European Communication Research
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  • 07.02.2019 11:03 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    An International Journal of Pure Communication Inquiry (KOME)

    KOME, an international Open Access journal published by the Hungarian Communication Studies Association is currently accepting submissions. KOME is a theory and pure research-oriented journal of communication studies and related fields.

    Given the connection between theory and empirical research, we are open to submissions of empirical papers as well, if the research demonstrates a clear endorsement of communication and/or media theories. Being an European journal, we would love to hear from our colleagues overseas, and read about their current research!

    We are free to all authors and readers, and indexed in Web of Science. All submission undergo double blind peer review. Average turnaround time is 8 weeks.

    No APC's, page charges, submission charges; we do not charge authors for publishing their work and do not solicit or accept payment for contributions.


    More here.

  • 07.02.2019 11:02 | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    June 19-21, 2019

    Sofia University (Bulgaria)

    Deadline (EXTENDED): February 11, 2019

    The 12th Central and Eastern European Communication and Media Conference will take place at the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” (Bulgaria), on 19 – 21 June 2019. The conference is hosted by the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication (Sofia University) and organized in cooperation with the ECREA Central and East European Network and the CEECOM Consortium.

    The focus of CEECOM 2019 is the strategic and practical aspects of managing communications, thus establishing a wide interdisciplinary foundation for works in the field of communication, media studies and political sciences. Our aim is to bring together a number of scholars with diverse backgrounds to exchange ideas regarding the present and the future of communication endeavors. The Call for Panels is currently open and we welcome contributions focusing on issues relating to the communication and media practice with emphasis on Central and Eastern Europe.

    The organizers look forward to presentations in (but not limited to) the following focal areas of interest:

    • Theoretical aspects of communication management
    • Practitioners’ perspectives on communication management
    • Integration of different communication channels
    • The role of context in communication
    • Public diplomacy
    • Digital impact on the communication landscape

    More information regarding the topic of the conference can be found at our website

    Deadline for submissions is February 11, 2019. Notifications of acceptance will be sent through an e-mail by 25th February 2019.

    Individual paper proposals addressed to one of the proposed panels could mention the title of the desired panel. However, other topics regarding media practice and theory, communication management or similar could apply and be assigned to a panel at a later point. Abstracts (maximum 250 words) will be evaluated by two members of the Scientific Committee.

    Please, use the following link for submission. 

  • 07.02.2019 10:57 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Deadline: February 15, 2019

    Prologi is an annual journal of Prologos ry, a Finnish scientific communication association. The journal presents the latest research on human interaction. Proposals for articles can be offered in Finnish, Swedish, and English.

    At the turn of the year 2019–2020, the Fifteenth Annual Volume of Prologi will be published. We are now inviting proposals for articles. Articles can focus, for instance, on interpersonal relationships, groups, teams and communities, leadership communication, performance and public speaking, influence and argumentation, political communication, intercultural communication, technologically-mediated communication, or the connection between interaction and well-being. The focus of the study may also be related to interpersonal communication competence and training.

    The journal publishes empirical studies, theoretical and methodological articles as well as reflective and evaluative reviews of a research area or perspective. The article proposals will be peer-reviewed. In addition to peer-reviewed articles, Prologi also publishes topical communication speeches such as lectio praecursorias, high-level presentations, and discussions of interpersonal communication research and teaching.

    The journal provides a scientific forum for multidisciplinary research. In order to increase cooperation among and dialogue with experts in various fields, scholars from all disciplines are encouraged to submit article proposals to Prologi. We appreciate scholarly efforts to interact with previous and current communication research in the aforementioned areas of interest.

    If you would like to submit an article for publication in Prologi, send an abstract of your proposal (300–400 words) by February 15, 2019 to the editor-in-chief at The authors will be informed about the suitability of the article proposals by the end of February. Subsequently, the manuscript for the article (40,000 characters including spaces) is requested to be sent by April 30th, 2019.

    For more information, please contact: Emma Kostiainen, Editor-in-chief (

  • 07.02.2019 10:42 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    September 20-21, 2019

    American University Washington College of Law Washington, D.C.

    Deadline: March 15, 2019 (April 30, 2019 for student tracks)

    TPRC is an annual cross-disciplinary conference on communications, information, and Internet policy that convenes researchers and policymakers from law, economics, engineering, computer science, public policy and related fields working in academia, industry, government, and nonprofit organizations around the world.

