European Communication Research
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  • 04.04.2023 11:18 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    King’s College London, Bush House, 30 Aldwych, London WC2B 4BG

    June 19-21, 2023

    An International Interdisciplinary Conference 


    ‘Locating Media Industries: Cities, Spaces, Places’ brings together an international programme of over 160 speakers addressing relationships between media industries and locality. Over the three days, papers, panels, and roundtables offer diverse perspectives on the locational dynamics of media industries.

    Keynote speakers

    • Tejaswini Ganti (New York University)
    • Vicki Mayer (Tulane University)
    • Anne-Marit Waade (Aarhus Universitet)

    The conference website goes live next month but this message gives advance notice that registration is now open to non-speaking delegates. 

    To register, visit:

    Delegate rates are graduated according to the UN’s classification of economies by per capita gross national income (GNI) (for reference, see table available through the link). As a delegate, please pay the rate according to the country in which you reside and not the country from which you originate. 

    Accommodation is not provided by the conference. Hotels and apartments close to King’s can be expensive and during June demand may be high. As prices regularly change, for the best deals, we recommend booking well in advance using the standard search sites, e.g. AirBnB,, Expedia,, Kayak, Trivago, etc.

    Conference Directors: 

    • Professor Paul McDonald, Kings College London
    • Professor Andrew Spicer, University of the West of England Bristol
  • 31.03.2023 11:38 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    November 2-3, 2023

    University of Salzburg, Austria

    Deadline: June 9, 2023

    2023 Joint Workshop of the ECREA “Communication Law and Policy Section and Jean Monnet Network EuromediApp

    The “Communication Law and Policy” Section of the European Communications Research and Education Association (ECREA) and the Jean Monnet Network “European Media and Platform Policy” (EuromediApp) invite abstracts for theoretical and empirical papers on the topic Digital Platform Policy Spring? Promises and Trajectories for Digital Platform Regulation. This workshop will be a unique opportunity to bring together those investigating the processes of regulating media and digital intermediaries in Europe and beyond. The workshop will take place in Salzburg, Austria, on 2-3 November 2023. It is hosted by the Department of Communication Studies at the University of Salzburg.

    Digital platforms and intermediaries are increasingly disseminating news and structuring news consumption across the globe. They have become crucial spaces of civic discourse and cultural expression. Unique levels of ownership concentration in the hands of few extremely large industrial conglomerates dominate digital media landscapes. Checks and balances from media and telecommunication policy do not apply to these new players, enabling digital platforms and intermediaries to exercise unprecedented power in various ways. 

    While implicitly accepting or even fostering media ownership concentration, European institutions have lately recognized the various challenges for media freedom, freedom of expression and the quality of news created by digital platforms and intermediaries. Digital Markets Act (DMA), Digital Services Act (DSA) and European Media Freedom Act (EMFA) address such challenges. These European initiatives also have a geopolitical dimension, shaping and being shaped by developments in other rich countries and in the Global South. This workshop is dedicated to discussing the nature of such challenges and the appropriateness of policy solutions offered by the European Commission, national governments from around the globe or national and international regulatory bodies.

    Thus, the workshop invites interdisciplinary contributions interested in digital platform policy, regulation and policy implementation. We welcome submissions from political economy, policy and governance studies, media and communication law, and other approaches and fields. We welcome theoretical, methodological and empirical submissions, case studies and comparative work. Innovative use of methods is encouraged. The organizers are especially interested in the following areas, in particular in the intersection between European and non-European problems and solutions:

    • Digital intermediaries and media ownership concentration: What are the implications of ownership concentration on freedoms, news organizations, content, dissemination of news, and the public discourse at large? How do current policy developments such as the Anti-Money Laundering Directive affect platform and media ownership transparency?Editorial independence in the digital platform environment: How far, and how, do digital platforms affect editorial independence of incumbent newsroom structures?
    • Quality of content and combat of misinformation: What is the economics of high-quality content in the digital environment? How are policy interventions seeking to fund quality content, and with what implications?
    • Public interest content in digital intermediaries: How are platforms dealing with prominence and discoverability of content? Which legal measures can be put in place to ensure that public service media and further public-oriented content remain visible in digital intermediaries, including devices such as smart TVs?
    • Inequalities and disparities: How do digital platforms and intermediaries contribute to increase or diminish inequalities and disparities in the field of communication? How effective are policy measures to combat such inequalities and disparities?
    • Inclusion: How can digital platforms engage marginalized and diasporic communities towards more inclusion? What are the links between technological infrastructure, innovative business models and inclusive media practices aimed at fostering justice and participation?

