European Communication Research
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  • 12.01.2023 11:27 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    September 21-22, 2023

    Division of Gender Studies, School of Culture and Education, Södertörn University, Sweden

    Deadline: February 28, 2023

    Music cultures in the twenty-first century are strongly shaped by online media. Music streaming, social media, video sharing sites as well as internet-based music production software, radio stations, and music magazines have variously affected the formatting, curation, and consumption of music. Largely centralized around a small number of privatized companies, where human and automated processes intersect, online music cultures are sites of mediations of power.

    In this context, online music media have entailed economic, technological, and cultural changes in contemporary music cultures. For example, music streaming illustrates monetary shifts in the music industry, where power is newly negotiated between music recommendation companies and the record, advertisement, and investment markets. Moreover, online music media combine curatorial and algorithmic processes that mediate cultural production and consumption and re-construct listeners as ‘datafied’ users. While the ‘platformization’ of online music cultures impedes the visibility of non-commercial media and practices, global music and media corporations present their own initiatives toward equality in the music industry and activist practices in networked communities on and off commercial sites negotiate the affordances and limitations of these media.

    This conference asks: What characterizes mediations of music and power in online music cultures? What are emergent mediations of subjectivity, identity, and difference in online music cultures, and how do they map onto or newly shape discourses of taste, value, and authenticity? What possibilities may online music media offer for centering artistic and fan practices, alliances, and communities that have previously been subjugated in music cultures?

    This conference invites presentations from research fields including musicology, popular music, media, gender, postcolonial and cultural studies, which examine emergent mediations of music and negotiations of power in online music cultures. We particularly seek to highlight media technologies, stylistic developments, user practices, and intersectional perspectives that have not yet been emphasized as well as to deepen the understanding of central themes, concepts, and practices in this cultural field and its scholarly inquiry.

    Keynote speaker: Eric Drott – Butler School of Music, The University of Texas at Austin


    We invite submissions on topics that may include, but are not limited to:

    • Mediations: Intersecting algorithmic and human logics in mediations of music and power
    • (Re-)mediations of music: Formations and discourses of style, genre, taste, and value in online music cultures
    • Algorithmic culture: Speculative logics, ‘postdemographic’ technologies, and the datafication of listening
    • Networked communities: Listeners, communities, and articulations of resistance in online music cultures
    • New media: Emergent online music and social media and their music cultures
    • Sites of power: Platformization and centers and peripheries in global cultural economies


    Please submit abstracts (250 words maximum) via email by 28 February 2023 to

    Please include the title of your paper and a brief biography (100 words maximum).


    Veronika Muchitsch, Södertörn University

    Ann Werner, Södertörn University & Uppsala University 


    For further information, please visit the conference web page or send an email to

  • 11.01.2023 10:36 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    June 28, 2023

    Online event

    Deadline: February 28, 2023

    The call for papers is now open for - The Datafied Family – a free, fully online day-long event on Wednesday 28th June 2023, hosted by Professor Ranjana Das of the University of Surrey, UK, with funding from the Institute of Advanced Studies. 

    KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: Confirmed keynote speakers include Professor Sonia Livingstone, London School of Economics, UK; Professor Usha Raman, University of Hyderabad, India; Dr Giovanna Mascheroni, Catholic University of Milan, Italy and Professor Veronica Barassi, University of St Gallen, Switzerland 

    From body-trackers, non-human digital support apps, smart home tech, parenting apps and gadgets, surveillance devices from the womb to the cradle, technologies of intimacy and play in the Internet of the Things, and wellbeing and wellness support bots – the textures of family life are changing – at disparate paces across global cultures and economies with a steady increase in family technologies, which are subtly, and not so subtly altering the doing of care, intimacy, leisure, learning, play, routine and more. 



    The Datafied Family – will raise and respond to a set of key questions – without restricting its topics to these alone. Overarchingly, we ask 

    1. In what ways have family dynamics – routines, caring, intimacies, leisure, play, learning, parenting and more – been interrupted, (re)shaped, or transformed by the steady algorithmizing of everyday family life? 

    2. What material artefacts – toys, apps, smart home tech, educational applications, portals and meta-portals – punctuate family life and to what effect? 

