European Communication Research and Education Association
June 26, 2020
Coventry University
Deadline: March 31, 2020
Organised by: MeCCSA Local and Community Media Network MeCCSA Policy Network
The landscape for local and community media is undergoing a period of rapid change in the wake of the disruption of traditional business models and the advent of diverse, entrepreneurial reactions to the spaces created. At the same time this disruption has prompted reflection by those within and without the industry as to the impact of these changes, and so to the consideration of the purposes of local media. Recent policy responses have been explored at the level of a Government-initiated review (Cairncross Review, 2019), while the BBC and the News Media Association launched their Local Democracy Reporting Service in 2017 (an initiative now seeking to expand).
This one-day interactive conference aims to capture the range of responses to this challenged environment, how those responses build on and diverge from traditional forms of local media, and to consider the implications of this to the UK context in which they operate.
The format of the day will bring together academic papers with parallel lightening ‘PetchaKucha’ sessions and interactive workshops, designed to highlight both areas of developing practice and areas for future research. Contributions from practitioners and academics are equally invited.
Areas which might be addressed include, but are not limited to, the implications of local and community media practices and policies for:
Contributions on academic research and practice-based projects are welcome. Please state if you are proposing:
The event will be held at Coventry University in the Midlands of the UK on June 26, 2020. A nominal fee of £20 will be charged for attendance. A limited number of UK travel grants will also be available to support presentations by PG/ECR researchers . Please state on your abstract if you would like to be considered for a grant and the amount requested.
Contributions will be peer-reviewed. Please send an abstract of no more than 300 words and a cover sheet with a brief biographical note, your institutional affiliation (where relevant) and your contact details (including your email address). Abstracts should be sent to the MeCCSA Local and Community Media Network network chair, Rachel Matthews, and Policy Network chair, Phil Ramsey,
Please address any queries to the same addresses in the first instance. Closing date for proposals, March 31, 2020.
June 11-12, 2020
Centre for Media & Journalism Studies, University of Groningen, Netherlands
Deadline: April 3, 2020
Confirmed speakers include: Marcel Broersma, Martin Conboy, Sophie Knowles, Victor Pickard, Helle Sjøvaag
Organizer: Chrysi Dagoula
This symposium aims to examine the effects of the market on political journalism in democratic societies in Europe, covering various national contexts with different political and financial circumstances. The measures of austerity that have been imposed either directly or indirectly on various economies in Europe and subsequently on political journalism are at the very core of what the symposium seeks to explore, as it aims to examine the effect of these policies on key areas, such as media business models, working conditions, new regulations, and perceptions of journalistic identity.
The symposium poses the question of whether the current challenges are a result of the digitization and the inclusion of a variety of platforms in the media ecology, that directly affected the economic media models across Europe, or whether these challenges reflect established market mechanisms.
Due to financial, political and technological reasons, journalism is undergoing a continuous process of redefining itself. At the same time, journalism continues to be regarded as an integral part of modern democratic societies, but also as a major historical force that contributes to important ways to so-called “epistemological politics”, according to which the politics of what we know and how we act as citizens is linked to the politics of how we know.
Drawing on this perception of journalism and by taking into account factors both external (such as political instability) and internal to the media, as well as the fact that current media environments are characterized by a multiplicity of networks and arenas where a plethora of actors constantly act, react and interact, the symposium will focus on:
Confirmed speakers include:
The symposium welcomes theoretical discussions as well as methodological contributions that enhance the understanding of the effect of financial policies on political journalism, as well as the variations of this effect in a cross-national setting. For informal inquiries or for further information, please contact the organiser, Dr. Chrysi Dagoula at
Send your abstracts (300 words max) at (Chrysi Dagoula)
Deadline: Friday, 3rd April 2020
Notification of acceptance: Friday, 10th April 2020
Center for Advanced Research in Global Communication, Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania
The Center for Advanced Research in Global Communication at the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania invites applications for CARGC Faculty Fellowships. We have a very limited number of these positions, reserved for full-time faculty members from institutions other than the University of Pennsylvania, which typically last one full semester, though other arrangements may be possible. This is ideal for scholars seeking a base during funded sabbaticals and research leaves.
