European Communication Research
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  • 10.10.2019 14:03 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Brunel University London

    Deadline: January 6, 2020

    AHRC Funded Studentships in College of Business, Arts & Social Sciences via the TECHNE2 Doctoral Training Partnership.

    Brunel University London is part of a consortium of universities in London and the southeast that form a national Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP) focusing on the arts and humanities disciplines. TECHNE is one of ten Doctoral Training Partnerships receiving funding from the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) as part of their commitment to supporting postgraduate-level research into the arts and humanities disciplines.

    Originally established in 2014, TECHNE has successfully collaborated with partner institutions and external organisations across London and the southeast to deliver industry-relevant research across a range of arts and humanities disciplines. The latest round of funding enables the consortium to widen its remit and continue this work.

    As part of the DTP consortium, Brunel University London will support studentships for high-achieving arts and humanities scholars, which will commence in October 2020. The studentships will be offered through the College of Business, Arts and Social Sciences. Students will be affiliated to one of the College’s interdisciplinary research centres –

    Entrepreneurship and Sustainability and Global Lives. DTP students will become members of the College’s vibrant research community where they will benefit from Brunel’s diverse specialist expertise.

    We are pleased to invite applications for studentships in the following subject areas:

    • History
    • Cultures and Heritage
    • Visual Arts
    • Performing and Creative Arts
    • Languages and Literature

    Please see a detailed subject area list at:

    Studentships are available as either on a full-time or part-time basis.

    Successful applicants for a Full-time award will receive an annual maintenance stipend of approximately £17003 per year (2019-20) RCUK rate, paid in monthly instalments in advance) for the period of their award ,plus Fees at the current RCUK rate for Full time or Part time courses.

    How to apply and eligibility

    The following documentation below should be submitted by email to

    • Completed Application form
    • An up-to-date CV;
    • Details of your residential eligibility.
    • Two academic references or names and contact details of two academic referees. One professional reference (if applicable).
    • Must hold 2:1 or above Undergraduate and Masters in relevant discipline. Please supply copies of your Undergraduate transcript and certificate, and Masters Transcript and certificate (if applicable). If you have not yet completed your degree programme, please provide the most up-to-date transcript available.
    • A copy of your English language qualification, where applicable. Any non-native speaker who has not been awarded a degree by a University in the UK will be expected to demonstrate English language skills to IELTS 7.0 (minimum 6.0 in any section).

    Deadline for applications – 6th January 2020

  • 10.10.2019 14:00 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Nordicom Review Special Issue (open access)

    Deadline for abstract submissions: November 15, 2019

    Deadline for full paper submissions: April 19, 2020

    The purpose of this special issue of Nordicom Review is to showcase the need to include social class as a central category in media and communications research, as well as to analyse how it intersects with other social dimensions such as race, gender, sexuality, age etc.

    Social class underlies many debates within contemporary media and communications research. It is implicitly featured in debates about algorithmic targeting, digital surveillance and social sorting. It is also featured in debates about political communication, fake news and polarisation, as well as in relation to issues of media representations and media use. Social changes and phenomena in urgent need of attention such as increasing economic and cultural inequality and the rise of populist political movements are related to media and communication systems, while also being closely related to issues of class. Especially from a Nordic perspective, social class is more than ever a category that is needed in media research. The persistence of the idea of a Nordic exceptionalism and a Nordic (media) welfare state, against a reality of increasing social inequalities, makes it urgent to include a theoretical perspective on social class in analyses of the role and functioning of the media in the Nordic countries.

    Contributions to the Special Issue should address one of the many areas in which social class is crucial for our understanding of media and communication. We welcome contributions that deal with social class in any media forms and genres, and that address social class from either the perspective of production, text or reception. Authors are free to adopt and/or develop any of the established theoretical notions of social class. The focus on the Nordic (media) welfare state means that contributions that highlight issues of social class in the Nordic region – in a single country or comparatively – are especially welcomed.

    Contributions that provide opportunities for international comparisons are also welcome.