    TPRC is seeking submissions for its 47th conference, including papers, posters, panels, a Student Paper Competition, the Graduate Student Consortium, and the Charles Benton Early Career Scholar Award.

    Proposals can be submitted at March 15 (proposals for student tracks are due April 30).

    Papers & Posters: Submit an abstract of research in progress or recently completed and present the completed paper in a conference session or as a poster. The presentation format is best for work that has been completed, whereas posters are ideal for feedback on work-in-progress and completed work where detailed feedback and engagement is desired. Posters will be prominently displayed and provide an opportunity to discuss your research in detail with conference attendees.

    Panels: Propose a panel discussion of a relevant topic. If your proposal is selected, you will be asked to organize the panel. Panel specific information can be found here.

    Student Paper Competition and Graduate Student Consortium: In addition to the regular conference proposals, students may also submit papers to the student paper contest and/or participate in the Graduate Student Consortium (GSC). The Student Paper Contest winners receive cash prizes, and GSC participants receive unique mentorship and networking opportunities. Both receive complimentary registration in TPRC47. Mentors are also sought for the GSC. Student program specific information can be found here.

    Important Dates:

    • Submission of papers, posters, and panel ideas: from February 15 through March 15
    • Submission of GSC and Student Paper Contest entries: April 30
    • Notice of decisions to the submitting author: May 31
    • Final, complete papers for presentation: July 26

    Topic Areas

    We will consider proposals on the following and related topics. The program committee encourages submissions from diverse organizations, disciplines, approaches, and geographies.

    • Broadband technologies, deployment, adoption, and regulation
    • Wireless policy (e.g., auctions, 5G, Radio spectrum, WRC-19)
    • Media, content, and online platforms and their regulation
    • Internet governance
    • Privacy, information security, cybersecurity, data protection, and surveillance
    • Innovation policy and intellectual property (copyright, trademark and patent)
    • Emerging technologies (e.g., AI, facial & biometric recognition, etc) and their social, economic, and policy implications
    • Data science, data-driven and evidence-based policy making, economics, and policy/program analysis
    • Competition and antitrust analysis and policy
    • User and consumer behavior in communications and media
    • International communications and developing countries
    • International dimensions of technology policy: trade, geopolitics localization
    • Gender and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)

    Papers and Posters

    Paper sessions generally include three presentations of selected papers, grouped by common topic, with a moderator. Presentations are 20 minutes, followed by a 10-minute discussion period.

    In the poster session, participants display materials that highlight their research and discuss such research with conference attendees. Posters should display the question, hypothesis, data, and results.

    Proposals (abstracts) must be submitted at by March 15.


    TPRC will not accept papers previously accepted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal or conference proceeding, in a law review, or as a chapter in a published book.

    An author may present only one paper or poster at the conference, although may be a coauthor on multiple papers or posters. An author may submit multiple abstracts for consideration, but at most one will be accepted.

    Papers not submitted in final form by July 26 will be removed from the program.

    TPRC is a research conference; therefore, any paper or proposal must meet academic standards of research.

    Proposal Criteria:

    Proposals are an abstract of the research. Abstracts should:

    • Convey the paper’s contributions. This includes explanations of:

    a. The objective(s) of the paper, relevant field(s) of research, and topic;

    b. The methods and data, if relevant (empirical methods are not required);

    c. Why the research is novel and relevant to contemporary communications policy; and

    d. Results or conclusions if available.

    • Be 500 words or less
    • Not include author’s name or other identifying information

    Review Process:

    All abstracts will be evaluated through double-blind peer review and assessed on the merits of the proposed contribution. Each submission will be reviewed by three or four members of the TPRC Program Committee. The chair of the Program Committee is ultimately responsible for final decisions, which are made in consultation with the committee. The Program Committee aspires to provide written feedback to submitters along with notifications.

    Important Dates:

    Submission of Abstracts: from February 15 through March 15

    Notice of decisions: May 31

    Final accepted papers in full form: July 26

    Posters: September 20

  • 07.02.2019 10:35 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    University of Bremen

    Application deadline: February 17, 2019 (23:59 CET)

    Position: ZeMKI Visiting Research Fellow Media, Communication and Information

    Institution: ZeMKI, Centre for Media, Communication and Information Research, University of Bremen

    Duration: 1 month (either between April and June 2019 or between October and December 2019)

    Salary: 3,000 euro + up to 1,500 euro budget for direct costs

    Contract: Fee contract

    The ZeMKI, Centre for Media, Communication and Information Research, University of Bremen, offers a thriving interdisciplinary research environment in the areas of media, communication and information. Involved disciplines include communication and media studies, computer science, cultural studies, educational science, studies in religion, and history. The ZeMKI invites applications from excellent researchers in the field of media, communication, and information.

