European Communication Research |
thematic section
The fields of International and Intercultural Communication are ever-evolving disciplines, closely reflecting major societal changes and actively contributing to renewed academic discussions about the role of mediated and interpersonal communication in globalization, decolonization and migration processes. The International and Intercultural Communication (IIC) Section provides a platform for discussing critical research in the fields of International Communication and Intercultural Communication from different epistemological and theoretical viewpoints, exploring a wide range of contexts, and using a variety of methodological approaches. The section welcomes innovative inter-, multi-, and transdisciplinary research in all areas of media and communication that sheds light on topical issues related to international and intercultural communication such as, but not limited to, language uses, discourses and representations of ‘culture’ and diversity, cultural exchange, development of competencies and sensitivities, social justice, sustainability, antiracism and decolonization. section events
documentsYearly reports:
| Management team
Chair: David Ongenaert (Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands/Charles University, Czech Republic) Chair:
Melanie Radue (University of Passau, Germany) Vice Chair: Shomaila Sadaf (University of Jyväskylä, Finland) YECREA representatives: Ana-Nzinga Weiß (University of Rostock, Germany), Arne van Lienden (Erasmus University Rotterdam/Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands) COMMUNICATION OFFICER: Anastassia Zabrodskaja (Tallinn University, Baltic Film, Media and Arts School, Estonia) A list of management team contacts is available on ECREA intranet CLICK HERE (prior login required) Section websiteSection NewsFollow us |