    The deadline for full paper submissions is 19 April 2020.The preliminary time of publication is winter 2020/2021. The selection of papers to be published will take place according to the following three-step procedure:

    Step 1: Authors are requested to submit the title and abstract (600 words max. incl. references) of their papers along with five to six keywords and short bios (150 words max. for each author) to the Special Issue editors. The deadline for submission of full abstracts is 15 November 2019 and the authors will be notified of the eventual acceptance by the end of December 2019 at the latest.

    Step 2: If the abstracts are accepted, authors will be requested to submit full papers (7,000 words max. inclusive of any front or end matter) anonymised for double-blind review and formatted according to the Nordicom Review guidelines. The deadline for submission of full anonymised papers is 19 April 2020, after which a double-blind peer review will take place. Please note that if the submitted papers are incompatible with the earlier/accepted abstracts or are of insufficient academic quality, the Special Issue editors reserve the right to reject such papers in line with Nordicom Review’s editorial policy.

    Feedback from reviewers will be sent to authors by the end of June 2020 at the latest. The deadline for submission of revised manuscripts is 30 September 2020.

    For more information, please visit

  • 10.10.2019 13:50 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Uppsala University

    Deadline: November 7, 2019

    Uppsala University is a comprehensive research-intensive university with a strong international standing. Our mission is to pursue top-quality research and education and to interact constructively with society. Our most important assets are all the individuals whose curiosity and dedication make Uppsala University one of Sweden’s most exciting workplaces. Uppsala University has 44.000 students, 7.100 employees and a turnover of SEK 7 billion.

    The Department of Informatics and Media is part of the Social Science faculty at Uppsala University. Researchers at the department contribute to the development of knowledge about current and future forms of communication and information in the disciplines Media- and Communication Studies (including Journalism), Human-Computer Interaction and Information Systems. Education in media and communication is offered within three tracks: media studies, communication studies and journalism studies. Research in Media and Communication is carried out within all three tracks and focus on social and cultural change connected to communication, media and digitalization.

    Principal duties:

    • General responsibility for research and education at the Ph.D. level within the discipline Media and Communication Studies and responsibility for further development within the discipline.
    • Teaching and supervision on all three cycles of studies offered within the discipline.
    • Active participation in disciplinary teacher meetings - “kollegium”.
    • Work with research grant applications and own research.

    It is the ambition of the faculty that around half of the working hours should consist of own research. Beyond this, there is an option for a salaried sabbatical after a couple of years of employment. The role as responsible for the discipline Media and Communication entails coordination and development of research within all three tracks of the discipline, this covers participation, planning and management of research projects (including application for research funding) and external cooperation in both research and education matters. Further, cooperation within the Department of Informatics and Media with researchers/teachers in Human-Computer Interaction and Information Systems is required. Administrative assignments, including management positions on the departmental or other levels within Uppsala University, can be part of the duty as professor.

    Qualifications required:

    The eligibility criteria for employment as a professor are research as well as teaching experience (Higher Education Ordinance Ch 4 Sec 3). Research expertise should be demonstrated through independent research and through research activities of high international and national quality. The applicant should have demonstrated skills in planning, initiating and managing research projects, including the ability to secure competitive research grants, and well-documented aptitude in the supervision of Ph.D. students.

    Teaching skills should be demonstrated through merits in teaching and instruction. In addition, applicants should be able to demonstrate a well-documented ability in supervision at undergraduate, graduate and Ph.D. levels, as well as meet the criteria stated in the Uppsala University's appointment regulations (section 33) and the Faculty of Social Sciences’ complementary guidelines (section 2b).

    It is required that the pedagogical skills, the scientific competence and the professional skills are relevant for the subject content of the post and the duties that are included in the employment.

    According to Uppsala University’s appointment regulations, it is also a general eligibility requirement that teachers possess the personal qualities necessary to capably perform the duties of the post.

    Applicants must have the ability to teach in Swedish and English.

