European Communication Research and Education Association
City, University of London
Deadline: May 5, 2019
Reference Number: 60015092
Location: Northampton Square
School / Service: School of Arts & Social Sciences
Department: Department of Journalism
Contract Duration: Permanent
Hours: Part-time
Salary Range: (£)54765 to 61618
City, University of London is a global university committed to academic excellence with a focus on business and the professions and an enviable central London location.
City attracts around 20,000 students (35% postgraduate level) from more than 150 countries and staff from over 75 countries.
In the last REF, City doubled the proportion of its total academic staff producing world-leading or internationally excellent research.
Led by President, Professor Sir Paul Curran, City has made significant investments in its academic staff, its estate and its infrastructure and continues to work towards realising its vision of being a leading global university: it has recently agreed a new Vision & Strategy 2026. Founded in 1894, City is celebrating its 125th anniversary this year.
The School of Arts & Social Sciences is an internationally excellent centre of research and learning on the human condition in all its dimensions. It is a large and vibrant School with around 3,000 students (one third postgraduate) and over 250 staff in seven Departments: Economics, English, International Politics, Journalism, Music, Sociology and Psychology. The School aims to attract outstanding members of academic staff who will produce world-leading or internationally excellent research of benefit to society; provide innovative and exciting programmes of study; and enrich the lives and enhance the career prospects of its students.
The Department of journalism is a leader in its field, with an unrivalled record of securing attractive employment for its graduates in both traditional and emerging journalism roles. Ranked first in London and seventh in the UK in the Guardian University Guide 2017, the Department provides an academic environment for the study and practice of journalism in one of the world’s media capitals.
The Department is seeking to appoint an outstanding candidate to a part-time Education Lectureship in Journalism.
Person Specification
As well as demonstrable professional achievement as an investigative journalist, the successful candidate will have a track record of working in higher education, with the ability and personal commitment to deliver a high quality educational experience, ensuring that students develop both academic learning and practical skills. A good knowledge of media law is desirable. A record of publishing research is required; a record of publishing research of world-leading or internationally excellent quality is desirable.
The successful candidate will be the appointed Programme Director of the successful MA in Investigative Journalism.
Additional Information
City offers a sector-leading salary, pension scheme and benefits including a comprehensive package of staff training and development.
Closing date for applications: 11:59pm 5th May 2019
Interviews will be held week commencing 4th June 2019
For further information please contact Dr Paul Lashmar, Deputy Head of Department by email
Actively working to promote equal opportunity and diversity
Academic excellence for business and the professions
Please use the link here to view further details for this job.
November 7-8, 2019
Deadline: April 26, 2019
EuroPCom, the European Public Communication Conference, is the largest annual meeting point for experts in the field of public communication and jointly organised by the EU institutions in Brussels.
The tenth edition of the conference will gather over 1000 communication experts from local, regional, national and European authorities, as well as private communication agencies, NGOs and academia on 7 and 8 November 2019. In additional to traditional workshops, there will be a variety of open formats, providing a platform for the exchange of creative ideas and co-learning.
EuroPCom 2019 will take place just after the European Parliament elections and the establishment of the European Commission. This gives us the opportunity to discuss how to communicate the priorities of the new mandate, how to engage with citizens and how to move on in a European Union of 27.
The preliminary list of topics includes:
Ideas Labs
The Ideas Labs are a format for open discussion and co-creation, geared towards proposals for concrete action on better communicating Europe. Would you like to set up a participatory and interactive session during EuroPCom? Submit your proposal for an Ideas Lab here!
The topic should be in line with the topics suggested above. Four Labs will run during the conference and successful applicants will need to be strongly involved as lab leaders in the preparatory work and during the session. We will provide you with a lab facilitator to guide you in this exciting exercise.
EuroPCom Market Place and Talks
You would like to share your innovative communication project with the other participants of the conference? Want to give a short inspirational speech on recent developments or findings in the field of EU communication?
