European Communication Research
and Education Association

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  • 07.01.2022 10:46 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    This year’s ECREA Summer School took place virtually (on zoom) from September 20th to the 24th.  As a first-time participant, I didn’t know what to expect as I prepared my 10-page dissertation summary.  Preparing this document was extremely insightful because it provided an opportunity to think of my article-based dissertation as a whole and reflect about aspects such as the empirical material or the methods used and how they connect and make sense.  Participants also needed to include some questions they had about different aspects of their research to be answered during the sessions.

    For this Summer School participants were organized in ‘flows’, which are groups of doctoral students whose topics connect in some way and are led by a senior scholar who is an expert in the field.  In my case I was part of the blue flow, led by the brilliant Andra Siibarak. The general theme of our flow was research on social media.  It was exciting to read other participants’ dissertation summaries and learn about what other people are doing, especially the diverse formats —article-based and monograph— methodologies —including qualitative and quantitative— as well as the insightful questions and doubts they wanted to clarify during the Summer School, which ranged from questions about thesis supervisors to methods and how to publish.  These questions were often applicable and useful for many of the participants, which was reassuring to many of us as we felt less isolated.  We were able to engage in a sort of collective learning process, where we discussed our own experiences and challenges as well as reflections about how to tackle them while dissertating.

    I was really impressed by the supportive and positive tone of the group.  Each participant had one hour devoted to their dissertation and the rest of the members had to read the summary and provide feedback.  The experience was truly great as a lot of the participants participated and provided useful comments, each session was a learning experience for us all.  At the end we were sad to say goodbye, we had built a small ‘blue flow’ virtual community and have kept in touch afterwards through a slack channel we created to maintain the momentum we experienced during the summer school. 

    Daniela Jaramillo-Dent

  • 06.01.2022 14:09 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The general call fo panels and presentations

    April 20-22, 2022

    Lisbon (Portugal) - online or hybrid

    Deadline: January 31, 2022 (paper)/June 30, 2022 (full paper)/September 13, 2022 (panel)


    As the current President of the World Complexity Science Academy (WCSA), which is a European-based policy-modeling think-tank headquartered in Bologna, I am delighted to launch the “2022 WCSA General Call for Papers and Panels” for our 10th Worldwide Conference in Lisbon. The conference will take place online or hybrid (TBA), from April 20th to 22nd, 2022. The conference is hereby titled:


    for an Emerging Global Governance System


    • Rudy Aernoudt, European Commission and University of Ghent
    • Marcelo Amaral, Fluminense Federal University, Rio de Janeiro
    • Nicoletta Bersier Ladavac, Thémis, Geneva
    • Adele Bianco, University Gabriele d’Annunzio, Chieti-Pescara
    • Richard M. Brandt, Director of Iacocca Institute & Lehigh University
    • Gerhard Chroust, Former IFSR General Secretary
    • Carlton Clark, The University of Wisconsin
    • György Csepeli, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest
    • Michel De Kemmeter, Club of Brussels
    • Piero Dominici, University of Perugia and World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS)
    • Edit Fabó, Hungarian Institute for Historical Research, Budapest
    • Emilia Ferone, University Gabriele d’Annunzio, Chieti-Pescara
    • Polona Filipic, University of Ljubljana
    • André Folloni, Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná, Curitiba
    • Fabrizio Fornari, University Gabriele d’Annunzio, Chieti-Pescara
    • Roberta Iannone, University La Sapienza, Rome
    • Garry Jacobs, President of the World Academy of Art and Science (WAAS) & Global Leadership Director at the United Nations Office in Geneva
    • Farooq A. Kperogi, The Kennesaw State University
    • Louis Klein, European School of Governance (EUSG), Berlin
    • Laura Leonardi, University of Firenze
    • Sergio Marotta, Suor Orsola Benincasa University, Naples
    • Vincenzo Omaggio, Suor Orsola University, Naples
    • Riccardo Palumbo, University Gabriele d’Annunzio, Chieti-Pescara
    • Angela Perulli, University of Firenze
    • Sara Petroccia, University Gabriele d’Annunzio, Chieti-Pescara
    • Massimiliano Ruzzeddu, Niccolò Cusano University, Rome
    • Alfredo L. Spilzinger, President of SFAI, Buenos Aires
    • Liborio Stuppia, University Gabriele d’Annunzio, Chieti-Pescara
    • Ellen Taricani, The Pennsylvania State University
    • Marco A. C. Villatore, Federal Universities of Paraná & Santa Catarina, Curitiba & Florianópolis
    • Cassandra L. Williamson, The Arizona University


    • Giovana Camila Portolese, Special Secretariat of the Federal Revenue of Brazil, Curitiba, Executive Chair
    • Natália Brasil Dib, Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná, Curitiba, Member
    • Emilia Ferone, University Gabriele d’Annunzio, Chieti-Pescara, Member
    • Sara Petroccia, University Gabriele d’Annunzio, Chieti-Pescara, Member
    • Antonio Russo, University Federico II, Naples, Member
    • Luigi Somma, University of Perugia, Member
    • Paula Stemberg, Federal University of Paraná, Curitiba, Member
    • Vera Kopsaj, University Gabriele d’Annunzio, Chieti-Pescara, Member
    • Romina Gurashi, University La Sapienza, Rome
    • Ilaria Iannuzzi, University La Sapienza, Rome
    • Melissa Sessa, University La Sapienza, Rome


    We are living in an Übergangszeit in which new and old, simple and complex, global and local co-evolve side by side. It is a strange time in which threats and opportunities often look like Siamese twins for example in economy and ecology, in energy and environmental policies, in autonomy and dependence. New ways of strategic-conceptual problem setting and solving are needed, especially about ways of joining forces between scholars, researchers, business, and the public in order to generate new smart alliances for the next emergence and regenerative paradigm for sustainability and thrivability.