The Center for Advanced Research in Global Communication (CARGC) produces and promotes scholarly research on global communication and public life. As an institute for advanced study dedicated to global media studies, we revisit enduring questions and engage pressing matters in geopolitics and communication. Our vision of “inclusive globalization” recognizes plurality and inequality in global media, politics, and culture. Our translocal approach fuses multidisciplinary “area studies” knowledge with theory and methodology in the humanities and social sciences. This synthesis of deep expertise and interdisciplinary inquiry stimulates critical conversations about entrenched and emerging communicative structures, practices, flows, and struggles. We explore new ways of understanding and explaining the world, including public scholarship, algorithmic culture, the arts, multi-modal scholarship, and digital archives. With a core commitment to the development of early career scholars worldwide, CARGC hosts postdoctoral, doctoral, undergraduate, and faculty fellows who collaborate in research groups, author CARGC Press publications, and organize talks, lectures, symposia, conferences, and summer institutes.
CARGC Fellows work on their own research, and collaborate with staff and postdoctoral, doctoral and undergraduate fellows. They present a CARGC Colloquium and publish one CARGC Paper with CARGC Press. Fellows are provided a workspace, computer and library access.
CARGC Fellows integrate primary sources and regional expertise in theoretically inflected, historically informed, comparative, translocal and transnational analyses of media, technology, geopolitics and culture. Candidates challenging normative paradigms and incorporating non-Western theories, sources and contexts, are especially welcome. Ongoing research groups focus on theory and history in global media studies, geopolitics and the popular, digital sovereignty, and radical media and culture. We recommend that applicants review our website to familiarize themselves with our mission and priorities:
This is a residential fellowship. CARGC strives to be an inclusive community of scholars driven by intellectual curiosity and exchange, and rooted in the life of the Annenberg School, the University of Pennsylvania, and the city of Philadelphia . To foster mentoring and collaboration at all levels, we expect fellows to be fully engaged in the life of the center. Fellows are therefore expected to work at our beautiful sixth floor premises—CARGC’s “World Headquarters”—on the Penn campus at least four days a week during their stay.
Candidates should have least two years of post-PhD degree academic experience and have an affiliation with a university or research institute during the period of the fellowship.
Submitting Your Application
A complete application consists of:
All materials except reference letters must be sent as a single PDF document to by March 2, 2020. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered. Applicants should arrange for their letters of recommendation to be sent to the same address by the same date. We expect to contact finalists by late March and make final decisions shortly thereafter.
Additional Information
If you have additional questions, please email us at
View call online:
6th Annual Conference of ECREA ‘Journalism and Communication Education’ Temporary Working Group
May 14-15, 2020
University Autonoma of Barcelona, Barcelona- Spain
Deadline: February 28, 2020
The educational environment has undergone deep transformations in the last decades: specifically offering undergraduate and graduate courses in the communication area are facing new and quickly evolving challenges.
On the one hand, the training of future professionals in the field of communication and journalism has been directly impacted by the technological changes introduced by cyberspace and the successive developments of the Network: web 2.0 or social web, web 3.0 or semantic web and web 4.0 or the internet of things.
On the other, Twentieth-century teaching methods and 21st-century technology represent a generation gap like no other. Gen Zers are “digital natives”: our students grew up not only with computers and internet access, but also with smartphones, social media, and mobile devices, and thus are not interested in traditional passive learning.
The role of communication and journalism education, therefore, is not only to provide future journalist or communicators with new technological skills (Ekdale, et. al. 2015), but mainly to prepare them to adapt to a fastmoving world where things can change almost month by month as the interface between humans and the digital world becomes ever closer (Frost 2018). Communication, in other words, can be considered a “new knowledge profession” (Donsbach 2014).
Already thirty years ago, Dennis (1988) called the debate between profession and education ‘‘a dialogue of the deaf’’: nowadays, the rise of the audience as producer of news, i.e. the emergence of citizen (Campbell 2015) and participatory journalism, challenges professional journalists and communicators to rethink their professional identities and understandings of their function in society (Lewis 2012; Robinson 2010; Wahl-Jorgensen 2015). In 2017, the Nieman Lab and the Reuters Institute Prediction Report highlighted that, among the main challenges that journalism and communication face, mobile technologies, augmented reality, artificial intelligence and Big Data, are the most important (Nieman Lab 2017; Reuters 2017).
In Barcelona, at the sixth annual conference of the ECREA ‘Journalism & Communication Education TWG’, we want to take a closer look at the multi-faceted relationships between education, technology and digital native future media professionals. We invite you to submit academic research and project based experiences and various approaches (theoretical, methodological or empirical in nature) that can touch upon, but are by no means restricted o, the following thematic areas:
Call for Abstracts
Please note that we invite contributions in various formats, e.g. workshops, panels and conference presentations.
