European Communication Research
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  • 01.02.2023 21:01 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Soapbox Journal

    Deadline: February 21, 2023

    For the upcoming issue of Soapbox, a graduate peer-reviewed journal for cultural analysis, we invite young researchers and established scholars alike to submit academic essays or creative works that critically engage with the theme of Swamped! Muddied Environments and the Ecology of Being Bogged Down. We are inviting extended proposals (500-1000 words) that follow consistent and complete formatting and referencing style to be submitted to by February 21st, 2023.

    You can find the full call for papers and our submission guidelines here:

  • 01.02.2023 20:56 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Nordic Journal of Media Studies, Vol. 6 (2024)

    Deadline: April 3, 2023

    Find the full call on Nordicom’s website:

    In the years following the #metoo movement, which upended many of the conventional ideas about Scandinavia as a gender-equal utopia, we have seen heated and rapidly shifting public conversations around gender in the Nordic countries. With this issue of Nordic Journal of Media Studies, we invite scholars to explore the following questions: What new ideas, discussions, concepts, and methods are emerging in studies at the intersection of media and gender in the Nordic countries and beyond? 


    Tina Askanius, Malmö University,

    Jill Walker Rettberg, University of Bergen,

    Eli Skogerbø, University of Oslo,

    Important dates:

    Deadline for extended abstracts: 3 April 2023

    Deadline for full submissions: 1 September 2023

    Peer review: October 2023–December 2023

    Expected publication: Spring 2024 


    Those with an interest in contributing should write an extended abstract (max. 750 words) where the main theme (or argument) of the intended article is described. The abstract should contain the preliminary title, five keywords, and a rationale for how the article fits within the overall aim of the issue – to critically reflect on recent developments and trends in research on media and gender drawing on new ideas, conceptual discussions, perspectives, and methods emerging at the intersection of these fields in the Nordic countries and beyond. 

    Send your extended abstract to by 3 April 2023.

  • 26.01.2023 13:01 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    September 14-15, 2023

    University of Nicosia, Cyprus

    Deadline: March 13, 2023


    Keynote speakers:

    Mette Hjort (University of Lincoln) Costas Constandinides (University of Cyprus)

    The forthcoming edition of the bi-annual conference of the ECREA Film Studies Section will take place in Cyprus and will be hosted by the Department of Design and Multimedia of the University of Nicosia. Taking its cue from the political and cultural dimensions of its host’s geographical location, the conference will address and seek to reframe the scope of ‘postcolonial cinema’ in the current historical moment.

    In an increasingly global and visually-oriented world, cinema functions as one of the key media of cultural exchange between nations and cultures. If the ‘postcolonial’ remains a useful and productive analytic category as ‘the necessary mode of perpetual auto-critique’ (R.J.C. Young, 2012: 22), then how does it help us think about the relationships between representation, knowledge, discourse and power upon which this exchange is predicated? This conference wants to contribute to ongoing work that places diverse geographies, histories and identities in dialogical relation and critiques the ways of seeing, thinking and representing that have grown out of colonisation and/or neo-colonial globalisation.

    We encourage proposals for individual papers and pre-constituted panels on topics that include but are not limited to:

    ● Postcolonial screen worlds

    ● Undoing and redoing cinema historiography

    ● Borders, diaspora and migration in film

    ● Postcolonial feminist, queer, racial, indigenous and/or intersectional storytelling and

    representation in film

    ● Postcolonial cinema’s aesthetics and politics

    ● Postcolonial film theory in relation to climate change and ecology

    ● Postcolonialism and posthumanism

    ● Alternative modes and circuits of film production, distribution and exhibition

    ● Postcolonialism and the decolonial turn in Film Studies: synergies and divergences;

    • decolonising the discipline; screening the Global South.

    Abstracts of maximum 300 words, along with key references, institutional affiliation and a short bio (max 150 words); or panel proposals, including a panel presentation (max 300 words) along with a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 4 individual abstracts, should be submitted to the conference email address:     

    The conference will be in person only. Submission deadline: 13 March 2023

    Proposal acceptance notification: 17 April 2023

    ECREA membership is not required to participate in the conference. The conference fee will not exceed 100 EUR and will include coffee breaks, lunches, a film screening, and a guided tour of the divided city of Nicosia.

    Conference organisers: Olga Kourelou (University of Nicosia), Mariana Liz (University of Lisbon), Miguel Fernández Labayen (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid) and Marco Cucco (University of Bologna).

  • 26.01.2023 13:00 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    May 30, 2023, 9:00 - 17:00 (local time)

    Charbonnel Lounge, St. Michael’s College, University of Toronto (81 St. Mary Street, Toronto)

    Abstract deadline: February 6, 2022

    Hybrid Conference: In-person and online

    Division affiliation: Philosophy, Theory & Critique

    Fee: Participation is free but registration is required

    Description: The role knowledge and science play with regard to a socially more just and sustainable society is highly topical both in media ethics and in neighboring disciplines. At present, there are discussions on why the current structures of knowledge generation and communication are violent in themselves and how transformation processes can be successful.