    As a ZeMKI Visiting Research Fellow, the selected candidate will delve into the versatile research activities at the interdisciplinary centre with over 60 members. Applicants should demonstrate experiences and a strong interest in collaborative research which is embraced at the ZeMKI in various ways and contexts. The selected candidate is expected to contribute to these research activities in the area of media change and transforming communications in the form of a research paper submitted to the peer-reviewed “Communicative Figurations” working paper series and a lecture in the ZeMKI Research Seminar.

    Applicants must have a PhD or other doctoral degree in a relevant discipline by the application date.

    We offer a lump sum allowance of 3,000 Euros plus up to 1,500 Euros for research related expenses.

    To apply for this post, please send your application documents via e-mail to The closing date for receipt of applications is February 17, 2019 (23:59 CET). We are unfortunately unable to accept any late applications.


  • 07.02.2019 10:31 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Universidade Católica Portuguesa

    Deadline: February 15, 2019 (5pm, Lisbon time)

    The Research Centre for Communication and Culture (CECC) at the Universidade Católica Portuguesa in Lisbon is offering a research position for a doctorate auxiliary researcher working on the intersection between Media, Journalism and Memory.

    The contract will run from 1 April 2019 to 31 December 2024 and the monthly gross remuneration to be paid is 3.191,82 euros.

    Applications shall be sent by e-mail to: with the following documents:

    • Motivation letter
    • Curriculum vitae, highlighting the scientific and curricular course of the last five years considered most relevant by the candidate;
    • Proposal of an original research project in the area of Media and Journalism Studies
    • Certificate of completion of the PhD, indicating the date of its conclusion

    For more details please visit website.

  • 07.02.2019 10:26 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    September 19, 2019

    Cardiff University, UK

    Deadline: March 1, 2019

    In light of the rising rhetoric of ‘traditional values’ in parts of Western and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, this one-day event calls for an examination of what this conservative turn and the rise of illiberal political regimes imply for the voices of marginalised and alternative sexualities[1] and their representations in the former Eastern bloc and beyond.

    The symposium asks how analyses of historical legacies, cultural trends and geographical location might help us to understand and re/conceptualise alternative sexualities in the post-Soviet region and Europe at present, that is, how the way that queerness is coded responds to shifting sociopolitical, cultural and legal landscapes. The goal of the event is to bring together different strands of interdisciplinary research on sexuality and contribute to a dialogue between communities that have developed around them across the post-Soviet region and Europe.

    We welcome submissions addressing the following areas:

    • Sexualities, geo-temporality and shifting dynamics: sexualities and locality, sexual/intimate citizenship and geo-temporality; sexuality and geopolitics, ‘delayed’ (Borenstein, 2008) sexual revolutions in post-Soviet region, sexualities and class; sexualities and race; sexualities, mobilities and migration, sexualities, cultures and shifting moral regimes; regional appropriations of mainstream transnational sexualities (e.g. ‘global gay’)
    • Sexualities and the body: hetero- and homonormativity; positionality, queerness and non-binarity; trans-sexuality, transgender; a/sexual and other practices; sexuality, body politics and citizenship; LGBT and the missing T (transgender); LGBTQ or Q? How is queerness appropriated and domesticated in post-communist Europe?
    • Sexualities, popular culture and the media: heterosexism, mediated homophobia, misrecognitions and sensationalism;convergent media and multifaceted representations; social media and violence (trolling, etc.); performativity; visual representations of the body, over/sexualised masculinities and femininities; excessive aesthetics and sexualities, camp, Estrada; comedy and sexualities, etc.
    • Sexualities, media and generations: sexuality, generational differences and convergent media; learning about sexualities (schools, other educational institutions, social media); representations of sexualities and different age groups.
    • Mediated sexualities and in/exclusion: absences, omissions and/or visibility of sexual minorities. Reconsidering visibility in social media and popular culture: Does mediation of sexual minorities amplify diversity, foster inclusion or have an adverse effects and lead to compartmentalisation and intensifies exclusion? Commodification of mediated queerness.
    • Sexuality and law: the law, bodies and sexualities; Russian ‘Gay propaganda law’ of 2013 and variations; human rights in Russia and Europe; violence towards LGBTQ+ persons and communities.
    • Ethics & methodologies: frameworks and epistemologies; Western-centrism; decolonising movements; activism and academia; emotional and methodological challenges of researching alternative sexualities.