The conference will take place Thursday 14th May and Friday 15th May, 2020
Deadline for submissions: Friday, 28th February, 2020
Official Website:
Submit abstracts as anonymized word- or pdf-documents to
Registration fee: 100 eur
Please include your author information (name, institution, contact) in the accompanying e-mail. Accepted presenters will be informed by 16 March 2020.
The conference is organized by the local organizing committee at the Department of Journalism and Communication Sciences of UAB and the ECREA Journalism & Communication Education TWG.
Management team:
European Journal of Health Communication
Guest Editors: Sarah Geber, Tobias Frey, and Thomas Friemel
Health and health-related behaviours are embedded in social contexts in various ways, which comprise both risks and opportunities for individual’s health (Sallis & Owen, 2015). Communicable (i.e., infectious) diseases, such as HIV or influenza, are spread through social contacts between persons (e.g., Rothenberg et al., 1998), and unfavorable health behaviours might be reinforced in one's social network (Valente, 2010). On the other hand, social support can ease the coping with diseases in everyday life (e.g., depression; Peirce, Frone, Russell, Cooper, & Mudar, 2000), and social norms may promote favorable health behaviours (e.g., eating healthily; Mollen, Rimal, Ruiter, & Kok, 2013). In the course of the digitalisation, new platforms have emerged that intensify known social processes or enable new ones. On social networking sites, people can directly observe health-related behaviours and thus norms of relevant others (e.g., Beullens & Vandenbosch, 2016); apps allow users to track their health behaviours and share their obtained health goals (e.g., Kristensen & Ruckenstein, 2018); and various online forums provide platforms for exchanging experiences and support regarding specific health issues (e.g., Barak, Boniel-Nissim, & Suler, 2008). Since these social processes unfold their effects through communication, they deserve special attention by health communication scholars to maintain and improve individual and public health.
The special issue aims to address the complexity of individuals’ social contexts and the full breadth of communication — ranging from interpersonal communication to mass media, online to offline, intended to unintended etc. It therefore calls for papers analyzing the interrelations between social aspects, different forms of health-related communication, and health at the individual, interpersonal, and societal level. Submissions can address but are not limited to the following questions and concepts.
Individual level:
Interpersonal level:
Societal level:
The special issue calls for basic research describing and explaining these aspects but also refers to applied research seeking to solve practical health communication issues. It is interested in theories, methods, and study designs that allow studying social aspects of health communication at different levels as well as the integration of various levels within a single approach.
Submission format
We welcome submissions that fit any of the EJHC formats: original research papers, theoretical papers, methodological papers, review articles, brief research reports. For further information on the article types, please see
Manuscript should be prepared in accordance with the EJHC author guidelines ( and be submitted via the journal website (
Deadline for submission is 31 March 2020.
Review process
All articles will undergo a rigorous peer review process. Once the paper has been assessed as appropriate by the editorial management team (with regard to form, content, and quality), it will be peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers in a double-blind review process, meaning that reviewers are not disclosed to authors, and authors are not disclosed to reviewers. To ensure short publication processes, EJHC releases articles online on a rolling basis, expected to start in December 2020.
Contact guest editors
Barak, A., Boniel-Nissim, M., & Suler, J. (2008). Fostering empowerment in online support groups. Computers in Human Behavior, 24, 1867–1883.
Beullens, K., & Vandenbosch, L. (2016). A conditional process analysis on the relationship between the use of social networking sites, attitudes, peer norms, and adolescents' intentions to consume alcohol. Media Psychology, 19, 310–333.
Kristensen, D. B., & Ruckenstein, M. (2018). Co-evolving with self-tracking technologies. New Media & Society, 20, 3624–3640.
Mollen, S., Rimal, R. N., Ruiter, R. A. C., & Kok, G. (2013). Healthy and unhealthy social norms and food selection. Findings from a field-experiment. Appetite, 65, 83–89.
Peirce, R. S., Frone, M. R., Russell, M., Cooper, M. L., & Mudar, P. (2000). A longitudinal model of social contact, social support, depression, and alcohol use. Health Psychology, 19, 28–38.
Rothenberg, R. B., Potterat, J. J., Woodhouse, D. E., Muth, S. Q., Darrow, W. W., & Klovdahl, A. S. (1998). Social network dynamics and HIV transmission. AIDS, 12, 1529–1536.