    While both practical and intercultural philosophy offer approaches to questioning and deconstructing universalisms, media ethics provides an understanding of how master narratives shape societal perceptions of knowledge and science. But how do even these approaches exert epistemic violence and thereby obstruct the vision of greater participation and socio-ecological justice? How does an inclusive understanding of knowledge relate to the value of authenticity? Can the ethics of authenticity (Taylor 1991) help to overcome epistemic injustice? 

    When exploring the term ‘epistemic injustice’, general inequalities regarding the dissemination of epistemic goods such as information or education come to mind first. According to Fricker (2007: 1), however, we can also find testimonial and hermeneutical injustice: “Testimonial injustice occurs when prejudice causes a hearer to give a deflated level of credibility to a speaker’s word; hermeneutical injustice occurs at a prior stage, when a gap in collective interpretive resources puts someone at an unfair disadvantage when it comes to making sense of their social experiences.”

    In the context of intercultural hermeneutics, there is general skepticism regarding the concepts both of relativism and of universalism when it comes to discussing cultures. In contrast, intercultural hermeneutics search for overlaps or common grounds between cultures (Mall 2014). Furthermore, the concept of identity as an either commensurable or incommensurable set of values, beliefs applying to cultures, religions, etc., is also being questioned. Extreme identities are interpreted as ideologies trying to find clarity and purity (Shotwell 2016) whereas intercultural philosophy seeks to argue that knowing and understanding are always concepts based on and reproducing existing power relations and therefore exert epistemic violence and hegemony.

    But how can these constellations be overcome? One suggestion is the perspective of “epistemic modesty” (Mall 2014) that bears in mind our generally biased epistemic positions when it comes to intercultural discourse: We have certain historical, cultural, national, etc., backgrounds we cannot simply put aside, even if we try to do so. But this should not result in a situation of extreme political correctness where less and less can be expressed. Instead, epistemic modesty includes a readiness to learn about cultures “from the outside” – even about our own – in order to broaden the cultural overlap that exists between (all?) cultures.

    The objective of our post-conference is

    • to identify and name mechanisms of epistemic violence,
    • to highlight the role of the media in the debate around epistemic violence, and finally
    • to examine the relationship between the phenomenon of epistemic violence and the value of authenticity.

    We are particularly interested in research that examines the role of the media in maintaining and spreading epistemic violence and injustice. We also invite scholars to look into the construction of authenticity when it comes to intercultural discourse and digitally mediated authentic experiences, be they non-conscious and habitual, spectacular and deeply meaningful.

    We welcome a wide array of methodological approaches – qualitative, quantitative, speculative, creative, participatory, collaborative, and others. We are open to different formats of intervention, from traditional papers to research-creation. We also welcome proposals for short workshops (1 hour length), demonstrations and other modes of collaborative inquiries. The conference will consider both theoretical and empirical papers for review. Accepted authors will be invited to present their papers at the conference as well as considered for an edited volume of proceedings.

    Deadline: Please submit abstracts of 150-200 words to by February 6th, 2023. Notices of acceptance will be sent by 3rd of March 2023.


    ■  Claudia Paganini (Munich University of Philosophy, Germany)

    ■  Lars Rademacher (Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, Germany)

    ■    Paolo Granata (University of Toronto, Canada)

    For inquiries and information, please contact the organizing committee at

  • 26.01.2023 13:00 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Journal of Global Diaspora & Media. Special Issue

    Deadline: January 30, 2023

    Guest Editors:

    Alicia Ferrández Ferrer, Universidad de Alicante (Spain)

    Ola Ogunyemi, University of Lincoln (UK)

    Previous studies by social psychologists in the past two decades reveal the prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is higher among journalists than the general population (Aoki et al. 2012; Backholm & Björkqvist 2012; Dworznik, 2011). However, we have little understanding of work-related trauma among diaspora journalists, because they were hardly included in these empirical studies. 

    Less attention has also been paid to the experiences of work-related trauma among diaspora journalists in diaspora studies which mostly prioritise the diversity and complexity of migratory processes, the motivations that push people to leave their own country to reside in another, and the profiles of those who migrate. 

    However, the risks of being a journalist in countries with regimes eager to control freedom of the press and being forced into exile have the potential to cause emotional and psychological trauma among diaspora journalists. To compound the problem, they suffer secondary trauma by reading statistics about physical attacks on and killings of journalists such as ‘2,174 journalists have been killed in the exercise of their profession between 1992 and October 2022’ (Comitee to Protect Journalists, 2022); that ‘48 journalists/media collaborators have been killed, and 524 have been imprisoned in 2022’ (Reporters Without Borders, 2022); and that ‘1,811 have been imprisoned for carrying out their work in the last 6 years’ (Reporters Without Borders, 2022). 

