European Communication Research and Education Association
June 11-12, 2020
Liverpool (UK)
Deadline: January 20, 2020
This conference aims to forge interdisciplinary links between those working in Television and Media Studies, Modern Languages and Gender Studies. Television and media research is changing, the rapid evolution of this medium has been theorised in terms of the technological advances that changing modes of distribution bring, its textual, narrative and aesthetic developments, and its role as a mediator of cultural identity. Scholarship in this area has produced prolific studies of US and, to a lesser degree, UK television to exemplify the ways in which constructions of gender are mediated through different televisual formats and genres. This conference will refocus this research through analysis of television made beyond these English-speaking territories and consider the important work being done in Modern Languages to understand and analyse the ways in which transcultural and transnational mediations of gender are made visible, produced and understood through popular television.
This conference aims to explore this cultural specificity that will provide an important intervention into Gender Studies and Cultural Studies more broadly, as it works at the interface of Area Studies and these other disciplines. As a response to a global political landscape, in which power and gender have been brought into sharp focus, it will examine the way in which these structures of power play out in these ‘other’ television cultures. We will consider television as a key cultural mediator in the transcultural understanding of gender and a significant interlocutor in social change. If we consider TV one of the most influential agents of value construction, then TV shows can be considered a powerful tool to guide viewers through the moral climate of their time, attesting to a collective process of working through social issues.
Themes and research questions may include but should not be limited to:
Confirmed keynote speakers:
Conference Formats:
All papers consist of a 20-minute presentation by the author(s), with an extra 10-minute slot allocated for discussion at the end. Proposals for papers should include an abstract under 350 words and a bio of no more than 100 words. Panel proposals for three or four paper panels should combine the abstracts and bios of speakers in one document, and should also include a short rationale and panel title. Poster proposals should include an abstract of no more than 250 words and a 100-words speaker bio. All proposals should be submitted to the organisers: and
The deadline for proposals is 20 January 2020. Accepted papers will be notified by 15 February 2020. Selected papers will be invited to submit for a peer-reviewed volume.
Registration fees: £100 | Concessionary rate (postgraduates): £60
April 10-12, 2020
Ankara, Turkey
Ufuk University is holding the First International Social Sciences Congress to celebrate the 20th anniversary of its foundation. The main theme of the congress is determined as Earth in Context of Economics, Politics and Environment in the 21st Century considering the major discussion subjects in the 21st Century and the critical problems of the world we live in. On the other hand, the sub-themes cited in related parts of the website are to cover all social sciences. The congress will convene at Ufuk University Incek Campus in Ankara, Turkey between the 10th and 12th of April 2020 with panels, workshops, and sessions aimed at bringing together the social sciences academics.
Academics applying to present a paper are to handle all application procedures through the congress website. Additionally, participants may also offer themed panels which they believe to be indispensable or other proposals through the address The panels proposed via e-mail are to be evaluated by the Organization Committee and if approved, the regular process will be followed.
The congress is peer-reviewed. There will be no possibility of poster presentation. The abstracts of the papers presented in the Congress will be printed in the Congress Proceedings Book. Additionally, full text papers (in either English or Turkish), the peer review processes of which are completed and accepted for publication, can be published at the Journal of Ufuk University Institute of Social Sciences.
Congress web site address is or you can access on Ufuk Universiy’s web site which is
Dear colleagues,
is anyone considering or better already planning to submit a project to the currently open call of Horizon 2020 TRANSFORMATIONS-10-2020 on Evolving European Media Landscapes and Europeanisation?
Our Department of Media and Cultural Studies and Journalism, at the Palacký University in Olomouc, the Czech Republic (and Dep. of Communication Studies, University of Latvia) would like to join as a partner(s). If interested, we can provide with more information about what we can offer and share perspectives on the contents of the prospective project.
Regarding the topic, Czech Republic is very interesting since it is one of the most skeptical European countries towards EU (though with high well-being and stability, concerning the CEE region) and with affinity of politicians towards both Russia and China, and since 2014 is experiencing oligarchization of the media (from minor German media-houses owners to the hands of wealthiest Czechs, incl. the Prime Minister). Latvia's medialandscape, on the other hand, is strongly influenced by the Russian media production and Russian dezinformation campaigns.
Let us know. With best regards,
Zdenek Sloboda,
June 27-28, 2020
Faculty of Humanities, North-West University, South Africa
Deadline: February 28, 2020
Indigenous language media in Africa (ILMA) conference
The advent of social media (such as Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, YouTube etc.) has brought about democratisation of communication as the public that hitherto had been considered to be consumers of messages has now also become producers. The platform of social media is open to everyone who has a device, an account to use and data or access to the internet. Communication has never been better and interesting in the history of man.