Sallis, J. F., & Owen, N. (2015). Ecological models of health behavior. In K. Glanz, B. K. Rimer, & K. Viswanath (Eds.), Health behavior: Theory, research, and practice (5th ed., pp. 43–64). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Valente, T. W. (2010). Social Networks and Health: Models, Methods, and Applications. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press.
YECREA Pre-Conference (ECREA 2020)
October 1, 2020
Braga, Portugal
Deadline: April 5, 2020
The Young Scholars Network of ECREA (YECREA) is happy to invite students and early-career scholars to a full day of workshops right before the 8th European Communication Conference (ECC) in Braga, Portugal.
Number of participants: 8-10 for each workshop.
The pre-conference consists of three workshops, covering different theoretical, methodological and practical tasks and challenges for young researchers. Applicants can apply to all three panels or just a single panel, if they wish to.
The aim is to provide a forum of knowledge exchange between young researchers where they can present their work, network and receive insights and advice from senior scholars. Senior facilitators will be announced later.
1) Workshop on methods to study digital culture
The workshop aims at sharing methods for researching digital culture, with a specific focus on audience research and sentiment analysis. The event will be opened with a seminar held by one of our proposed speakers, upon which participants will build for an open discussion about best practice, ethics and social responsibility, together with any other topics relevant to the main theme.
Participants will be encouraged to bring their own work in progress, experience and open issues with them to contribute to the discussion and brainstorm solutions.
2) Workshop on Academic Writing & Publishing Academic Research
This workshop will provide early career scholars with advice and ideas for writing and publishing their work as central qualifications in academia. You will have the chance to exchange experiences on the writing process with peers and receive advice from senior scholars on publications processes and strategies. For example, touching upon questions such as what, how much, in which formats and journals can I publish?
3) Workshop on Labour & Health in Communication Research
This workshop is designed for young scholars to develop practical coping mechanisms for various expectations placed on them, such as, publishing pressures (while writing their PhD), getting grants and funding, teaching, getting recognition for their work in competitive environments, dealing with imposter syndrome, searching for stable employment, and many others. We envision having a roundtable discussion, with all participants sharing their experiences with these challenges, the different ways they have dealt with them in the past, as well as input from senior scholar(s).
How to apply
Submissions should be sent via this digital form:
All applicants should include a brief description of their motivation for participating (max 200 words) and a brief description of their PhD project (max. 200 words).
Applicants do not have to be members of YECREA or ECREA.
Evaluation process
Applications will be processed by the YECREA pre-conference organisers.
If the number of applicants exceeds the maximum number of participants, selection will be based on motivation as well as ensuring geographical diversity and supporting new scholars in the field.
Key Dates
A small fee might be confirmed later, but will in any case not exceed 50€ for all three workshops, including lunch. YECREA is working to obtain funding to support the workshop.
If you have any questions, please contact
Umeå University, Sweden
The Department of Culture and Media Studies invites applications for the doctoral training program in Media and Communication studies,
The department of Culture and Media Studies is part of the Faculty of Arts at Umeå University, and has a broad educational and research activity within the disciplines ethnology, journalism, art history and visual studies, cultural analysis, literary studies, media and communication studies and museology. The department has about 60 employees and the combination of disciplines makes it a creative milieu for research meetings and collaboration between culture, art, media and literature. For more information, please visit
May 14-15, 2019
Barcelona, Spain
Journalism & Communication Education TWG Conference
Education has undergone deep transformations in the last decade: our students grew up with computers, internet access, smartphones, social media, and active communication, and are increasingly less interested in traditional passive learning. The role of communication and journalism education, is not only to provide future journalist or communicators with new technological skills, but mainly to prepare them to adapt to a fast-moving world where things can change almost month by month as the interface between humans and the digital world becomes ever closer.
In Barcelona, we want to take a closer look at the multi-faceted relationships between education, technology and digital native future media professionals. We invite you to submit academic research and project based experiences and various approaches (theoretical, methodological or empirical in nature). We invite contributions in various formats, e.g. workshops, panels and conference presentations.
