European Communication Research
and Education Association

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thematic section

Radio and sound

The Radio and Sound Section will provide opportunities for the international exchange of information and collaboration across disciplines within the field of communication focusing on radio.

The section will assist members in developing their work through conferences, publications and by promoting dia logue among members. This level of interaction will assist members in finding partners and in developing international research projects. It will create a radio community and initiate academic dialogue on the future of radio.

section events

  • No upcoming events

Management team


Emma Heywook (University of Sheffield, UK)

Vice Chair:

Raúl Terol (University of Valencia, Spain)

Vice Chair

Marie Fierens (Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium)


YECREA representative:
Gloria Khamkar (Bournemouth University, United Kingdom)

A list of management team contacts is available on  ECREA intranet

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