However, as we celebrate this ‘power’ of communication given to the people through social media, we also need to ponder the other side of this communication. This advent of social media and with it more opportunities for free participation by citizens in debates has given impetus to insurgent politics and also brought on us the acceleration and strengthening of post-truth, fake news and hate speeches. Before the emergence of social media, there were fake news and hate speech carried by different media in the chronology of media and communication history. These phenomena have been there since the time of communication by mere words of mouth, and through the advent of print, radio and television media. It has however become more obtrusive with the emergence of social media. This has had some deleterious impact on human relationships and the society at large. It has created crisis and fueled it to monstrous proportions.
These are some of the issues we intend to focus on in this conference. Submissions can touch on any of the following points:
The list is by no means exhaustive.
Kindly submit abstracts of between 300 and 500 words to Dr. Francis Amenaghawon at
Papers presented at the conference, after peer-review process, will be published in Habari: ILMA Book Series. Habari is the Swahili word for News. The book series editors are Professor Abiodun Salawu and Prof. Itumeleng Mekoa.
Important Dates:
1. Abstract Submission – February 28, 2020
2. Acceptance/Rejection Notice – March 15, 2020
3. Conference Registration Opens – March 30, 2020
4. Conference – June 27 – 28, 2020
Registration Fees:
Academics – R2500.00
Students – R1000.00
International participants – USD180.00
March 19, 2020
Lund University, Sweden, Department of Communication and Media
Deadline: December 12, 2019
Organisers: Annette Hill and Hario Satrio Priambodho
Break up, break down, and break away: variations on media and the breaking down of infrastructures, technicalities, texts, contexts and social relations are the basis of this international symposium Media and Breakdown. This event focuses on the play off between deconstruction and reconstruction work in media, communication and cultural studies.
Breakdown signifies wearing down, collapse, and catastrophe; this meaning of breakdown relates to media technologies and services, representations and themes in factual and fictional genres, or broader issues such as a crisis of democracy, and a thin trust between politicians, the media and publics. Breakdown also signifies taking apart something to analyse and understand how it works; this meaning of breaking down relates to deconstructing a text and its internal workings and contradictions, or forensically analysing media systems, political economics and power structures. Moments of media breakdown can reveal that which is otherwise hidden. And breakdown can be related to processes of fluidity and renewal, in the breaking down of barriers and divisions. The theme of breakdown offers a multidimensional approach to how we can understand media, culture and society as a site of collapse and repair, and as a place for theoretical and empirical analysis within media, communication and cultural studies.
The international symposium offers a platform for dialogue on media and breakdown that addresses the theme from empirical and theoretical perspectives. We invite papers related to the following themes:
The research questions include: 1. How can we critically examine media and breakdown across news, radio and television, film, arts and museums, digital and social media? 2. In what ways can we understand breakdown and repair in our analysis of media and culture? 3. What methods can we apply to the study of media and breakdown? Different disciplinary approaches to research on media and breakdown have developed in a variety of subject areas such as media, communication and cultural studies, political communication, sociology and anthropology, cultural geography, media history, film studies, art and creative practice, and memory studies. The symposium offers opportunities to seek overlaps and connections in pursuing our topic.
Confirmed speakers include Nico Carpentier (Charles University, Czech Republic), Simon Dawes (Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, France), Christine Geraghty (Glasgow University, UK), Joke Hermes (InHolland University, Netherlands), Annette Hill (Lund University, Sweden), and Peter Lunt (University of Leicester, UK).
Please submit an abstract of 300 words in English by December 12th 2019 to
For further information please consult our website:
There is a registration fee of 850 SEK (90 Euros) that covers food and drink for the day and an evening buffet.
Deadline: December 9, 2019
This is a quick reminder to those of you who might be interested in contributing a chapter to the 'Ethnic journalism in the Global South' book.
The book will be submitted to Palgrave Macmillan in 2020 and if everything goes well will be published as part of the newly launched 'Palgrave Studies in Journalism and the Global South' book series: (series editors Bruce Mutsvairo, Saba Bebawi and Eddy Borges-Rey).
In this volume, we will look at ethnic journalism in the Global South through the following lenses:
If you are interested in suggesting a chapter for this volume, please send us a one-page summary of your proposed chapter, indicating central questions, methodology, theoretical framework and expected results.
Submissions are to be sent to Anna Gladkova and Sadia Jamil before 9 December 2019.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
March 27, 2020
Dublin, Ireland
Deadline: January 6, 2020
Technological University Dublin invites submissions for its public relations and public affairs conference, SymPR&A 2020.
With a theme of ‘public relations, public affairs and societal engagement’ and an emphasis on social capital and social legitimacy, the conference invites research papers from scholars in PR and public affairs particularly, and encourages interdisciplinary contributions from scholars whose related work explores and benefits contemporary theory and practice.
Topics that are particularly welcomed in this call for papers may include, for example:
This list is not exhaustive and imaginative proposals from disciplines outside these suggestions are welcome.