    3. What inequalities, injustices, and power dynamics are being rehearsed or reshaped through the datafication of family life? 

    4. How is the algorithmic shaping of domestic routines and rapports encountered in practice, resisted, or reshaped through human agency? 

    5. What global perspectives remain less visible and unincorporated in theorising the datafied family, including the disparities between the global north and south? 

    The event welcomes paper submissions on its submission portal in the following areas – which are indicated below but not produced as an exhaustive list:

    • Surveillance technologies in the home 

    • Body trackers 

    • Geo-location devices and relationships 

    • Datafication of intimacies and sexuality 

    • Parenthood, parenting and platforms 

    • Childhood, big data and datafication of childhood 

    • Rights based perspectives on data technologies in the family 

    • Kinship, routines, time and technology 

    • Aging, care and emerging technologies 

    • Smart home technologies 

    • Leisure, play, learning and Big Data 

    • Algorithmic cultures, resistance, play and algorithmic shaping of family life 

    • Data driven discrimination 

    • Data inequalities and injustices 

    • Redefining ‘family’ in an era of datafication 

    Abstract submission details: 

    Final Submission Deadline:28th February 2023 

    Notification of Outcome:March 20th 2023 

    Event date:28th June, 2023, 930 am to 3 pmUK time.   

    Submission portal: please submit your abstract here:

    If any questions, please get in touch with Professor Ranjana Das, 

  • 11.01.2023 10:31 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    June 30 - July 1, 2023

    Bled (Slovenia)

    Deadline: February 1, 2023

    The jubilee, 30th international symposium on public relations research, will be held in-person on June 30 and July 1, 2023 at Hotel Rikli Balance in Bled (Slovenia). Submission deadline for paper abstracts and panel proposals is February 1, 2023.

    BledCom 2023 will be a bit different: there will be more keynotes, more formats for presentation and more time to debate. We can announce the first two confirmed keynote speakers: David Haig, Professor of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology at Harvard University and Steve Shepperson-Smith, President of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR).

    This year we will not only celebrate the 30th BledCom's anniversary but also the 15th European Communication Monitor's (ECM) anniversary, with a panel discussion moderated by Ansgar Zerfass (University of Leipzig). The panelists will be Ralph Tench (Leeds Beckett University), Dejan Verčič (University of Ljubljana and Herman & Partners) and Tina Cipot (President of the Public Relations Society of Slovenia and Head of Corporate Communications, Lidl Slovenia).

    The theme of the 30th conference is "Public Relations and Sustainability". The main purpose of public relations is the synchronization of organizations with their environments – natural, social, cultural, political and technological. Crises and change are the driving forces behind the profession, and as the first become more frequent and the second accelerates the role of public relations in making organizations and societies sustainable increases. Sustainability is the ability of a system (an individual, a group, an organization, society, the planet) to maintain continuity over time. According to the Brundtland Commission (the World Commission on Environment and Development, United Nations), sustainability means ”meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.”

    BledCom invites abstracts that are between 500 and 800 words (including title and keywords) with up to 5 references. We welcome ALL papers that are relevant to public relations and communication management and not just papers that discuss the conference theme. We also welcome panel proposals. Please submit paper abstracts and panel proposals via email to by February 1, 2023 (Midnight CET).

    Decisions will be made by March 4, 2023 after peer review. Full papers not exceeding 6.000 words will be due by September 16, 2023 for inclusion in the conference proceedings.

    BledCom 2023 Call for Papers is available here:

  • 11.01.2023 10:30 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    June 12-13, 2023

    Loughborough University

    Deadline (EXTENDED): January 23, 2023

    This symposium, linked to an ongoing transnational research project (PANCOPOP), is designed to bring together scholars interested in the dynamics of health crisis communication and pandemic politics, with a particular focus on the impact of populist leaders and attitudes on the nature, dynamics and effectiveness of public communication processes. We invite proposals for papers that examine populism and communication from any vantage point, in relation to any health crisis and any country, and using any methodological or theoretical approach. However, we are particularly interested in contributions that use original research to investigate topics and questions that are pursued by the PANCOPOP project team, in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic. We also welcome papers that seek to build on existing knowledge to develop practical recommendations for media practitioners and policy makers, with the aim of building more resilient media organisations that are better equipped to withstand the challenges of future pandemics in divided societies. We are open to contributions from researchers at different career stages, including PhD students, and would particularly encourage submissions that examine pandemic communication and populism in countries beyond the West. Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:

    • Health crisis communication
    • Media policy
    • Media coverage
    • Public attitudes and news consumption
    • Pandemic geopolitics

    Confirmed participants so far include:

    Daniel C. Hallin, University of California San Diego, USA;

    Beata Klimkiewicz, Jagiellonian University, Poland;

    Marlene Laruelle, George Washington University, USA;

    Sabina Mihelj, Loughborough University, UK;

    Danilo Rothberg, Sao Paolo University, Brazil;

    Václav Štětka, Loughborough University, UK;

    The Everyday Misinformation Project – with Andrew Chadwick, Cristian Vaccari, Natalie-Anne Hall and Brendan Lawson, Loughborough University, UK.


  • 06.01.2023 12:20 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Media Studies 2/2022 was supported by a subsidy from the Media and Audiovisual Department of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.

    FULL ISSUE is available in PDF

    Special Issue Introduction

    David Selva Ruiz, Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt & Miguel de Aguilera Moyano: Current Trends in European Media and Communication Research


    Dorien Luyckx & Amber Verstraeten: Flemish journalism students' perception of and preparedness for entrepreneurial job profiles in their future careers 

    Mihhail Kremez: Dividing and Uniting News Frames: Framing Russia-related Border Issues in the Estonian, Latvian, Finnish, US Public Service Media and Chinese State Media

    She Anglada-Pujol: “Our fans are gonna go crazy when they know we are together”: Fandom identities and self-representation in YouTubers slash fiction 

    Daniela Jaramillo-Dent: Algorithmic (in)visibility tactics among immigrant TikTokers 

    Helena Dedecek Gertz & Florian Süsser

    Migration and educational projects online: A topic modeling approach of discussions on social media groups

    Nils Wandels, Jelle Mast & Hilde Van den Bulck: Bureaucracy and authoritative control in contemporary legacy news media companies: A Weberian analysis of a Flemish case study

    About the Journal

    Mediální studia / Media Studies (ISSN 2464-4846) is a peer-reviewed, open access electronic journal, published in English, Czech and Slovak twice a year. Based in disciplines of media and communication studies, it focuses on analyses of media texts, media cultures, media professionals practices, and media audiences behaviour. We especially support the emphasis on the dynamics of local-global knowledge on media and its mutual connections. The journal is indexed in Scopus, MLA, Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL), and European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences (ERIH PLUS).


  • 06.01.2023 08:05 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Call for papers for Comunicação Pública no. 34 (June 2023), special issue

    Deadline: February 13, 2023

    Editors: Catarina Duff Burnay (Faculdade de Ciências Humanas da Universidade Católica Portuguesa) and Paulo Nuno Vicente (Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa)

    Languages: Portuguese; English; Spanish

    The potential of the digital world has challenged established assumptions about audiovisual and multimedia as contexts and objects of study. Screens multiply, content access devices hybridize, emerging media become increasingly important in everyday life, texts are fragmented and become more complex and the receiver acquires a dual and simultaneous status of consumer and producer. The special issue “Studies in Audiovisual and Multimedia” aims to explore the process dynamics of creation, distribution and reception, map their main technological and social changes and envision and understand the impacts on the industry and on the cultural practices of individuals.

    Description and Framework

    Kyle Nichols (2006), when discussing the future of television, has replaced the concept of broadcast with something closer to genetic engineering, with viewers working in their personal multimedia laboratories, bringing together content, channels and platforms according to their tastes and desires. Almost two decades later, this reality gains importance, especially among the younger population. Born and/or raised within an evolved technological bubble, the must see generations become proficient in choosing and accessing content and, as a result, in the immediate satisfaction of their informational and recreational needs. The author has predicted that the elderly would maintain a close relationship with the television and the television set, transforming the flow of Raymond Williams  (1974) into a strategy for reception rather than production itself. If this scenario, marked by the diversification of access to sources, increases the supply and the technical improvements of devices, it will also make consumption more flexible and increase the pressure and demand on the producing entities. Faced with a media environment without defined borders, where the internet obtains the status of a medium by directly enabling experiences and content (Johnson, 2019), they have to choose “wars”, “weapons” and “tactics”, according to its nature, positioning, resources and market objectives, for decision making.

