European Communication Research
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  • 20.02.2020 16:09 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    YECREA Pre-Conference (ECREA 2020)

    October 1, 2020

    Braga, Portugal

    Deadline: April 5, 2020

    The Young Scholars Network of ECREA (YECREA) is happy to invite students and early-career scholars to a full day of workshops right before the 8th European Communication Conference (ECC) in Braga, Portugal.

    Number of participants: 8-10 for each workshop.

    The pre-conference consists of three workshops, covering different theoretical, methodological and practical tasks and challenges for young researchers. Applicants can apply to all three panels or just a single panel, if they wish to.

    The aim is to provide a forum of knowledge exchange between young researchers where they can present their work, network and receive insights and advice from senior scholars. Senior facilitators will be announced later.

    1) Workshop on methods to study digital culture

    The workshop aims at sharing methods for researching digital culture, with a specific focus on audience research and sentiment analysis. The event will be opened with a seminar held by one of our proposed speakers, upon which participants will build for an open discussion about best practice, ethics and social responsibility, together with any other topics relevant to the main theme.

    Participants will be encouraged to bring their own work in progress, experience and open issues with them to contribute to the discussion and brainstorm solutions.

    2) Workshop on Academic Writing & Publishing Academic Research

    This workshop will provide early career scholars with advice and ideas for writing and publishing their work as central qualifications in academia. You will have the chance to exchange experiences on the writing process with peers and receive advice from senior scholars on publications processes and strategies. For example, touching upon questions such as what, how much, in which formats and journals can I publish?

    3) Workshop on Labour & Health in Communication Research

    This workshop is designed for young scholars to develop practical coping mechanisms for various expectations placed on them, such as, publishing pressures (while writing their PhD), getting grants and funding, teaching, getting recognition for their work in competitive environments, dealing with imposter syndrome, searching for stable employment, and many others. We envision having a roundtable discussion, with all participants sharing their experiences with these challenges, the different ways they have dealt with them in the past, as well as input from senior scholar(s).

    How to apply

    Submissions should be sent via this digital form:

    All applicants should include a brief description of their motivation for participating (max 200 words) and a brief description of their PhD project (max. 200 words).

    Applicants do not have to be members of YECREA or ECREA.

    Evaluation process

    Applications will be processed by the YECREA pre-conference organisers.

    If the number of applicants exceeds the maximum number of participants, selection will be based on motivation as well as ensuring geographical diversity and supporting new scholars in the field.

    Key Dates

    • Deadline for submissions: 05 April 2020
    • Notification of Acceptance: 15 April 2020
    • Pre-conference date: 01 October 2020


    A small fee might be confirmed later, but will in any case not exceed 50€ for all three workshops, including lunch. YECREA is working to obtain funding to support the workshop.

    If you have any questions, please contact

  • 20.02.2020 15:21 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Umeå University, Sweden

    The Department of Culture and Media Studies invites applications for the doctoral training program in Media and Communication studies,

    The department of Culture and Media Studies is part of the Faculty of Arts at Umeå University, and has a broad educational and research activity within the disciplines ethnology, journalism, art history and visual studies, cultural analysis, literary studies, media and communication studies and museology. The department has about 60 employees and the combination of disciplines makes it a creative milieu for research meetings and collaboration between culture, art, media and literature. For more information, please visit

  • 20.02.2020 15:17 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    May 14-15, 2019

    Barcelona, Spain

    Deadline: February 28, 2020

    Journalism & Communication Education TWG Conference

    Education has undergone deep transformations in the last decade: our students grew up with computers, internet access, smartphones, social media, and active communication, and are increasingly less interested in traditional passive learning. The role of communication and journalism education, is not only to provide future journalist or communicators with new technological skills, but mainly to prepare them to adapt to a fast-moving world where things can change almost month by month as the interface between humans and the digital world becomes ever closer.

    In Barcelona, we want to take a closer look at the multi-faceted relationships between education, technology and digital native future media professionals. We invite you to submit academic research and project based experiences and various approaches (theoretical, methodological or empirical in nature). We invite contributions in various formats, e.g. workshops, panels and conference presentations.