The EuroPCom Market Place is an interactive opportunity to showcase your project and ideas and exchange best practices and experience. The EuroPCom Talks provide a platform to pitch your project or findings. Submit your proposal through this template!
Share your ideas!
How can EU communication be relaunched for the new EU mandate? How can we get citizens interested and inform them about the priorities of the EU institutions? How can we reach out to citizens and engage with them more effectively? Which new digital tools and trends should be promoted? What EuroPCom Mini Trainings would you find useful?
We are looking forward to hearing your tips on recent communication projects relating to the proposed themes, other ideas for topics or themes as well as your suggestions for inspiring speakers!
Please send your proposals or comments via email or social media by 26 April!
September 5-6, 2019
University of Copenhagen
Deadline: May 15, 2019
The research project ‘Mediatized diaspora (MEDIASP): Contentious Politics among Arab Media Users in Europe’ at the University of Copenhagen is pleased to announce the call for papers for a two-day conference (5 - 6 September 2019) on Regime-Critical Media and Arab Diaspora: Challenges and Opportunities post-Arab Spring.
Keynote speakers:
After the Arab Spring, political developments in the Arab countries have varied from sustained civil war in Syria and Yemen to fragile political democracy in Tunisia; from successive regime changes in Egypt to regime maintenance in Bahrain; and from ongoing uprisings in Sudan to “successful” pressure against the regime to resign in Algeria. These developments have a direct impact on the conditions for regime-critical and politically mobilized media and for Arab diasporas living outside the Arab world. Regime-critical media have faced new restrictions and challenges in the Middle Eastern and North African countries post-Arab Spring, letting several media to move to other countries. Likewise, the situation of political activists either still living in the Middle East or in diaspora has greatly changed and their contributions have taken on a new significance.
Hence, the overall questions are: how do regime-critical media produced for the Middle Eastern or North-African audiences meet new challenges and opportunities? How do Middle Eastern and North-African diaspora groups mobilize politically and engage in transnational political activities? How does the audiences’ use of regime-critical media influences political action formation in diaspora?
We invite conference papers that examine the regime-critical media produced both in and outside the Middle East, and/or how media practices of Middle Eastern and North-African political activists in diaspora contribute to political transformation. The conference aims at exploring and discussing the potentially wide variations in regime-critical media and the Arab diasporas’ practices of using them. Both theoretical and empirical contributions are welcome.
The conference welcomes papers on any of the following – or allied – topics or themes:
Regime-critical media in the Middle East and North African countries:
- The history (and developments) of Arab critical media
- Politicization of critical media after the 2011 Arab Spring
- Social media in light of political repression
- Critical media coverage of social movements
- Critical media censorship and ownership
- The performing of conflict by critical media
- Violence and affective media events
- Audio-visual modalities of critical media
- Art, creativity, alternative features of critical media
- Virtual mobility and glocality of critical media
- The legal framework of Arab media
- The future of Arab critical media
Political activism and media users of regime-critical media:
- Media practices in the diaspora
- Media and migrationhood
- Practices of citizen journalism
- Political activism in digital media
- Cyber activism post-Arab Spring
- Transnational media practice
- Mediatized negotiations and contestations of current developments
- Connective and collective action formations
- Electronic armies (committees) on social media
Abstract Submission
The deadline for submitting proposals for individual papers is May 15. Please submit a title and abstract of about 250 words, in addition to your name, institutional affiliation and contact information.
Please send your abstracts or any enquiries to
A selection of accepted papers will be published in a special issue in Journal of Arab & Muslim Media Research in April 2020 (Volume 13, Issue 1).
Key dates
Registration is required, but there is no registration fee. The conference does not cover travel or accommodation costs for the participants.
Conference host
The host of the conference is the research project ‘Mediatized diaspora (MEDIASP): Contentious Politics among Arab Media Users in Europe’. You can read more about the project here:
The project has its home at the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies (language, religion and society), University of Copenhagen.
