European Communication Research |
ABOUT HOST INSTITUTIONSödeRtörn universityThe Summer School will take place at Södertörn University in Sweden. This is one of the newest Swedish universities, founded in 1996 with the vision to provide students with a ‘multicultural, multidisciplinary, civic education’ (in Swedish: mångkultur, mångvetenskap, medborgerlig bildning). It is a holder of the HR Excellence in Research awarded by the European Commission. It is located in Flemingsberg – a southern suburb of Stockholm, a mere 15-20-minutes ride from the inner city by commuter train. The Department of Media and Communication Studies and the Department of Journalism at Södertörn University are among the strongest and most research intense departments in the field in Sweden, with a profile of critical cultural theory, and with a strong international orientation. Södertörn University will host The European Media and Communication Doctoral Summer School in 2025 and 2026. | All ECREA Publications |