European Communication Research
and Education Association

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  • 07.09.2023 09:40 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    November 27, 2023


    Deadline: October 7, 2023

    Institute of Social Communication and Media Studies Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin and Wroclaw Academic Centre in partnership with Academia Europaea Wroclaw Knowledge Hub are continuing research meetings focused on specific issues of mediatization research chaired by eminent experts (Göran Bolin (2017), Johan Fornäs (2018), Andreas Hepp (2019), Mark Deuze (2020) André Jansson (2021), Andrew Hoskins (2022)), this year the workshop will take place online on the 27 November 2023 and it will be led by Professor Kirsten Frandsen, Aarhus University.


    MORE INFO:,27346.htm

  • 07.09.2023 08:57 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    ECREA Mediatization section track

    March 13-15, 2023

    University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland

    Deadline: November 5, 2023

    We are delighted to announce the 2024 International Communication Association (ICA) regional conference, "Human Tech Transition: Crises in Mediatized Politics, Society & Economy" (, a captivating and innovative forum that explores the intersection of communication, modern technologies, and the challenges posed by the crises of modernity. In the midst of rapidly evolving media landscapes and unprecedented global challenges, the theme of the conference revolves around the triad of media, new technologies, and the crises of today's world.

    Our aim is to bridge the gap between empirical social research and technological advancements to gain a deeper understanding of how communication shapes the behavior of individuals and social groups.

    The conference will feature seven compelling thematic panels:

    • Communication in times of war – new media, old strategies
    • Communication in times of war – the role of media as an institution
    • Pandemic and lockdown as the spiritus movens of the technological revolution in communication
    • Climate crisis - communication through the lens of new technologies
    • Technologies in social life - a solution or another crisis?
    • Fighting for order and attention in times of datafication: digital media as a new tool for restoring social order
    • Mediatization in the era of AI (track organized in cooperation with ECREA)

    Renowned Keynote Speakers:

    Prof. Silvio Waisbord

    Prof. Lourdes S. Martinez

    Prof. Aleksandra Przegalińska

    We look forward to welcoming you to the 2024 ICA regional conference - Human Tech Transition! Together, let's explore the ever-evolving landscape of communication and technology in the face of modern challenges.

    If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact our conference organizing team at

    Important dates:

    • Submission deadline: 5 November 2023 @12:00 (noon) London time (GMT+1)
    • Acceptance notification: 8 December 2023
    • Author registration deadline: 12 January 2024
    • Conference: 13-15 March 2024
  • 05.09.2023 17:24 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    October 13, 2023

    University of Public Service Budapest, Hungary

    Deadline: September 17, 2023

    Mediatization Section

    The Science and Society Research Group of the University of Public Service invites the members of ECREA Mediatization to submit abstracts for the upcoming conference on "Science and Disinformation: How can Science Support Society against Disinformation?" and its Mediatization Section.

    The conference will delve into critical topics concerning the intricate relationship between science and society, focusing on science communication strategies, science-related disinformation, misinformation, and related mediatization. The objective is to foster interdisciplinary dialogue on the complex interplay between science and society.

    Themes for the Mediatization Section include but are not limited to:

    • Mediatization of science communication
    • Changing media mechanisms in the dissemination of scientific knowledge
    • Mediatized knowledge production and application including societal implications
    • Strategies to reduce anti-scientific attitudes through communication and media
    • Mediatization of conspiracy theories, and pseudo-scientific beliefs
    • Mis-/disinformation, fake news and regulation/moderation in social media
    • Development of media literacy in science communication

    We invite abstract submissions that contribute to these themes and subtopics, aiming to advance our understanding of the multifaceted relationship between science, mediatization and society. Join us in Budapest on October 13, 2023, to engage in lively discussions, share your research, and help shape the future of science communication and societal well-being.

    The deadline for abstract submission is September 17, 2023.

    Latest notification on abstract acceptance: September 22, 2023.