    Cyclically, technology enhances the emergence of new cultural objects (Manovich, 2001) in a process of media convergence (Meikle & Young, 2012), making it crucial to pay attention to the technical environment and the social impacts beyond production and distribution platforms and forms of access. In this sense, in an approach to the developments of the last decade, it is necessary to look critically, for example, at the principles of Artificial Intelligence, to better understand the implications of the buzzwords automation, algorithm and recommender systems when used in reference to video streaming platforms, digital social networks or even digital editorial projects. At the same time, it is important to disentangle and analyze the socio-technical effects of its use in decision-making processes, in the levels of user involvement (with platforms and content), in market performances and, more broadly, in the implications of the potential datafication of the life and social dynamics (Møller Hartley et al., 2021; Couldry, 2020; Van Dijck, 2014).

    The context described has been shaping what is understood by television (Lotz, 2007, 2017, 2018, 2021, 2022), but also by audiovisual and multimedia as concepts. The articulation of sound and moving image, although directly connected to the small screen, represents devices and contents operating simultaneously in a wider and markedly inter, multi and trans media way. These dynamics still have to be envisaged and worked on in accordance with the social fields in which they take place and the habitus of different sociodemographic groups (Bourdieu, 1976) and with the geographical and cultural environments in which they operate, taking into account the opportunities and constraints provided by the contexts of globalization (Giddens, 1995; Featherstone et al, 1995), as well as by the ideas of mobility, representations and identities (Morley, 2000; Hall, 1997; Hall & du Gay, 1996).

    Objectives and approaches

    Taking into account these lines of thought, the special issue “Studies in Audiovisual and Multimedia” accepts contributions that cross different experiences of production/creation and reception, among others, in the following thematic areas:

    • Post-Television and “ecranization” of society

    • Audiovisual streaming platforms: production, distribution and consumption

    • Multimedia and gamification contents

     • Taste platforming

    • Automation and Big Data

    • Algorithms and Algorithmic Literacy

    • Audiovisual, Representations and Identities

    • Regulation of new media environments

    • Audience measurement, reception studies, fandom

    • Audiovisual production and sustainability (green production)

    • New media narratives: genres, formats, strategies

    • Language and multimedia practices (narrative universes)

    • Interactive Digital Games

    • Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Realities

    • Archive(s) and Memory(ies)

    • Immersive practices (journalism, entertainment, fiction)


    • 1st Call for Papers: 15 September 2022
    • Deadline for Submissions: 13 February 2023
    • Deadline for submitting the final version of accepted paper: 15 May 2023
    • Publication date: 30 June 2023

    Submission guidelines:

    Articles must be submitted online via . Authors are required to register in the system before submitting an article; if you have already registered, simply log into the system and start the 5-step submission process. Articles must be submitted using the pre-formatted template of Comunicação Pública. For more information on submission, please read Information for Authors and Guidelines for Authors.

  • 05.01.2023 12:41 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Call for Chapters

    Deadline: April 15, 2023

    This edited book is intended for the Women, Economics and the Labour Relations series, published by Emerald (editor-in-chief: Dr Martina Topić). The book will provide a much-needed exploration of the intersection of gender and freelance work in the communication industries (public relations, advertising, marketing, corporate comms, and digital communication), with a special focus on national issues and comparative international research.

    The exploration of the experiences, practices, and discourses related to communication freelancers from a gender perspective would contribute to the closing of the current research and knowledge gaps, often generated by the lack of individualisation of freelancers among communication professionals in research projects. The editors invite prospective authors to develop chapters addressing the several topics (see full call) through qualitative, quantitative or mixed methods approaches.

