet studies
    • Environmental communication
    • Health communication
    • Rhetorical approaches.

    Intersectional/Comparative Studies in Communication


    • Cross-cultural communication
    • Identity politics
    • Power
    • Discourse
    • Hybridity
    • Diaspora relations.


    • Cultural
    • Regional 
    • Religious
    • National Identity
    • Politics 
    • Diasporas
  • 16.09.2020 11:34 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Deadlines: First weeks of December 2020, February 2021, April 2021 and June 2021

    The European Journal of Communication has the following books available for review. We publish review essays (usually of two books on a similar topic, ca. 2000-2500 words long) and book reviews (ca. 1000-1500 words long).

    If interested in reviewing any of these books, please email the Book Review Editor: Vera Slavtcheva-Petkova –

    Please provide your name, title and institutional affiliation as well as the date by which you can send us your review. Our next deadlines are the first weeks of December 2020, February 2021, April 2021 and June 2021.

    Review Essays (of 2 books):

    1. - French Perspectives on Media, Participation and Audiences. Editor: Ségur, Céline & - The Future of Audiences: A Foresight Analysis of Interfaces and Engagement. Editors: Das, Ranjana, Ytre-Arne, Brita
    2. - Transgressing Feminist Theory and Discourse: Advancing Conversations across Disciplines. Editors: Jennifer C. Dunn and Jimmie Manning & - #MeToo, Weinstein and Feminism. Author: Boyle, Karen
    3. -Communicating Populism: Comparing Actor Perceptions, Media Coverage, and Effects on Citizens in Europe. Editors: Carsten Reinemann, James Stanyer, Toril Aalberg, Frank Esser, and Claes H. de Vreese & - Cultural Backlash: Trump, Brexit, and Authoritarian Populism. Authors: Pippa Norris and Ronald Inglehart.
    4. - The Civil Power of the News. Author: Harrison, Jackie & - The Networked Citizen: Power, Politics, and Resistance in the Internet Age. Author: Navarria, Giovanni
    5. - Post-Truth and the Mediation of Reality: New Conjunctures. Editors: Overell, Rosemary, Nicholls, Brett & - A Political Theory of Post-Truth. Authors: Kalpokas, Ignas
    6. - European Muslims and New Media. Editors: Merve Kayıkcı and Leen d’Haenens & - America & Islam Soundbites, Suicide Bombs and the Road to Donald Trump. Author: Lawrence Pintak
    7. - Online Political Hate Speech in Europe: The Rise of New Extremisms. Author: Giovanni Ziccardi & – Is Free Speech Racist? Author: Gavan Titley

    Book Reviews:

    1. - Thirty Years of Political Campaigning in Central and Eastern Europe. Editors: Eibl, Otto, Gregor, Milos
    2. - Letters to the Editor: Comparative and Historical Perspectives. Editors: Cavanagh, Allison, Steel, John
    3. - A Post-Nationalist History of Television in Ireland. Authors: Brennan, Edward
    4. - The Media, the Public and the Great Financial Crisis. Authors: Berry, Mike
    5. - Media and the Cold War in the 1980s: Between Star Wars and Glasnost. Editors: Bastiansen, Henrik G., Klimke, Martin A., Werenskjold, Rolf
    6. - Screen Media for Arab and European Children: Policy and Production Encounters in the Multiplatform Era. Authors: Sakr, Naomi, Steemers, Jeanette
    7. Hartmut Wessler, Habermas and the Media. Polity.
    8. Arjen van Dalen, Helle Svensson, Antonis Kalogeropolous, Erik Erik Albæk, and Claes H. de Vreese, Economic News: Informing the Inattentive Audience -
    9. - Action at a Distance (In Search of Media). Authors: John Durham Peters, Florian Sprenger, and Christina Vagt
    10. - Social Media and Politics in Turkey: A Journey through Citizen Journalism, Political Trolling and Fake News. Author: Erkan Saka
    11. - From Sit-Ins to #revolutions: Media and the Changing Nature of Protests. Editors: Olivia Guntarik and Victoria Grieve-Williams
    12. - Variations on Media Thinking. Author: Siegfried Zielinski
    13. - A Crisis of Civility? Political Discourse and Its Discontents. Editors: Robert G. Boatright, Timothy J. Shaffer, Sarah Sobieraj, Dannagal Goldthwaite Young
    14. - Identity Discourses about Spain and Catalonia in News Media: Understanding Modern Secessionism. Author: Clara Juarez Miro
    15. - Political Communication: A New Introduction for Crisis Times. Author: Aeron Davis
    16. - The Media World of ISIS. Editors: Michael Krona and Rosemary Pennington
    17. - Instagram: Visual Social Media Cultures. Authors: Tama Leaver, Tim Highfield, Crystal Abidin
    18. – Are Filter Bubbles Real? Author: Axel Bruns
    19. - A Sleepwalker's Guide to Social Media. Author: Tony D. Sampson
    20. - Parenting for a Digital Future: How Hopes and Fears About Technology Shape Children's Lives. Authors: Sonia Livingstone and Alicia Blum-Ross
    21. - Visual and Multimodal Communication: Applying the Relevance Principle. Author:Charles Forceville
    22. - Prototype Nation: China and the Contested Promise of Innovation. Author: Silvia M. Lindtner
    23. - Cultural Analytics. Author: Lev Manovich
    24. - The British Media and the Rwandan Genocide. Author: John Nathaniel Clarke
    25. - Deep Mediatization. Author: Andreas Hepp
  • 09.09.2020 23:14 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Flow Volume 27 Special Issue

    Deadline: September 13, 2020

    Over the past several months, social media platform TikTok has seen an enormous surge in users and popularity while simultaneously becoming the focus of concerns over national and digital security risks. While its users remain skewed to the teenage demographic, the app has disrupted a number of media industries and sparked cultural controversy. In the music industry, going viral on TikTok has become a prerequisite for singles hoping to chart on the Billboard Hot 100 and in television, the app has entered the streaming wars. Chinese parent company ByteDance named Kevin Mayer, formerly in charge of streaming at Disney, as CEO of TikTok in June, and Netflix recently refined its quarterly new subscribers forecast in part due to what it perceives as TikTok’s astounding growth. But TikTok is only the latest new media application to affect legacy media industries. TikTok’s rise is replicating changes ushered in to user-generated and professional video content by platforms like YouTube, Vine, and Snapchat. And as a social networking platform, TikTok offers a new avenue for grassroots activism, community formation, and builds seemingly overnight fame for its breakout stars. However, it also exists within a contested digital space, in which concerns have been raised over cultural appropriation, privacy, online toxicity, and racism.

    This inaugural issue of Flow’s twenty-seventh volume, “TikTok as a Cultural Forum,” asks media scholars to consider the rise of TikTok from cultural, industrial, technological, digital, political, historical, and national lenses. This special issue raises the question of what makes TikTok unique in its rapid ascent to cultural ubiquity and aims to assess the cultural and industrial impacts of TikTok’s rise. How might the proliferation of TikTok force scholars to rethink the significance of digital identities through lenses of race, gender, and sexual orientation? In what ways does the white co-optation of choreography and language by Black creators find historical precedent in legacies of cultural appropriation, disputes over authorial credit, and discrepancies in how cultural production and audiences are valued within the media industries? How might we discuss the connections between teen and young adult mental health, TikTok community formation, and social distancing during a global health pandemic? What are the responsibilities and practices of platforms like TikTok to stand against being a host of online toxicity, white supremacy, and other extremist groups in online spaces? How is TikTok activism different from past forms of online advocacy and community organizing? How and to what extent are established media brands rethinking digital content strategies to incorporate or compete against TikTok? Possible topics include, but are by no means limited to:

    • Trailblazing texts, sounds, dances, and figures on TikTok
    • Digital identities, influencer branding, celebrity, and professionalization
    • Authorship, “Sounds,” and Choreography
    • TikTok Challenges and Trends
    • Race, Gender, and LGBTQ constructs on TikTok
    • Algorithms, Filters, and Technology
    • TikTok activism, social change, and political communication
    • The music industry, artist promotion, and viral singles
    • Policy and discourses of digital security in global/national regulation of TikTok
    • Terms of Service and Copyright on Platforms
    • Generational divides
    • TikTok and comedy
    • Historical comparisons of Tiktok to other media forms

    To be considered for this timely issue, please submit a completed short essay of 1200-1500 words, along with at least three images (.gif or .png) or embeddable video/audio links. We will be able to embed TikTok videos into the column, so please feel free to be creative! Send your column, media files or links, and a short bio, to Maggie Steinhauer and Nathan Rossi at by Sunday, September 13th, 2020. The

    Special Issue will be published at on Tuesday, October 6, 2020.

  • 09.09.2020 23:10 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    University of Westminster - School of Media and Communication…nic

    Location: Harrow

    Salary: £50,162 (inc. LWA) starting salary

    Hours: Full Time

    Contract Type: Permanent

    Placed On: 1st September 2020

    Closes: 21st September 2020

    Job Ref: 50058912

    This post is full time and permanent, working 35 hours per week

    Do you have a vision for how tomorrow’s media companies will grow and thrive?

    Can you teach and support international postgraduates to manage creative projects, develop media businesses and build their careers in the media and creative industries?

    The University of Westminster is looking for an industry practitioner with experience of teaching or training to join our team of senior lecturers delivering a suite of three highly successful Masters programmes in media management and media business.

    We are seeking candidates with professional experience in the media or creative industries and a degree in business or a relevant discipline (e.g. media and communications or social sciences). A strong network of industry contacts will be an especial advantage as providing work experience opportunities for international students is an important dimension of the role. We are particularly interested in candidates with experience or deep knowledge of any or all of the following: content and format development and production, media project management, digital production and distribution, financial, statistical or data analysis and Theories of media management or of business.

    In the short term the successful candidate will support the course leaders in teaching, assessing and administering the programmes as deputy course leader. In the medium-term the post is likely to provide the opportunity to take on a course leadership role. The post also provides the opportunity for short teaching visits to China because, although delivery in 2020-21 will take place in the UK (Harrow Campus) and online, one of the programmes is usually taught partly in Beijing. While the courses are primarily concerned with media management and practice, Westminster plays a leading role in media research through the internationally-rated Communication and Media Research Institute (CAMRI). Familiarity with business or academic research is not essential but would be an advantage as staff are encouraged to pursue research interests and play an active role in relevant media management and economics research networks.

    The University of Westminster is committed to supporting diversity and equal opportunities in our dealings with job applicants, students, staff and the public. We are fully committed to creating a stimulating and supportive learning and working environment based on mutual respect and trust.

    For further information and to apply for this post, please click apply and you will be redirected to our website.

    Closing date: midnight on 21 September 2020

    Interviews are likely to be held on: week beginning 12 October 2020

    Administrative contact (for queries only):

    Please note: We are unable to accept applications by email. All applications must be made online. CVs in isolation or incomplete application forms will not be accepted.

    We are fortunate to receive a large number of applications for our vacancies. Regrettably, we are not able to provide feedback to those job applicants who are not shortlisted, as it simply would not be manageable to do so.

    Embracing diversity and promoting equality.

  • 09.09.2020 23:05 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Recerca. Revista de pensament i Anàlisi

    Submission deadline: February 15, 2021

    Publication: April 2022

    Editors: Emma Gómez Nicolau (Universitat Jaume I) and Arantxa Grau Muñoz (Universitat de València)

    Perceptions and uses of the body correspond to both cultural parameters and historical contingencies. However, many of these endeavours to socially contextualise the body are premised on the understanding of the body as a natural fact. The body-organism is presented from the legitimating position of biological facts––anatomical, endocrinological, immunological, and so on––until it becomes a self-evident entity. Our interpretations and perceptions of the body, but also our image of its composition, are mediated by the biomedical sciences as legitimate devices for producing scientific knowledge about the body.