    This special issue focuses on exploring the experiences of work-related trauma among diaspora journalists from a multidisciplinary perspective in order to bridge the hiatus in literature. The scope of themes includes, but not limited to, an understanding of the perception and personal experiences of work-related trauma among diaspora journalists; an understanding of the causes of work-related trauma; the coping strategies in response to exposure to traumatic events; the family, organisational and social support available to diaspora journalists to cope with trauma; the ‘training needs’ to cope with work-related trauma in specific cultural and socio-political contexts; the trauma induced by physical and online attacks on diaspora journalists; and the experiences of secondary trauma in the host country. Responses to one or some of these themes, and other related themes, from a diversity of methodological and theoretical approaches are welcome. 



    Submission of abstracts should include: name, institutional affiliation, contact information, title and a 300-word abstract.

    Email your abstracts to both guest editors: Alicia Ferrández Ferrer, ; Ola Ogunyemi, 

    Publication deadlines and timeline 

    Submission of abstracts: 30 January 2023 

    Confirmation of acceptance: 01 March 2023 

    Full manuscripts: 25 September 2023 

    Post-review acceptance decisions: 31 January 2024 

    Publication of Special Issue: May/June, 2024 

    For more information, visit 

  • 26.01.2023 12:55 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Linkoping University

    Dear colleagues, 

    We are currently looking to hire a post-doc to join our new project  “Megabytes vs Megawatts: Understanding Infrastructural Frictions between Data Centers and Energy Grids for Sustainable Digitalization” funded by the Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg Foundation. 

    The project aims to study societal conflicts and sociotechnical imaginaries around “sustainability” that arise at the intersection between energy-intense data infrastructure and energy grids in transition. The project draws upon interdisciplinary perspectives, combining critical studies of media infrastructures; environmental media; anthropology, and science and technology studies (STS). The postdoc is expected to conduct critical qualitative, empirical research, focusing on the interplay between data infrastructure and energy in relation to sustainability. Candidates with a wide variety of backgrounds are eligible for the position, including media studies, science and technology studies, anthropology, sociology, history, human geography, political science or related fields.

    The post-doc position is full time, for 2 years with the possibility of extension up to a total maximum of three years. A certain amount of teaching will be part of the post-doc duties, up to a maximum of 20% of working hours.

    Deadline to apply: 28 February

    More information about the position and link to the application form:

    More information about the project: 

    Please spread the word among your networks, and do not hesitate to get in touch with me if you have any questions.

  • 26.01.2023 12:51 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    February 9, 2023

    I am pleased to invite you to the next in the series of IPRA Thought Leadership webinars. The webinar Connecting ideas + action: communications + sustainability will be presented by Jessie Nagel, Jemma Gould, and Alison Pepper on Thursday 9 February 2023 at 15.00 GMT/UCT (unadjusted). Note later time than usual.

    What is the webinar content?

    Green The Bid’s work is devoted to how advertising can be made sustainably. The webinar will focus on the communications aspects of the climate crisis and discuss the building of transitional movements.

    How to join

    Register here at Airmeet. (The time shown should adjust to your device’s time zone.)

    A reminder will be sent 1 hour before the event. 

    Background to IPRA

    IPRA, the International Public Relations Association, was established in 1955, and is the leading global network for PR professionals in their personal capacity. IPRA aims to advance trusted communication and the ethical practice of public relations. We do this through networking, our code of conduct and intellectual leadership of the profession. IPRA is the organiser of public relations' annual global competition, the Golden World Awards for Excellence (GWA). IPRA's services enable PR professionals to collaborate and be recognised. Members create content via our Thought Leadership essays, social media and our consultative status with the United Nations. GWA winners demonstrate PR excellence. IPRA welcomes all those who share our aims and who wish to be part of the IPRA worldwide fellowship. For more see

    Background to Green the Bid

    Green The Bid is a non-profit organisation of members commited to working together to share best practices in the sustainability space, reporting successes and acknowledging hurdles. They advocate across industry for consistent and measurable standards to support the building of a net-carbon negative, waste-free future for commercial production. For more see


    International Public Relations Association Secretariat

    United Kingdom

    Telephone +44 1634 818308 

  • 26.01.2023 12:34 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Mediální studia/Media Studies (special issue)

    Marisa Torres da Silva, Maria José Brites & Miguel Vicente

    Media Studies 3/2022 was supported by a subsidy from the Media and Audiovisual Department of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.