    The applicant is expected to have shown scientific excellence in any of the areas of media studies, communication studies or journalism studies. It is a merit if the applicant also has conducted qualified research in one or two other fields.

    Assessment, research and teaching skills:

    Assessment for the appointment of professors at Uppsala University shall be based on the degree of skills required for the appointment.

    In the appointment of this professorship, ranking will be based primarily on research and teaching expertise, with special emphasis on research expertise. A combined consideration of all bases of assessment however, could result in an applicant deemed to be vastly superior in teaching expertise being ranked higher than a candidate with superior research expertise.

    When the research expertise of an applicant is assessed, the quality achieved is of prime importance. The scope of the applicant’s research, in terms of both breadth and depth, is also essential to consider. The applicant’s contribution to the international and national scientific communities will be assessed based on quality and scope of research publications in the most relevant publication channels for the field. In the assessment of the requirement for international qualifications, the nature and specific conditions of the subject area will be taken into account.

    Research expertise should be demonstrated through independent research that significantly exceeds the requirements of associate professor (docent) in terms of both quality and quantity.

    Unless special circumstances exist, the applicant should have served as the primary supervisor for at least one Ph.D. student and supervised this student through completion and defense of their doctoral thesis. In assessing teaching expertise, teaching quality will be the prime consideration. The scope of teaching experience, in terms of both breadth and depth, will also be afforded consideration. Furthermore, consideration will be given to the capacity to plan, initiate, lead, and develop teaching and instruction, as well as the ability to connect research to teaching in respect to research in the subject at hand, subject didactics, and teaching and learning in higher education.

    Assessment criteria, additional skills:

    Candidates must also possess the necessary administrative and other skills significant to the subject content and duties of the position. The ability to cooperate, to develop and supervise activities and staff, and to contribute to synergies both within and outside the department will also be considered. Attention will also be given to the applicant’s ability to interact with the surrounding community and inform the public about research and development work.

    Experience in managerial roles, demonstrated by supervision of a departmental environment or similar, will be considered meriting. When Uppsala University appoints new teachers, the applicants selected are those who, following a qualitative total assessment of expertise and merits, are judged to have the best potential to carry out and develop the relevant duties and contribute to a positive development of the department.

    Merits must be documented in a manner that makes it possible to assess both quality and scope.

    The Recruitment Committee may in this recruitment come to use interviews, trial-lectures and referrals. The applicant should therefore submit a list of referees with insight into the applicant’s professional skill as well as personal qualities that may be of relevance for the position, e.g. ability to cooperate, ability to lead and working methods.

    Personal circumstances (such as full or part-time parental leave, trade union appointments, military service, or other) that may benefit the applicants in the assessment of qualifications should be included in the list of qualifications and experience (Curriculum Vitae).

    Uppsala University strives to be an inclusive workplace that promotes equal opportunities and attracts qualified candidates who can contribute to the University’s excellence and diversity. We welcome applications from all sections of the community and from people of all backgrounds.

    Currently, there are more employees of male gender than female gender among the professors at the Faculty of Social Sciences. The university strives for a more even distribution of the legal genders in this category.

    How to apply:

    A complete application should be submitted to Uppsala University’s on-line recruitment portal. It should comprise:

    • Letter of application
    • List of appendices Curriculum Vitae
    • Account of academic qualifications
    • List of publications Account of teaching qualifications
    • Account of other qualifications
    • Academic works and any educational works being brought to bear
    • List of referees

    Instructions on how to prepare your application are available on the Faculty’s website:

    Instructions to applicants for appointment as professor:

    Note! Applications and appendices must be submitted digitally on the recruitment portal My Network. Any cited publications that are not in digital format must be sent in three copies to the Faculty of Social Sciences, Uppsala University, Box 256, 751 05 Uppsala. Please clearly mark the envelope/package with the reference number UFV-PA 2019/3115

    For more information, please see:

    Appointment regulations for Uppsala University:

    and the Faculty’s complementary guidelines:

