European Communication Research
and Education Association

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  • 30.11.2022 09:32 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    University of Antwerp (Belgium)

    The Department of Communication Studies in the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Antwerp (Belgium) is looking for a full-time postdoctoral researcher in the field of Media Studies.

    We are hiring a postdoctoral researcher to develop a project on "Media Discourses on Societal Crises". Current society faces multiple challenges that are perceived as crises, such as COVID-19 and climate change. Discussions on societal challenges can be viewed as a discursive struggle where different views of reality compete for dominance in an uneven playing field. The aim of this project is to chart this discursive landscape in terms of representations, social identities and media platforms. In this way, the project aims to contribute to a better understanding of the discursive dynamics at play and to identify interventions and strategies to foster democratic debate.

    The concrete topic of this project is left open, but should be connected to the research interests and expertise of (at least) one of the professors of the Antwerp Media in Society Centre: Sander De Ridder, Alexander Dhoest, Pieter Maeseele and Steve Paulussen.

    The main aim of this temporary position is to develop a proposal for a postdoctoral fellowship to be submitted to FWO and/or Horizon-MCSA.

    More information can be found here:

  • 30.11.2022 09:28 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    February 11 – 19, 2023 

    Beaconhouse National University, Tarogil Campus, Lahore, Pakistan 

    Association of Media and Communication Academic Professionals (AMCAP) in collaboration with IAMCR (International Association of Media and Communication Research) and Beaconhouse National University, Lahore is  planning to organize its fourth Doctoral Spring School which will be a  9-day ECREA (European Communication Research and Education Association)  style doctoral spring school offering one-on-one mentoring, workshops,  lectures, panel discussions, seminars, projects and media organizations  visits. AMCAP invites faculty, PhD scholars, and researchers to submit abstracts. 

    International Mentors include: 

    1.    Prof. Dr. Nico Carpentier (International Advisor for the AMCAP Spring  School from Czech Republic) 

    2.    Prof. Dr. Pille Vengerfeldt (International Advisor for the AMCAP  Spring School from Sweden) 

    3.    Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Eide (Norway) 

    4.    Prof. Dr. Murat Askar (Ireland) 

    5.    Prof. Dr. Svetlana Bodrunova (Russia) 

    6.    Prof. Dr. Francois Heinderyckx (Belgium) 

    7.    Prof. Dr. Bushra Hameedur Rehman (Pakistan) 

    8.    Prof. Dr. Abida Ashraf (Pakistan) 

    Who can apply? 

    You can apply in two domains. 

    1.    Participant (currently enrolled in PhD (Media/Communication/Social  Sciences with research focusing on media) 

    2.    Observer (aspiring PhD scholars, faculty, and media professionals) 

    How to apply? 

    •    To be part of it as a participant you need to send an abstract (no  more than 1500 words) to 

    •    To be part of it as an observer you only need to send an email to show  interest and intent. (no abstract required) 

    Registration Fee: 

    •    International Participant: 250 USD 

    •    International Observer: 200 USD 

    Fee must be paid right after receiving the acceptance letter. 


    •    Abstract Submission/Email for observers: December 20, 2022 

    •    Acceptance Notification: December 30, 2022 

    For queries and details: 

    Contact our Co-coordinators 

    Dr. Saadia Nauman and Dr. Shazia Saeed at 

  • 30.11.2022 09:24 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Edited by: Marie Heřmanová, Michael Skey, Thomas Thurnell-Read

    Authenticity has become a buzzword for our times. And a new collection, Cultures of Authenticity, provides the first inter-disciplinary examination of authenticity, by analysing the concept in relation to travel and tourism, branding and marketing, popular culture, social media and political communication. Drawing on cases from around the globe, including Taiwan, Denmark, USA, China and Russia, established scholars and early career researchers have brought together the latest empirical and conceptual scholarship addressing authenticity and its centrality to debates about contemporary culture, media and society. In this way, the authors are able to pinpoint the growing significance of authenticity in the contemporary era, the various ways in which different disciplines approach the topic, and possible ways of advancing the field across disciplines.

    As one of the editors of the book, Dr Thomas Thurnell-Read explained, 'as authenticity has been so prominent in various areas of academic research, we saw there was scope for a volume bringing together approaches from a range of disciplines such as media and communications, politics, cultural studies, sociology, tourism studies and heritage. The book showcases the similarities and differences in how different disciplines engage with the concept of authenticity and examine how it is claimed and who can claim to be authentic or not'.