    The conference will take place Thursday 14th May and Friday 15th May, 2020

    Deadline for submissions: Friday, 28th February, 2020

    Official website and call:

  • 20.02.2020 15:00 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    June 27-29, 2020

    Klaipeda, LT

    Submission Deadline: Saturday, February 29 11: 59 p.m. Pacific Time

    Host: Communication Association of Eurasian Researchers (CAER)

    Host University: LCC International University:

    The Communication Association of Eurasian Researchers (CAER) welcomes submissions that focus on various aspects of communication in, with and about Eastern and Central Europe. This conference will serve as an opportunity to truly “internationalize” the field of communication, providing opportunities for transnational “bridge building” with keynote speakers Robert T. Craig and Boguslawa Dobek-Ostrowska. Internationalization, as outlined by the National Communication Association and the American Association of State Universities and Colleges accomplishes the goals of making global citizens of our students, linking international academic communities, enhancing national and international security, and enlivening and expanding faculty research and scholarship. CAER seeks to be a place where through scholarship we transcend many of the divisions of politics or geography, finding common ground through the language and practice of communication research.


    To submit to the conference: Please submit a 250-word abstract of your paper by the deadline listed above. If you are submitting a panel (preference will be given to paper panels), with abstracts for each proposed presentation. Submit your abstract by filling out this form:

    For a list of potential ideas for building bridges between communication scholars from the East and West please visit the conference website:

  • 20.02.2020 14:55 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (KU)

    The Faculty of Languages and Literatures invites applications for the Junior Professorship of Digital Journalism (W1 with tenure track to W2) to be filled by the earliest possible starting date. This tenure track professorship is financed by the federal states and government program for promoting young researchers. The common guiding principle for the acquired professorships is the topic “For a human-centered digital society”. The aim is to approach the transformation of politics, the industry and society, which is caused by ongoing digitalization, within the research and teaching practice.

    Employment will be effected on the basis of a temporary public servant or private law employment relationship in pay grade W1. The employment relationship is initially limited to three years. After successful interim evaluation, it will be extended by another three years. In case of a successful tenure evaluation and subject to fulfillment of the employment law requirements, the position of the tenure track professor will be transferred into a public servant employment relationship for a permanent professorship with pay grade W2.

    The KU is committed to increasing the percentage of female professors and therefore explicitly encourages female researchers to apply.

    Your responsibilities

    The holder of the position shall investigate the role of digital journalism and digital public spheres in society. A particular focus will be on questions regarding the quality and ethics of journalism and public spheres especially within digital transformation of the media world. Another key area will be dealing with editorial working methods in researching, selecting, processing and dissemination – by also taking into account the influence of social media platforms, algorithmic mechanisms and interaction with the audience.

    The professorship will participate in the teaching practice for Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs in Journalism. The work includes both training aspects for practical journalism as well as research-oriented teaching on the topic of digitalization and innovation. The successful candidate is expected to contribute to the KU-wide focus on “a human-centered digital society”. Furthermore, active participation in the Artificial Intelligence Network in Ingolstadt is desired.

    Your profile

    In order to be able to fulfill the outlined range of tasks in a long-term perspective, candidates must have in-depth knowledge in the field of social science research on digital journalism and digital public spheres. Proof of corresponding qualification is generally provided by an outstanding doctoral degree. Another important factor are high-quality teaching skills, as demonstrated by positive teaching evaluations. Basic requirements for these tasks also include in-depth knowledge of the media system and the professional field of journalism in Germany.

    Experience in journalistic practice and regarding collaborations with media partners in research and teaching is beneficial. Knowledge of digital research methods (both qualitative and quantitative) is desired.

    • If the candidate was employed as research associate or research assistant in the period of time before or after the doctoral degree, the total period of employment plus doctoral phase must not have exceeded six years at the point in time of appointment in accordance with Article 14 sentence 3 et seqq. BayHSchPG (Bavarian Law on Academic Personnel of Higher Education Institutions). This maximum permissible period of time may, amongst others, be extended by periods of maternity leave and parental leave.
    • Candidates who have completed their doctoral degree at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt must have changed to another university after their doctoral degree or must have carried out academic work outside the Catholic University of EichstättIngolstadt for at least two years.
    • The KU pursues a policy of intensive student mentoring and therefore expects its teaching staff to spend an appropriate amount of time on campus.
    • Furthermore, the successful candidate should have a very good command of the German and English language and should be able to teach German and Englishlanguage courses.