    Salary: Individually negotiated salary

    Starting date: According to the agreement

    Type of position: Indefinite duration, full-time

    Working hours: 100 %

    For additional information on the appointment, please contact: Head of Department Jenny Eriksson Lundström tel 018-471 5163,

    MCS subject responsible, Senior Lecturer Göran Svensson tel 018-471 1514,

    For questions regarding the application process, please contact administrator Emma van Aller, 018-471 2559,

    We look forward to receiving your application no later than November 7th

    2019, UFV-PA 2019/3115

    In the event of any disagreement between the English and the Swedish versions of this announcement, the Swedish version takes precedence.

    Please do not send offers of recruitment or advertising services. Applications must be submitted as described in this advertisement.

    Placement: Department of Informatics and Media

    Type of employment: Full time, Permanent position

    Pay: Fixed pay

    Number of positions: 1

    Working hours: 100 %

    Town: Uppsala

    County: Uppsala län

    Country: Sweden

    Union representative: Seko Universitetsklubben



    Number of reference: UFV-PA 2019/3115

    Last application date: 2019-11-07

  • 10.10.2019 13:40 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    June 27 – 28, 2020

    North-West University, South Africa, Faculty of Humanities

    Deadline: February 28, 2020

    The advent of social media (such as Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, YouTube etc.) has brought about democratisation of communication as the public that hitherto had been considered to be consumers of messages has now also become producers. The platform of social media is open to everyone who has a device, an account to use and data or access to the internet. Communication has never been better and interesting in the history of man.

    However, as we celebrate this ‘power’ of communication given to the people through social media, we also need to ponder the other side of this communication. This advent of social media and with it more opportunities for free participation by citizens in debates has given impetus to insurgent politics and also brought on us the acceleration and strengthening of post-truth, fake news and hate speeches. Before the emergence of social media, there were fake news and hate speech carried by different media in the chronology of media and communication history. These phenomena have been there since the time of communication by mere words of mouth, and through the advent of print, radio and television media. It has however become more obtrusive with the emergence of social media. This has had some deleterious impact on human relationships and the society at large. It has created crisis and fueled it to monstrous proportions.

    These are some of the issues we intend to focus on in this conference. Submissions can touch on any of the following points:

    • Theorisation around social media, fake news and hate speech
    • Social media, Fake news, hate speech and the economy
    • Social media, Fake news, hate speech and politics
    • Social media, Fake news, hate speech and nationality
    • Social media, Fake news, hate speech and race
    • Social media, Fake news, hate speech and human relations
    • Social media, fake news and hate speech in organisations
    • Social media, fake news, hate speech and religion
    • Social media, language use, fake news and hate speech
    • Social media, indigenous language, ethnicity and hate speech
    • Social media, indigenous culture, fake news and hate speech
    • Social media, citizen education, fake news and hate speech
    • Social media, fake news, hate speech and xenophobia
    • Strengths and weaknesses of various social media for fake news and hate speech
    • Social media regulation, fake news and hate speech

    The list is by no means exhaustive.

    Kindly submit abstracts of between 300 and 500 words to Dr. Francis Amenaghawon at

    Papers presented at the conference, after peer-review process, will be published in Habari: ILMA Book Series. Habari is the Swahili word for News. The book series editors are Professor Abiodun Salawu and Prof. Itumeleng Mekoa.

    Important Dates:

    • Abstract Submission – February 28, 2020
    • Acceptance/Rejection Notice – March 15, 2020
    • Conference Registration Opens – March 30, 2020
    • Conference – June 27 – 28, 2020

    Registration Fees:

    • Academics – R2500.00
    • Students – R1000.00
    • International participants – USD180.00

    Professor Abiodun Salawu, PhD

    Director of Research Entity: Indigenous Language Media in Africa

    Faculty of Humanities, North-West University. Mafikeng Campus

    Private Bag X2046, Mmabatho 2735, South Africa

    Telephone: +27 18 389 2238


  • 10.10.2019 13:38 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    October 29-31, 2019