  • 30.11.2022 09:21 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Alphaville Issue 26

    Deadline: December 3, 2022

    Issue 26 of Alphaville will focus on Home as a Site of Resistance - Editors: Anna Viola Sborgi and Elizabeth Patton.

    The COVID-19 pandemic is changing the way we think about home and has illuminated structural, spatial, gender,  racial, and economic inequality. Intervening within a growing area of scholarly interest on mediated representations of the home (Schleier 2021; Wojcik 2010 and 2018; Rhodes 2017; Baschiera and De Rosa 2020; Patton 2020; Price 2021), this proposal seeks to focus specifically on practices of resistance centred in or on the home, working on a range of geographical areas and periods of time.

    The forthcoming issue of Alphaville, to be published in Winter 2023, will apply a variety of methodologies, for example, archival research, comparative approaches, participatory documentary. Contributors are asked to widen the focus of existing scholarship to formats beyond the theatrical feature film, including home movies, VR documentaries, short films, and public film installations. 

    Building on current debates in different areas of film and media studies–home movie studies, useful cinema, VR, media and activism, film and urbanism–the papers in this issue should highlight how film can archive the practices of resistance centered around the home and, at the same time, rewrite dominant accounts of domesticity.  Contributors should offer new perspectives on innovative possibilities for cinema and media studies to build new representational aesthetics, intervening in the politics of representation of marginalized communities. We are seeking proposals to complement an existing range of essays on Ireland, France, Portugal, UK, and the US. Of special interest are essays that examine the Global South or European countries not included in this range. Essays that take an historical perspective are also encouraged but not required.

    The Editors invite contributors to investigate topics and issues including, but not limited to:

    • precarity, and the home (evictions, displacement, inadequate housing)
    • home as a space of labour
    • homelessness
    • housing affordability
    • home as the centre of media production
    • the role of the home for marginalized communities
    • home and inequality
    • representations of the home and social identity
    • gender and the home
    • home as an intersectional space
    • the home and its relation to other spaces (urban, rural, the neighborhood) or/and other parts of the built environment (i.e. infrastructures)
    • sheltering and crisis (i.e. COVID 19)
    • housing as a human right
    • home in relation to safety/unsafety and/or  stability/instability
    • home and mobility

    If you are interested in contributing to this special issue please send a 300-word abstract, 3-5 keywords, and a short biography by December 3, 2022 to Anna Viola Sborgi ( and Elizabeth Patton (

    Authors will be notified of editors’ decision by 17 December 2022. Following acceptance, authors will be required to submit their completed articles of 5,500–6,000 words that fully adhere to Alphaville Guidelines, MLA and House Style by Wednesday 1 March 2023.

    Feel free to contact us for any questions and queries.

  • 30.11.2022 09:11 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    June 19-21, 2023

    King’s College London, Bush House, 30 Aldwych, London WC2B 4BG

    Deadline for Proposals: 15 January 2023

    A Three-Day International Interdisciplinary Conference

    Co-organisers: Professor Paul McDonald, Kings College London; Professor Andrew Spicer, University of the West of England Bristol

    We invite proposals for papers, panels, or roundtables conceptualising, defining, analysing, discussing, or mapping relationships between media industries and locality. Proposals are invited from across the full breadth of media industries research. We hope the conference can provide an inclusive inter-disciplinary meeting ground, so welcome proposals from all disciplinary traditions relevant to the topic.

    The importance of locality to the media industries has been widely debated through a range of perspectives. Harvard economist Michael Porter claimed that ‘clusters’ – which he defined as ‘geographical agglomerations of firms that collaborate and compete with each other’ – provide ‘enduring competitive advantages in a global economy’ through local knowledges and relationships ‘that distant rivals cannot match’ (1998: 78). Studies of clustering activity in media industries have focused on ‘a specialized form of clusters designed to produce mediated content’ (original emphasis, Picard 2008: 4), recognizing how these take form in both planned and organic ways, but also the different types of cluster that emerge from such developments (Komorowski 2016 and 2017).

    Porter’s emphasis on the economic significance of location has been challenged by other studies that focus on the significance of historical factors and the importance of long-term cultural traditions. In his seminal The Cultural Economy of Cities (2000), Allen J. Scott argues that place has a particular significance for creative production because of the ways in which locality and culture are intertwined. Places, he argues, leave ‘deep traces on the form and cognitive meanings’ of creative products emerging from ‘localized systems of industrial activity’. These ‘symbolic and sentimental assets’ derive from the ‘distinctive historical associations and landmarks’ that make each particular place unique (2000: 3).