    Research-based education becomes strategic for smart global governance valuing every kind of multiple intelligence. An intelligent approach to the complexity of any relevant difference impacting globally on business, technology, science, law, administration, politics, development, artificial intelligence, smart cities, climate change and sustainability, intellectual capital, intangible wealth creation, and more requires a complex system mindset and a smart, ironic vision to get oddities and anomalies which often are first signals of emergency phenomena not yet understood. These emergent anomalies and oddities are often too shapeless to be observed and considered by masses, crowds, and everyday common sense of the boring world taken for granted. Nevertheless, these emergent oddities and anomalies often play a key and invisible role in wealth creation by redesigning its intangible asset portfolio which outputs can be incredibly sexy for the entire mankind.

    WCSA is a think-and-do-tank, which believes that a complexity educational-based approach to the global governance enables the observation and modeling of emergent anomalies and oddities, translating them into potential sexy trends. Through its research and educational agendas along with its publishing, divulgation, and in partnership activities, WCSA has already narrowed down some of these potential sexy trends just like, but not only:

    – The Great Escape from the Caves

    – Hypercitizenship

    – Hypercities, smart cities and territorial systemic development

    – Global citizenship and migration

    – Power, politics and the emerging new world order

    – The Legislation- Development-Demography-Technology (LEDDET) Cycle

    – Developing a sextuple helix: public-companies-citizens-politics-media-university

    – Ethical boundaries of Artificial Intelligence autonomy

    – A transgenerational justice approach to sustainable development: filling the gap between present and future generations

    – Climate change and sustainability

    – Communication, deliberation and digital platforms: A democratic roadmap to the future

    – Digital media education and Public Administration reform

    – The great systemic emergence: Developing educational tools to address complex phenomena

    – Value creation in an intangible wealth age

    Beyond these sexy trends, the 10th WCSA Conference is open to any other contribution proposal on the intelligent global governance of complex phenomena, both on its macro processes and systems, and research-based complexity.


    • Alexander Laszlo, President of the Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science, Vienna, & Director of Research at the Laszlo Institute of New Paradigm Research, WCSA Presidential Delegate
    • Enrique Caceres-Nieto, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City, WCSA Medalist for Systemic Research (3rd edition)Lucio d’Alessandro, Rector of the University Suor Orsola Benincasa, NaplesPaolo de Nardis, University La Sapienza, Rome, WCSA Medalist (4th edition)Abram de Swaan, Distinguished Professor, University of Amsterdam, WCSA Medalist (4th edition)Klaus Krippendorff, University of Pennsylvania, WCSA Medalist (2nd edition)Ervin Laszlo, Club of Budapest, WCSA Medalist (1st edition)
    • Loet Leydesdorff, University of Amsterdam
    • Felix Ortega, University of Salamanca
    • Alexander Riegler, Free University of Brussels
    • Dario Rodriguez Mansilla, Diego Portales University, Santiago
    • Christopher Thornhill, University of Manchester, WCSA Medalist (5th edition)


    By September 13th, 2021, Panel Proposal submissions will be accepted.

    The submission of the full panel proposal is in the care of the panel proponent. The panel proponent will be responsible for sending invitations to the authors (presenters), accepting all panel abstracts submitted to the panel, and facilitating the registration of presenters at the Conference.

    Panel and paper proposals for any session must be submitted in English.

    Panels require a minimum of five (5) and a maximum of seven (7) accepted papers to be accepted in the Conference Program. Larger or smaller panels are subject to special consideration and approval.

    Panel proponents may appoint a panel chair. The panel proponent may act as a chair, co-chair or paper author in the panel.

    Each panel will last approximately 1 hour and 45 minutes to 2 hours.

    A Panel Proposal should include:

    -Title of the panel

    -Short Abstract/description of the panel: 500 words in length.

    -Proponent: Name, affiliation, e-mail address, and WhatsApp number, profile picture and short bio (maximum of 5 lines, format Times New Roman 12)

    -Indication of one (1) chair: Name, affiliation, e-mail address, and WhatsApp number

    -List of five to seven (5-7) speakers: Name, affiliation, email address, and WhatsA number

    -Paper abstracts: title and abstract (minimum of 200, maximum of 400 words length)

    -Please do not include references in the abstracts

    Any Panel Proposal should be submitted by email to the 10th WCSA Conference Organizing Committee ( as a document (.doc or .docx extension) named after the title of the panel. In the email subject line, please specify 10th WCSA Conference: Panel Submission.

    Panel Proposals will be peer-reviewed before acceptance.

    By September 27th, 2021, notifications of acceptance/rejection of the Panel Proposal and instructions on how to become a WCSA member and to register in the Conference will be electronically communicated via email to the panel proponent. Panel proponents are responsible for notifying the results and the instructions to all members of their panels.

    Please note that panel proponents and paper proponents (authors) do not need to be a WCSA member to submit a panel or a paper/presentation proposal, However, all proponents must become a WCSA member to register in the Conference. Proponents that are already WCSA members must be in the rule with their dues for registering in the Conference.