    Alhambra Hotel, Yassmine Hammamet, Tunisia

    The International Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and Systems 2019 will be the 14th in a series dedicated to security issues in Internet-related applications, networks and systems. Internet has become essential for the exchange of information between user groups and organizations from different backgrounds and with different needs and objectives. These users are exposed to increasing risks regarding security and privacy, due to the development of more and more sophisticated online attacks, the growth of Cyber Crime, etc. Attackers nowadays do not lack motivation and they are more and more experienced. To make matters worse, for performing attacks have become easily accessible. Moreover, the increasing complexity as well as the immaturity of new technologies such as pervasive, mobile and wireless devices and networks, raise new security challenges.

    In this context, new security mechanisms and techniques should be deployed to achieve an assurance level acceptable for critical domains such as energy, transportation, health, defence, banking, critical infrastructures, embedded systems and networks, avionics systems, etc. The CRiSIS conference offers a remarkable forum for computer and network security actors from industry, academia and government to meet, exchange ideas and present recent advances on Internet-related security threats and vulnerabilities, and on the solutions that are needed to counter them.

    Registration is open as follows:

    • Early – Before 20 September
    • Late – Before 5 October
    • On site – After 29 October

    Registration is via the CRiSIS2019 website:

    Program Information

    The conference will feature invited speakers and presentations of accepted papers. More details on the program:

    Keynote Speakers

    • Lotfi ben Othmane, Iowa State University, USA
    • Takoua Abdellatif, University of Carthage, Tunisia


    General chairs:

    Nora Cuppens, IMT Atlantique, France

    Ahmed Hadj Kacem, University of Sfax, Tunisia

    Programme chairs:

    Frédéric Cupens, University of Bretagne Loire, France

    Slim Kallel, University of Sfax, Tunisia

  • 10.10.2019 13:34 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Suffolk University Boston

    Deadline: November 1, 2019

    Apply at:

    The Rosenberg Institute for East Asian Studies at Suffolk University Boston welcomes applications from scholars who wish to be considered for a short term appointment as a Rosenberg Institute Scholar.

    This nonresidential appointment is for scholars who wish to complete a research and writing topic of contemporary or current policy relevance that focuses on Greater China, Southeast Asia or South Asia. We especially encourage applicants who are willing to disseminate their scholarship to a broad audience, or engage in public scholarship across various platforms.

    The program supports a six month appointment on a nonresidential basis, as well as a brief residential component of a few days at Suffolk University’s campus in downtown Boston, during which time the Scholar will be asked to present a public seminar and interact with Suffolk University faculty and students. The Rosenberg Institute Scholar will be expected to complete an English language article or white paper that will be published on the Rosenberg Institute website, and become part of the institute’s continuing series of white papers. We expect that a first draft of the paper will be submitted before the end of the appointment; and that the Scholar maintain active communication with the Institute Director during the entirety of the appointment.

    Applications are due no later than November 1, 2019.

    Eligibility and Application Process

    Most applicants should possess an earned Ph.D. We will consider applications from scholars at any stage in their career, but they must be a member of the faculty of an accredited degree-granting institution. We especially welcome and encourage candidates from groups underrepresented in the field of Asian Studies.

    Complete applications will include a completed application form, a full CV, one letter of reference, and a research topic proposal of no more than 1000 words. The proposal should at a minimum present the topic and its importance to contemporary policymaking; a hypothesis or thesis; proposed method of inquiry; possible ways to disseminate or raise awareness of the project; and a tentative completion schedule. In addition, the proposal should clearly indicate the applicant’s qualifications and ability to carry out the proposed project and other terms of this appointment. Candidates must be authorized to work in the United States. We are unable to process visas. Application should be made through the Suffolk HR website and additional materials should be sent electronically to Maureen Dooley at

    Suffolk University is a private, comprehensive, urban university located in downtown Boston, and is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse community. To learn more about Suffolk University visit our website at

  • 10.10.2019 13:28 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Contracampo: Brazilian Journal of Communication

