European Communication Research
and Education Association

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  • 13.04.2022 21:53 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    July 8, 2022 (14:00 - 22:00 UTC)

    Online (Hosted by Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola, in Lima, Peru)

    Deadline: April 30, 2022

    This one-day virtual seminar focuses on ethics and communication rights, especially for audiences that seek a broad view of political, social, cultural, and scientific phenomena. The recent economic and health crises have had an analog in the proliferation of false information. The constant attack on journalism and the consequent damage to the economic, social, and health structures of countries around the world.

    Although it is true some initiatives have been developed, with an important role in the search for and dissemination of the truth through alternative channels, based on digital spaces, the problem persists in terms of the sustainability of information, self-regulation, and the responsible exercise of communication. For all these reasons, a broad analysis of the current situation and proposals related to this thematic axis is proposed, both from the point of view of journalism and from the role of an active audience, which seeks truthful information and participates in the construction and dissemination of information.

    The main topics of interest are listed below:

    • Historical and contemporary view of access to health information: main challenges and perspectives
    • The configuration of new digital information spaces: the role of the creator and the receiver
    • The study of audiences, specifically in the last two years of the pandemic
    • Journalistic ethics: initiatives around truth, laws, and security in times of COVID

    Abstract submission guidelines

    We invite the academic community to submit 350-word abstracts, in Spanish or English. Both theoretical and empirical works, based on scientific methods and evidence, will be considered. Abstracts should be accompanied by a literature review, considering a maximum of 100 words. Send your abstract to

    A report and proceedings will be published after the event.

    Key dates

    Abstract submission deadline: 30 April 2022

    Notification on submitted abstracts: 15 May 2022

    Date and time of preconference: Friday, 8 July 2022 |14h00 – 22h00 UTC|

    Registration and participation:

    Participation is open to all interested people. A registration fee of USD 20 will be charged for participation in the virtual pre-conference seminar. However, it will be free for IAMCR members and PhD students.


    For more information about the pre-conference and registration visit


    Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola is a higher education institution, considered among the top 10 in Peru. Its main faculties include Communication, Business Sciences, Engineering, Hospitality Tourism and Gastronomy, and Education.

    Universidad Complutense de Madrid is the largest university in Spain, with one of the best educational offers in Madrid, surrounded by green areas and with an intense cultural and sports life.

    Forum Internacional de ética y Derecho de la Información (FIEDI) has over 20 years of history, and has been collaborating with IAMCR since 2015.

    IAMCR Law Section. The Law Section of IAMCR has been co-sponsoring this conference since 2015.


    Dr. Rolando Rodrich, Dean, School of Communication at Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola

    Dr. Mauro Marino-Jiménez, research professor at Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola

    Dra. Marisa Aguirre, Professor of PAD, School of Management of the Universidad de Piura

    Dña. Marianna Herrera, Universidad Complutense, Madrid

    Scientific Committee

    Dr. Ignacio Bel Mallén, President of FIEDI

    Dr. Rolando Rodrich, dean of Communication Faculty at Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola

    Dr. Mauro Marino, research professor at Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola

    Dra. Marisa Aguirre, Professor of PAD, School of Management of the Universidad de Piura,

    Dra. Loreto Corredoira, full professor at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Co-chair IAMCR Law Section

    Dr. Rodrigo Cetina Presuel, Executive Director of the Real Colegio Complutense. Researcher, Institute for Global Law and Policy, Harvard Law School, Co-Chair IAMCR Law Section

    Dr. Fernando Gutiérrez Atala, professor at Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción

    Contact email:

  • 13.04.2022 21:45 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    September 29-October 1, 2022

    University of Bonn (Germany) and online (via Zoom)

    Deadline: June 30, 2022

    An International Hybrid Conference of the Research Association NRW Digital Society

    We bring together twelve research projects within the framework of six junior research groups and one graduate school, which conduct research on issues related to the digital transformation of society. Further information on the projects, the members and the disciplines involved can be found here:

    After five years of funding, we are now approaching the end of the project, which is why we will be hosting the international hybrid conference “Quo vadis Digital Democracy? Strengthening and Preserving Democracy in the Digital Age“. The conference will take place from 29 September to 01 October 2022 at the University of Bonn (Germany) and online (via Zoom).

    I would like to draw your attention to the Call for Participation (see attachment).

    The conference brings together international and interdisciplinary researchers working empirically and theoretically on issues related to the digitization of democracy and the public sphere.

    We were able to confirm as keynotes for the conference:

    1) Prof. Dr. José van Dijck (University of Utrecht)

    2) Dr. Dmytro Khutkyy (University of Tartu)

    For more information on the conference and our keynote speakers, please visit:

    As we would like to address a broad interdisciplinary and international audience, we are reaching out to you.