    Abstracts of no more than 300 words should be submitted for blind peer review in DOCX or ODT directly to the organizers of the conference by Friday, June 9, 2023

    Each abstract should address one of the above topics in a sound theoretical and methodological manner, and include a title as well as the name(s), institutional affiliation(s) and e-mail address(es) of the author(s). The colleagues will be notified of acceptance by July 15, 2023, and registration is required by September 30, 2023.

    Full papers might be invited after the workshop for publication. Participation fee will be minimal and a reduced fee for ECREA-recognized “soft-currency” countries and non-waged participants is possible for accepted submitters. More information will be available in due time on the ECREA CLP and EuromediApp websites.

  • 31.03.2023 11:19 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    October 26-27, 2023

    Video conference

    Deadline: June 30, 2023

    The faculty of journalism and mass communication at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”  organizes a 4th International Scientific Conference “Media and Communication: Transformations and Development in the Digital Age”. The conference will be held on the 26th and 27th of October 2023 within the framework of the St. Kliment Ohridski Days on the video conference platform Teams. The event is a part of the celebrations of the 135th anniversary of the foundation of Sofia University.

    We most politely invite the specialists in media and communications, as well as those who are involved with the problems of the media and communication environment and culture in their various dimensions and manifestations. We welcome the interdisciplinary approach to the contemporary challenges in the education and practice of journalism and to the communication activities as a whole.

    More information on:

  • 31.03.2023 10:39 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Universidad Alberto Hurtado (Chile)

    Universidad Alberto Hurtado (Chile) is looking to fill the position of full-time Regular Academic for the Department of Journalism, Faculty of Social Sciences. The position aims to carry out teaching and research in relevant areas of digital journalism and/or digital communication.

    Main duties:

    • Conduct research and teaching in relevant areas of digital journalism and/or digital communication (which includes in a non-exclusive manner topics such as multiplatform journalism, new media, uses of social networks, disinformation, artificial intelligence, multimedia narratives, digital democracy, etc).

    • Coordinate the research area of the Department, with the ability to integrate disciplinary and applied research.

    • Collaborate in the development of graduate and continuing education programs.

    • To carry out extension and outreach activities.

    • Participate in management and training tasks that arise from the development objectives of the Department of Journalism.

    Contact Pablo Aynol at

    Interested parties complete this form (in Spanish only): 

  • 30.03.2023 11:17 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    September 6-8, 2023

    University of Florence, Italy

    Deadline: May 1, 2023

    European economies in transition: On the way to pro-environmental and prosocial economies

    Societal, environmental, political and economic crises are expanding and demand that we rethink and reorganize our way of living. Rapid, global changes in the economy are part of this process. In the past decades, changes in the economy, such as the internationalization of financial and goods flows, market deregulation, crises and the process of digitalization have been strong drivers of change. We now observe new and rising socio-structural challenges such as climate change, large-scale migration, pandemics, natural catastrophes and the reemergence of nationalism and war.

    Challenges like climate change demand that we rethink the classic models of production and consumption, which are based on market competition and the use of fossil fuels. They force us to elaborate and study the foundations and functioning of alternative models and thereby critique the dominant perspectives of markets. Nature can no longer be seen as a passive resource pool to be exploited for economic purposes. Instead, these challenges demand that we, as social scientists, reconnect societal, economic, environmental and political aspects in order to analyze the current situation and explore adequate solutions.

    Sociologists, as well as other social scientists, often focus on a prosperous, and stable socio-economic order. However, in light of the ongoing challenges we need to start thinking about the foundations, elements and mechanisms of more sustainable, equitable, and inclusive economic and societal models. In this sense, we need to figure out the trajectories of transformation processes and different imaginaries and models of socio-economic transitions. Sociology can use its tool to decipher central actors, networks and institutions in the process of transformation. In this dramatic historical moment, new social movements asking for urgent socio-economic changes and ongoing experiments of new forms of economic coordination become most interesting topics to economic sociologists and beyond.