Official website and call:
June 27-29, 2020
Klaipeda, LT
Submission Deadline: Saturday, February 29 11: 59 p.m. Pacific Time
Host: Communication Association of Eurasian Researchers (CAER)
Host University: LCC International University:
The Communication Association of Eurasian Researchers (CAER) welcomes submissions that focus on various aspects of communication in, with and about Eastern and Central Europe. This conference will serve as an opportunity to truly “internationalize” the field of communication, providing opportunities for transnational “bridge building” with keynote speakers Robert T. Craig and Boguslawa Dobek-Ostrowska. Internationalization, as outlined by the National Communication Association and the American Association of State Universities and Colleges accomplishes the goals of making global citizens of our students, linking international academic communities, enhancing national and international security, and enlivening and expanding faculty research and scholarship. CAER seeks to be a place where through scholarship we transcend many of the divisions of politics or geography, finding common ground through the language and practice of communication research.
To submit to the conference: Please submit a 250-word abstract of your paper by the deadline listed above. If you are submitting a panel (preference will be given to paper panels), with abstracts for each proposed presentation. Submit your abstract by filling out this form:
For a list of potential ideas for building bridges between communication scholars from the East and West please visit the conference website:
The Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt (KU)
The Faculty of Languages and Literatures invites applications for the Junior Professorship of Digital Journalism (W1 with tenure track to W2) to be filled by the earliest possible starting date. This tenure track professorship is financed by the federal states and government program for promoting young researchers. The common guiding principle for the acquired professorships is the topic “For a human-centered digital society”. The aim is to approach the transformation of politics, the industry and society, which is caused by ongoing digitalization, within the research and teaching practice.
Employment will be effected on the basis of a temporary public servant or private law employment relationship in pay grade W1. The employment relationship is initially limited to three years. After successful interim evaluation, it will be extended by another three years. In case of a successful tenure evaluation and subject to fulfillment of the employment law requirements, the position of the tenure track professor will be transferred into a public servant employment relationship for a permanent professorship with pay grade W2.
The KU is committed to increasing the percentage of female professors and therefore explicitly encourages female researchers to apply.
Your responsibilities
The holder of the position shall investigate the role of digital journalism and digital public spheres in society. A particular focus will be on questions regarding the quality and ethics of journalism and public spheres especially within digital transformation of the media world. Another key area will be dealing with editorial working methods in researching, selecting, processing and dissemination – by also taking into account the influence of social media platforms, algorithmic mechanisms and interaction with the audience.
The professorship will participate in the teaching practice for Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs in Journalism. The work includes both training aspects for practical journalism as well as research-oriented teaching on the topic of digitalization and innovation. The successful candidate is expected to contribute to the KU-wide focus on “a human-centered digital society”. Furthermore, active participation in the Artificial Intelligence Network in Ingolstadt is desired.
Your profile
In order to be able to fulfill the outlined range of tasks in a long-term perspective, candidates must have in-depth knowledge in the field of social science research on digital journalism and digital public spheres. Proof of corresponding qualification is generally provided by an outstanding doctoral degree. Another important factor are high-quality teaching skills, as demonstrated by positive teaching evaluations. Basic requirements for these tasks also include in-depth knowledge of the media system and the professional field of journalism in Germany.
Experience in journalistic practice and regarding collaborations with media partners in research and teaching is beneficial. Knowledge of digital research methods (both qualitative and quantitative) is desired.
Our offer
In accordance with the guiding principles of excellence, international profile and individual development, the KU Tenure Track Model offers attractive framework conditions for strengthening independent research at an early stage, international networking as well as personal development as an academic leader. Further information is available at
Your application
Please send your application with the usual supporting documents by e-mail to the dean’s office of the Faculty of Languages and Literatures,, by March 20, 2020 (please combine all documents in one PDF file). In addition to the usual documents, please also submit a distinctive concept (no longer than two pages) that outlines your contribution to the implementation of the KU tenure track principle “For a human-centered digital society” ( All submitted application documents will be destroyed in accordance with data protection regulations after the hiring process has been completed.
In accordance with Article 10 (4) of the Foundation Charter, the KU takes the Catholic character of the University into consideration when appointing professors. It is therefore interested in receiving applications with relevant information in this regard. The Charter of the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt Foundation, which supports the University, is available for download from the website of the KU in German with an English translation at
The KU is committed to promoting equal opportunities for men and women, and aims to ensure that its members are able to balance work and family life. Candidates with severe disabilities who are equally suitable to other applicants will be prioritized.
Chaussée de Waterloo 1151 1180 Uccle Belgium
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Help fund travel grants for young scholars who participate at ECC conferences. We accept individual and institutional donations.
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