    By October 18th, 2021, panel proponents whose Panel Proposal were accepted must confirm their participation in the Conference. For the confirmation purpose, panel proponents must ensure the completion of the registration in the Conference and the payment of the combined Membership and Conference fee both for themselves and their panel members. Please note that accepted panel proposals will only be included in the Conference Official Program after the completion of the registration and payment processes. Panel proponents Conference fee may be waived only in the case where all panel members register in the Conference and pay their dues by October 18th, 2021.


    By January 31st, 2022, single PAPER PROPOSAL submissions will be accepted. Single Paper Proposals may be accommodated in a specific panel or in a general Conference session. The updated list of specific panels is available on the Conference Page.

    Paper proposals must be submitted in English. Each paper presentation will last approximately 15 minutes.

    A Paper Proposal should include:

    -Name, affiliation, e-mail address and WhatsApp number

    -Title of the paper

    -Paper abstract: minimum of 200, maximum of 400 words length

    -Please do not include references in the abstracts

    Any Paper Proposal shall be submitted by email to the 10th WCSA Worldwide Conference Organizing Committee ( as a document (.doc or .docx extension) named after the title of the paper. In the email subject line, please specify 10th WCSA Conference: Single Paper Submission.

    Paper proponents (authors) do not need to be a WCSA member to submit a paper proposal. However, all proponents must become a WCSA member to register in the Conference. Proponents that are already WCSA members must be in the rule with their dues for registering in the Conference.

    Paper Proposals will be peer-reviewed before acceptance. Please note that the acceptance of a single paper proposal in a specific panel is at the discretion of the panel proponent while the acceptance in a general Conference session is at the discretion of the WCSA scientific board.

    By February 10th, 2022By February 10th, 2022, notifications of acceptance/rejection of the Paper Proposal and instructions on how to become a WCSA member and to register in the Conference will be electronically communicated via email to the proponent.

    By February 28th, 2022, authors whose paper proposal were accepted must complete their registration process and pay the combined Membership and Conference fee. Please note that accepted papers will only be included in the Conference Official Program after the completion of the registration and payment processes.


    Please note that all senior fees include a €100 membership fee, and all junior fees include a €50 membership fee.

    In presence Conference

    -Senior scholar/professional fee: €330

    -Junior scholar/professional (under the age of 30) fee: €200

    Virtual Conference on Zoom Platform

    -Senior scholar/professional fee: €200

    -Junior scholar/professional (under the age of 30) fee: €105

    Attendance at the Conference as audience

    In presence Conference

    -one-day attendance fee: €50

    -three-day attendance fee: €110

    Virtual Conference on Zoom Platform

    -one-day attendance fee: €25

    -three-day attendance fee: €60


    By June 30st, 2022, please submit your FULL PAPER, should you wish to have your presentation to be included in the proceedings of the 10th Conference.

    Please note that all full papers submitted in the framework of a WCSA Conference are subject to a double-blind peer-review process before publication.

    Submissions rules will be announced in due time.


    This is our 10th Worldwide Conference. The previous nine conferences have generated several noteworthy proceedings:

    1st Conference, BOLOGNA:

    -The Next Global Scenarios

    2nd Conference, PALERMO:

    -Nuova Atlantide

    3rd Conference, VIENNA:

    -Mapping Systemic Knowledge

    4th Conference, TENERIFE:

    -Redesigning Worldwide Connections

    5th Conference, BUDAPEST:

    -Inventing the Future in an Age of Contingency

    6th Conference, AMSTERDAM:

    -Systemic Actions in Complex Scenarios

    7th Conference, RIO DE JANEIRO:

    -Governing Turbulence, Risk and Opportunities in the Complexity Age

    8th Conference, ROME:

    -RTSA v. 66, issue 3, 2019

    -CEPSR v. 20, issue 76, 2019

    -Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Conference book 2020

    9th Conference, ISCHIA (switched into virtual due to COVID-19 Emergency)

    -Cambio Journal, v.10, issue 19, 2020 (special session)

    -RTSA, v. 68, issue 4, 2021

    -WCSA JOURNAL SPECIAL SESSIONS, v.1, issue 2, 2020


    The 10th WCSA Conference will be also the venue for the presentation of the sixth edition of the WCSA Medal Awards for Systemic Research, “the 2022 WCSA Medal”. The Committee for the 2022 WCSA Medal is composed of:

    -Alfredo Spilzinger, Lord of Brownsel, President of SFAI, President

    -André Folloni, Law Faculty Dean at PUCPR, Member

    -Emilia Ferone, WCSA Deputy President, Member and Secretary

    The 2022 WCSA Medal is structured into two award categories:

    -The Best Lisbon Conference Presentations (Senior and Junior) Award

    -The Distinguished and Outstanding Lifetime Achievement Award

    For more information about the 2022 WCSA Medal, please check on our conference page.

    Hoping to see you at our next conference in LISBON, I remain sincerely yours,

    Prof. Andrea Pitasi, Ph.D.

    WCSA Honorary Life President

    University Gabriele d’Annunzio

  • 06.01.2022 13:15 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    January 12, 2022

    Along 2022, online conversations on the data in our lives will count with experts like Andrew Clement (University of Toronto, Canada), Natasha Dow Schull (New York University, USA), Tarteton Gillespie (Microsoft Research and Cornell University, USA), Chris Csikszentmihalyi (Cornell University, USA), Timnit Gebru (Distributed Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, USA), Ana Lauren Hoffman (University of Washington) or Michal Czerniawski (European Data Protection Council, EU), among others.