    If you need a travel grant, please indicate this in detail when submitting your abstract. In case of acceptance, we will contact you to share the possibilities.

    A special issue on the best presentations in a European Q-rated journal is under negotiation.

    For inquiries or additional information, please contact us at

  • 05.09.2023 17:08 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    November 6-7, 2023

    University of Malaga (Spain)

    Deadline (EXTENDED): September 15, 2023

    The YECREA Network together with the Department of Journalism, University of Malaga invites interested and critical early career scholars to a workshop to critically discuss and reimagine a better academic for ECRs in communication studies. The workshop will take place 6th and 7th of November 2023 at the University of Malaga.

    The aim of this workshop is to create an inclusive space for like-minded and critical-thinking ECRs who are prepared to interrogate and intervene in current academic cultures. We do not envision this to be merely a space for critiquing “how bad academia is”, but to identify key problems and transform academia by offering long-term, tangible, and implementable solutions. We recognize the value of growing research highlighting the problems in academia, but what we want this workshop to be is a call for action to improve the conditions for ECRs in academia. We invite doctoral and post-doctoral researchers, as well as early-career lecturers and independent scientists, who are outspoken, engaged, and committed to coming up with creative and disruptive solutions and ideas to challenge academia in its current state. These goals also align with ECREA’s broader activities, reflecting on neoliberal conditions in academia.

    The 2-day workshop will focus on broad themes, including inequality and access to the academic field, precarious working conditions, and mental well-being. On day one, renowned experts on these themes will provide keynotes to open the workshop and facilitate debate and discussion. On day two, the central focus of the workshop is to synthesize and concretize discussions to come up with feasible and actionable solutions. Throughout the workshop, participants will present on these themes, reflecting on both existing research on academic cultures as well as their experiences and observations of and within academia. 

    Ultimately, the workshop is envisioned as a starting point for establishing an ongoing collective of early-career scholars mobilized around reimagining and repairing academic culture through various forms of engagement. 

    Deadline for submissions (EXTENDED): September 15, 2023. More information:  

  • 05.09.2023 16:59 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    RadioMorphoses (thematic issue n°11)

    Deadline: September 15, 2023

    Francophone journal dedicated to radio and sound studies

    Coordination : Tristan Le Bras (Mondes Américains - EHESS) and Thomas Leyris (IRHIS - Université de Lille).

    This thematic issue will gather researchers working on radio in contexts characterized by domination. Although it will especially welcome articles focusing on the uses of radio in colonial settings (Balandier, 1951), in situations characterized by racial domination (Wacquant, 1997) or ethnic domination (Brubaker, 2002), proposals relating to the wider field of domination (social, cultural, gendered, etc.) can be considered. The central question at the basis of this volume will be to analyze the dynamics binding together radio, community and power ; either in aiming to reproduce social hierarchies or to contest it. We would also like to reflect about conceptual divergences depending on the cultural area conducting the research. Although similar processes are scrutinized in diverse radio settings, concepts such as race1, class, nation, gender, etc., are not always mobilized in the same manner. Is it because of structural differences in the field, or differential epistemologies according to different scientific cultures? This volume presents the opportunity for a comparative exercise over this matter.

    Research about radio has long been interested in the role of domination. Serge Chakhotin’s The rape of the masses. The psychology of totalitarian political propaganda wondered early on about the role of radio in propaganda while Paul Lazersfeld explored the political potential of broadcasting, both around the 1940s. In France, the « war of the waves » has been a matter of

    1 By race we mean the belief in the heredity of social and moral traits. Although this social and cultural construction can be used to legitimate domination from certain groups over others, it can also be mobilized as an identity-builder by dominated groups to organize themselves.

    historical investigation since the 1980s (Eck, 1985). But these early considerations are now reinvested by relying on new analytical frames. Indeed, despite very different historical contexts (from european public monopolies to american commercial broadcasting market), along with the diversity of programming situations (multilingualism, censorship, competition or lack of it, etc.), there is a strong dynamic towards the political study of radio. And this trend can be seen in multiple cultural areas. In Europe, projects such as Popkult60 in Germany and Luxembourg, or the GRER (Groupe de Recherches et d’Études sur la Radio) in France, have been carrying up-to-date research over the role of radio in European history.