    The conference will discuss different socio-economic changes and how societies and economies in Europe are trying to cope with them. The focus is on transition models, new experiments and alternative, hybrid forms of organizing the economy. Thus, papers dealing with the overall conference theme and considering specific features of the ongoing socio- economic transitions are welcome. Nevertheless, we also appreciate presentations and sessions related to economic sociology in general. Thus, we invite proposals on

    • current developments and transformations focusing on Europe

    • studies on and experiments with sustainable economies

    • challenges in the market economy such as digitalization and globalization

    • studies on market dynamics and democratic institutions in times of crises

    • new theoretical and empirical developments in economic sociology

    Proposals could either be for individual presenters or sessions including up to 4 contributors. Inter- and multi-disciplinary contributions as well as contributions from other social sciences disciplines and early career scholars are highly welcome. Please send your proposal (about 150 words giving 3-5 keywords, your name, institution and title) to latest by May 1, 2023.

    We will offer opportunities to establish thematic working groups among participants during the conference in order to develop joint research projects and publications. Participants will be asked if and in which thematic working group(s) they would like to participate during the registration process. Keynote speakers will contribute to the conference and will be announced soon. The conference language is English.

    The ESA Research Network Economic Sociology Mid-Term Conference is going to be held in Firenze, one of the oldest cities in Europe.


    February 27, 2023 - Call for papers begins

    May 1, 2023 - Deadline for submissions

    May 8, 2023 - Information about accepted submissions

    June 8, 2023 - Deadline for registration

    June 30, 2023 - Preliminary program published 

    Sept 6-7-8, 2023 - Mid-term conference in Firenze


    University of Florence, Department of Political and Social Sciences, via Pandette 32, 50127 Firenze (Italy)


    European Sociological Association, RN 09 Economic Sociology (coordinators: Andrea Maurer, Alberto Veira-Ramos, Sebastian Nessel)

    University of Florence, Department of Political and Social Sciences

    Local Host:

    Giacomo Bazzani (

  • 30.03.2023 11:12 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    University of Manchester, UK

    Hi everyone,

    We're hiring a permanent Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Digital Media and Culture (Teaching & Research) at the University of Manchester, UK. We are interested in candidates with expertise in one or several of the following domains:

    • Race in digital culture
    • Chinese or global digital media
    • Post-colonial/de-colonial theory and digital media

    Closing date: 24th April 2023

    Full details of the job are available here: 

    Feel free to contact Łukasz Szulc at with any enquires about the vacancy, shortlisting and interviews.

  • 30.03.2023 10:49 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Dublin City University 

    The School of Communications at Dublin City University is now inviting applications from qualified candidates for two PhD Scholarships

    The School of Communications at DCU is home to almost 1,000 students at undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD levels. With a tradition stretching back more than 40 years, the School is defined by excellence in both teaching and research in communication, journalism and multimedia studies. In the QS global subject rankings in 2021 DCU was in the top 150 (of almost 1,500) universities worldwide in the area of communications. DCU is ranked number 1 nationally in Communications & Media Studies.

    The School’s academics undertake research that contributes to national and international debates and public policy formation. They also lead research projects supported by national and international funders. This cutting-edge research is across a range of (inter)disciplinary fields including (new) media studies, media history, journalism studies, science communication, political communication, social media studies, film and television studies, music industry studies, advertising, and cultural studies. In recent years, the School has supported approximately 40 doctoral students to achieve PhD awards through this scheme.

    The School now has an opening for two funded PhD scholarships (across a four-year duration). As well as a tax-free stipend of €19,000 plus fees, we also support our students with funding for conference travel and offer PhD candidates opportunities to gain teaching experience.