    The first conversation, to take place on January 12th (6:30 pm), is in charge of Andra Siibak (University of Tartu, Estonia), on Datafied Infancy and the Normalization of 'Data Surveillance'.

    Organized by ICNOVA and IADE, the online conversations start at 6:30 pm.

    Registration is free and should be made using this form.

  • 06.01.2022 11:15 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    January 13, 2022

    I am pleased to invite you to the next in the series of IPRA Thought Leadership webinars. The webinar EU opportunities: tapping into EU funds for your PR project will be presented by Jacqueline Purcell in conversation with Angele Giuliano on Thursday 13 January 2022 at 12.00 GMT/UCT (unadjusted).

    What is the webinar content?

    The webinar will adopt an interview format with Jacqueline Purcell drawing out information from EU specialist Angele Giuliano. We will learn about the approaches needed to qualify for EU funds, the multi-country approach required, as well as learning from successful case studies for EU funded grants and tenders. Many EU funded PR projects are relevant to countries outside of EU member states.

    How to join

    Register here at Airmeet. (The time shown should adjust to your device’s time zone.)

    A reminder will be sent 1 hour before the event.

    Background to IPRA

    IPRA, the International Public Relations Association, was established in 1955, and is the leading global network for PR professionals in their personal capacity. IPRA aims to advance trusted communication and the ethical practice of public relations. We do this through networking, our code of conduct and intellectual leadership of the profession. IPRA is the organiser of public relations' annual global competition, the Golden World Awards for Excellence (GWA). IPRA's services enable PR professionals to collaborate and be recognised. Members create content via our Thought Leadership essays, social media and our consultative status with the United Nations. GWA winners demonstrate PR excellence. IPRA welcomes all those who share our aims and who wish to be part of the IPRA worldwide fellowship. For more see

    Background to Angele Giuliano

    Angele Giuliano is CEO and managing director of AcrossLimits, a company that empowers pre-qualified public and private organisations to engage with the EU. Her expertise is on making the best use of European opportunities for business growth. She was appointed a member of the advisory board of the EU Horizon2020 programme and is also an Innovation Champion of the European Innovation Council.

    Background to Jacqueline Purcell

    Jacqueline Purcell serves on the IPRA board, is the UK and Ireland chapter chair and an IPRA GWA judge. A published author, she is a fellow of the UK’s Higher Education Academy, and an accredited international business consultant and trainer. Purcell is CEO and co-founder of Jasper Alliance London, a company that positions organisations to maximise international opportunities and funding of worthy projects.


    International Public Relations Association Secretariat

    United Kingdom

    secgen@ipra.orgTelephone +44 1634 818308

  • 06.01.2022 11:05 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Oslo Metropolitan University

    OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University is Norway’s third largest university, with more than 20,000 students and 2,000 employees. OsloMet delivers knowledge to solve societal challenges, in close cooperation with the society and employers. OsloMet is an urban and diverse university with a clear international profile, and an attractive place to work and study with campuses in Oslo city centre and at Kjeller in the Municipality of Lillestrøm. Our location in the metropolitan area gives us good opportunities to understand and benefit from the city’s diverse population.

    Faculty of Social Sciences offers study programmes within archivistics, library and information science, journalism and media studies, social work, social policy and child welfare, public management and business. The faculty has about 4200 students and nearly 280 members of staff.

    The Department of Journalism and Media Studies has approximately 450 students and 30 employees. Study programmes and research are closely connected and exhibit our international profile.

    Department of Journalism and Media Studies

    The Department educates professionals in journalism, photojournalism and media and communication through three bachelor programmes and one master programme. The study programmes are closely connected with the department’s research activities, which are internationally oriented and conducts high-impact research on a broad range of topics within national, European, and international journalism, including issues such as fake news, media, war and conflicts, digital journalism, journalism and media innovations and journalism and education, environment and society, and individual exposure in journalism.

    Call for Expression of Interest for a joint application under the EU Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action Postdoctoral Fellowship scheme – Call: MSCA-PF-2022

    We hereby invite experienced ambitious researchers of any nationality, who have a PhD degree and under eight years of research experience after having obtained their PhD degree, to apply for the EU-funded Marie Skłodowska Curie Action Postdoctoral Fellowship (call HORIZON-MSCA-PF-2022) to conduct research at OsloMet - Oslo Metropolitan University for a period of two years.

    Area of research

    Cross border investigative journalistic projects like the Panama Papers (2016), the chlorpyrifos scandal (2019) or Cities4Rent (2021) have exposed news on as diverse topics as tax avoidance, regulation of pesticides or affordable housing. These developments come with the call for more knowledge on how to educate journalist students within this practice. In our more and more networked societies, major challenges we face all transcend national borders – be that the climate, the pandemic or the inequality – and can only be solved in shared efforts. An informed public is essential in democracies, and the content of such information needs to transcend borders.

    Cross border collaborative journalism appears to hold the potential to bridge gaps and provide necessary information in the field of tension of such networked societies – between the local level, where citizens live and work and send their children to school, and the European or global level, where political decisions can be made to address the challenges. Cross-border and other collaborations are gaining momentum in journalism, and publishers begin to integrate collaborative competences in their production processes to address boundary-crossing issues, such as the international flow of capital, climate change, or the refugee crisis. Cross border collaborative journalism is a competence that journalism education must provide to students to meet demand in the sector.