    In the African context, historians have explored the decolonizing process and the cultural consequences induced by the redefinition of power relations (Grabli, 2018; Ritter, 2021; Moorman, 2021 ; Leyris, 2023). Colonial authorities displayed an interest in broadcasting to African populations starting in the late 1940s and early 1950s, by providing content intended to satisfy this public (Tudesq, 1983 ; Ribeiro, 2017 ; Schaeffer, 1979 ; Breton, 1992 ; Robert 2009). At the very moment empires were starting to decline, radio was understood as a privileged tool in order to maintain domination (Balandier, 1951; Moorman, 2021). As a central instrument in colonial developmentalism (Frederick Cooper, 2012), this media is rapidly identified by independentists as a « technique in the hands of the occupier » (Fanon, 1959) which must be seized. However, what ought to be made out of it differs between those who conduct it and those listening to it (Grabli, 2019). While elites would prefer information and culture, masses demand specific music or useful information (regarding agriculture for instance), and administration remains focused on the developmentalist paradigm (Pauthier, 2014 ; Leyris, 2023) and nation-building (Frère, 2020). These divergent agendas produced vibrant debates and expanded the fields of possibilities around the 1960s.

    In the United States, studies have shown the fundamental role radio played in the construction of racial categories (Vaillant, 2002). The legacy of the sonic dimension of racialization (Eisdheim, 2019) in radio history are two folded. First, the airwaves from the 1920s to the 1940s are characterized by the massive absence of African Americans, while they are caricatured by white announcers in shows such as Amos ‘n’ Andy (Ely, 2001); that period is also important for the construction of racially defined musical categories (old time music, race music) which are broadcasted to distinctive intended audiences (Miller, 2010). Then, the relation between radio and racial minorities was restructured by the arrival of African Americans over the airwaves starting

    in the 1950s. White entrepreneurs, driven by new trade opportunities in an industry shaken by the arrival of television, turn to the African American market by relying on black employees (Baptiste, 2019). In the following decades, these workers are increasingly politicized and try to turn these lucrative businesses from money-making to community-organizing (Barlow, 1998). Yet, these two driving forces keep competing with each other, as the necessity to be profitable sometimes collides, sometimes intertwines with the demands for more political involvement (Le Bras, 2023).

    Volume’s aims

    Yet, these perspectives have been mostly blind to one another. This edited volume intends to provide a platform for these perspectives to cross one another. It is the opportunity for a collective effort to better understand how a mass media involving a potentially massive audience has been the subject of power struggles throughout the 20th Century, especially regarding colonial or racial domination. How has radio been used to build cultural identities within oppressive situations? Did it rely on community, particularly race-based ones (Schaub, 2019)? How diverse publics have appropriated broadcasting contents, often in unexpected manners? These are examples of the ways we can address the relations between radio, community and power. Possible topics might include (but are not limited to) the following themes:

    Theme 1: Domination/resistance. How domination and subversion are broadcasted and heard?

    This theme calls for articles interested in the production of a political language by programmers on radio stations operating within domination contexts. It is divided into two subthemes.

    Subtheme 1: Dominating through radio. Here the focus will be placed on the ways in which radio programming, through its aspect (voice, sound, music) and its content (shows, rhetoric, speeches, etc.), has been utilized to capture an audience defined by race, ethnicity, class, gender, or any category. Either from state radios operating in colonial or occupation settings, or private radios participating in the reproduction of a social order for commercial reasons, the aim is often to take advantage of the listenership’ consent, one way or another.