For more information about the conference, please contact the organizing committee at
The organizing committee consists of Dr. Ehab Galal, Dr. Thomas Fibiger, Dr. Mostafa Shehata, and PhD-fellow Zenia Yonus.
International Off-year Conference for ECREA-CYM-TWG-2019
September 19-20, 2019
Salamanca, Spain
Deadline for abstract submission: May 15, 2019
Children and adolescents increasingly turn to mobile media devices and SmartScreen’s, the Smartphone in particular - at home, at school or on the move-, to stay connected with family and friends, for schooling activities and to access a variety of digital media contents and services including social media, music, videos, and games. The everytime-and-everywhere-access to mobile media has changed children’s and adolescents’ everyday life with potential implications on their -from a broad perspective- socialization, consumer patterns, schooling orientated behaviour among others. This conference wants to address these issues both from a theoretical and methodological perspective. We welcome Case Studies and research in the conference topics.
Acceptance of abstracts will be announced on the 15th of June 2019.
Abstracts to be sent via THIS LINK 500 to 600 words max for double blind peer review.
More specifically we welcome research from (though not exclusively) the following topics:
There will be two parallel sessions and expect a maximum of 80 individual presentations.
Key note Speakers:
Participants will be responsible for their own travel, accommodation and dinner expenses. Two lunch tickets will be provided for each registration, for Thursday and Friday Lunch.
There will be a Bank Account for payment issues and information will be provided in may 2019.
Host/Location: Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Salamanca, Campus Unamuno, 37071, Salamanca, Spain.
University of Salamanca, City of Salamanca at 200km from Madrid in direction Portugal.
See here.
Think also in participating in the Associated Monograph to this event here.
The event will take place at the University of Salamanca, Faculty of Social Sciences, Salamanca (near Madrid), Spain.
Local organizer Prof. Dr. Félix Ortega, from the Department of Sociology and Communication, Faculty of Social Sciences, Salamanca University and
Prof. Dr. Patricia Núñez-Gómez , from the Faculty of Information Sciences, University Complutense Madrid.
Organizing Committee: Laura Rodríguez-Contreras, Javier Amores, Beatriz González-Ispierto, Diego Ramos, Sofía Trullenque.
Scientific Committee: Dr. Elisabeth Staaksrud (University of Oslo), Dr. Bieke Zaman, (UKLeuven), Dr. Juan José Igartua Perosanz, (USAL), Dr. Maria Marcos (USAL), Dr. Carlos Arcila Calderón (USAL), Dr. Antonia Picornell-Lucas (USAL), Dr. Sara Serrate (USAL), Dr. María José Rodríguez-Conde (USAL), Dr. Antonio García-Jiménez (URJC), Dr. Félix Ortega (USAL), Dr. Patricia Nuñez-Gómez (UCM), Dr. Victoria Tur-Viñes (Universidad de Alicante).
Moment Journal
Deadline: September 1, 2019
The emergence of new media and its affordances have generated an increasing interest not only in resurgence of centralized structures and surveillance, but also in their participatory potential. Such interest is, in fact, not historically distinctive; each time the society is introduced to a new medium of communication, its potential of being used for the broader social good or harm becomes a matter of debate. Then again, where the rise of authoritarianism in the world today is considered, enabling more citizen participation in social and political debate is regarded as a progressive contribution of new media in general.
In Turkey’s context, participation is generally associated with practices that are limited to efforts to sustain electoral democracy and politics. However, looking at the increasing international scholarly calls for contribution on participation issue by numerous journals and books, one can see the diversity in the ways in which participation as a concept is understood as a very broad category, which may imply “interaction”, “engagement” or merely a social, political or cultural “joining”. For instance, Nico Carpentier (2013) defines participation in a much broader way than it is used in the academic lexicon of Turkey, but also with a narrower political signification than many others assume since he considers participation as an equalization of power relations in decision-making processes. Communication as a “practice” and media as an “institution” play a crucial role in strengthening or changing social power relations in such processes. The definition of participation by Henry Jenkins (2013), on the other hand, is closer to the broader meaning when he refers to "participatory cultures" of youth, including fan clubs, blogs, popular videos, online activism, etc.