    The feminist perspective on biomedical sciences has helped to uncover how this technological device invades the social construction of the body by denoting “sex” as the fundamental criterion to explain corporeal differentiation. “Sex” is described as an attribute of the body- organism that corresponds to biological and chemical principles, any variations in which are regarded as an anomaly and/or a pathology. Sex has become a technological device designed to explain and justify corporeal differentiation by highlighting differences (organs, hormones, etc.) and ignoring similarities. This process serves as a normative matrix in the decodification of these bodies. Male and female bodies must necessarily match the bimorphism determined by the biomedical sciences, anatomy loses its descriptive purpose to become a prescriptive science, and it reaches beyond the field of biomedical intervention to invade the sphere of social identity.

    This edition of Recerca. Revista de Pensament i Análisi provides a space to explore approaches from sociology, philosophy, ethics and other related disciplines that analyse experiences and processes of this western hegemonic definition of the gendered body and how it affects social experiences and identities. We are especially interested in analysis of the processes of the diverse corporeal itineraries that resist, subvert and destabilise the hegemonic biomedical paradigm, and of the processes of corporeal decodification that contravene the hegemonic definitions of the gendered body.

    We propose the following topics:

    • Biomedical definitions of the body and biomedical practices in producing gender.
    • Identity and biomedical interventions on the body: hormone treatment, surgery and other body modification techniques.
    • The “hormonal factor”: hypervisibility, risks and attributions of hormones in configuring health and identities.
    • The gendered body in health/illness processes.
    • Bodies and fluids: gender signs and foundations for sexual bimorphism.

    No payment from authors is expected. Further information regarding Recerca and the instructions for submitting original manuscripts can be consulted at…dex

    Please, write if you require any additional explanation.

  • 09.09.2020 22:59 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    University of London

    Postdoctoral Research Fellow - Permanent with funding for 24 months

    Project: ProDem - Protests and Democracy: How Movement Parties, Social Movements, and Active Citizens are Reshaping Europe

    Department: Sociology, City, University of London

    Closing Date: 20 September 2020 

    The Department of Sociology at City, University of London seeks to recruit a Postdoctoral Research Fellow to work alongside Dr Dan Mercea, Co-Principal Investigator on the project “ProDem - Protests and Democracy: How Movement Parties, Social Movements, and Active Citizens are Reshaping Europe”. The project aims to comparatively assess the medium and long-term effects of the triple interaction between citizens, social movements, and movement parties in 6 European countries. The position, available for two years, is funded through an award by the Volkswagen Stiftung.


    The key responsibilities of the role will involve assisting the principal investigator in designing a cross-national survey to be commissioned to an external pollster.

    The appointed candidate will be involved in writing up the research findings together with the principal investigator and other project members, and reporting them in conference proceedings and presentations and in high-ranked academic journals.

    Person Specification

    The successful candidate will have, or be about to be awarded, a PhD in political science, sociology, communication studies or a related social science discipline, have a good command of advanced statistical analysis and survey design as well as an interest in civic or political participation, social movements, political parties, digital or broadcasting media, and a developing publication record.

    They will be able to demonstrate knowledge of advanced statistical analysis and survey design skills, as well as a developing publication record and the ability to conduct literature reviews and relevant background research.

    Full details of the responsibilities of the role and person specification can be found in the attached job description.

    Additional Information:…ths

  • 09.09.2020 22:55 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Deadline: October 1, 2020

    Submissions for the new issue of the Interações Journal published by Instituto Superior Miguel are now open. The journal welcomes original articles that present research results and/or theoretical reflection in the different fields of Social and Human Sciences, namely Communication and Media Studies.

    From an interdisciplinary editorial perspective, Interações' primary objective is to foster the reflection and diffusion of knowledge in the areas of Social and Human Sciences. The journal accepts articles of scientific investigation, reviews and critical essays, in Portuguese, English and Spanish.

    Interações is ruled by the double-blind review standard, ensuring the anonymity of reviewers and authors throughout the review process. No payment from authors will be expected.