    Our offer

    In accordance with the guiding principles of excellence, international profile and individual development, the KU Tenure Track Model offers attractive framework conditions for strengthening independent research at an early stage, international networking as well as personal development as an academic leader. Further information is available at

    Your application

    Please send your application with the usual supporting documents by e-mail to the dean’s office of the Faculty of Languages and Literatures,, by March 20, 2020 (please combine all documents in one PDF file). In addition to the usual documents, please also submit a distinctive concept (no longer than two pages) that outlines your contribution to the implementation of the KU tenure track principle “For a human-centered digital society” ( All submitted application documents will be destroyed in accordance with data protection regulations after the hiring process has been completed.

    In accordance with Article 10 (4) of the Foundation Charter, the KU takes the Catholic character of the University into consideration when appointing professors. It is therefore interested in receiving applications with relevant information in this regard. The Charter of the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt Foundation, which supports the University, is available for download from the website of the KU in German with an English translation at

    The KU is committed to promoting equal opportunities for men and women, and aims to ensure that its members are able to balance work and family life. Candidates with severe disabilities who are equally suitable to other applicants will be prioritized.

  • 20.02.2020 14:54 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    University of Leicester

    The School of Media, Communication, and Sociology at the University of Leicester welcomes applications to its interdisciplinary Master’s programme in Media, Gender, and Social Justice. The first of its kind in the UK, this one-year programme offers students the opportunity to critically examine and practically apply theories, concepts, and approaches related to the use of media and communication for addressing inequalities and engaging in social justice work.

    This MA is offered by one of the UK’s leading centres for research and teaching in media, communication, and sociology. In addition to offering the expertise of over 50 members of staff in areas related to media, inclusion, politics, and development, we collaborate with colleagues in Criminology, Business, History, Politics, and International Relations to offer students a wide range of courses related to social justice and possibilities for supervision in these complementary subject areas.

    The University of Leicester is ideally located in the East Midlands, a well-networked and exciting hub of social, artistic, and political activism. Leicester is widely-known as a welcoming, diverse city, and the University is a socially inclusive institution that celebrates research-led teaching.

    Entry Requirements

    Students must have a 2:1 degree or equivalent professional qualification. We may consider relevant voluntary/work experience in grassroots, public, private or NGO sectors related to social justice internationally. Additional information about the programme and application procedures can be found here:

    Inquiries can be directed to:

    Dr Alison Harvey

    Programme Director, MA Media, Gender, and Social Justice

    School of Media, Communication, and Sociology, University of Leicester

  • 20.02.2020 14:50 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Thematic issue of Facta Universitatis

    Deadline: June 30, 2020

    We hereby invite all interested colleagues to submit research papers, review articles, discussion papers, and thematic essays for the thematic issue of the journal Facta Universitatis: Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology and History, Vol. 19, No 2, 2020.

    This Call for Papers is aimed at bringing together a selected number of scholars and associates from the academic community who wish to participate in the project titled “SOCIALIST MEDIA CULTURE FROM SOCIOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE”.

    In the "short” 20th century or in "era of extremes", as Hobsbawm (1994) called the century we left behind, many dramatic changes and transformations occurred in almost all areas of social, economic, political and cultural life in Europe and the world. We had two World Wars and many other inter-ethnic conflicts and confrontations. In 1989 Europe witnessed the fall of the Berlin Wall and the tumultuous breakdown of communism in Eastern European and Central European countries. In many ways, this year is seen as a historical turn. During the 90s, Yugoslavia, a well-known European country ceased to exist as a state. Communism and socialism, in many ways and many spheres, have marked the 20th century. For term communism in public discourse, we often use socialism, although in the literature about Marxism we found communism as one of the types of socialism. Also, there are scientific and news articles that make differences between communist and capitalist countries. When we talk about Yugoslavia, we talk about soft socialism.

    It is necessary to focus on the research field of everyday life and popular culture in the former socialist countries, as well as their influence on later cultural phenomena, audience reception and the formation of post-socialist identities. The call for papers aims to: determine the context of the emergence of socialist media culture; identify how socialist media culture, as a part of the culture, represents everyday life and social reality; explain whether the media culture that belongs to all social groups can transform different social practices; evaluate how post-socialist audiences redefine preferred social meanings.