    We welcome submissions from early career scholars, established academics, as well as activists and practitioners. Abstracts should be submitted by Friday, March 1, 2019.

    Other forms of participation (posters, creative projects, film screenings, etc.) should be discussed in advance with the Organising Team. You will be notified of the panel’s decision by Monday, 15th April 2019. When sending your abstract, please indicate whether you would like your paper to be considered for publication in an edited volume (Routledge).

    Please submit a short bio, a 300-words abstract and up to 7 keywords to:

    Fees: the subsidised conference fee will cover coffee breaks, lunch, evening reception and a welcome pack. Standard fee is £50. Post-grad students/independent researchers’ fee is £25.

    A number of bursaries for PhD students, independent researchers and recipients from lower income regions are available. To apply for a fee-waiver/bursary, please indicate it in your submission and provide details.

    We are happy to provide visa invitation letters and other supporting documentation to enable participation.


    Galina Miazhevich, Cardiff University (PI) & Maria Brock, Cardiff University

    This symposium is informed and supported by an AHRC funded project ‘A Quiet Revolution? Discursive representation of non-heteronormative sexuality in Russia’ (2018-2020):

  • 07.02.2019 10:22 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    University of Tübingen

    Deadline: March 7, 2019

    The Faculty of Humanities at the University of Tübingen invites applications for a position at the Institute of Media Studies as a Full Professor (W3) of Media Studies with Specialization in Digitalization, Society and Responsibility to commence on 1 April 2020.

    Candidates should demonstrate broad expertise in media and communication studies with an explicit research focus on digitalization, society and responsibility. Candidates are expected to engage a sociocultural perspective in both their theoretical and methodological access, ideally paired with a background in social science research. Ideal candidates bring a research focus in at least two of the following areas: public sphere theorizing and research; responsibility of media, organizations, and corporations; media regulation in global media societies; diversity; participation and democracy in digital media cultures; rights and ethics in digitalization processes; datafication and society.

    Moreover, candidates are expected to engage in interdisciplinary research cooperations across the University. With the development of our new Master’s program “Publics and Responsibility” in mind, ideal candidates should demonstrate the integration of research and practical approaches in the desired area.

    Required qualifications include a PhD or equivalent international degree and postdoctoral qualifications equivalent to the requirements for tenure. This includes evidence of teaching effectiveness. Teaching experience in relevant programs is desired.

    This professorship is advertised as part of the German government’s Professorinnenprogramm III, aimed at promoting women academics and scientists. An appointment to the professorship is subject to the availability of funding under the Professorinnenprogramm III.

    The University of Tübingen is particularly interested in increasing the share of women in research and teaching and therefore strongly encourages women candidates to apply.

    In line with its internationalization agenda, the university welcomes applications from researchers outside Germany. Applications from equally qualified candidates with disabilities will be given preference.

    Applications (including a curriculum vitae, copies of degree certificates, list of publications, list of classes taught) along with a selection of personally authored works (all monographs and up to 5 published papers) are to be sent by March 7, 2019, if possible in electronic form, to the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Keplerstr. 2, 72074 Tübingen, Germany (

    Enquiries may also be directed to the Dean.

  • 07.02.2019 10:19 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Deadline: February 24, 2019

    Auckland University of Technology (AUT) is a young and dynamic university that offers a stimulating teaching and research environment with strong connections to business and industry. AUT has over 29,000 students and 2,500 staff across our three teaching campuses and is located in New Zealand's largest city, Auckland.

    AUT's Faculty of Design and Creative Technologies Faculty (DCT) creates jobs for the future. It is a transdisciplinary Faculty including disciplines in communication studies, computer science, design, engineering, mathematics, and an interdisciplinary area blending these fields with technology. DCT is an innovative, outward looking and inspiring hub of significant size and scale and is the largest Faculty within the University. Refreshed, growing and open to new challenges, DCT has 450 FTE staff and serves as the locus of activity for the schools of Communication Studies, Art & Design, Engineering, Computer and Mathematical Sciences and Colab.