    • Deadline for submission of articles: October 1
    • Notification of acceptance: November 17
    • Publication: December 2019

    Any questions should be addressed through the email:

    The articles must be submitted through the website:

    Guidelines and other instructions for authors can be found on the journal's website:…sta

  • 09.09.2020 22:40 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    June 10-13, 2021

    University of Hong Kong

    Deadline: December 15, 2020

    We are now calling for submissions for Art Machines 2: International Symposium on Machine Learning and Art 2021, which will take place between 10th –13th June 2021 at the School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong. "Art Machines 2," will bring together Academics, Artists, and Professionals in the field of Computational Media Art in a four-day symposium on the topic of Machine Learning and Art.

    After the success of "Art Machines" in 2019, this much-anticipated follow-up symposium will provide the opportunity for in depth assessment of the impact of artificial intelligence on the making of computational art and media, and an exploration of the conditions of existence, range and futures of computationally based art and media. Media art does not exist in a vacuum and critical concern of the conference will be both to understand and practice ways in which media art can intervene, both critically and constructively, in the ongoing construction of social reality by machine learning algorithms. The conference will comprise academic key notes, plenary panel presentations and discussions, scholarly and art practice paper presentations, an art exhibition and student-led workshops.

    Open Call Topics

    * Sound Art

    * Immersive Media

    * Digital Cinema

    * Bio Art

    * Software Art

    * Digital Animation

    * Digital Photography

    * Robotics

    * Gaming

    * Digital Poetics

    * Digital Humanities

    * Creative Coding

    * Digital Fabrication

    * Physical Computing

    * Digital Preservation

    * Curatorial Practice

    * Brain-Computer Interface

    * Pedagogy

    * Aesthetics

    * Ethics

    * Politics

    * Philosophy

    * Other Topics Pertaining to AI, Machine Learning and Art

    Open Call Formats

    1. Research Papers

    2. Scholarly Abstracts

    3. Artistic Project Abstracts

    4. Art Projects for Exhibition

    Submission deadline: 15th December 2020 (23:59 HK local time)

    To learn more about the Symposium, please visit our website:…s2/

    For details on the submission requirements, please click…pes

    For enquiries, please contact us via email at

    You are also welcome to follow us on these channels:



  • 09.09.2020 22:35 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Uppsala University

    Uppsala University is a comprehensive research-intensive university with a strong international standing. Our mission is to pursue top-quality research and education and to interact constructively with society. Our most important assets are all the individuals whose curiosity and dedication make Uppsala University one of Sweden’s most exciting workplaces. Uppsala University has 46.000 students, 7.300 employees and a turnover of SEK 7.3 billion

    The Department of Linguistics and Philology is involved in research and education in a number of languages and language-related subjects and provides an international work environment. The department´s activities cover many of the classical and modern languages and cultures in large areas of Europe, Asia and Africa, as well as computational and general linguistics. Education is offered at the Bachelor, Master and PhD levels.

    Duties/Project description: The present position is part of the research programme “Retracing Connections: Byzantine Storyworlds in Greek, Arabic, Georgian, and Old Slavonic (c. 950 – c. 1100)”, investigating various aspects of translinguistic and transcultural narration in medieval texts. We are seeking a programmer to process hagiographical data from printed secondary sources into a structured, web-accessible format. There are three primary tasks: database design (an appropriate XML data representation format for the data), data acquisition (OCR scan and post-process source materials) and interface development (an online front-end to the database for use by project members and other researchers). The resulting website should present the structured data alongside the relevant pages of the source material (for verification), and allow for some basic search functions.

    Requirements: The employment requires a Master’s degree in computer science or a related discipline as well as documented competence to carry out at least two of the tasks described above (database design, data acquisition and interface development.

    Additional qualifications: Reading knowledge of German and basic familiarity with Greek are qualifying. So is experience in communicating with colleagues across disciplinary boundaries.

    Salary: Individual salary.

    Starting date: 01-01-2021 or as otherwise agreed.

    Type of employment: Temporary position (1 year) according to central collective agreement.