    Discussing how the concentration of film and television production in Louisiana formed ‘Hollywood South’, Vicki Mayer (2017: 3) focused on the ways in which ‘life in a film economy shapes and is shaped by its location’. A focus on locality can therefore ground our understanding of how media industries are actually inhabited and lived, but also how media workers contribute to the formation of locations. Analyses of cities as ‘sites of passage’ (de Valck 2007: 9) connected through the ‘film festival circuit’ (Loist 2007), or of global television marketplaces (Havens 2006; Choi 2021), illuminate how industries temporarily congregate to exchange and circulate media in and through specific locations. Other studies have investigated the representational dimensions of locality in media industries (e.g., Brunsdon 2007; Young 2022): the importance of locations to narrative, iconography, and characterisation (places as characters) and the ways in which these contribute to imagining and imaging a sense of regional identity and consciousness. There has been significant work on where media production takes place (e.g., Ganti 2012; McNutt 2021) as well as the specialized facilities in which media production is performed (e.g., Goldsmith and O’Regan 2005), the operational and emblematic role of media buildings (Evens 2022), of local place-making activities including media tourism and ‘places of the imagination’ (Reijnders 2011), and the ways in which places accrete symbolic images (‘brands’) for international consumption.

    Analyses of ‘the world media cities network’ (Krätke 2003), ‘global media cities’ (Hoyler and Watson 2012), ‘film cities’ (O’Regan 2018) and ‘media capitals’ (Curtin 2003) highlight the importance of global cities as loci for media creativity and flows. At the same time, attention has also been given to concentrations of media industries in marginalised centres (e.g., Haynes 2007 on Lagos) and regions (e.g., Szczepanik 2021 on Central and Eastern Europe). While perennial tensions between ‘centre’ and ‘periphery’ have a long history, these have become more urgent and pressing over the last decade. In many countries this has an explicitly political dimension with governments directing – or encouraging through regulatory systems – the deployment of increased resources into regional screen production in an attempt to strengthen local economies and identities thereby encouraging more diverse and sustainable screen industries that support a range of voices.  The importance of locality and spatial plurality has been accentuated in an era of accelerating internationalisation of the media industries in which Public Service Media (PSM) are losing audiences to satellite channels or streaming platforms that operate to a global commercial logic. However, the streamers’ business models are themselves changing and, as Ramon Lobato argues (2019), this new logic does not entirely displace or supersede the older logics of analogue broadcasting but introduces new layers of spatial complexity that need to be investigated and analysed. This invites a broader question: why, how, and where are networked forms of media reconfiguring the spatial organisation of media industries?

    These perspectives variously foreground the importance of linkages between media industries and locality. Yet the Covid pandemic disrupted those links. Remote and hybrid working became habituated across all areas of professional life. In the media sector specifically, impacts materialized with the movement of media conventions and festivals online, threats to the future of location-specific entertainment such as music venues, and greater use of commercial livestreaming as an outlet for large-scale media events. Cumulatively, with these and other developments, we might therefore ask: to what extent is locality retaining importance for the media industries?          

    Proposals can be for single research papers, or pre-constituted panels and roundtables. Topics to be addressed include but are not limited to the following: 

    •  Locality in media production networks
    • Locality in media and communication infrastructures
    • Spaces and places as media production locations
    • Media companies and attachments to place
    • Civic/social role of media companies
    • Media companies and urban renewal
    • Media and the built environment
    • Cities as media distribution hubs
    • Environmental impacts of media on places
    • Media ‘clusters’/‘hubs’
    • ‘Media Cities’
    • Media industry events, e.g., festivals, conventions
    • Spaces and places of media work
    •  Locality and the production and circulation of diasporic media
    • Media and urban or rural/regional economies
    • Media and urban or rural/regional policy
    • Media tourism
    • Media industries and place branding

    Proposal guidelines

    Proposals are welcomed in three categories and should be submitted through the following links:

    1)      Open Call Papers (

    Format: solo or co-presented research paper lasting no more than 20mins.

     2)      Pre-constituted Panels (

    Format: 90mins panel of 3 x 20mins OR 4 x 15mins thematically linked solo or co-presented research papers followed by questions.