    Subtheme 2: Subverting through radio. How do certain actors rely on radio in their struggle against domination? This subtheme is interested in the diverse ways in which contesting radios have tried to reach a dominated group. What voices, what languages, what messages, what music are mobilized to catch the intended audience? What practices do radio personnel use to encourage identification with their listeners?

    Theme 2: Listening to domination. What can “dominated” listeners do with radio?

    The second theme deals with the reception side of broadcasting. How do listeners receive, interpret, decode the messages intended to them? How do they decipher the voice, tone and music used to reach them? What do they make of that content? Is it sometimes diverted from its original purpose? Do these shows reinforce identity-building among particular groups? How much do these groups trust the medium, be it dominant or subversive, public or commercial? Articles stressing agency - meaning the ability to evaluate, criticize and act - among listeners will be especially welcomed. Indeed, following World War II, political systems relying on racial domination - such as colonization and segregation - are contested everywhere (Cooper, 2012). Both in the US and in Africa, throughout the 1950s and 1960s, we can observe processes of reappropriation from public broadcasts that were initially created to rely on their consent in a unilateral, top-down perspective.

    Theme 3: Broadcasting within a dominated context: circulation of practices, connected and transnational studies.

    How do practices and contents travel around the world in the field of radio? How do approaches to programming, talking or formats follow a transnational path? Are there models of dominant or subversive stations that are replicated elsewhere? Are there radio techniques that can be identified as particularly relevant to domination or resistance? Can we follow specific trajectories from prominent stakeholders in radio, carrying practices, advice or formation with them? The steady rise of imperial broadcasting in the 1930s, followed by international radios after World War II, have dramatically increased competition among radio players. Traditional radios were thus forced to adapt in order to maintain their audience, facing sometimes hostile competition (Cold War broadcasting, anti-imperialist Voice of the Arabs, black nationalist Radio Free Dixie, etc.).

    In the global perspective suggested by this third theme, we would like to oppose the tendency for cultural areas to remain sealed from one another. This volume intends to open a platform for the exchange of methods and concepts diverging according to the field explored. For instance, if race is a central category in American analyses, it is not always the case in Europe, especially in France where its historical legacy and scientific rebuttal makes it an inoperative concept for many. Community, ethnicity or nation are sometimes favored in the analysis in Europe, Africa or Latin

    America, to explore realities that are widely different while still converging in some ways. This edited volume will thus be an opportunity for an epistemological discussion as well.


    Balandier Georges, « La Situation Coloniale : Approche Théorique », Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie, 1951, vol. 11, p. 44-79.

    Baptiste Bala James, Race and Radio: Pioneering Black Broadcasters in New Orleans, Jackson, MS, Univ. Press of Mississippi, 2019.

    Brubaker Rogers, « Ethnicity without groups », European Journal of Sociology / Archives Européennes de Sociologie, 2002, vol. 43, no 2, p. 163-189.

    Barlow William, Voice Over: The Making of Black Radio, Philadelphia, PA, Temple University Press, 1998.

    Cooper Frédérick, L’Afrique depuis 1940, Paris, Payot, 2012.

    Eidsheim Nina Sun, The Race of Sound: Listening, Timbre, and Vocality in African American Music, Durham, NC, Duke University Press, 2019.

    Eck Hélène, La Guerre des ondes : histoire des radios de langue française pendant la Deuxième Guerre mondiale, Paris, Armand Colin, 1985.

    Ely Melvin Patrick, The Adventures of Amos ‘n’ Andy: A Social History of an American

    Phenomenon, Subsequent edition., Charlottesville, VA, University of Virginia Press, 2001. Frère Marie-Soleil, Journalismes d’Afrique, Louvain-La-Neuve, De Boeck Supérieur, 2020;

    Fanon Frantz, Sociologie d’une révolution: (l’An V de la révolution algérienne), Paris, François Maspero, 1959.

    Grabli Charlotte, « La ville des auditeurs : radio, rumba congolaise et droit à la ville dans la cité indigène de Léopoldville (1949-1960) », Cahiers d'études africaines, 15 mars 2019, vol. 233, no 1, p. 9-45.