  • 13.04.2022 21:35 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    ICS, University of Navarra

    The Institute for Culture and Society (ICS, University of Navarra) is seeking to hire a postdoctoral fellow for one academic year (extendable) starting no later than September 1, 2022. We would appreciate it if you could help us spread this offer in your centre.

    This is the basic information:

    The selected candidate will join the Youth in Transition (YiT) research team, specialized in the assessment of the status of youth in the early 21st Century, with a particular focus on their interaction with technological devices, and the behavioral trends derived thereof. Our work is organized in two main projects:

    TRANSADULT: Transitions to Adulthood in the 21st Century

    We are developing a model of interpersonal and psychological tools that facilitate youth’s transition to adult responsibilities. In 2021 we surveyed a nationally representative sample of 1,200 Spanish youth ages 18 to 32; and in-depth interviewed 30 of the same youth.

    WISE: Wellbeing in the use of the Internet, Social Media, and Entertainment

    We are conducting a four-year cohort study on the role of social media and the smartphone in the relational and psychological wellbeing of youth. The study follows 1,200 young adults in Spain, between the ages of 18 and 25. In 2022 we are adding a nationally representative sample of Portuguese youth, to be tracked from ages 20 to 25.

    Using the available data (quantitative & qualitative) the selected candidate’s main job will be to help develop an annual Youth Report, with three main parts (subject to reconsideration):

    • Work: view of work, ideal working conditions, work preferences and expectations.
    • Love: their values, attitudes, beliefs and expectations on romantic relationships.
    • Mind: psychological and emotional maturity, own sense of adulthood.

    Additionally, the selected candidate will have the opportunity to develop his/her own research agenda, to bring new ideas to the group, and to contribute to the group’s existing research portfolio.

    More information:

  • 13.04.2022 21:26 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Journal of Communication Management

    Deadline: July 1, 2022

    Communication scholars have an important role in counteracting social and environmental crises in developing and developed countries and provide knowledge that contributes to social transformation and sustainable development. This special issue in Journal of Communication Management seeks high quality research papers addressing the role of communication to meet the challenges of the transformation into a more sustainable society.

    We favor a broad range of subjects in this special issue, and welcome research from all perspectives: critical, postmodern, interpretive and post-positivist. We urge researchers studying organizational communication, strategic communication, public relations, environmental communication, health communication, media and communication, journalism, and other disciplines to submit manuscripts to make a difference.

    See the call for papers here:

    Deadline for submission of manuscripts: 1st July 2022

    Guest Editors

    Queries relating to the special issue should be directed to the Guest Editors:

    Catrin Johansson (PhD in Media and Communication) is Professor of Organizational Communication in the Department of Media and Communication at Mid Sweden University:

    Jody Jahn is Associate Professor in Communication at University of Colorado, Boulder (PhD, University of California, Santa Barbara):

    Wim J.L. Elving is Professor of Sustainable Communication at the Hanze University of Applied Sciences and member of the Centre of Expertise, EnTranCe:

  • 13.04.2022 21:09 | Anonymous member (Administrator)


    The deadlines for contribution proposals (150-word abstracts and/or visuals):  April 28, 2022

    1. Histories

    Image of a photograph of a painting by Paul Klee, Angelus Novus, 1920.

    Photography has proven to be a productive (even overproductive) subject and object of histories. Both the photographs themselves and the act of photographing anticipate the processes of storytelling, of constructing a connection between social groups and their understanding of time, of past, present and anticipated future. Consequently, examining the question of what kind of socio-historical connection photography offers – or, more precisely, attempts to offer – is of paramount importance.

    Such critical enquiry can focus on the role of photography in our understanding of history/histories, question photography as a historical endeavour itself, or examine photography as a means of challenging existing histories or actively creating alternative histories. These issues are by no means new. The uncovering of alternative histories, marginal voices and peripheral visions is as important today as it was when they were being explored in the last decades of the 20th century. However, changing social and economic conditions call for a reformulation or expansion of the questions being asked in order to take into account the changing conditions of social communication (e.g. algorithmization), the changing nature of the media, the assertion of knowledge (e.g. “alternative” facts, post-truth), the resurgence of undemocratic forms of governance (e.g. illiberalism) and the restructuring of neoliberal capitalism (e.g. platformisation, techno-feudalism, etc.).

    Membrana Vol. 7, No. 1, 2022 welcomes contributions addressing (but not limited to) the following topics:

    – Questioning the evidential aspect of photography.