    Candidates are invited to address processes that foster or hamper European cross border education of cross border investigative journalism, and map processes and actors within the rise of this field. The selected candidate will draw from the an ongoing Erasmus+ project coordinated by a leading scholar and practitioner of cross border investigative journalism, Brigitte Alfter, together with a senior educator in investigative journalism, Ulla Sätereie, both at the University of Gothenburg.

    The candidate will benefit from working with an international team of researchers within Investigative Journalism, Journalism Education, and Digital Journalism, Professor Mark Deuze, Dr Uwe Krüger and Professor Maria Konow-Lund. The selected candidate will be supervised by Prof. Konow-Lund at OsloMet University. She has published extensively on journalism, investigative journalism, crises and more recently on COVID-19 and journalism.

    The aim of the research project is to contextualize the budding field of education in cross border collaboration of investigative journalism and to contribute to improve the understanding of the field.

    Questions such as:

    • How is the European education of cross border investigative journalism established?
    • What characterizes the education of investigative journalism in Europe and actors within this field?
    • What are (perceived or practical) synergies and obstacles in practice-oriented teaching, pedagogics, and intercultural communication?
    • Also, a comparison of the interaction between journalism educations and the media sector in European countries could be of interest.

    With this call for Expression of Interest, we invite experienced curiosity-driven researchers to submit their application accompanied by CV (including publication list) and a one-page project description, that will be the basis for selecting a maximum of two candidates with whom we will collaborate for developing competitive MSCA-PF proposals. The cooperation for the proposal development will be carried out remotely, with regular online communication via email and virtual meeting platforms. Applicants who are successful in getting their proposals funded by the EU, must relocate to work in the Department of Journalism and Media Studiesat OsloMet main campus, in the center of Oslo.

    Starting Date of the Fellowship

    The EU shall inform the results on the MSCA-PF-2022 applications in February 2023. Successful applicants are expected to be available to start their fellowship project within the period 1st of April to 1st September 2023.

    Main duties of the position

    The successful candidate will primarily work on the MSCA fellowship funded project, but will also be integrated in the Department’s activities, taking part in regular meetings and research groups discussions. The candidate will specifically be introduced with Prof. Konow-Lund’s national and international network of researchers. In agreement with the candidate, he/she would be included in other ongoing projects and/or in the development of grant applications processes.

    Expected qualification of applicants

    Applicants must have a PhD in Journalism studies, Media and Communication, or related fields as a minimum requirement. We are primarily looking for experienced researchers who wish to use the MSCA fellowship as an opportunity to further develop research skills and to build longer term research collaboration with OsloMet and other organisations conducting research in the field. The candidate must be eligible for a MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship: have a PhD successfully defended by the deadline of the MSCA-PF call (14 September 2022), a maximum of eight years research experience after PhD, and not having worked/studied in Norway more than 12 months in the last three years.

    We are looking for applicants who have

    • Knowledge of cross border collaborations, or cross border education in journalism or media, on EU- policy and policy and availability of quantitative or qualitative data in the field.
    • A good track record in research and publications
    • Commitment to develop a competitive MSCA-PF grant application
    • An open and cooperation-oriented nature, with strong abilities for independent academic work
    • Excellent command / highly proficient spoken and written English
    • Assessment and selection of candidates
    • Evaluation will be based on the qualification and project idea. Interested candidates must submit with their application the following documents:
    • CV (including research track record and list of publications)
    • A one-page description of the project idea for which a MSCA-PF grant will be applied (no predefined structure, excluding references)

    Short-listed candidates will be invited for a virtual interview to select candidates that will be invited to develop the full MSCA-PF application with deadline on 14 September 2022 under the supervision of Maria Konow-Lund and with the support of the professional research administration staff at OsloMet.

    Under this call announcement a maximum of five candidates will be interviewed and one candidate will be invited to write applications with the endorsement of OsloMet. Candidates will be informed of the results of the internal pre-selection to apply by the end of March 2022.

    Original documents about your qualification must be presented if you are invited for an interview. OsloMet performs document inspections in order to give you as a candidate a proper evaluation and to ensure a fair competition. Proposals will be pre-selected based on internal evaluation and the availability of suitable supervision. All documents that you hand in to OsloMet, including your proposal idea, will be handled in full confidentiality, and strictly following GDPR regulations.

    Selected candidates must participate in the virtual masterclass on MSCA-PF, a two-day workshop organised by OsloMet on 20-21 April 2022 to provide applicants with detailed information and explanation of the application template to complete their proposal in compliance with the EU Commission requirements.

    The postdoctoral position

    Successful applicants who obtain a MSCA-PF grant will be offered a position at OsloMet to be hired as postdoctoral researchers, in conditions as explained below.

    We offer

    OsloMet offers assistance in developing competitive Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship proposals. Then, to successful applicants who are awarded the MSC-PF grant, we offer:

    Flexible working conditions

    • An inclusive and friendly work environment
    • Unique academic network with the possibility for the right candidate(s) to pursue his/her academic goals under the auspices of Professor Maria Konow-Lund
    • Norwegian language classes
    • Onboarding assistance for relocation and other services
    • Practical information about relocation to Oslo and living in Norway

    The position adheres to the Norwegian Government’s policy that the national labour force. It is important for OsloMet to reflect the population diversity, all qualified candidates from any nationality are welcomed to apply. OsloMet is an IA (Inclusive Workplace) organisation and operates in compliance with the Norwegian IA agreement. We make our active endeavour to further develop OsloMet as an inclusive workplace and to adapt the workplace if required. If there are periods in your career when you have not been working, under education or training, you are also eligible to apply. Questions may be directed to the contact persons (per below).