    Guy Breton, “La radio en Afrique francophone au début des années 1960”, in Cahiers d’Histoire de la radiodiffusion, n° 33, 1991, p. 34 à 48.

    Leyris Thomas, La Société de radiodiffusion de la France d’outre-mer. Naissance d’un empire radiophonique franco-africain au temps des décolonisations (1939-1969), 2023, Thèse de doctorat sous la direction de Mme Isabelle Surun.

    Le Bras Tristan, « “The Forgotten 15 million”. What happened when the radio industry realized it could make money out of African Americans and their music (1950s-1970s) », Diacronie. Studi di Storia Contemporanea, 2023, vol. 23, n°1.

    Miller Karl Hagstrom, Segregating sound : inventing folk and pop music in the age of Jim Crow, Durham, NC, Duke University Press, 2010.

    Moorman Marissa J., Powerful Frequencies: Radio, State Power, and the Cold War in Angola, 1931–2002, Athens, OH, Ohio University Press, 2019.

    Pauthier Céline, L’indépendance ambigue. Construction nationale, anticolonialisme et pluralisme culturel en Guinée (1945-2010), Thèse de Doctorat sous la direction de Mme Odile Goerg, Paris, 2014.

    Ribeiro Nelson, « Colonisation Through Broadcasting: Rádio Clube de Moçambique and the Promotion of Portuguese Colonial Policy, 1932–1964 » dans José Luís Garcia, Chandrika Kaul, Filipa Subtil et Alexandra Santos (eds.), Media and the Portuguese Empire, Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2017, p. 179-195.

    Ritter Caroline, Imperial Encore: The Cultural Project of the Late British Empire, Oakland, California, University of California Press, 2021.

    Robert Guy, Le vent qui souffle dans la boîte: De la coopération radiophonique aux coulisses de RFI, Paris, L’Harmattan, 2007.

    Schaeffer Pierre, Les antennes de Jéricho, Paris, Stock, 1978.

    Schaub Jean-Frédéric, Pour une histoire politique de la race, Paris, Le Seuil, 2015.

    Tchakhotine Sergueï Stepanovitch, Le viol des foules par la propagande politique, Gallimard, 1992.

    Tudesq André-Jean, La Radio en Afrique noire, Paris, A. Pedone, 1983.

    Tudesq André-Jean, « La radio, instrument et témoin de la révolte », p. 182-191 in Fabienne Gambrelle et Michel Trebitsch (dir.), Révolte et société, Actes du 4e colloque d’Histoire au présent, 1989-1990, Paris, publications de la Sorbonne, collection Hommes et société, 2000.

    Vaillant Derek W., « Sounds of Whiteness: Local Radio, Racial Formation, and Public Culture in Chicago, 1921-1935 », American Quarterly, 1 mars 2002, vol. 54, no 1, p. 25-66.

    Wacquant Loïc, « For an Analytic of Racial Domination », Political Power and Social Theory, 1997, no 11, p. 221-234.

    Weber Max, Le savant et le politique, trad. par J. Freund, Paris, Plon, 1959. Calendar and recommendations


    Deadline for submission: September 15, 2023

    The article proposal will develop, on 4000 to 5000 characters including spaces, the theoretical framework, its problematic and hypotheses, the methodological approach and bibliographical indications. We will accept proposals in French, English or Spanish.

    Proposals (format .pdf, .docx or .odt) will be sent to the following address no later than September 15, 2023: and

    Late September 2023: notification of acceptance or

    December 1st, 2023: Full paper submissions deadline for double-blind evaluation. Contributions must be a maximum of 35,000 characters, including spaces and bibliography.

    Late January 2024: Notification of the decision after double-blind evaluation

    Late march 2024 : Publishing.


