European Communication Research
and Education Association

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  • 12.01.2024 08:27 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    We are very pleased to announce that the abstract submission deadline for the 10th ECREA ECC 2024 has been extended to 16 January 2024! This extension offers an incredible opportunity for all those who have not yet submitted their abstracts.

    Don't miss the chance to be part of a conference that focuses on "Communication & social (dis)order" More information about the 10th ECREA ECC can be found in the call for papers and submission guidelines.

    Submit your abstract via the ECREA ECC 2024 submission platform. We are looking forward to your contributions!

  • 10.01.2024 09:32 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    ECREA is happy to announce four types of grants and support measures to provide greater inclusion of scholars the ECC 2024 Ljubljana conference. 

    YECREA early-career scholar conference fee grant

    YECREA grants are aimed at general inclusion of early-career scholars and are not related to specific region or topic. 

    YECREA will offer 10 grants for early-career scholars (PhD students and scholars 1 year after completion of their PhD) in the form of conference fee waivers. 

    YECREA early-career scholar travel grant 

    YECREA grants are aimed at general inclusion of early-career scholars and are not related to specific region or topic. YECREA grants are aimed at general inclusion of early-career scholars and are not targeting specific region or topic.

    YECREA will offer 5 travel and accommodation grants for early-career scholars. (PhD students and scholars 1 year after completion of their PhD).

    Both conference fee grants and travel grants will be awarded to early-career scholars whose presentations have been accepted to the conference. The applicants will be allowed to combine travel grants with the conference fee grants. Conditions will be announced with the separate call for applicants in March 2024. 

    ECREA Equality, Diversity and Inclusion conference fee grants 

    These grants will be awarded to address barriers and biases experienced by underrepresented groups, aiming to make ECREA to be more equal, diverse and inclusive. 

    15 grants in the form of conference fee vouchers will be offered by ECREA to scholars who would otherwise have difficulties accessing the conference. 

    ECREA Equality, Diversity and Inclusion travel grants

    These grants will be awarded to address barriers and biases experienced by underrepresented groups, aiming to make ECREA to be more equal, diverse and inclusive. 

    5 travel and accommodation grants will be offered by ECREA to scholars who would otherwise have difficulties accessing the conference. 

    The applicants will be allowed to combine travel grants with the conference fee grants. Both types of grants will be awarded to scholars whose presentations have been accepted to the conference. Conditions will be announced with the separate call for applicants in March 2024.

    Two other types of grants, targeting early-career scholars from the region of former Yugoslavia and Ukraine will be offered by conference Local Organising Committee. More information on conference grants: 

  • 08.01.2024 12:03 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Local Organising Committee of the ECC 2024 is happy to announce two targeted grants to provide greater inclusion of PhD students and early-career scholars from the region of former Yugoslavia and Ukraine at the Ljubljana conference. 

    Grants for early-career scholars from the region of former Yugoslavia

    Local organising committee of the conference will award 5 grants to early-career scholars from the region of former Yugoslavia.

    The aim of the grants is to facilitate greater inclusion of scholars from the region, promote critical regional perspectives on conference topic Communication and Social (Dis)Order, and promote cooperation among scholars and institutions in the region.

    The grants will be awarded in the form of conference fee vouchers to early-career scholars (PhD students and scholars 1 year after completion of their PhD) whose presentation has been accepted to the programme of the conference. 

    Grants for early-career scholars from Ukraine

    Local organising committee of the conference will award 5 grants to early-career scholars who are based at academic institutions in Ukraine to facilitate their greater participation at the Ljubljana conference.

    The grants, consisting of conference fee vouchers, will be awarded to early-career scholars (PhD students and scholars 1 year after completion of their PhD) whose presentations have been accepted to the conference.

    Both calls will be released in March 2024. For updates on the call, follow the news at the conference website, ECREA website or ECREA weekly digest.

    Four other types of grants and support measures will be offered for scholars irrespective of the region in which they are based. These will include YECREA Early-career fee waivers and travel grants  and ECREA Equality, Diversity and Inclusion fee waivers and travel grants. More information on conference grants: 

  • 04.01.2024 09:29 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The submission of abstracts for the 10th ECREA ECC in Ljubljana (24-27 September 2024) with the title ‘Communication & social (dis)order‘ is only possible for one more week!

    The deadline for abstract submission is 11 January 2024.

    The organisers ECREA, the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Slovene Communication Association are calling for proposals that contribute to rethinking communication and social (dis)order from the different perspectives of ECREA sections, networks and working groups. Proposals for individual papers, panels and roundtables can be submitted to all ECREA sections, temporary working groups and networks via the ECREA ECC 2024 submission platform.

  • 22.12.2023 12:59 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    ECREA is horrified by the terrible mass shooting event that took place at Charles University in Prague on Thursday 21st December. We extend our deepest sympathies to all those affected by this tragic event and stand in solidarity with our many friends and colleagues who work at Charles University and our colleagues and collaborators who work for and with ECREA who are based in Prague.

  • 12.12.2023 20:40 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    We are happy to inform you that the new management team of Journalism Studies has been elected:

    • Corinna Lauerer (chair)
    • Lada Price (vice-chair)
    • Yael de Haan (vice-chair)

    You can check their CVs and statements here: S/N/TWG additional election.

  • 11.12.2023 07:55 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The 10th ECREA ECC conference in 2024 will take place from 23 to 27 September 2024 in Ljubljana, Slovenia. With the deadline for the conference just one month away (11 January), excitement is high and the organisers ECREA, the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Slovene Communication Association are inviting potential presenters to submit their proposals.

    Under the title ‘Communication & social (dis)order‘, the organisers are calling for proposals that contribute to rethinking communication and social (dis)order from different perspectives of ECREA sections, networks and working groups. Proposals for individual papers, panels and roundtables can be submitted to all ECREA sections, temporary working groups and networks via the ECREA ECC 2024 submission platform.

  • 04.12.2023 13:39 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    ECREA is opening a call for proposals for the hosting of the 2025 and 2026 edition of the European Media and Communication Summer School.

    Deadline: February 15, 2024

    ECREA European Media and Communication Doctoral Summer School is established to support integration of PhD students within Europe and beyond into an academic culture in constructive and supportive manner, respectful towards disciplinary differences, inclusive across different aspects of media and communication fields and methodologies. They are intended to facilitate network-building that will last across academic career paths and to promote inclusive intellectual and organisational culture that ECREA stands for.

    The call can be found here:

  • 29.11.2023 13:19 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    We are happy to inform you that there is a team of 3 candidates applying for the new management team:

    • Corinna Lauerer
    • Lada Price
    • Yael de Haan

    You can check their CVs and statements here: S/N/TWG additional election.

    The election will take place online between December 6-12, 2023. Members of the Section will receive the link with all the instructions before the election.

  • 28.11.2023 10:13 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    We are happy to invite you to participate in the ECREA Summer School 5-11 August at Roskilde University, Denmark.

    The application deadline is 15 February, 2024.

    The ECREA European Media and Communication Doctoral Summer School brings together members of the European research community to explore contemporary issues within media and communication studies. The Summer School offers a supportive international setting for European doctoral students, where you can present and develop your ongoing PhD projects and build valuable networks. Our main aim is to provide you with support, knowledge, and guidance through a variety of activities, including individual feedback seminars with leading media and communication scholars.

    Full call can be found here:



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