Within the framework outlined above, we invite submissions for Moment Journal’s issue on participation and the media, on topics including, but not limited to:
The manuscripts should be submitted to the Moment Journal via Dergipark between June 1 and September 1, 2019. Submissions both in English and Turkish will be accepted.
Publication Date: 15 December 2019.
For details, see submission guidelines
Theme Editors: Oğuzhan Taş (Ankara University, Turkey) & Emre Canpolat (Hacettepe University, Turkey)
Jenkins, H., & Carpentier, N. (2013). Theorizing participatory intensities: A conversation about participation and politics. Convergence, 19(3), 265–286.
June 17-21, 2019
Universidade Lufosona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, Lisboa, Portugal
Deadline: April 28, 2019
This year, complementing the 31st Society for Animation Studies conference taking place in Lisbon, we want to open a new forum of debate hosting practice-based Workshop sessions. The aim of these Workshops is to advance existing and emerging areas of animation practice-research as a complement to the formats of the main conference program. These will allow workshop presenters a different scope of action beyond the traditional conference format, with more freedom to stage structured interactions and collaborative processes, and to use more unconventional and experimental session formats.
Using the same thematic framework of the 2019 conference, Animation is a Place, and suggesting practice and theory as a reflection of its time and place, and a tool of cultural expression, we invite proposals for workshops that reflect on the themes of the conference through the making.
The workshops can be a way to share an ongoing research or invite participants to be part of it. We welcome varied proposals within the following topics:
The workshops will be hosted by the Lusofona University. They will take place on the 17th of June, the first day of the Conference, and the maximum duration is 3 hours.
We invite proposals that have no costs in terms of materials and tools required, since the Conference can provide only space and basic equipment already in place.
Every submission (max 5000 words including references, max 5 MB) has to contain:
.Please send your proposal to:
All the above can be read and shared via the following link:
More info about the conference can be found here:
Indrek Ibrus (Tallinn University, Estonia)
The ebook edition of this title is Open Access and is freely available to read online.
This book combines economic studies of innovation systems with studies of mediatisation, media convergence, trans- and cross-media and with other approaches within media and culture studies. It elaborates on a new concept, cross-innovation, referring to co-innovation and convergence processes taking place between different sectors of digital service economies. The proposition is that digitisation and mediatisation processes are conditioning new inter-sector dialogues and the emergence of new cross-innovation systems at the borderlines of formerly distinct industries.
The case study industries presented are, on the one hand, audiovisual media (film, television, videogames, etc.) and health care, education or tourism, on the other hand. The book builds on 2 years of empirical work across Nordic and Baltic countries, putting a special emphasis on the opportunities and challenges for small countries as they build the cross-innovation systems in the era of media globalisation and platformisation of services. The empirical research of 144 interviews with stakeholders (policy makers, entrepreneurs, managers, professionals) from all four sectors and of secondary data and documentary analysis. The findings tell of complex stories how global platformisation of tourism undermines the emergence of related cross-innovation systems in small countries; how fragmentation of local education and health care markets does not enable the scalability of innovations, but protects local innovation systems for being overtaken by global platform giants. The book has stories of successful facilitation of cross-innovation as well as failures to do so.
Special issue of Digital Journalism
Deadline: April 30, 2019
Digital platforms and mobile technologies are diversifying the ways in which audiences are exposed to and engage with news, ranging from news avoidance to active news sharing (Newman et al., 2018; Park et al., 2018). Among different types of news engagement, the act of ‘sharing’ encourages the culture of social endorsement where audiences signal to others and are influenced by their social networks in encountering news. This creates a social news environment where audiences are inadvertently exposed to news that may not match their political beliefs or interests (Anspach, 2017). On social media, audiences are oftentimes incidentally exposed to different perspectives and views (Fletcher & Nielsen, 2017; Lu & Lee, 2018; Weeks et al., 2017). Yet, whether they will engage with the news they encounter incidentally is a different matter; news audiences may or may not choose to consume or engage with the news that they have discovered. Exposure to diverse information from counter-attitudinal sources does not automatically lead to the consumption of such information (Anspach, 2017).