    – Photography, factuality and evidence in the post-truth society

    – Photography and the narration of alternative histories

    – Alternative histories of photography

    – Photography, history and power (of dominant institutions)

    – Photographs between traces of history and traces of historians

    – History as (re)creation (historiography and visuality)

    – Photography and collective memory

    – Vernacular visual archives and alternate histories

    – Visual archives, social movements and counter-publics

    – (Re)interpretations of visual archives

    – Photography in the social sciences and humanities

    – The colonial and postcolonial legacy of photography

    – Historiography, visual culture and politics

    – The construction of the “Other” in place and time

    Histories in PDF

    FB Announcement

    Histories on Membrana's page

    2. Stories

    Image from private collection, unknown author, n.d.

    Throughout its history, photography has been used to deceive, to construct, to lie, to create fictitious worlds and to convince us of their indisputable truths – both with equal impact on our notion of reality – on our experience, on the notion of society and culture. As “incomplete utterances”, photographs are inseparable from and dependent on narrative and storytelling. Contrary to popular belief, photographs are not primarily means of communication, but objects of communication. It is not just that narrative anchors the meaning of photographs – photographs as objects anchor narrative.

    Our narratives through or with photographs are always constructed or reconstructed in the face of the medium’s seductive promise of veracity and visual insight. Photography’s ability to conjure up new meanings and reinterpret past meanings while giving the appearance of documentary veracity is and has been used extensively in both art and politics. As a result, photography has become not only an effective means for constructing factual stories and creating facts (a factography), but also a powerful and persuasive instrument for the creative appropriation of facts. Whether as a tool or mere raw material for the production of creative fictional worlds, aesthetic pleasure, lies or political deception, photography supports these practises of reconstructing our sense of time and reality, producing alternative timelines, histories and stories.

    Membrana Vol. 7, No. 2 explores the imaginative, re/constructive possibilities of photography, different creative strategies, its possibilities for ruptures, interruptions and counter-narratives through (but not limited to) following topics:

    – Photography as a narrative tool (storytelling)

    – Deconstruction of dominant narratives (art, history)

    – Artistic appropriation of archives

    – Illusion and photography

    – Fictional documentary (docu-fiction / faux documentary)

    – Alternative facts and alternative fiction

    – Re-creation of the past with/via photographs

    – Veracity as a creative strategy

    – Computer-generated images, fictitious photographic worlds

    – Fictional words, computer-generated illusions and deep-fakes

    – Hoaxes, deceptions – past and present

    – Exhibition and narrative

    – Photography and myth

    – Photography, narration and alternative temporalities

    Stories in PDF

    FB Announcement

    Stories on Membrana's page

    Format of contributions

    Essays, theoretical papers, overview articles, interviews (approx. 2,500–6,000 words), visuals encouraged

    Short essays, columns (1,200–3,000 words), visuals encouraged

    Photographic projects and artwork: proposals for non-commissioned work or samples of work

    More information about the contributions can be found in our guidelines. The contributions will be published in the English edition – journal Membrana(ISSN 2463-8501; eISSN: 2712-4894) and/or in the Slovenian edition – magazine Fotografija(ISSN 1408-3566; eISSN: 1855-8941).

    Proposals and deadlines

    The deadline for contribution proposals (150-word abstracts and/or visuals) is April 28, 2022. The deadline for the finished contributions from accepted proposals is July 4, 2022.

    Please send proposals via the online form or contact us directly at editors(at)

    Find more about us at:

    Contact: Membrana, Maurerjeva 8, SI-1000, Ljubljana, Slovenia.



  • 13.04.2022 21:04 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Dear colleagues,

    The Department of Politics and Communication at the Hadassah Academic College in Israel is seeking to partner up with an academic institution from Europe or the Middle East with the aim of offering students a joint course in the fields of politics, political science, diplomacy, and communication.

    The touristic aspect of the course will be manifested in mutual visits to the relevant study sites according to the course's content.

    The course will have a hybrid structure:

    • 2 to 3 online meetings with students and instructors from both institutions.
    • Two study trips (4 to 5 days), one in each country, for the purpose of meetings with local experts and visiting relevant sites.

    Examples for course topics:

    • Fake news
    • Criticism of journalists by politicians
    • Public trust in the media
    • Political polarization & news consumption
    • Criticism of media outlets & media behavior

    The course could be based on an existing offering at your institution. We will work together to determine content and schedule that would fit both institutions.

    I would appreciate it very much if you could forward this message to relevant colleagues.

    Looking forward to your suggestions and referrals,

    Please respond through my private email:

    Dr. Irit Shmuel

  • 13.04.2022 21:00 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Dear Colleagues in fields related to communication,

    I am writing to invite you to take part in a survey we are carrying out to identify training needs in the field of accessibility for university staff in university programmes related to communication. Your input will help us to understand the potential knowledge gaps on accessibility and how we can better support you through training materials on the subject.