    You are kindly invited to submit the final versions of your research paper (in electronic format) by June 30, 2020.

    The research papers should be submitted in English, and it should not exceed 16 pages (A4 format, max. 40.000 characters with spaces, line spacing 1.5, font Times New Roman, font size 12).

    The submitted papers will be subject to double-blind peer review. In order to ensure the authenticity, relevance and legibility, the submitted papers are also subject to the process of proof-reading and copy-editing by the editors and editorial staff.

    For technical details and editorial requirements on preparing the paper for publication, please refer to Author Guidelines, available HERE.

    Editors of the thematic issue: Assist. prof. Natasha Simeunović Bajić (University of Niš), Assoc. prof. Vyara Angelova (Sofia University St Kliment Ohridski) and Assoc. prof. Romina Surugiu (University of Bucharest).

    ISSN 1820-8495 (Print)

    ISSN 1820-8509 (Online)

  • 14.02.2020 10:29 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    October 7-9, 2020

    Örebro, Sweden

    Deadline: March 30, 2020

    Welcome to the 26th Arab US Association for Communication Educators Conference. The conference will be held in Örebro, Sweden between 7-9 October 2020. The conference is hosted by Örebro University.

    The aim of this year’s conference is to explore and critically discuss how journalism is redefining its identity against the economic, cultural and technological challenges especially with the rise of fake news era.

    Studies showed fake news and false rumours spread six times faster on Twitter than any attempts to correct or clarify. Many more people are only seeing the first version of a story, not the following ones with updates, making it even more imperative journalists get the facts right on the first go. Incidents of racism, anti-Semitism and Islamophobia have risen past their previous peak levels following the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the 2010 Arab spring.

    Misinformation and hateful rhetoric and discourses about the motives and citizenship status of these groups has led to harassment, graffiti, and mass shootings. From fake news to the deepfake, the digital eraʼs expanded possibilities for fabrication and falsehood are endangering the fourth estate, especially as many people are turning their mind to the future of journalism. How, in the future, are we to know the difference between truth, myth and lies?

    There is a new concern for the virtues of the traditional newsroom, and what good journalists do. That is, find things out, verify the facts and publish them in outlets which, despite famous stuff-up, can generally be relied upon to provide the best available version of the truth.

    We invite proposals that address this multifaceted phenomenon focusing on topics that include, but are not limited to, the following:

    • Professional identities and organizational cultures
    • Local and hyper-local media
    • Social and civil functions of local journalism and impact on the public sphere
    • Participatory/citizen journalism, community media
    • Audience
    • Emerging trends in digital storytelling, immersive journalism, data visualization
    • New forms of journalism activism including but not limited to migrant journalism, political activism, etc.
    • How the public and journalists contribute to, perceive, and deal with misinformation, disinformation, and fake new

    Information in Arabic here

    Successful abstracts will be considered for inclusion in a Special Issue proposal to be submitted to Nordic Journal of Media Studies.

    Working language for the conference is both Arabic and English.

    • Abstract (250 words maximum), submission deadline: 30 March 2020
    • Authors notified of acceptance: 15 April 15 2020
    • Full papers due: 20 August 2020

    Please send:

    English abstracts to: Ahmed El Gody:

    Arabic abstracts to: Abdulrahman Al-Shami:

  • 13.02.2020 20:57 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    De Montfort University

    De Montfort University (DMU) is offering fully-funded 3-year PhD scholarships (pro rata for part-time study), for Home and International students with a stipend of £15,009 per annum. The scholarships take effect from 1 October 2020. DEADLINE for applications: 9 March 2020.

