European Communication Research |
Questions of identity and politics of difference have been in the heart of European communication research for decades. In the context of transnationalism and the growing diversity of European societies these questions take on a new urgency and have new implications for European communication practices and their study. Transnational and diasporic communications have brought a number of theoretical and methodological challenges for European communication research, such as those relating to the significance of the national public spheres, national broadcasting, multicultural media and communication practices at present and in the future. This section recognises that transnational and diasporic communications have become a fertile and challenging area for innovative theoretical and methodological approaches; this area of study urges the development of research with transnational and cross-European orientation, which however is not nation-centric and Eurocentric. The section invites and encourages theoretical and empirical explorations of European communications and diversity from across Europe and beyond. We welcome interdisciplinary approaches and innovative studies in all areas of media and communication research:
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YECREA representative: Miriana Cascone (Södertörn University, Stockholm) COMMUNICATION OFFICER: Rob Sharp (University of Sussex) A list of management team contacts is available on ECREA intranet CLICK HERE (prior login required) Section Newspublished on section Facebook account Follow us |