    3)      Pre-constituted Roundtables (

    Format: 90mins interactive forum led by a chair bringing together 4 to 6 participants (including the chair as a participant if speaking as well as chairing) to offer short (up to 6 minute) position statements or interventions designed to trigger discussions around a central theme, issue, or problem. As such, a roundtable does not involve the presentation of formal research papers but rather is designed to create a forum for the participants and audience to engage in a shared discussion. The format is flexible and can be adapted to allow members of the roundtable to introduce exercises or other activities where appropriate.

    Delegates can make TWO contributions to the conference but only ONE in any category, i.e., presenting an open call paper and participating in a roundtable will be permitted but presenting two open call papers will not be. Chairing a panel or roundtable will NOT count as one of those contributions.

    Papers (either open call or as part of a pre-constituted panel) maybe presented individually or by a pair of co-presenters.

    When submitting a proposal, each presenter/co-presenter/participant is required to provide:

    • name
    •  institutional affiliation (if any)
    • contact e-mail address
    •  short professional biography (max. 100 words)

    In addition, different proposal categories require the following:

        1)      Open Call Papers

        •        title

        •        abstract of no more than 400 words

        •        3-5 keywords

        •        3-5 sources relevant to the paper

     2)      Pre-constituted Panels

        •        nominated chair (either one of the presenters or another delegate)

        •        panel rationale of no more than 400 words

        •        3-5 key words

        •        individual proposals (presenter/co-presenter details, title, abstract, keywords, sources) for 3 x 20mins OR 4 x 15mins research papers

        3)      Pre-constituted Roundtables

        •        nominated chair (either one of the presenters or another delegate)

        •        rationale of no more than 400 words

        •        3-5 key words

        •        details for each participant accompanied by a statement of no more than 100 words outlining a participant’s intended contribution

        Paul McDonald (

        Andrew Spicer (

  • 17.11.2022 22:34 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Deadline: December 18, 2022

    The ICA 2023 conference theme Reclaiming Authenticity in Communication invites communication scholars to examine how authenticity has become a variable, rather than a constant, in public discourses and popular culture across the globe, and with what relational, social, political, and cultural implications.

    ECREA will host one panel at ICA 2023 and invites the submission of panel proposals that are focused on timely and innovative topics and are diverse in terms of methodologies, theoretical standpoints and/or nationalities of the presenters. We especially encourage panel proposals which include a European perspective and a comparative research focus. This call for panel proposals is open to ECREA members of all ECREA sections and to all topics.

    Please note the following information:

    Panel submissions. Panels provide a good forum for the discussion of new approaches, ongoing developments, innovative ideas, and debates in the field. If you plan to submit a panel, please submit the following details: (a) Panel theme or title, (b) a 75-word description of the panel for the conference program, (c) a 400-word rationale, providing justification for the panel and the participating panelists, (d) 300- word (max) abstract of each paper, (e) names of panel participants (usually 4-5 presenters, plus an optional designated respondent), and (f) name of panel chair/organizer. In terms of diversity, we expect a strong panel proposal to (a) include contributions of at least two different countries, (b) feature gender balance, and, ideally, (c) include not more than one contribution from a single faculty, department or school. Panel proposals need to be original and may not have been submitted to ICA before or at the same time. The panel is expected to consist of personal on-site presentations (not online). Accepted panel presentations do not count towards the max. allowed individual paper presentations at the ICA conference.

    Registering panelists. All panelists must be ECREA members by the time the conference takes place and agree in advance of submission to participate as panel presenters and to register for the ICA conference. ICA only provides a registration waiver for the panel convener, not for the other panelists.

    How to submit?

    • Email to:

    Submission deadline is 18 December 2022, 23:59 CET

    • In case of questions please contact: Andreas Schuck (

    ECREA-ICA Conference Review Committee:

    Andreas Schuck (U Amsterdam, chair)

    Christina Holtz-Bacha (U Erlangen-Nürnberg, co-chair)

    Irena Reifová (Charles U Prague, co-chair)

  • 17.11.2022 22:05 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    University of Fribourg (Switzerland)

    associated with the position as chair of the Institute for Digital Communication and Media Innovation

    We invite applications for the full-time position of Professor (tenured) in “Digital Communication and Datafication". The professorship is with the Department of Communi[1]cation and Media Research DCM and comes with one fully funded PhD position. Moreover, the successful candidate will chair the University’s “Institute for Digital Communication and Media Innovation” (IDCMI) in Chur and Fribourg that includes additional research positions. The main place of work is Chur; a regular presence in Fribourg including the attendance of meetings and events is required. The appointment begins in fall 2023.