    Deadline: November 11, 2019

    Guest Editors: Rafael Grohmann (Unisinos University, Brazil) and Jack Qiu (Chinese University of Hong Kong)

    Contracampo: Brazilian Journal of Communication, an open access journal, invites submissions to our special issue “Platform Labor”. We ask: what are the contributions of communication research to understand platform/digital labor or platformization of labor? The special issue encourages submissions of articles that explore one or more of the following issues:

    • How platformization affects work;
    • Working conditions on digital platforms;
    • Communication as labor/work in platform capitalism;
    • Social class and collective formation among platform workers;
    • Gender and race inequalities in platform labor;
    • International division of digital labor and global gig economy;
    • Platform labor in the Global South;
    • Surveillance and privacy of workers in platform capitalism;
    • Value theory and social classes in platform capitalism;
    • Human work and artificial intelligence;
    • Data labor and algorithmic labor;
    • Algorithmic management in platform labor;
    • Microwork and free labor on digital platforms;
    • Silicon Valley ideology and digital labor;
    • Media representations and circulation of meanings on platform labor;
    • Mediatization and datafication of labor;
    • Political economy of communication and platform labor;
    • Alternatives to the digital labor scenario;
    • Collective organization of platform workers;
    • Platform Cooperativism and worker-owned platforms;
    • Regulation and ethical guidelines of platform labor;
    • Digital labor and environmental sustainability.

    Deadline: November 11th, 2019.

    Articles must be between 5000 and 8000 words in English, French, Spanish or Portuguese and must be submitted by the journal's website:

    Please send any inquiries to or

  • 10.10.2019 13:25 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Deadline: October 15, 2019

    We are calling for abstracts for chapter contributions to an edited collection of papers focusing on user generated content (UGC) in journalism & journalism education. Abstracts are due Oct 15, 2019.

    Among the many changes introduced by new media technologies to news practices, the growing utilization of User Generated Content (UGC) is one of the most challenging. Members of the public are capturing dramatic events around the world and then sharing them, not only on social media platforms, but with professional news media organizations which are eagerly incorporating posts, tweets and images into professionally produced news stories. The presence of amateur content in news discourses is a growing phenomenon that is reshaping the profession of journalism, news coverage and public expectations.

    We are calling for papers from academic researchers and journalists that address this important and timely subject. Relevant themes include:

    • How the use of UGC is reorganizing professional practices of journalists
      • User generated content and professionalism in news rooms
      • Role and significance of verification in news production
      • The problems of fake news when working with UGC
      • The growing shift of UGC onto private networks: threats and opportunities
      • The challenge and opportunities of new technologies for professional news rooms
    •  How UGC is transforming labour practices among journalists and the structural organization of news media
      • Changing labour practices in the newsroom
      • Changing structures, staffing and organization of news desks
      • Organizational changes and emerging business models
      • Emerging forms of produsers and precarious labour
      • Professional labour vis-à-vis labour of love
    •  How UGC is influencing the construction of meaning in news coverage
      • The impact of user produced content on the form and aesthetic of visual news
      • Role of contextualization in UGC verification services
      • The influence of non-professional producers on news narratives, framing and agendas
    • Emerging themes and tensions in non-professional practices of production
      • Emerging motivations for creating UGC news content
      • Emerging practices and conventions for UGC production
      • Precarity and risk in UGC production
    • Theoretical, methodological and historical considerations helping to understand and explain the growing use of UGC in professional news coverage
    • Changing educational priorities for journalism students with the rise of UGC

    Deadline: Abstracts (300-500 words, including references) should be emailed to the editors by Oct 15, 2019 clearly identified by “UGC Chapter Abstract” in the subject line. Email:

    Please direct any inquiries to Michael Lithgow at the above email address.

