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European Communication Conference

European Communication Conferences (ECC) are biennial large-scale international conferences, which typically bring together around 1.300 communication scholars form Europe and beyond. All ECREA Sections, Temporary Working Groups and Networks partake in the programme of the conference.

ECC conferences are typically held in October or November every even year, with call for papers being released in December in the year before the conference.

11th European Communication Conference

Venue: Masaryk University, Brno (Czech Republic)
Date: September 2026



Conference proceedings:

Conference Topic: TBA

Previous conferences

10th European Communication Conference

Venue: University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
Date: Sep 24-27, 2024



Conference proceedings:

Abstract book ECC 2024

Conference Topic: Communication & social (dis)order

The ECC 2024 conference invites participants to reconsider the communication (dis)order by reflecting upon ongoing political, economic, environmental, health, and technological disruptions, their (dys)functional (un)predictability, and their long-term societal implications. While the speed and scope of contemporary communicative developments and social disruptions can easily generate an impression of unprecedented changes, felt either as a breakdown of the “old” order or the creation of a “new” one, this sensation is by no means exclusive to the present moment.

9th European Communication Conference

Venue: Aarhus University (Denmark)
Date: Oct 19-22, 2022 



Conference proceedings:
Abstract Book ECC 2022

Conference Topic: Rethink Impact

Under the theme ‘Rethink Impact’, ECC 2022 will aim to draw attention to the questions how research insight is translated into tangible outcomes for society, how it can be quantified and validated, and how teaching, community building and outreach as core academic practices are assessed.

8th European Communication Conference

Affiliation: ECREA
Venue: Online
Date: Sep 6 -9 , 2021


Conference proceedings:
Abstract Book ECC 2021

Conference theme: Communication and trust: building safe, sustainable and promising futures

What futures are we building up? What is the role of media and communication in these processes? Considering the pace of technological change and the way it is reshaping economy and culture, what type of adaptations and commitments are being asked of citizens and to what extent are institutions and policy makers engaged in achieving solutions that are both progressive and sustainable? What type of social, political and cultural futures are media and communication inducing and modelling? What relations exist between them and what are their main normative cornerstones? These are questions of critical interest for the 2021 ECREA conference.

7th European Communication Conference

Affiliation: City of Lugano and USI Università della Svizzera italiana
Venue: Lugano, Switzerland
Date: Oct 31 - Nov 3, 2018


Conference proceedings:

Abstract Book ECC 2018

Conference theme: Centres and Peripheries: Communication, Research, Translation

The conference aimed to analyse and to address the theme “Centres and Peripheries: Communication, Research, Translation” in communication from a multiplicity of perspectives. First, the conference examined the issues of “core” and “margins”, inviting scholars to stretch the boundaries of media and communication research as an academic discipline. Second, the key conference theme of centres and peripheries meant reconsidering geographical, cultural and linguistic borders or boundaries. Third, the key concepts of centres and peripheries in communication were associated with economic and political power.

6th European Communication Conference

Affiliation: Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University
Venue: Prague, Czech Republic
Date: Nov 9 - Nov 11, 2016


Conference proceedings:
Abstract Book ECC 2016

Conference theme: Mediated (Dis)Continuities: Contesting Pasts, Presents and Futures

Discontinuity is the far side of change. Late modernity – as the unstoppable flow of permanent changes – is haunted by the disparity of its various histories, geographies, ontologies and technologies. How are media and communication practices engaged in communicating across these divides?

5th European Communication Conference

Affiliation: Lusofona University
Venue: Lisbon Conference Centre, Lisbon, Portugal
Date: Nov 12 - Nov 15, 2014


The overarching theme of the conference is 'Communication for Empowerment: Citizens, Markets, Innovations'.

The conference took place from 12 to 15 November 2014 at the Lisbon Convention Centre in Belem, Lisbon. More information is availabe on the conference website. ECREA and Lusofona University are looking forward to welcoming you in Lisbon.

4th European Communication Conference

Affiliation: Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Turkish Communication Research Association (ILAD)
Venue: Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Istanbul, Turkey
Date: Oct 24 - Oct 27, 2012


The general theme of the conference is 'Social Media & Global Voices'. The organisers call for proposals in all fields of communication and media studies, but particularly invite conceptual, empirical, and methodological proposals on social media and global communication phenomena and/or on comparative research.

Imposing Freedoms: The role of copyright, privacy and censorship governance in the re/definition of rights in digital media

Affiliation: Plato College of Higher Education
Date: Oct 23 2012

Communicating Climate Change III - The Audience Perspective (Changing Climate, Changing Media & Changing Audiences)
Affiliation: Plato College of Higher Education
Date: Oct 23 2012

Experiencing Digital Games: Use, Effects & Culture of Gaming
Affiliation: Plato College of Higher Education, Istanbul
Venue: Istanbul, Turkey
Date: Oct 23 - Oct 24, 2012

3rd European Communication Conference

Affiliation: ECREA with the Hans Bredow Institute for Media Research, in co-operation with the Institute of Journalism and Communication, the Institute for Media and Communication, University of Hamburg, and the Hamburg Media School
Venue: Hamburg, Germany
Date: Oct 12 - Oct 15, 2010


The general theme of the conference is 'Transcultural Communication -- Intercultural Comparisons'. The organisers call for proposals in all fields of communication and media studies, but particularly invite conceptual, empirical, and methodological proposals on inter- and transcultural communication phenomena and/or on comparative research.

Communicating Climate Change II – Global Goes Regional, Pre-conference to the ECREA 2010 – 3rd European Communication Conference
Affiliation: KlimaCampus Hamburg / Institut für Journalistik und Kommunikationswissenschaft
Date: Oct 11 - Oct 12, 2010

2nd European Communication Conference

Affiliation: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (the Communication Sciences Faculty and the Communication Institute - InCom-UAB) with the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA)
Venue: Barcelona, Spain
Date: Nov 25 - Nov 28, 2008


The broad theme of this major international congress, Communication policies and culture in Europe, refers to the confluence that can be established between the media and the different interpretations of culture in Europe nowadays. This confluence refers to the globalization effects on a diversity of spaces (multinational, national, local) with all its political implications.

It moreover refers to the different mediations and interactions that configure the current European society with respect to migrations, new forms of political participation, the dialectics of identity and diversity, new cultural consumptions, etc. The broad title aims to emphasize the importance of politics and culture, but also refers to new ways of regulation and de-regulation, the technology and the management of convergence within the cultural industries the new public service remit, and the variety of communication policies that aim to guarantee cultural diversity and development in Europe.

1st European Communication Conference

Affiliation: University of Amsterdam
Venue: KIT (Royal Tropical Institute), Amsterdam
Date: Nov 24 - Nov 26, 2005


Fifty Years of Communication Research in Europe: Past and Future



Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 14
6041 Charleroi

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