    In this call, we invite applications in the following areas / themes:

    Digital sexual literacy and wellbeing among LGBTQ+ youth in Ireland: Fellowship(s) in this area will ideally adopt an interdisciplinary approach, combining gender and sexuality studies, education studies and internet studies approaches. Particularly relevant are proposals which review existing educational resources and interventions, and which involve empirical research with LGBTQ+ youth to identify gaps in their knowledge, experiences of risk and most effective educational strategies. The proposed project should produce concrete recommendations and/or a pilot resource to address existing gaps in LGBTQ+ teens’ sexual literacy. In addition to traditional (monograph) PhD formats, projects with practice-based elements will be considered. For further information, please contact Dr. Debbie Ging (

    Climate change and environmental journalism: Fellowship(s) in this area should be focused on the general topic of representations of climate change in the media. This focus could include related topics such as biodiversity, sustainability, just transitions, or climate justice. Research could also potentially target climate/environment issues such as public health, global security, representations of carbon, energy, or agriculture. For further information, please contact Dr. Dave Robbins (

    NB. Applications should consist of a 2,000 word research proposal as well as a brief CV detailing academic qualifications and professional experience to date.

    NB. Applicants must contact the relevant supervisor prior to submitting an application.

    NB. All applications should be submitted to Ms. Eileen Myers, Secretary, School of Communications, DCU (, clearly indicating the theme under which they are applying.

    Closing date for applications:  Friday 28th April 2023.

    We intend to shortlist and interview selected candidates either in person or online in May. Successful candidates then will be required to apply formally to be admitted as PhD scholars, and may also need to show proficiency in the English language. Successful candidates will begin their studies in September 2023 and are required to be normally resident in Dublin for the duration of their studies.

  • 30.03.2023 10:12 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    August 15-17, 2023

    Lagos, Nigeria

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the 17th International PR Congress, "Rebuilding Trust, Mutual Understanding and Harmony for National Development. The congress is scheduled to take place on the 15th to 17th of August @ Caesar’s Luxury Hotel, Off Admiralty Way, Lekki Phase 1, Lagos, Nigeria .

    Theme: “Re-building Trust, Mutual Understanding and Harmony for National Development” The theme of the congress is centered around developing and maintaining strong relationships between organizations, stakeholders, and society at large.

    The congress will bring together public relations professionals, academics, and experts from around the world to discuss best practices and innovative strategies for promoting trust and mutual understanding in diverse cultural and political contexts. As an esteemed member of the public relations community, we believe that your expertise and insights would make a valuable contribution to congress. We would be honored if you could attend the congress and share your experience with fellow professionals. Please let us know if you are available to attend the congress, and we will provide further details regarding registration, travel arrangements, and accommodations.

    BEEC International has joined forces with the International Public Relations Association, the global professional body for Public Relations Executives to invite your organization to sponsor your Public Relations Directors, Corporate Communication Directors, Chief Press Secretaries, General Managers, Directors & Deputy Directors of Information, Public Relations Managers, Public Relations Officers, Communication Managers and Media Managers to attend the 17th International Public Relations Congress to be held at Caesar's Luxury Hotel, Plot 14 Providence Street, Off Admiralty Way, Lekki Phase 1, Lagos, Nigeria from 15th to 17th August, 2023. The Congress is endorsed by the International Public Relations Association, African Public Relations Association, the Nigerian Institute of Public Relations and the Management School London. The congress has firmly established itself as the world-class event for the development and updating of Public Relations Managers and Public Affairs officials. The International Public Relations Congress is held annually and the theme of the 2023 edition is “Re-Building Trust, Mutual Understanding and Harmony for National Development”. It is a “MUST ATTEND” annual Public Relations Congress for all serious minded Public Relations Executives, Public Affairs Officials and Corporate Communication Professionals. JOIN your colleagues from around the globe to share experience and network. At the end of the programme, participants will: v Review how to Leverage Strategic Public Relations to rebuild trust, mutual understanding and harmony for National Development v Examine Public Relations Best Practice for your organisation v Review Public Relations Best Practice in Aviation and Airport Management v Examine organisational rebranding and re-positioning with integrated communication v Examine Public Relations and Marketing Communication in the telecommunication industry. v Examine the global operating environment, international trade and Public Relations v Be updated on Public Relations best practice in various sectors including Healthcare, Trade and Export Promotion v Review and update Public Relations Strategy for Government and the Private Sector v Discuss how to leverage Public Relations & Communication to create an enabling environment for the prosperity of the organisation and the nation v Review internal and external communication and cyber security v Examine Best Practice in On-Line Public Relations and digital communication v Learn how to manage Youth Restiveness and promote peace for overall National Development. FEE: The fee for the Congress is =N=199,000(One Hundred & Ninety- Nine Thousand Naira Only) per participant. ALL BOOKINGS ARE PRE-PAID. Remittance to “Business Education Examinations Council” Please send us the list of your nominees for the congress and we will invoice you. We look forward to welcoming the nominees of your organisation to a very rewarding congress.