In the context of news sharing, there exist two closely linked dimensions. First is the technological affordances offered by digital platforms (Feraj & Azad, 2012; Evans, Pearce, Vitak, & Treem, 2017). Technological affordances can influence news consumers’ levels of news exposure, consumption and engagement. As yet, relatively little is known about the extent to which and how different technological affordances lead to different types and levels of news engagement. This is further complicated by the fact that audience behavior is an outcome of a contextual and multi-faceted relationship between the technology and the user (Evans et al., 2017). The second dimension is the human factors that come into play in the uptake, reception, and sharing of news. Consistent with the theory of selective exposure, how news consumers consume and interact with news are also dependent on their political beliefs (Shin & Thorson, 2017; Stroud et al., 2017). The phenomenon of selective exposure can lead to a decrease in opportunities for news consumers to consume and engage with diverse news and information (Messing & Westwood, 2012; Stroud, 2008, 2010).
On digital platforms, there is a third, moderating factor—social endorsements—that bridges technological affordances and human factors. Social endorsements serve as a heuristic cue that signals news audiences as to which news deserves their attention (Anspach, 2017; Messing & Westwood, 2012). This is a key trend in the digital platform environment among news audiences who interact with others through news sharing.
To date, the link between affordances of digital platforms and news audiences’ selective exposure remains largely unknown as the interplay between technological affordances associated with news engagement and human factors remains understudied. To further develop this area, this special issue of Digital Journalism invites scholars to investigate the interplay between the structural and human factors that influence news consumers’ exposure to and engagement with news. Among different types of digital news engagement, this special issue focuses on news sharing behaviors that epitomize how news consumers interact with technological affordances offered by digital platforms. We welcome quantitative, qualitative and mixed-methods approaches.
Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
Information about Submissions
Proposals should include the following: an abstract of 500-750 words (not including references) as well as background information on the author(s), including an abbreviated bio that describes previous and current research that relates to the special issue theme. Please submit your proposal as one file (PDF) with your names clearly stated in the file name and the first page. Send your proposal to the e-mail address and by the date stated in timeline below. Authors of accepted proposals are expected to develop and submit their original article, for full blind review, in accordance with the journal's peer-review procedure, by the deadline stated. Article submissions should target 7,000 words in length. Guidelines for manuscripts can be found here.
More here.
University of Bergen
Deadline: May 31, 2019
A post doctoral researcher position is available at the Department of Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies, Faculty of Humanities, University of Bergen from 1 January 2020. The position is part of the ERC project Machine Vision in Everyday Life: Playful Interactions with Visual Technologies in Digital Art, Games, Narratives and Social Media. The position is for a fixed-term period of three years.
About the project:
MACHINE VISION is a five-year project led by Professor Jill Walker Rettberg. The objective of the three-year post.doc. project is to develop an understanding of the experiences of users and developers of machine vision technologies in smartphones and social media, e.g. selfie filters, image enhancement algorithms and object recognition algorithms. Anthropological/ethnographic methods including fieldwork and interviews will be used.
The successful candidate will have submitted a preliminary project outline with the application, and will develop a more specific research design after being hired, in collaboration with MACHINE VISION’s project leader, Professor Jill Walker Rettberg. The post.doc. project must address the project’s main research questions, which relate to agency, objectivity and values/bias in machine vision, but will also be tailored to the candidate’s particular strengths and interests. Research outputs should include a monograph and/or peer-reviewed articles, conference presentations, public outreach, and co-organizing one or more workshops. The post.doc. will join a team consisting of the project leader, three PhD students researching representations of machine vision in art, narratives and games, a research assistant and a database developer, hosted by the Department of Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies at the University of Bergen. The successful candidate will be expected to relocate to Bergen, Norway. Funding will be provided for fieldwork, research visits and conference visits. The starting date would be in or around January 2020.