    About the Editors:

    Dr. Michael Lithgow is an Assistant Professor of Communication and Media Studies, in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Athabasca University. His research focuses broadly on citizen engagement in public cultures. His most current research explores expanded approaches to community digital & network literacies encompassing design, creation and operation of telecommunications infrastructure. He is part of a research group investigating changing practices in professional news rooms in response to the growing use of user-generated content (UGC) in news production.

    Dr Michèle Martin is Professor Emerita at Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada. Her research focuses on the history of illustrated news, feminist studies, and sociology of labour in the media. She has published several books - among them Hello Central? (nominated for the Harold Innis Prize), which has been translated into several languages, Communication and Mass Media and Images at War (attributed the Canadian Communication Association prize) - and numerous articles and book chapters. She is currently part of a research group investigating changing practices in professional news rooms in response to the growing use of user-generated content in news production. She was also invited as a visiting professor at Oxford University, The London School of Economics and Political Sciences, Université Panthéon-Assas Paris, American University in Istanbul among others.

  • 10.10.2019 13:20 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Deadline: October 31, 2019

    The Professional Wresting Studies Association invites submissions for the inaugural issue of the Professional Wrestling Studies Journal, an open-access, peer-reviewed academic journal.

    We welcome scholarly work from any theoretical and methodological lens that is rigorous, insightful, and expands our audience’s understanding of professional wrestling past or present as a cultural, social, political, and/or economic institution.

    All submissions must be original scholarly work and free of identifying information for blind review. Written articles should be submitted as Word documents and no more than 8,000 words, inclusive of a 200-word abstract and a reference list. MLA citation style is required. Any images that are not original require copyright clearance. Articles will be converted into PDFs for publication, so hyperlinks should be active.

    For multimedia productions and experimental scholarship, please contact editor-in-chief Matt Foy ( to verify length and proper format in which to send the piece.

    The deadline for submissions is October 31, 2019 for an April 2020 publication.

    Please email submissions to

  • 10.10.2019 13:13 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Deadline: November 10, 2019


    • Berrin Yanıkkaya (Arkın University of Creative Arts and Design)
    • Angelique Nairn (Auckland University of Technology)


    Women’s agency and its lack in the political realm has been a central theme of feminist scholarship. The interplay between economic, political, social and cultural forces on the one hand, and women’s individual and collective struggles on the other, centers upon the problem of agency.

    The construction of agency necessarily requires the articulation of voice. For women involved in long standing social justice struggles, speaking in their own voices is a primary political objective. In this context, voice has a wider thematic scope than is the case in daily language. Exercising a voice entails the advancements of autonomy and freedom through political action.

    Having and exercising a voice is also closely tied to the idea of visibility and therefore representation. Male domination restricts voice and restricts visibility. Essentially, women were conceptualized as the other, and the experiences of women framed from a masculine lens. Therefore, further research and scholarly discussion is needed to explore voice and its accompanying visibility in and across both public and private spheres. This means in politics, media, the arts, health, education, private realms and so on. In examining women being able to voice their perspectives in today’s societies, the following questions still seem relevant:

    • How is it possible for women to have their own voice?
    • Are there any differences between individual and collective voices?
    • How are women’s voices interpreted within politics, culture, economics and media in today’s societies?
    • What are the impacts of changing social dynamics on a new way of owning one’s own voice?
    • Can the new digital mediascape offer women new platforms to raise their voice and become more visible?
    • Is it enough just to have a voice if no one is hearing your voice?
    • What are the strategies women can deploy to overcome what Couldry (2010) calls ‘the contemporary crisis of voice in neoliberal times’?
    • How do women from different classes, ethnicities, races and ages respond to the challenges of being silenced in different geographies where there are uneven opportunities to access the channels to raise their voices and make patriarchal-capitalist societies listen?
    • How do women resist the dominant neoliberal discourse that structurally ‘ignores’ their voices?
    • What are the entrenched conditions that prevent women from claiming their own voice?
    • What language do women need speak to be able to be heard?
    • Is it possible for women to have agency when it is detached from the voice?