    The competitive fellowship opportunities are 100% funded and include living and mobility allowances.

    Type of employment: Temporary position

    Contract type: Full time

    Annual Salary: Approx. EUR 60,000

    Starting day of employment: Expected starting date 1 April 2023

    Number of positions: 1 – 2

    Working hours: 37.5 hours/week

    OsloMet has implemented the Charter & Code for researchers and been granted the HR Excellence in Research (HRS4) by the EU Commission and is part of the EU network for mobility of Researchers EURAXESS. Practical information about relocation to OsloMet can be found here and EURAXESS Norway.

    Other information

    Maria Konow-Lund, Professor,

    Florissa Abreu, Senior Advisor, R&I Department,

    Address: Oslo Metropolitan University, Pilestredet 46, Oslo 0350, Norway

    Call application deadline on 31st January, 2022

    Reference number: 21/12801

    OsloMet is a Charter & Code certified institution by the EU Commisson holding the right to use the logo HR Excellence in Research (HRS4R). OsloMet is a member of the EURAXESS network supporting a positive work environment for researchers in motion. OsloMet has signed The Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA). DORA recognizes the need to improve the ways in which the outputs of scholarly research are evaluated.

    Type of employment: Temporary position

    Contract type: Full time

    First day of employment: Per agreement

    Salary: Approx. EUR 60.000 annually

    Number of positions: 1

    Working hours: 100%

    City: Oslo

    County: Oslo

    Country: Norway

    Reference number: 21/12801


    Florissa Abreu,

    Maria Konow-Lund,

    Published: 17/12/2021

    Last application date: 31/01/2022 23:59

  • 06.01.2022 11:02 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Revista Lusófona de Educação (RLE)

    Deadline: March 31, 2022

    Call for articles to be published in a thematic dossier in Revista Lusófona de Educação (RLE) as part of the scientific output of muSEAum – Branding the Sea Museums of Portugal, the FCT-funded research and innovation project

    Editors: Isabel Duarte, Nuno Cintra Torres, Célia Quico, Rita Grácio, Rute Muchacho, Eduardo Sarmento (CICANT -- Centre for Research in Applied Communication, Culture, and New Technologies, Lusófona University Lisbon, Portugal).

    muSEAum – Branding the Sea Museums of Portugal is a three-year FCT-funded research and innovation project (PTDT/EGE-OGE/29755/2017) developed by CICANT, a research unit of Lusófona University Lisbon.

    The project created the muSEAum network of around 70 sea museums -- museums with a direct or indirect relationship with the sea. Two books were produced (PDFs available at Two webinar series and online workshops took place with the participation of several sea museums. Articles were published in national and international journals, some of them peer-reviewed. Researchers participated in national and international conferences. Two major conferences were organised. Interactive prototypes and models were developed and deployed. After an interregnum due to the Covid 19 restrictions, the third muSEAum conference will take place in April 2022.

    muSEAum is now pleased to invite researchers, academics, museum professionals, public bodies specialists, and other interested parties to present articles to be published in a thematic dossier entitled “The muSEAum: Water, Fire, Earth, Air” included in a forthcoming issue of Revista Lusófona de Educação (RLE). The articles accepted for publication will become part of the project’s scientific output.


    Museums are their collections, building, location, accessibilities, natural environment, community, professionals, resources, reputation and publics. Museums should promote the creation of "landscape communities" aware of their identity, involved in their preservation, participating in their sustainable development (Siena Charter ICOM Italy 2014). Museums inspire powerful and identity-building learning in children, young people, and communities. Investment in the arts and culture can drive improvements in the quality of the local environment and the standard of living of local communities. Regional and local museums promote local participation, identity, and common heritage. Museums have positive spill over impacts in the economy covering areas such as tourism, skills, improving productivity, and as catalysts for economic regeneration. The importance of the branding and marketing orientation in museums is today recognised as a management discipline of great importance. However, many small and medium-sized European museums need to improve their brand management. Periphery, management instability, scarcity of financial resources, marketing and technological skills are some of the major challenges facing museums located far from major urban centres. Other constraints are little or no audience research; social media not used to its full potential; local partnerships could help more; the use of the English language is lacking; merchandising is rare; only a tiny percentage of the budget is allocated to communications and advertising; a unique visitor experience as a branding concept needs to be developed; branding the museum is and irregular activity; digital marketing is rudimentary. Developmental areas are the visitor-centric approach; designing visitor journeys; positioning the museum in the cultural and tourist markets; segmenting and defining target audiences; communicating the brand message over a choice of platforms. In some countries, financial autonomy is restricted by national legal frameworks hampering initiatives and the proactive search of funding sources alternative to State and regional bodies. The Covid-19 pandemic caused great difficulties to museums, but many reacted with innovative solutions, many digital-based, providing valuable lessons for post-pandemic times.


    The muSEAum: Ethnographic, archaeological, arts repository? Social, cultural, identity building heritage forum? Place branding asset?

    Branding: Can small and medium-sized museums compete in a brand-dense world?

    Networking and partnering: A burden or a must-have?

    Digital skills and technologies in post-pandemic times: What’s new?