A project summary is available from the MACHINE VISION website:
Qualifications and personal qualities
We can offer:
How to apply
Please apply electronically in the online system Jobbnorge via the link “APPLY FOR THIS JOB”.
Your application must include:
The enclosures can be submitted as Word- or pdf-files.
The application and appendices with certified translations into English or a Scandinavian language must be uploaded at Jobbnorge.
For further information about the recruitment process, click here
Any queries concerning the electronic application procedure should be directed to the Faculty of Humanities. Email:
Reference number: 19/3885
Application deadline: 31.05.2019
More here:
Academy in Exile
Academy in Exile invites scholars at risk to apply for 12-month fellowships in Berlin and Essen. Eligible are scholars from any country, with a PhD in the humanities, social sciences, or law, who are at risk because of their academic work and/or civic engagement in human rights, democracy, and the pursuit of academic freedom. Academy in Exile fellowships provide scholars with the opportunity to reestablish their scholarship in Germany and to work on a research project of their own choosing in a multidisciplinary environment. Fellows will contribute to the research agenda and intellectual profile of the academy generally.
With funding support from the Volkswagen Foundation, Academy in Exile started in 2017 as a joint initiative of the Institute of Turkish Studies at the University of Duisburg-Essen, the Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut (Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities / KWI) in Essen, and the Berlin-based Forum Transregionale Studien. The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation provides additional funding for a residency program on critical thinking at the Freie Universität Berlin. To date, Academy in Exile has supported 27 scholars at risk with long-term fellowships, emergency stipends, and a guest professorship.
The new five fellows of the academy will have the opportunity to either be affiliated with the Forum Transregionale Studien, Freie Universität or the KWI. The selection of fellows will be based on academic merit, risk assessment, and suitability for the respective programs in Essen and Berlin (see below).
Fellowships may start as early as July 1, 2019 and may be extended for an additional 12 months. The monthly stipend amounts to 2,500 EUR.
Please submit your application by April 30, 2019 in the following order:
Please submit your application to Vera Kempa as one PDF and name the file as follows: surname_first name. All applications will be dealt with in strict confidentiality.
The Berlin-based Forum Transregionale Studien is a research organization that promotes the internationalization of research in the humanities and social sciences. The Forum provides scope for collaboration among researchers with different regional and disciplinary perspectives and appoints researchers from all over the world as Fellows. In cooperation with universities and research institutions in Berlin and outside, it carries out research projects that examine other regions of the world and their relationship to Germany and Europe systematically and with new questions. It supports four research programs and initiatives: Art Histories and Aesthetic Practices, Zukunftsphilologie: Revisiting the Canons of Textual Scholarship, Prisma Ukraïna—Research Network Eastern Europe, and Europe in the Middle East—the Middle East in Europe (EUME).
The KWI (Kulturwissenschaftliches Institut / Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities) in Essen promotes excellent interdisciplinary research in the humanities, social and cultural sciences and maintains close cooperations with regional, national and international partners. It conducts basic research on the principles of modern culture with regard to relevant questions of contemporary societies. Due to the rise of authoritarian governments targeting gender and sexuality-related research, Academy in Exile at the KWI particularly encourages applications from scholars specializing in gender studies.
The Freie Universität in Berlin hosts a program on critical thinking for Academy in Exilefellows. While continuing their independent research, residency fellows at the Freie Universität devise a program of public lectures and closed workshops to evaluate the history of critical thinking, its relationship to policies of higher education, and its renewed relevance for today. As a distinctive feature of this new program, fellows are piloting a teaching-acrossborders initiative.
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 14 6041 Charleroi Belgium
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