    Here are the editorial guidelines:

  • 24.08.2023 21:11 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Faculty of Social Sciences Tel Aviv University Israel

    The School of Social and Policy Studies at Tel Aviv University invites applications for a full- time, tenure-track position within the DAN Department of Communication starting October 1st, 2024 (July 2024 appointment is possible by request). Successful applicants must have expertise in Communication and Media studies or related fields.

    The School of Social and Policy Studies is composed of four departments: Communication, Labor Studies, Public Policy, and Sociology and is part of the Gordon Faculty of Social Sciences at Tel Aviv University. It combines research and teaching in a wide range of fields of social sciences. The school has a strong commitment to multidisciplinary research and teaching, and offers opportunities for interactions with many departments and research units on and off campus. It has a rich tradition of high- level, internationally recognized research and teaching.

    The candidate must have a PhD degree or expect to be awarded a doctoral degree by October 2024, in communication or related fields, with a proven record of excellent research and publications. Post-doctoral experience is desirable.

    The position includes teaching at the undergraduate and graduate level (both existing and self- developed courses), supervision of graduate students, and pursuing high quality research based on grants received from competitive local and international foundations. Teaching at Tel Aviv University is primarily in Hebrew, and candidates must be able to teach courses in Hebrew within three years of their appointment.

    Screening and assessment of the candidates will be based on their academic excellence, their teaching performance, and the relevance of their research and teaching fields to the school and to the DAN Department of Communication, based on Tel Aviv University’s standards. The best candidates’ applications will be submitted to the relevant academic institutions for approval. The

     rank of the applicants will be determined based on their achievements. Preference will be given to applicants specializing in:

    • Computational Social Sciences and/or Applied Data Science

    • Media Regulation and Ethical issues

    • Human-Computer Interaction

    • Critical data and Algorithm and platform studies

    Qualified applicants should submit:

    • A complete CV in the format required by the University’s academic secretary (https://acad-

    • A detailed statement of research achievements and projects (2-3 pages)

    • A list of research and teaching interests (1-2 pages)

    • A sample of three papers (published or accepted for publication)

    • The names and contact details (including full address, phone number, and email address) of three academic referees (one recommendation letter may be sent by the referee directly to the head of the selection committee).

    • Teaching evaluations (if such exist)

    Tel Aviv University is strongly committed to diversity within its community and especially welcomes applications from minorities, women, persons with disabilities, LGBTQ persons, and others who may contribute to the further diversification of ideas.

    All materials relevant to the application should be sent by November 30, 2023 to Dr. Sandrine Boudana (subject: TAU2024) at:

  • 24.08.2023 10:52 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    November 6-7, 2023

    University of Malaga, Faculty of Communication Sciences, Malaga, Spain

    Deadline: September 1, 2023

    YECREA Workshop

    In recent years, academic culture and universities as places of work have changed profoundly, increasing job insecurity, hyper-competitiveness, loneliness, isolation, and a perception of ‘publish or perish’ (De Rond & Miller, 2005). Academics have increasingly lower salaries, work longer hours, and are under more pressure to produce (Allmer, 2018), compounding the structural problems with sexism, racism, and prejudice (Heffernan, 2021). This affects especially those in the lowest positions in the academic chain, early career researchers (ECRs), who are starting out in academia and have to face an increasingly hostile environment. In addition, this development has led to an increase in severe mental health problems among scholars broadly, including young researchers (Woolston, 2020; Hanitzsch et al., 2023).

    With this workshop, YECREA wants to provide a space to critically discuss and reimagine a better academia for ECRs in communication studies, broadly. The aim is to create an inclusive space for like-minded and critical-thinking ECRs who are prepared to interrogate and intervene in current academic cultures. We do not envision this to be merely a space for critiquing “how bad academia is”, but to identify key problems and transform academia by offering long-term, tangible, and implementable solutions. We recognize the value of growing research highlighting the problems in academia, but what we want this workshop to be is a call for action to improve the conditions for ECRs in academia. We invite doctoral and post-doctoral researchers, as well as early-career lecturers and independent scientists, who are outspoken, engaged, and committed to coming up with creative and disruptive solutions and ideas to challenge academia in its current state. These goals also align with ECREA’s broader activities, reflecting on neoliberal conditions in academia.