    Scope of employment: 100 %

    For further information about the position please contact:* Professor Ingela Nilsson, (, +46 18-471 1424) or Professor

    Michael Dunn (, +46 18-471 1341).

    Please submit your application by 18 September 2020, UFV-PA 2020/2399.*

    Are you considering moving to Sweden to work at Uppsala University? If so, you will find a lot of information about working and living in Sweden at…nus . You are also welcome to contact International Faculty and Staff Services at .

    Please do not send offers of recruitment or advertising services.

    Submit your application through Uppsala University's recruitment system.

    Placement: Department of Linguistics and Philology

    Type of employment: Full time , Temporary position longer than 6 months

    Number of positions: 1

    Working hours: 100%

    Town: Uppsala

    County: Uppsala län

    Country: Sweden

    Union representative: Seko Universitetsklubben



    Number of reference: UFV-PA 2020/2399

    Last application date: 2020-09-18…494

  • 09.09.2020 18:11 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Call for book chapters

    Deadline: October 16, 2020

    Editors: Darcy White, Julia Peck, Chris Goldie

    We seek abstracts for chapters (6,000-8,000 words) to be considered for inclusion in an edited collection, for publication in Summer 2022. The proposed book is the third of a series published by Transcript Verlag, following /Northern Light: Landscape, Photography and Evocations of the North,/ Chris Goldie / Darcy White (eds.), (2018), and /Proximity and Distance in Northern Landscape Photography: Contemporary Criticism, Curation, and Practice/, Darcy White/ Chris Goldie (eds.) (2020).

    This book will consider a range of approaches examining the critical role of visual culture in shaping and interrogating conceptions of ecological crisis in relation to the northern landscape. The book will address the geopolitics of visual culture within debates concerned with the politics of climate change and ecological crisis. Its aim is to engage critically with recent debates about the Anthropocene: arguments concerned with identifying the socioeconomic and political causes of environmental crisis, and the problem in regarding the latter as the consequence of undifferentiated human activity.

    At its most challenging and critical the visual culture of place is able to represent a complexity and heterogeneity frequently absent or displaced within dominant discourses of environmental catastrophe. Conversely, many images of landscape and place within fine art practice, commercial and popular forms play a role in supporting a more conventional interpretation of environmental crisis. It is our argument that images of northern places and landscapes have a pivotal function within the geopolitics of visual representation, whether through their exclusion and displacement of other locations and the everyday consequences of ecological crisis for heterogeneous populations; through familiar images of pristine wilderness; through melancholic representations of man-altered landscapes and environmental damage; or through an alternative sublime of eco-catastrophe in which scenes of ecological violence are invested with an awe-inspiring, perverse beauty.

    We suggest that the visual culture of northern places has not remained static in the era of ecological crisis but has played a dynamic role within the latter’s broad discursive field: northern landscape photography can still give visual form to historically settled conceptions of a natural world, but these images are frequently placed within a context of human mastery and thus sanction the latter’s purported achievements; and ubiquitous representations of environmental disaster can also reinforce the notion of its techno-utopian resolution.

    While the medium of photography / photographic practice will be foregrounded in this anthology the discussions may also range into related practices within the wider terrain of visual culture, where examples may be identified that facilitate useful critiques of the conventional or enhanced understanding of new developments in this field of enquiry. Contributions to the book will explore this visual field, presenting wide-ranging critical appraisals of landscape photography and its related practices, as traditionally conceived, as well as more recent developments in art and visual culture in relation to the representation of place. Authors may question the validity of images where they function as vehicles for the consolidation of the global world order around enhanced networks of power, but also consider where visual culture is part of an emancipatory project in the era of global warming.

    Chapters can address original work or themes, or the work of particular photographers, genres, collections. Both historical and contemporary approaches will be considered. We welcome proposals from anyone working within this broad field, including theorists, practitioners, curators and archivists.

    Please submit a 500 word abstract and a short bio by Friday 16th October, 2020. Please send your submission *TO ALL* of the following:

    • Darcy
    • Julia Peck
    • Chris Goldie

    We look forward to receiving your proposals.




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