    The editors Anca Anton (University of Bucharest, Romania) and Raluca Moise (University of the Arts London, UK) invite interested contributors to send a 500-word structured abstract together with up to six keywords and a 100-word biography for each author by April 15, 2023. For submission instructions and further details, please see the full call for chapters: 

  • 04.01.2023 20:35 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    15-16 June 2023

    University of Sheffield

    Deadline: January 31, 2023

    Journalism Education Trauma Research Group (JETREG) 2023 event

    Free Registration 

    The Journalism Education Trauma Research Group (JETREG) is excited to announce its next international conference and knowledge exchange event on 15 and 16 June 2023 hosted by the Department of Journalism Studies at the University of Sheffield, UK in partnership with the University of Lincoln, UK. 

    Keynote speaker: Professor Anthony Feinstein, University of Toronto. 

    We are inviting scholars to submit 250- word abstracts/proposals for individual papers or pre-formed panels by 31 January 2023. Registration is free but places will be limited. We will have a travel bursary for one PhD/ECR researcher to take part in the conference. Please state if you would like to apply for the bursary when submitting your abstract. 

    This conference responds to the persistent work-related problem of emotional and psychological stress in journalism practice. Journalists are one of the first responders to traumatic events and the last to leave, but they are the least likely to receive training in trauma informed literacy and resilience, unlike their counterparts in the police, nursing, ambulance services and fire brigade. Previous studies show that many journalists are reporting either post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), associated symptoms, depression, and/or substance use while many journalists feel ill-prepared for assignments, which involve reporting on critical incidents and events that carry a risk of being traumatised. Some scholars have blamed journalism’s deep-seated objectivity norm, which is central to journalism education and the ‘macho’ views to be found in some newsrooms, as one of the reasons why journalists are reluctant to talk about the emotional and psychological effects of exposure to traumatic events on their health and wellbeing. Studies show that journalism students are also ill-equipped to deal with their own emotional reactions and to assess what they experience from an ethical perspective. 

    The academic conference aims to highlight current multidisciplinary research into trauma, emotion and resilience in journalism and media work; psychological and emotional safety of journalists/media workers, pedagogical approaches and best practice to trauma literacy in journalism education/training and the various experiences of trauma, emotional labour or (un)happiness in journalism/media. We also seek the perspectives of scholars from different disciplines, practicing journalists/freelancers/editors on coping strategies and/or newsroom support that may have pedagogical relevance. 

    Launched in 2020 by Ola Ogunyemi at the University of Lincoln and Lada Price at the University of Sheffield, JETREG is a thriving international research group comprising over 230 members across the world with seven regional research hubs in Europe, North/South America, Africa, Australia/New Zealand, South Asia and MENA who will be represented at the event. The event will bring together media practitioners and researchers from JETREG and the Journalism Safety Research Network (JRSN) at the Centre for Freedom of the Media (CFOM) at the University of Sheffield.  

    Topics of interest for this conference may include, but are not limited to: 

    ●Trauma informed journalism practice and pedagogy and challenges to normative assumptions around objectivity and detachment

    ●‘Moral injury’ in journalism

    ●Impact of journalists’ exposure to traumatic events

    ●Stress, burnout and PTSD in journalism practice

    ●Trauma and resilience during the pandemic

    ●Skills and capacity to cope with the effects of exposure to traumatic events

    ●Enhancing resilience in journalism

    ●Addressing barriers to trauma literacy in journalism practice and education

    ●Emotional literacy and psychological safety in journalism

    ●Institutional responses to trauma in newsrooms; support mechanisms 

    ●Happiness and retaining staff in newsrooms

    ●Best practices and innovation in journalism pedagogy in building emotional resilience 

    ●Mental health/wellbeing among journalists and journalism students/trainees

    SUBMIT AN ABSTRACT by January 31, 2023 for consideration. Questions and abstracts may be directed to the organisers, Lada Price: and Ola Ogunyemi: Notification of acceptance will be sent out in February/early March 2023.

    Proposals for individual papers must include an abstract (max 250 words) and a short speaker biography (max 100 words).

    Panel proposals must include a 150-word rationale for the panel, a 250-word abstract for each of the papers, and a biography for each speaker of no more than 100 words.