    Best practices: Are big museum practices applicable by small and medium-sized museums?

    Funding: How can museums improve their financial resources within the constraints of the present legal framework?

    Submissions’ email


    Submission: March 31, 2022

    Evaluation: April 30, 2022

    Author notification: May 15, 2022

    Publication: Second semester 2022

    RLE submission rules

    Articles are accepted in Portuguese, English, French, or Castilian. Max. length: 40,000 characters with spaces, including the abstract with 1,500 characters in each of the four languages. Figures, tables (jpeg), images (jpeg) must not exceed 25 pages. See also

  • 06.01.2022 10:46 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    University of Fribourg, Switzerland

    The Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences and Management (SES) of the University of Fribourg, Switzerland, hires a post-doc in the Department of Communication and Media Sciences (DCM). The successful candidate will provide teaching and research in the fields of quantitative methods, as well as in at least one of the following areas: strategic communication, media use and effects, political communication, media systems, media economics.

    The DCM provides an exceptional research environment based on interdisciplinary, innovative and dynamic collaboration at the intersection of communication, media, economics and management. With an emphasis on rigorous training and high-quality research, the SES Faculty provides an ideal environment to consolidate a career dedicated to research.

    Starting date: September 1st, 2022 or to be agreed

    Duration: 5 years (one-year trial period; renewable 4 years)

    Salary: Full-time position; the salary will be set in accordance with the guidelines of the University of Fribourg


    The post-doc provides four hours of teaching per semester at the level of the Bachelor in Communication and Media Sciences and, if necessary, the Master in Business Communication. He/she is also required to supervise Bachelor and Master theses, as well as to conduct research projects of excellent quality, to publish the results and to try to obtain research funds.



    Excellent doctoral thesis in communication or closely related field


    The successful candidate must present in-depth knowledge and publications in the fields of strategic communication, media use and effects, political communication, media systems and/or media economics, as well as proven advanced quantitative methodological skills. Knowledge of experimental methods, programming languages and/or qualitative methods is considered an additional asset. The successful candidate knows how to plan and implement teachings at Bachelor and Master level.

    International research experience is an advantage


    Perfect command of French; very good command of English; good knowledge of German is considered an additional asset.



    Questions regarding the position and/or applications can be sent to Jolanda Wehrli (


    The application file must contain:

    - cover letter specifying research interests and motivations,

    - CV containing the names of two academic reference persons,

    - list of scientific publications,

    - summary of 1 to 2 pages of the doctoral thesis,

    - evaluations of current teachings,

    - any other certificate deemed relevant.


    The file must be sent as a single PDF file to Jolanda Wehrli ( no later than January 25, 2022.

    Link to pdf (english version):

    Link to pdf (french version):

  • 01.01.2022 20:27 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    May 4-6, 2022

    Madrid, Spain, Complutense University of Madrid

    Deadline for submissions (EXTENDED): January 31, 2022

    Conference Chair: Patricia Núñez Gómez

    The Child and Teen Consumption (CTC) Conferences address a wide range of topics linking childhood and adolescence with consumer environments in different social and institutional contexts. This forum aims to become a meeting place for scholars and practitioners to examine different issues affecting children for better or for worse, such as media, technology, privacy, climate change, social exclusion, and SDGs, from a multidisciplinary perspective of communication, sociology, education, anthropology, history, law, and psychology. Since the first edition in 2004 in Angoulême, France, the CTC Conferences have promoted original research on how children interact with the market and society, and how they construct their identity and relationships with peers, family members, brands, and organizations. More information on the CTC community can be found here:

    The theme of the 10th Child and Teen Consumption Conference is “The future of childhood is now”. The changes we are experiencing on social, economic, technological and health levels make it necessary to study the role of children and adolescents from the vantage point of their reality, from all the spheres that affect them and bearing in mind the future we want for them and the one they want for themselves. As in previous editions, we want to open the debate on how the role of children and adolescents is changing in our society and look beyond.

    Proposals may examine a variety of topics including, but not limited to:


    • Children and adolescents as co-producers of consumer cultures
    • Children consumption mediators: point of sale, packaging, and promotions
    • Influencers and children, challenges for responsibility
    • Environment and branding for young consumers and children
    • Branding and gender marketing
    • Social relationships in brand building: family, friends, and school
    • Influence of intergenerational relationships on child and teen consumption trends


    • Design of cultural, museum and touristic experiences aimed at children
    • Crowdsourcing and involving children in product / service co-design
    • Designing and manufacturing responsible products for children and young people
    • Brand building for disabled children


    • Children and young people as CSR targets
    • Social inclusion and branding
    • Social responsibility towards technology and children
    • Regulation and legal challenges for the protection of children and young people


    • Cultural industries, children, and young people
    • Digital literacy and digital media inequality
    • New consumption of audiovisual products
    • The challenge of new advertising media
    • Ethics and vulnerable audiences
    • Children's rights in media discourses


    • Children as agents and prescribers of sustainability
    • SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) and children in the sustainability strategy
    • The role of children in brand building for a sustainable future
    • Children's rights and globalization of consumption


    • Social inequalities and food consumption
    • Awareness and children in the face of social inequalities and climate change
    • Health and inequality, social responsibility towards children and young people
    • War, poverty and food insecurity for children
    • Brand messages about peace and justice in children’s lives


    • The role of brands in entertainment, persuasion, and education
    • Young people’s identity and ideology influenced by consumption
    • Adults’ role (parents, educators, managers) in education and responsible consumption
    • Critical views on consumer socialization and consumer education
    • The Anthropocene and the future of the child consumer


    • New methodologies in research with children and young people
    • Research around brands, children, young people, and families
    • Researcher’s responsibility in investigating the links between children and marketplaces
    • Involving children in the design of public policies aimed at regulating marketplaces

    Please check ctc2022-home - CTC2022 for all the details about the conference and the submission process.