    USDS999 (Nine Hundred and Ninety-Nine US Dollars Only) per participant

    All Bookings are Pre-paid



    Our Bank Details are as follows:

    Account Name: Business Education Examinations Council

    Bank Name: Access Bank of Nigeria Plc

    Swift Address: ABNGNGLA

    Account Number: 0000871172

    ALL Payment to Business Education Examinations Council. ALL BOOKINGS ARE PRE-PAID

  • 30.03.2023 10:08 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    November 9-10, 2023

    University of Copenhagen, Dept. of Communication, Denmark

    Deadline: May 15, 2023


    • Dr Noel Brown (Liverpool Hope University)
    • Dr Anna Potter (University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia)

    WEBSITE: medieindustrier/rya/arrangementer/reaching-young-audiences/


    Much has happened in the production, distribution and consumption of film and media content for children and young audiences in the past years, both with regards to the nature of the content produced and the way in which this content reaches its intended audience. This conference invites papers that explore both historical and current aspects of a wide variety of productions for children and young audiences, focusing on film and television as well as content for social media and new platforms. There will be keynotes by Dr Noel Brown, Liverpool Hope University (author/editor of – among many other publications – The Oxford Handbook of Children’s Film, Contemporary Hollywood Animation: Style, Storytelling, Culture and Ideology Since the 1990s and The Children’s Film: Genre, Nation and Narrative) and Dr Anna Potter, University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia (author of – among many

    other publications – Producing Children’s Television in the On-Demand Age and Creativity, Culture and Commerce: Producing Australian Children’s Television with Public Value).

    We encourage proposals on topics that include but are not limited to:

    • Practices of commissioning, screenwriting and production for children and young audiences in a historical or current context

    • Themes, narratives and aesthetics of productions for children and young audiences across genres and (plat)forms

    • Media use and audience studies

    • Methodologies for researching children and young audiences

    • Transnational and global issues, trends or traditions

    • Representation, diversity and intersectionality

    • Understandings of children and adolescents as a particular audience

    • Emerging forms/genres/formats and new platforms

    • Cross-media strategies and storyworlds

    • Co-creation and children/young audiences as content and knowledge producers

    • Changing patterns of distribution and consumption

    • Policy and regulation issues

    • Film and media literacy

    Submission details

    • Deadline for submission of abstracts: 15 May 2023, 23.59 CET

    • Abstracts should be max. 300 words excluding bibliography and should include a biographical note of max. 100 words per author

    • Please send your submission to: with the topic ‘Reaching Young Audiences conference submission’

    • Proposal acceptance notification: 1 June 2023

    • The conference will be in person only

    Organisation & Contact

    The conference is organized by the research project Reaching Young Audiences: Serial fiction and cross-media storyworlds for children and young audiences (funded by Independent Research Fund Denmark). The conference marks the end of the research project and will include presentations by affiliated researchers and industry practitioners.

    For more information, please contact Associate Professor Eva Novrup Redvall:

  • 30.03.2023 10:06 | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    The Department of New Media, School of Communication- Kadir Has University, Istanbul- Turkey, invites applications for the position of Assistant/Associate Professor in new media. Qualifications and willingness to teach at least two of the following courses are expected: big data, data visualization, digital research studio, search engines and algorithms, digital journalism, and digital platforms. Additional courses may be assigned to match the teaching needs of the department, faculty, and university. A track record of high-quality research and publication is a must. 

    Applicants must hold a Ph.D. degree in Data Science, Media and Communications or related fields. Research skills in computational social sciences are highly preferred. Candidates must have a demonstrable record of conducting research and publishing in internationally respected channels, ideally SSCI journals., experience in big data, social media and teaching experience at the university level is highly desirable. While candidates must be fluent in English, ability to speak Turkish would be a plus (but not required).  