    Initial applications should be made via this link:

    and must include:

    1. A CV attachment.

    2. Details of the proposed research project and how it maps onto DMU areas of research excellence (see below).

    3. Name of a potential De Montfort University supervisor (please indicate if contact has been made).

    DMU’s Cinema and Television History Research Institute (CATHI) is a centre of excellence in archival screen heritage. It specialises in evidence-based and oral history methods to inform ground-breaking interdisciplinary research and RCUK-funded international collaborations  CATHI is home to the cross-faculty Centre for Adaptations (with the Andrew Davies Archive ) and houses a growing number of other unique collections including the*Hammer Films Archive, the Sir Norman Wisdom Collection, the Palace Pictures and Scala Productions Archive, the Cinema Museum’s Indian Cinemas Archive,**the Zee TV (UK) Collection and the Peter Whitehead Archive . We host the annual UK Asian Film Festival, the BFI British Silent Film Festival and the post-graduate conference CATHICon, and promote practice-based research via the DocHub@DMU. CATHI invites applications from well-qualified students whose research interests connect with our expertise in:

    • Women’s film and television history
    • British Cinema and Film Culture
    • Italian Cinema
    • Transnational Cinema
    • Silent Cinema
    • Cult Cinema
    • Bollywood and Independent Indian Cinema
    • Transmedia Adaptations
    • Heritage Cinema Culture and Period Television Drama
    • Film Ephemera and Material Culture
    • Audiences, Reception Studies and Memories of Cinemagoing
    • Film Fandom, Fanworks and Social Media
    • Film exhibition and Cinema History
    • Film Festivals
    • Documentary theory and practice
    • Screen performance and star studies
    • 1960s and the counterculture

    We especially welcome proposals on the following archival projects:

    1. Leicester’s Phoenix Art Centre: regional arts provision since the 1960s. An interdisciplinary PhD embracing theatre, music, performance, film and community arts.

    2. Andrew Davies: Adapting the Classics

    3. Palace Pictures: Independence and Innovation

    4. Indian Cinema’s Diaspora and Distribution

    For informal enquiries and advice on developing proposals please contact: Professor Justin Smith (

  • 13.02.2020 20:52 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Central European University

    Application deadline: March 31, 2020

    Available scholarships: 2 (one in Political Science, one in History)

    The joint doctoral fellowship program Populism, Nationalism, and Authoritarianism: Mobilization Strategies and Discursive Repertoires brings together students and faculty researching nationalism from different disciplinary perspectives, with a particular focus on the complex and ramified relationship between authoritarianism and nationalism. The main objective of the interdepartmental cooperation is to integrate different disciplinary approaches in order to facilitate the regional, comparative, and global study of populist strands of nationalist politics. The study plan is designed to help students combine conceptual and methodological tools to generate conceptual and methodological tools to generate new insights into the discursive repertoires of political actors as well as the use of populist frames and topoi in everyday political interaction. The fellowship is intended to facilitate the combination of macro-institutional (top-down) and micro-political (bottom-up) perspectives on populist mobilization.

    On the Political Science track we are particularly interested in project proposals that deal with the intersection of authoritarian and nationalism discourses, the interactions between dynamics of authoritarian regimes and their nation-building policies, the construction and application of nationalism ideas for authoritarian legitimation and consolidation. On the History track we deal with questions such as the historical relationship of nationalism, populism and authoritarianism, historical instances of mobilization of ?uncivil societies?, the reconstruction of ideological traditions of authoritarianism and corporatism, as well as the morphology of authoritarian nationalist regimes and movements. We are open to both quantitative and qualitative methodological approaches as well as to in-depth regional studies and/or comparative research. Candidates should have an interest in theoretical problems related to populism, nationalism and authoritarianism.

    Each student will have two supervisors, one from his or her ?home? department, and the other from the Nationalism Studies Program. The Ph.D. program consists of two major phases: coursework and examination, and dissertation research and writing. Within the coursework, the PhD students will take core courses in the Nationalism Studies Program, including a Ph.D. seminar on populism and neo-nationalisms, with the aim of familiarizing themselves with various historical and normative approaches to a common field of inquiry. They will also have to satisfy the course and examination requirements of their respective doctoral programs, i.e. the Doctoral School of Political Science, International Relations, and Public Policy, and the Department of History.

    Candidates must indicate their interest in the fellowship in their application submitted to the Doctoral School of Political Science, Public Policy and International Relations or the Doctoral Program in Comparative History.

    Further information:

    Doctoral School of Political Science, Public Policy and International Relations:

    Doctoral Program in Comparative History:

    General information on the application procedure:

    CEU Online application form:

    For questions on organizational issues please contact the respective doctoral tracks:

    Dr. Inna Melnykovska, (, Political Science track

    Monika Nagy ( History track




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1180 Uccle

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