  • 29.12.2021 17:23 | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    Deadline (EXTENDED): January 14, 2022

    Dígitos is a journal linked to the Language Theory and Communication Sciences Department of the University of Valencia, which welcomes publications about the impact of digital technologies.

    This call makes room for data sprints-based research and the practice of digital methods in the context of communication and media studies.

    Manuscripts must be unpublished and written in Spanish, Catalan, English, or French.

    Short-paper format (4.500-6.000 words) are welcome, giving priority to papers addressing the following topics:

    • Case studies or methodological protocols developed in a data sprint context for studying a specific phenomenon
    • Experimental/exploratory studies that trigger methodological or conceptual framework creation and software development
    • Data sprints as a form of learning and developing data-driven research design with digital methods
    • Data sprints as key to fostering collaboration and interdisciplinary research
    • The role of designers in data sprint contexts
    • Proposals for new dissemination formats of data-sprint technical reports

    Deadline EXTENDED for submitting documents: 14 January 2022

    Further information here:

    The special issue is coordinated by Janna Joceli Omena (NOVA University Lisbon, iNOVA Media Lab & Public Data Lab), Beatrice Gobbo (Politecnico di Milano, Density Design Lab), Lorena Cano-Orón (University of Valencia) and Ana Marta M. Flores (NOVA University Lisbon, University of Coimbra & iNOVA Media Lab).

  • 29.12.2021 17:01 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    IJFMA Vol. 8 No. 1 (2023)

    Deadline: June 20, 2022

    Guest Editors:

    • Pedro Pinto Neves - Lusófona University, HEI-Lab
    • Carla Sousa - Lusófona University, CICANT
    • Micaela Fonseca - Lusófona University, HEI-Lab
    • Sara Hasani Darabadi - London South Bank University

    Game-based learning has made tremendous progress in the past thirty years. Games and learning were once limited to more or less isolated experiments, with scholarship struggling to move past simply acknowledging and coming to grips with the undeniable potential of games for learning. Games struggled to understand learning, and learning struggled to understand games. Since then, entire programs for learning with games have been implemented across a significant cross-section of disciplines and learning contexts, robust studies of real applications of games in learning have been carried out, alongside the building of a robust body of method for designing games and pedagogy together. Games have become a realistic option for training in solving wicked problems, with non-obvious solutions, wherever creative, systems-oriented thinking is required.

    Currently, however, the use of games in learning and for serious purposes in general is still less ubiquitous than their vast potential would suggest. Games are now regularly used in learning owing to the work of researchers, educators, and game designers, but there is more to be done before they deliver on their full benefits.

    The field of Games-based Learning, or GBL, suffered from what Jaakko Stenros and Annika Waern classified as the Digital Fallacy – the tendency to regard analog games as a subset of digital games rather than the other way around. The development of games for learning may have been stymied somewhat by an excessive focus on digital games. Where boardgames were once associated with the past of games and learning and digital games with the future, there are now fresh insights and applications for boardgames in learning – alongside with their renaissance as games for entertainment. Digital games and boardgames for education are now joined by a broader, more inventive sense of playable media for education, including other analog forms such as locative and social space games, mixed-media forms such as Expanded Reality, and new frontiers in adaptive in intelligent systems.

    This special issue of the International Journal of Film and Media Arts invites game design researchers, researchers in games studies, designer-educators, pedagogists, and artists that have played with learning to submit papers that deal with but are not limited to the topics of:

    • Inclusion, co-creation and participative games
    • Game Design-based Learning
    • Game design models for Game-Based Learning
    • Integration of games in formal and informal educational contexts
    • Learning styles, behaviours and personalities in educational games
    • Adaptive games design for Game-Based Learning
    • Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Game-based Learning
    • Accessibility of Game-Based approaches
    • Games, Engagement and Flow

    Keywords: Games; Learning; Game-Based Learning; Education; Serious Gaming.

    Abstracts to be submitted by 20th June 2022.

    Provide two Word documents (.doc) with:

    1. ABSTRACT, no longer than 500 words with 5 keywords.

    The abstract should not have any reference to the authors or the institution they belong to. The authors must ensure that their manuscripts are prepared in such a way that they do not reveal their identities to reviewers, either directly or indirectly.

    2. BIO, no longer than 200 words. Name, Email address and institutional affiliation. Authors should indicate the call for papers they are submitting.

    Please submit to: or

    Authors should indicate the call for papers they are submitting.

    Timeline for publication:

    • Abstract Submission: 20th June 2022
    • 1st round feedback from reviewers: 20th July 2022
    • Full Paper Submission: 30th September 2022
    • 2nd round feedback from reviewers: 30th November 2022
    • Final Revisions: 8th January 2023
    • Online Publication: 17th March 2023

    Submission online or via email will be made anonymously. Submissions will be reviewed by at least 2 peer reviewers. Accepted abstracts will be given guidelines for the preparation and submission of the final text for the 2nd round of double-blind peer reviews.

    No fees are not requested for submission or processing.




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