    The 2-day workshop will focus on broad themes, including inequality and access to the academic field, precarious working conditions, and mental well-being. On day one, renowned experts on these themes will provide keynotes to open the workshop and facilitate debate and discussion. On day two, the central focus of the workshop is to synthesize and concretize discussions to come up with feasible and actionable solutions. Throughout the workshop, participants will present on these themes, reflecting on both existing research on academic cultures as well as their experiences and observations of and within academia. 

    Ultimately, the workshop is envisioned as a starting point for establishing an ongoing collective of early-career scholars mobilized around reimagining and repairing academic culture through various forms of engagement.

    This space is organized by the YECREA Network, an entity of ECREA, with the collaboration of the University of Malaga and the Department of Journalism.

    To apply:

    Submit a brief CV and an 800-word abstract addressing one of the following or any other issues and questions you believe characterize current academic culture:

    • How can we define precarity in academia, and how have you experienced it as an early-career communication researcher?
    • What sort of mental health issues have been observed in academia, and what solutions do you envision?
    • What are some of the rules and guidelines that define the ‘grant-application’ system, and what could be done to make it more equitable?
    • How did academia arrive at the ‘publish-or-perish’ point, and what impact is it having on academic output and you as an early-career scholar?
    • What types of power dynamics characterize academia and especially early-career scholars’ experiences, and what needs to change?
    • What are the key obstacles and forms of discrimination preventing access to academic spaces and opportunities, and how have they impacted you?
    • What do we know about the academic publishing sector, and what do you believe might need to change (e.g., open access costs, reviewing culture)?

    In your abstract, please also:

    • Indicate which workshop theme your abstract broadly falls under and why you chose to engage with it.
    • Reflect on both academic research and personal experiences and/or observations to situate your arguments. 
    • Let us know why you are motivated to be a part of this workshop and ongoing collective in the long run.

    Send these to YECREA ( by 1st September 2023. Participation in the workshop is free (no fee). 

    If selected, you will be invited to expand on your abstract to develop a critical and reflective essay of 2000 words (excl. references) which you will present during the workshop in any creative form you want.

  • 24.08.2023 10:51 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    September 6-8, 2023

    Lisbon, Portugal

    Contested Visibilities: Everyday politics and online imaginaries of the body is a conference organized by three ECREA sections (Digital Cultures & Communication, Visual Cultures, and Gender, Sexuality and Communication), taking place at Lusófona University in Lisbon, Portugal from 6-8 September 2023.

    The preliminary programme is now online and the conference is open for registration, more information here:

  • 24.08.2023 10:36 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    University of Oregon

    Dear colleagues,

    The Department of Romance Languages in the School of Global Studies and Languages of the University of Oregon has an open position for Assistant Professor of Global Studies and Languages with a research focus on Italian and global media, technology studies, or transnational communication, and a regional focus on Europe, the Mediterranean, and/or Africa. Please see the full listing here. The deadline to submit application materials is October 1, 2023.

    Best wishes,

    David (chair of search committee)

  • 24.08.2023 10:34 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Journalism: Theory, practice and criticism (Special Issue) 

    Deadline for abstract submission: September 4, 2023 

    Scholars have pointed out how critical findings regarding media practices are often dismissed and lead to minimal impact. Equally, media professionals criticize scholars for being extractive in their data collection practices rather than collaborative or disconnected from the practices on the floor. With an aim to address this gap, this special issue focuses on exploring the relationship between academia and journalism. Our goal is to showcase how academic research could impact and shape the professional field of journalism in a fruitful way and to highlight concrete methodologies for collaborations. We welcome submissions that cover different theoretical, methodological, and empirical topics and formats to provide a thorough understanding of this critical relationship. 

    Full call here:




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