    The intention of this volume is to consider, reflect on, advance and ultimately give voice to the field of women’s studies. To bring together scholars from across the globe to offer a plethora of voices on issues impacting women and their agency within society.


    The purpose of this book is to examine the concept of ‘voice’ in its relation to the construction of agency for women. This publication shall include both theoretical debates over the relationship between voice and agency, and practical examples from around the world that explore how women own their own ‘voice’ in politics, culture, media and the economy.

    Although new and emerging technologies are leading to new ways of becoming visible and heard by larger groups of people across the world, the access to such tools continues to be problematic. Therefore such a text becomes a means of ensuring that important matters related with ‘voice’ continue to take place, particularly to the benefit of women’s empowerment. To this end, showcasing individual and collective approaches by women in claiming and reclaiming their own voices is crucial to understanding the concept of agency. Chapters proposed for this edited volume need to provide theoretical insights into the study of women’s agency as much as real-life examples and experiences of women owning their voices throughout history, especially in neoliberal times and the digital age.

    Target Audience

    The target audience of this book will consist of undergrad and postgrad students, scholars, women’s rights advocates, non-profit organizations for women, policy makers, higher education institutions, political and economic decision making bodies.

    Recommended Topics

    Recommended topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

    • Voice as a constituent element of agency
    • Voice as a marker of self-worth and identity
    • Voice in public and private domains
    • Women’s agency in politics
    • Silencing practices and the ways to overcome them
    • New opportunities for voicing women’s issues in the digital age
    • Individual and collectives voices
    • Social change and speaking up to power
    • Voice’s impact on visibility
    • Different experiences of women owning their voice across the world
    • Class, race, ethnicity, age, geography in relation to voice
    • Diversity, equity and inclusion in academia
    • Women’s voices in culture and art
    • Women’s voices and/in media
    • Conversation, gender and uneven distribution of power
    • Voice as an economic instrument
    • Voices of activists
    • Public speech, private conversation

    Submission Procedure

    Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit on or before November 10, 2019, a chapter proposal of 1,000 to 2,000 words clearly explaining the mission and concerns of his or her proposed chapter. Authors will be notified by November 24, 2019about the status of their proposals and sent chapter guidelines. Full chapters are expected to be submitted by January 23, 2020, and all interested authors must consult the guidelines for manuscript submissions at to submission. All submitted chapters will be reviewed on a double-blind review basis. Contributors may also be requested to serve as reviewers for this project.

    Note: There are no submission or acceptance fees for manuscripts submitted to this book publication, Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Women, Voice, and Agency. All manuscripts are accepted based on a double-blind peer review editorial process.

    All proposals should be submitted through the eEditorial Discovery®TM online submission manager.


    This book is scheduled to be published by IGI Global (formerly Idea Group Inc.), publisher of the "Information Science Reference" (formerly Idea Group Reference), "Medical Information Science Reference," "Business Science Reference," and "Engineering Science Reference" imprints. For additional information regarding the publisher, please visit This publication is anticipated to be released in 2021.

    Important Dates

    • 1st proposal submission deadline: November 10, 2019
    • Notification of Acceptance: November 24, 2019
    • Full chapter submission: January 23, 2020
    • Review results due to editor: February 22, 2020
    • Review results due to authors: March 7, 2020
    • Revisions due from authors: April 4, 2020
    • Final acceptance/rejection notification due to authors: April 18, 2020
    • All final accepted materials due from authors: May 2, 2020



    Business and Management; Computer Science and Information Technology; Education; Environmental, Agricultural, and Physical Sciences; Library and Information Science; Medical, Healthcare, and Life Sciences; Media and Communications; Security and Forensics; Government and Law; Social Sciences and Humanities; Science and Engineering

    Berrin Yanıkkaya, PhD, Professor of Communication Studies, Faculty of Communication, Arkın University of Creative Arts and Design (ARUCAD), Kyrenia, North Cyprus

    Angelique Nairn, PhD. Senior Lecturer , School of Communication Studies, Auckland University of Technology (AUT). Auckland, New Zealand




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