European Communication Research
and Education Association

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In order to allow as many scholars as possible to join, ECREA is offering a very flexible and affordable membership fee structure for individuals and institutions, with reduced fees for young scholars, for retired scholars, for soft-currency countries and for large institutions.


ECREA has two categories of membership:

Individual members


All persons who are active in the field of communication research or education. This also applies to persons living outside Europe who are conducting research into communication in Europe.

Each individual member carries one vote at the General Assembly.

The standard individual membership fee covers one person, who qualifies for ECREA's membership benefits.







Institutional members


Legal bodies such as universities with relevant departments, legal bodies with relevant policy departments and legal bodies with professional research from all parts of Europe, which are concerned with media and communications research or dedicate all or part of their activity to such research.

Institutional membership brings five votes at the General Assembly.

The standard institutional membership fee covers institutional coordinator and ten individuals from that institution as well as unlimited number of institution's PhD students.

In cases where institutions wish to have more than ten regular members special fee applies for each additional member.

ECREA membership list at no extra charge. All qualify for the ECREA's membership benefits.



Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 14
6041 Charleroi

Who to contact

Support Young Scholars Fund

Help fund travel grants for young scholars who participate at ECC conferences. We accept individual and institutional donations.



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