  • 04.01.2023 20:25 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    June 19-21, 2023

    King’s College London, Bush House, 30 Aldwych, London WC2B 4BG

    Deadline for Proposals: January 15, 2023

    A Three-Day International Interdisciplinary Conference

    Co-organisers: Professor Paul McDonald, Kings College London; Professor Andrew Spicer, University of the West of England Bristol

    We invite proposals for papers, panels, or roundtables conceptualising, defining, analysing, discussing, or mapping relationships between media industries and locality. Proposals are invited from across the full breadth of media industries research. We hope the conference can provide an inclusive inter-disciplinary meeting ground, so welcome proposals from all disciplinary traditions relevant to the topic.

    The importance of locality to the media industries has been widely debated through a range of perspectives. Harvard economist Michael Porter claimed that ‘clusters’ – which he defined as ‘geographical agglomerations of firms that collaborate and compete with each other’ – provide ‘enduring competitive advantages in a global economy’ through local knowledges and relationships ‘that distant rivals cannot match’ (1998: 78). Studies of clustering activity in media industries have focused on ‘a specialized form of clusters designed to produce mediated content’ (original emphasis, Picard 2008: 4), recognizing how these take form in both planned and organic ways, but also the different types of cluster that emerge from such developments (Komorowski 2016 and 2017).

    Porter’s emphasis on the economic significance of location has been challenged by other studies that focus on the significance of historical factors and the importance of long-term cultural traditions. In his seminal The Cultural Economy of Cities (2000), Allen J. Scott argues that place has a particular significance for creative production because of the ways in which locality and culture are intertwined. Places, he argues, leave ‘deep traces on the form and cognitive meanings’ of creative products emerging from ‘localized systems of industrial activity’. These ‘symbolic and sentimental assets’ derive from the ‘distinctive historical associations and landmarks’ that make each particular place unique (2000: 3).

    Discussing how the concentration of film and television production in Louisiana formed ‘Hollywood South’, Vicki Mayer (2017: 3) focused on the ways in which ‘life in a film economy shapes and is shaped by its location’. A focus on locality can therefore ground our understanding of how media industries are actually inhabited and lived, but also how media workers contribute to the formation of locations. Analyses of cities as ‘sites of passage’ (de Valck 2007: 9) connected through the ‘film festival circuit’ (Loist 2007), or of global television marketplaces (Havens 2006; Choi 2021), illuminate how industries temporarily congregate to exchange and circulate media in and through specific locations. Other studies have investigated the representational dimensions of locality in media industries (e.g., Brunsdon 2007; Young 2022): the importance of locations to narrative, iconography, and characterisation (places as characters) and the ways in which these contribute to imagining and imaging a sense of regional identity and consciousness. There has been significant work on where media production takes place (e.g., Ganti 2012; McNutt 2021) as well as the specialized facilities in which media production is performed (e.g., Goldsmith and O’Regan 2005), the operational and emblematic role of media buildings (Evens 2022), of local place-making activities including media tourism and ‘places of the imagination’ (Reijnders 2011), and the ways in which places accrete symbolic images (‘brands’) for international consumption.

    Analyses of ‘the world media cities network’ (Krätke 2003), ‘global media cities’ (Hoyler and Watson 2012), ‘film cities’ (O’Regan 2018) and ‘media capitals’ (Curtin 2003) highlight the importance of global cities as loci for media creativity and flows. At the same time, attention has also been given to concentrations of media industries in marginalised centres (e.g., Haynes 2007 on Lagos) and regions (e.g., Szczepanik 2021 on Central and Eastern Europe). While perennial tensions between ‘centre’ and ‘periphery’ have a long history, these have become more urgent and pressing over the last decade. In many countries this has an explicitly political dimension with governments directing – or encouraging through regulatory systems – the deployment of increased resources into regional screen production in an attempt to strengthen local economies and identities thereby encouraging more diverse and sustainable screen industries that support a range of voices.  The importance of locality and spatial plurality has been accentuated in an era of accelerating internationalisation of the media industries in which Public Service Media (PSM) are losing audiences to satellite channels or streaming platforms that operate to a global commercial logic. However, the streamers’ business models are themselves changing and, as Ramon Lobato argues (2019), this new logic does not entirely displace or supersede the older logics of analogue broadcasting but introduces new layers of spatial complexity that need to be investigated and analysed. This invites a broader question: why, how, and where are networked forms of media reconfiguring the spatial organisation of media industries? 

