European Communication Research
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Gender, SEXUALITY and Communication

The Section Gender, Sexuality and Communication aims to bring together scholars who approach issues within the field of communication with a specific interest in gender. Gender is conceptualized in a broad sense.

The section specifically seeks inclusivity in relation to gender studies issues (among which: ethnicity, identity politics, queer studies, gender in media industries, feminist media studies, popular culture studies, post structural theory, philosophical questions).

The section intends to take a critical approach in bridging the gap between communication and gender studies. We welcome interdisciplinary approaches and innovative studies in all areas of media and communication research: media production, media texts and media use and/or reception. Questions of gender within the field of communication and media can be approached at theoretical, methodological and/or empirical level.

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Management team


Sara De Vuyst (Maastricht University, Netherlands)

Vice Chair:
Núria Araüna Baró (Universitat Rovira i Virgiri, Spain)

Vice Chair:

Greta Gober (KTH, Sweden)

YECREA representative:

Vittoria Bernardini (University of Rome, Italy)


Elisa Paz Pérez

A list of management team contacts is available on  ECREA intranet

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6041 Charleroi

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