    The selected candidate is expected to assume duty in early September 2023. Applicants must have the doctorate in hand before reporting to duty. 

    Kadir Has University, located in Istanbul, Turkey, is a comprehensive four-year university. Located in a historic city campus, Kadir Has University offers its students an inspiring environment characterized by close student and faculty interaction. For more information about the university and the department, please visit our website ( 

    Review of applications will begin in April 2023 and will continue until the position is filled. Please send your resume and cover letter to Dr. Aylin Sunam (  

    Assistant Professor of Visual Communication Design / Department of Visual Communication Design 

    The Department of Visual Communication Design, School of Communication, Kadir Has University, Istanbul Turkey, invites applications for the position of Assistant Professor in the field of Visual Communication Design studies. Candidates should have university teaching experience and a record of scholarly achievement or demonstrated potential for scholarly achievement. A Ph.D. in Communication Design, Media Arts, Digital Arts, Communication Studies or a related field is required for appointment to the tenure track position. Candidates with BA in Graphic Design, Communication Design, Visual Communication Design, Media Arts, Digital Arts, Communication Management will be given priority. The position requires a good record in teaching and scholarship. A track record of high-quality research and publication (ideally SSCI journals) is desired. 

    Candidates with Personal Design Portfolio in addition to Teaching Portfolio consists of student works (a sample of 10 works) will be preferred. Teaching responsibilities include various practice engaged courses in Visual Communication Design (VCD) subjects in the field of Typography, Print Media Design, Digital Graphics, UX/UI, Motion Graphics, Animation, 2D 

    3D Illustration - Motion, Data Visualization, Immersive Media, Design History, Design Theory and etc. 

    Demonstration of the commitment to service at the department, university, and/or professional levels is a plus. 

    While candidates must be fluent in English. 

    The selected candidate is expected to assume duty in early June 2023. 

    Kadir Has University, located in Istanbul, Turkey, is a comprehensive four-year university. Located in a historic city campus, Kadir Has University offers its students an inspiring environment characterized by close student and faculty interaction. For more information about the university and the department, please visit our website ( 

    Review of applications will begin in April 2023 and will continue until the position is filled. Please send your resume and cover letter to Dr. Balca Arda at 

    Assistant Professor of Advertising / Department of Advertising 

    The Department of Advertising, School of Communication, Kadir Has University, Istanbul- Turkey, invites applications for an assistant professor position in advertising beginning 2023- 2024 academic year. Candidates should have university teaching experience and a record of scholarly achievement or demonstrated potential for scholarly achievement. A Ph.D. in Advertising or a related field is required for appointment to the tenure track position. The position requires a good record in teaching and scholarship. Teaching responsibilities include various theoretical courses in advertising. 

    Kadir Has University, located in Istanbul, Turkey, is a comprehensive four-year university. Located in a historic city campus, Kadir Has University offers its students an inspiring environment characterized by close student and faculty interaction. For more information about the university and the department, please visit our website ( and 

    Review of applications will begin in April 2023 and will continue until the positionis filled. Please send your resume and cover letter to Prof. Dr. Asker Kartarı at 

    Assistant Professor of Marketing /Department of Advertising  

    The Department of Advertising, School of Communication, Kadir Has University, Istanbul- Turkey, invites applications for an assistant professor positionbeginning 2023-2024 academic year. Candidates should have university teaching experience and a record of scholarly achievement or demonstrated potential for scholarly achievement. A Ph.D. in Marketing is required for appointment to the tenure track. The position requires a good record in teaching and scholarship. Teaching responsibilities include marketing courses for advertising students. The candidate will teach marketing courses that would complement our broad-based major in communication such as introductory marketing course for advertisers, marketing research, advertising research, and consumption & culture. 

    Kadir Has University, located in Istanbul, Turkey, is a comprehensive four-year university. Located in a historic city campus, Kadir Has University offers its students an inspiring environment characterized by close studentand faculty interaction. For more information about the  university  and  the  department,  please  visit  our  website ( and 

    Review of applications will begin in April 2023 and will continue until the positionis filled. Please send your resume and cover letter to Prof. Dr. Asker Kartarı at 




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