    Applications are due January 17, 2023.

    Please find the complete job ad on our website:

  • 16.11.2022 22:54 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    University of Bremen

    Deadline: November 18, 2022

    I have an open PhD Cand. position in my „Platform Governance, Media and Technology“ Lab at the University of Bremen. Please check and potentially forward to your students and colleagues. 

    I am seeking someone to collaborate with my postdocs and me to better understand 

    - how platforms govern communication on their sites (think: content moderation, but also beyond) 

    - how the discourse on platforms is changing (Everyone: take more responsibility; Musk: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) 

    - how regulation is seeking measures to translate responsibility into accountability 

    - how platform employ automates means to address content moderation on scale („AI will fix it!“) 

    It’s a 3Y position, in a team 10-15 postdocs, Phd cand, and MA student assistants working with me: 

    ⚠️ Please note: The deadline is already next week, NOV 18! 

    If you are interested, don’t hesitate to reach out to me at Send your full application including: (1) a cover letter outlining the motivation, (2) a curriculum vitae, (3) a brief outline of a possible doctoral topic, as well as (4) final transcripts and (5) the final thesis or other publications, if applicable, ideally as one single pdf-file – to 

    You find the full official job here and below: 

  • 16.11.2022 22:53 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    December 9, 2022

    Deadline: December 1, 2022

    You are cordially invited to an online discussion on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the publication of ‘Bringing Discourse Theory into Media Studies: The applicability of Discourse Theoretical Analysis (DTA) for the study of media practices and discourses’ by Nico Carpentier and Benjamin De Cleen.

    With (in alphabetical order of the surnames)

    Yiming Chen

    Vaia Doudaki

    Kirill Filimonov

    David Howarth

    Michal Krzyzanowski

    Nicolina Montesano Montessori

    Yiannis Mylonas

    Leen Van Brussel

    Date & Time: 09 December 2022 @ 10h00 UTC / 11h00 CET / 13h00 Nairobi / 18h00 Beijing / 21h00 Sydney

    Duration: 90 minutes

    Location: The event will take place online. The participation link will be shared with the audience before the event. 

    Registration: The event is free of charge, but pre-registration is required by 01 December. Please send an email to Mazlum Kemal Dagdelen <> to register to the event.

    Co-sponsors: Culture and Communication Research Centre (CULCORC) and Centre for the Study of Democracy, Signification and Resistance (DESIRE)

  • 16.11.2022 22:51 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    American University of Sharjah

    The Department of Mass Communication at American University of Sharjah seeks early career/emerging scholars to fill two full-time faculty positions in the department beginning in Fall 2023. Applicants who are expected to complete their PhD by September 1, 2023 are welcome to apply. Successful applicants should have a doctoral degree in communication or a related field from an accredited Western university and are expected to demonstrate an emerging research agenda. Applicants should be able to teach in one or more of the following areas: production skills, digital media, communication theory, research methods, and/or other communication courses including social media production and crisis communication. Priority will be given to applicants who demonstrate experience and strength in their ability to teach diverse courses across the department’s curriculum, and who demonstrate the ability to bridge teaching knowledge and skills-based courses. A strong commitment to teaching students from diverse cultural and national backgrounds is expected. Experience in teaching advertising and public relations is advantageous. The teaching load is six courses per year and committee work is required. 

    Applications are accepted digitally here until January 15, 2023:

    Situated nearby Sharjah International Airport in the expansive University City area, and only 30 minutes from Dubai International Airport, AUS is located in a dynamic and cosmopolitan area that includes abundant opportunities for travel, entertainment, cultural experiences and natural beauty. Salary and benefits are competitive.

    American University of Sharjah is a not-for-profit, independent, coeducational institution of higher education formed on American models but thoroughly grounded in Arab culture. Located in University City, Sharjah, AUS offers undergraduate and graduate degree programs to more than 5,000 students from approximately 90 nations. English is the language of instruction and the workplace. AUS has been ranked among the top ten Arab universities by QS World University Rankings every year for the past eight consecutive years.

    AUS is licensed and its programs are accredited by the Commission for Academic Accreditation of the Ministry of Education's Higher Education Affairs Division in the United Arab Emirates. AUS has been accredited in the United States of America by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (1007 North Orange Street, 4th Floor, MB #166, Wilmington, DE 19801 USA) since June 2004.




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