    These perspectives variously foreground the importance of linkages between media industries and locality. Yet the Covid pandemic disrupted those links. Remote and hybrid working became habituated across all areas of professional life. In the media sector specifically, impacts materialized with the movement of media conventions and festivals online, threats to the future of location-specific entertainment such as music venues, and greater use of commercial livestreaming as an outlet for large-scale media events. Cumulatively, with these and other developments, we might therefore ask: to what extent is locality retaining importance for the media industries?           

    Proposals can be for single research papers, or pre-constituted panels and roundtables. Topics to be addressed include but are not limited to the following: 

        •        Locality in media production networks

        •        Locality in media and communication infrastructures

        •        Spaces and places as media production locations

        •        Media companies and attachments to place

        •        Civic/social role of media companies

        •        Media companies and urban renewal

        •        Media and the built environment

        •        Cities as media distribution hubs

        •        Environmental impacts of media on places

        •        Media ‘clusters’/‘hubs’

        •        ‘Media Cities’

        •        Media industry events, e.g., festivals, conventions

        •        Spaces and places of media work

        •        Locality and the production and circulation of diasporic media

        •        Media and urban or rural/regional economies

        •        Media and urban or rural/regional policy

        •        Media tourism

        •        Media industries and place branding

    Proposal guidelines

    Proposals are welcomed in three categories and should be submitted through the following links:

        1)      Open Call Papers (

    Format: solo or co-presented research paper lasting no more than 20mins. 

        2)      Pre-constituted Panels (

    Format: 90mins panel of 3 x 20mins OR 4 x 15mins thematically linked solo or co-presented research papers followed by questions. 

        3)      Pre-constituted Roundtables (

    Format: 90mins interactive forum led by a chair bringing together 4 to 6 participants (including the chair as a participant if speaking as well as chairing) to offer short (up to 6 minute) position statements or interventions designed to trigger discussions around a central theme, issue, or problem. As such, a roundtable does not involve the presentation of formal research papers but rather is designed to create a forum for the participants and audience to engage in a shared discussion. The format is flexible and can be adapted to allow members of the roundtable to introduce exercises or other activities where appropriate.

    Delegates can make TWO contributions to the conference but only ONE in any category, i.e., presenting an open call paper and participating in a roundtable will be permitted but presenting two open call papers will not be. Chairing a panel or roundtable will NOT count as one of those contributions.

    Papers (either open call or as part of a pre-constituted panel) maybe presented individually or by a pair of co-presenters. 

    When submitting a proposal, each presenter/co-presenter/participant is required to provide:

        •        name

        •        institutional affiliation (if any)

        •        contact e-mail address

        •        short professional biography (max. 100 words)

    In addition, different proposal categories require the following: 

        1)      Open Call Papers

        •        title

        •        abstract of no more than 400 words

        •        3-5 keywords

        •        3-5 sources relevant to the paper

        2)      Pre-constituted Panels

        •        nominated chair (either one of the presenters or another delegate)

        •        panel rationale of no more than 400 words

        •        3-5 key words

        •        individual proposals (presenter/co-presenter details, title, abstract, keywords, sources) for 3 x 20mins OR 4 x 15mins research papers 

        3)      Pre-constituted Roundtables

        •        nominated chair (either one of the presenters or another delegate)

        •        rationale of no more than 400 words

        •        3-5 key words

        •        details for each participant accompanied by a statement of no more than 100 words outlining a participant’s intended contribution

    Paul McDonald (

    Andrew Spicer (

  • 29.12.2022 10:37 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    January 9, 2023

    Join the IAMCR Presidential PhD Research Webinar

    IAMCR will be hosting the Presidential PhD Research Webinar titled “Media Literacy: A Critical Pedagogy in Difficult Times of War, Pandemic and Beyond”.

    This webinar will bring together doctoral scholars to promote a global dialogue highlighting the role of digital media and media literacy during the difficult times the world faces and to identify the tools and techniques for combating these issues and challenges.

    Date and Time: 09 January 2023, at 08h00 UTC

    All IAMCR members are invited to participate. There is no charge for IAMCR members. Pre-registration is required by 07 January. Visit the page to register.




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