    The Role

    Ranked within the world's Top 200 for Communication & Media Studies (QS World University Subject Rankings 2018), DCT's School of Communication Studies is seeking to appoint a new Head of School to support our ambitious Dean and new Deputy Dean in producing great graduates. The successful candidate will secure a substantive 3 year secondment to the role of Head of School (with an option for a further 3 year extension as agreed by mutual consent) and a permanent senior academic appointment (rank commensurate with the skills and experience of the successful applicant).

    This is a great time to be joining the Faculty. As a key member of DCT's Faculty executive, you'll work in close collaboration with the Dean and his team on Faculty strategic development and key decision making. It's all about 'One Faculty' - not just a grouping of schools - and you'll be a genuine advocate and voice for faculty decisions to ensure their successful implementation. You'll also lead the School of Communication Studies and its 80 FTE staff through a period of regeneration - this is a true people management role and there are a number of areas around teaching, research and service to be mapped out and implemented within DCT's roadmap and associated projects. The faculty is also recruiting for a Head of School in Art & Design during this exciting period of transition.

    To make this happen we need a leader with vision, exceptional communication skills and an ability to balance strategic thinking with operational management! You will be hands-on as you navigate this exciting opportunity leading a complex, sizeable School and driving cultural change. You will be a highly visible face of the school both with industry and internally, bringing people together during this time of reinvigoration. You'll foster plans whilst driving key initiatives, such as: curricula reform, streamlining research strategies & themes, introducing new methods of teaching, developing your own leadership teams and importantly simplifying and empowering the school. With the variety of research and the practice-based learning approach the complexity of the school can make it seem like a faculty itself, only on a smaller scale! The position is supported by a Deputy Head of School and also offers the potential for future career development in university management roles.

    PLEASE NOTE: A full candidate information pack is available here

    Applications and Key Selection Criteria

    We welcome applications from senior academics in relevant fields of our School of Communication Studies, who have significant academic staff leadership and management experience.

    We request applicants send their CV, publication record and a statement addressing the following key selection criteria:

    • Sustained outstanding competence in academic leadership and service. This must include management experience of academic teams of 30 or more staff, discussed from both a strategic and operational perspective.
    • Extensive subject matter experience in one (or more) of the disciplines related to the School
    • PhD in a relevant field of the school and experience of practice-based learning
    • Extensive experience of cultural and environmental change management
    • Proven experience building collaboration in a diverse faculty
    • Proven sustained outstanding competence and leadership in research, teaching and service (required to be appointed to the professoriate)
    • Experience in establishing effective and enduring relationships with business, government, professional groups and the wider community
    • Applicants are also welcome to add further comments of their own, which they feel of relevance to the role and its requirements.

    If you understand the importance of institutional context and want to make a genuine contribution to a high performing school and faculty, then this is the opportunity you have been looking for.

    For a confidential discussion contact Alycia Hurley, Senior Recruitment Consultant ( or +64 9 921 9207) or Mike Wood, Executive Recruitment Partner ( or +64 9 921 9185).

    Closing date: Sunday, 24 February 2019 at 23:55pm (NZST)

    Interviews will take place in April/May 2019. We anticipate the successful candidate starting early 2020.

    * QS World University Subject Rankings 2018

    Auckland University of Technology is an EEO employer, we are committed to the Treaty of Waitangi and to equity. AUT aspires to be the University of choice for Maori and Pacific communities.

    Please note that all applications must be submitted through the online application process. For further information, please send us an enquiry here or call 921 9499. Please note we are happy to answer your questions but we do not accept applications by email. You will need to apply through the standard registration process.

  • 07.02.2019 10:13 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    University College London - Department of Culture, Communication and Media

    Closing date: March 2, 2019

    Full Time/Permanent

    Salary: £56,266 to £61,181 per annum (inclusive of London allowance)

    The Department of Culture, Communication and Media (CCM) at UCL is seeking to appoint an Associate Professor in Digital Media Production.

    The key duties of the post holder will be to play a leading role in the design and development of the curriculum of our established MA Digital Media programme with particular reference to a new route and named award in Digital Production (in games and animation). The post holder will also play a leading role in the development of a new BA Media programme for UCL, an integral part of plans for the new UCL campus on the Olympic Park.

    Applicants should have a doctorate in digital media production or similar fields, or equivalent industry experience; expertise in production work in either digital games or 3D animation; experience of teaching, course design and leadership at both BA and MA levels in these areas; and an excellent track record of funded research and international publication.

    A detailed job description and person specification can be accessed at:




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