Abstracts of 300-400 words for a paper of approximately 20-25 minutes should be submitted with a short accompanying proposer biography by January 6. Submissions may be made at
The full call for papers, and details on registration can be viewed at
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
The PROFECI Team at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem is looking to recruit an Arabic speaking Post-Doctoral Fellow in an ERC project about the social dynamics of projecting possible futures.
If you are a native Arabic speaker, or fluent in the Arabic language, and are interested in working on an exciting project for your postdoc studies (starting September 2020), this could be a terrific opportunity for you.
We are an international, interdisciplinary team headed by Prof. Keren Tenenboim-Weinblatt ( at the Hebrew University’s Department of Communication and Journalism. The project, PROFECI, examines how scenarios about the outcomes and implications of significant political events are formulated, and how people act upon these expectations. The Post-Doctoral researcher will focus on the social construction of projections related to the war in Syria and the role of the media in this process. The position is fully funded (up to 2 years).
Suitable candidates should hold (or be close to completion of) a PhD in Communication, Middle Eastern Studies, International Relations, or related fields. Background in research on Syria and experience in text analysis are an advantage.
Applications should comprise a statement of motivation (1 page), CV including list of publications, two recommendation letters (one of them should be from the PhD supervisor), as well as one relevant publication (published or under review). Applications should be sent as PDF to Bat Sheva Hass, ERC coordinator, at
Review of applications will begin on January 30th, 2019 and will continue until the position is filled.
April 15-16, 2020
Unisinos University / Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, Porto Alegre, Brazil
Deadline: February 3, 2020
Submit: an abstract in English, Portuguese or Spanish (300 words) and short biography to
Confirmed speakers include Niels van Doorn (Universiteit van Amsterdam) and Ludmila Costhek Abilio (Universidade Estadual de Campinas), and more to be confirmed. The conference will also host roundtables of policy makers and worker-led organizations.
The conference encourages submissions that explore one of the following issues or another related to digital labor research.
Results will be announced on February 17, 2020.
Organizing Committee
Scientific Committee
More information:
Please send any inquiries to or
Special Issue on Multimedia Alternate Realities: Springer, Multimedia Tools and Applications (MTAP) journal
Deadline (expression of interest): February 15, 2020
Important Dates
Expression of interest (abstract max 400 words): Feb 15, 2020
Submission: Mar 31, 2020
Manuscripts submitted before the deadline will enter the review process straightaway. If accepted, your article will proceed to be published online first and will be fully citable before issue publication.
Scope, Dimensions and Topics
Novel multimedia technologies enable us to experience other realities, to live other people's stories, or to interact in remote scenarios. Different spaces, times, situations or contexts can be entered thanks to multimedia contents and systems, which coexist with our current reality, and are sometimes so vivid and engaging that we feel we are immersed in them. These experiences may feel like an alternate reality.
Recent advancements in multimedia and related technologies together with increased computational capabilities facilitate the creation of hypermedia content with higher quality using multiple sensory channels, including audio, visual, haptic, olfactory, and taste.
Following three inspiring editions of the Multimedia Alternate Realities workshop at the ACM Multimedia conference, this MTAP Special Issue brings new opportunities to share ideas and results. Research contributions may explore how the synergy between multimedia technologies and its perceptual/cognitive effects can foster the creation of alternate realities and make their access an enriching and valuable experience. This call is open for everyone working on the broader theme of Alternate Multimedia realities, including previous workshop participants as well as new contributors. In line with this conceptual theme, we seek contributions that present multimedia technologies, methods and evaluation approaches from the perspective of "enabling other realities". In particular, one or more of the following *dimensions* must be addressed in the contributions by prospective authors, when characterizing the type of multimedia alternate realities that they are aiming for:
We invite contributions with the goals and the perspective of enabling alternate realities experiences as characterized above, through multimedia technologies, design and evaluation methods for its creation and consumption. This involves the use of different types of media content (audiovisual, haptics, smell, and taste), increased immersion (e.g., 3D, holographic, UHD, panoramic and 360-degree visual media, and spatial audio), new interaction devices, environments, modalities, and formats.
*Topics* include but are not limited to:
# Creation and Consumption of Alternate Realities
# Design and Evaluation of Alternate Realities Experience
# Alternate Realities Applications
Guest Editors
Submission Guidelines
Authors should prepare their manuscript according to the Instructions for Authors available from the Multimedia Tools and Applications website. Authors should submit through the online submission site and select "1161 - Multimedia Alternate Realities" when they reach the "Article Type" step in the submission process. Submitted papers should present original, unpublished work, relevant to one of the topics of the Special Issue. All submitted papers will be evaluated on the basis of relevance, significance of contribution, technical quality, scholarship, and quality of presentation, by at least three independent reviewers. It is the policy of the journal that no submission, or substantially overlapping submission, be published or be under review at another journal or conference at any time during the review process.
Expression of Interest: by email to, subject: "AltMM SI – Expression of Interest".
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 14 6041 Charleroi Belgium
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