    FULL ISSUE is available PDF

    Introduction to Special Issue: Marisa Torres da Silva, Maria José Brites & Miguel Vicente


    Magdalena Saldaña & Valentina Proust: Comments that hurt: Incivility in user-generated comments about marginalized groups 

    Hilde Sakariassen: Facebook as a public arena for women: Infringing on democratic ideals and a cause of worry 

    Anda Rožukalne & Dite Liepa: From “Covid idiots” to “Covidshow and “Covidhysteria”: Analysis of digital news commenters’ verbal aggressiveness and means of linguistics creativity during COVID-19 pandemic in Latvia (2020 – 2021)  

    Ernestina Lamponi, Marinella Paciello & Francesca D’Errico: Mapping emotional responses across the individual moral system in Social Network ethical public communication: a quasi-experimental study

  • 26.01.2023 12:28 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Bengt Johansson, Øyvind Ihlen, Jenny Lindholm, Mark Blach-Ørsten (red.)

    This edited volume compares experiences of how the Covid-19 pandemic was communicated in the Nordic countries – Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. The Nordic countries are often discussed in terms of similarities concerning an extensive welfare system, economic policies, media systems, and high levels of trust in societal actors. However, in the wake of a global pandemic, the countries’ coping strategies varied, creating certain question marks on the existence of a “Nordic model”. 

    The chapters give a broad overview of crisis communication in the Nordic countries during the first year of the Covid-19 pandemic by combining organisational and societal theoretical perspectives and encompassing crisis response from governments, public health authorities, lobbyists, corporations, news media, and citizens. The results show several similarities, such as political and governmental responses highlighting solidarity and the need for exceptional measures, as expressed in press conferences, social media posts, information campaigns, and speeches. The media coverage relied on experts and was mainly informative, with few critical investigations during the initial phases. Moreover, surveys and interviews show the importance of news media for citizens’ coping strategies, but also that citizens mostly trusted both politicians and health authorities during the crisis. 

    This book is of interest to all who are looking to understand societal crisis management on a comprehensive level. The volume contains chapters from leading experts from all the Nordic countries and is edited by a team with complementary expertise on crisis communication, political communication, and journalism, consisting of Bengt Johansson, Øyvind Ihlen, Jenny Lindholm, and Mark Blach-Ørsten.

  • 26.01.2023 11:53 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    April 21-22, 2023

    ESCS / IPL – Politécnico de Lisboa

    Deadline: January 31, 2023

    Dear ECREA colleagues,

    On behalf of the Informal Media Literacy Group (GILM), we are pleased to invite all ECREA members to send proposals to the Call for Papers of the 6th Congress of Literacy, Media and Citizenship, which will take place next  April 21 and 22,  at the School of Communication and Media Studies (ESCS), Lisbon, Portugal.

    The VI Congress on Literacy, Media and Citizenship – Digital Transition and Public Policies, promoted by GILM, is an initiative that aims to deepen reflection and debate around public policies that have been adopted nationally and internationally in the current scenario of digital transition. Today media literacy assumes its place as one of the key literacies for empowering all citizens, without exception. It is undeniable that, particularly in the context of European Union countries, this recognition has been accelerated by the role that media literacy can play in the unavoidable fight against misinformation and false online narratives, as well as in the fight against hate speech, which is expanding in digital environments, phenomena that threaten the strength of democracy and the full exercise of citizenship.

    The event, which will take place on April 21 and 22, 2023, at the School of Communication and Media Studies – ESCS / IPL – Politécnico de Lisboa, aims to be an opportunity for decision-makers (policy makers, regulators, managers and directors of media outlets), to meet teachers and other educators, specialists in information and documentation sciences, researchers and higher education students, journalists and other media professionals, cinema and audio-visual professionals and other stakeholders. The organization of the congress invites researchers, educators and teachers, non-governmental organizations, specialists, and communication professionals to present their papers or poster proposals, whether they are studies, papers or projects that may fit in one of the following topics:​

    • Current strategies of national and international public policies for media literacy;
    • Prospects for an integrated and comprehensive national strategy for media literacy;
    • Impacts of technological developments in the current communication universe;
    • Digital transition and media literacy;
    • New challenges in media education;
    • Change of communicational paradigm and new business models;
    • Impacts of COVID and war on media and information literacy;
    • New media literacy projects and resources;
    • Accessibilities and inclusive perspectives in media literacy;
    • New dynamics of algorithms and message robotization;
    • Manipulation of information in disinformation campaigns.

    In this context, we invite you all to take part in the next Congress and we would be very pleased to see many ECREA members enriching our Congress with knowledge, experience, and ability to reflect on such current and pertinent topics.

    Send your proposal

    Looking forward to welcoming you in Lisbon, please accept my best regards,

    On behalf of GILM

    Fernanda Bonacho




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1180 Uccle

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