    Access the survey for university teaching and training staff (or click here

    This survey is being carried out as part of the EU-funded ADORE project (or click here ADORE aims to make accessibility a priority in higher education programmes related to communication by providing training to university staff on how to publish information on the internet in an accessible way and how to provide a more inclusive teaching experience for all students.

    This initiative is coordinated by Tallinn University Baltic Film, Media and Arts School, in collaboration with Funka, INUK, Paris Lodron University of Salzburg, University of Maribor.

    Thanks in advance for your help on this!

    Best regards,

    The ADORE project Team

  • 13.04.2022 20:32 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    October 19, 2022 

    Aarhus University (Denmark)

    Deadline: June 1, 2022

    ECREA pre-conference

    Date and venue: Wednesday, October 19th, 2022, from 10.30-17.00, Constructive Institute at Aarhus University

    Pre-conference highlights:

    • Present your research to engaged peers – and learn from their wise words and their work
    • Visit one of the world’s premier hubs for the development of constructive journalism
    • Be part of the conversation about the development of research in constructive journalism
    • Form new collaborations with other scholars and practitioners within the field

    In recent years, many journalists and editors around the world have started experimenting with constructive journalism, and at the same time researchers have shown an increasing interest in the topic. Constructive journalism as a research field is rapidly expanding and it has resulted in conferences, seminars, and special issues in flagship journals within journalism studies. At this pre-conference – hosted at one of the major sites for the development of constructive journalism, namely the Constructive Institute – we want to explore new avenues for constructive journalism as a research field by bringing together researchers and practitioners to exchange ideas and discuss the potential of and challenges for constructive journalism.

    In the first part of the day researchers will present and discuss their work in progress. The presentations will provide a status on the state of current and coming research and will serve as a starting point for discussing future avenues for research on constructive journalism.

    The second part of the day will start with a presentation of the development of constructive journalism in different newsrooms around the world, to provide insights on the challenges and the potential experienced in the newsrooms working with constructive journalism. Among the presenters will be Ulrik Haagerup, CEO and founder, Constructive Institute, as well as editors and journalists from newsrooms working with constructive journalism.

    After the presentation, we will discuss how researchers and practitioners can work closer together in the future to develop the field from both sides.

    We invite all researchers with an interest in the field two apply for the pre-conference. But due to the venue there is only room for a limited number of researchers, and preference will be given to those, who have submitted an extended abstract on a study within the research field (max. 500 words). Deadline for scholars who would like a seat at the table at the Constructive Institute is the 1st of June 2022, and abstracts should be sent to Notice of acceptance will be given by the 15th of June. Lunch and various refreshments will be served during the day.

    For more information about this pre-conference please contact Peter Bro ( or Morten Skovsgaard (, both of whom are professors at the Centre for Journalism, University of Southern Denmark. For questions, comments etc. relating to the practical arrangement please contact CFOO Peter Damgaard ( from Constructive Institute, directly.

    Join us for this unique event and become part of an international network of scholars who study the growing field of constructive journalism. This pre-conference also offers you the opportunity to meet and perhaps partner up with some of the practicioners who apply constructive journalism techniques and thinking in their own work.

    This pre-conference is organized and sponsored by:

    • Centre for Journalism, University of Southern Denmark: The Centre is home to a bachelor-and two master programs in journalism, has 600+ students, 30+ full time researchers and lecturers.
    • Constructive Institute, Aarhus, Denmark: An independent organization that helps journalists and news organizations apply constructive reporting in their daily work through providing access to a best practices portal, an international fellowship program, relevant training curricula, and research and development projects.
  • 07.04.2022 21:27 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    22-23 September 2022

    Loughborough University, UK

    Deadline for abstracts: May 23, 2022

    On 22-23 September 2022, the Centre for Research in Communication and Culture at Loughborough University will host the 8th annual conference of the International Journal of Press/Politics, focused on academic research on the relationship between media and political processes around the world.

    The deadline for submission of abstracts is 23 May 2022. Attendees will be notified of acceptance by 6 June 2022. Registration fees will be due 8 July 2022 and full papers based on accepted abstracts will be due 8 September 2022. A selection of the best full papers presented at the conference will be published in the journal after peer review. Previous journal special issues based on conference papers can be found here and here.

    The conference brings together scholars conducting internationally oriented or comparative research on the intersection between news media and politics around the world. It aims to provide a forum for academics from a wide range of disciplines, countries, and methodological approaches to advance knowledge in this area.

    Examples of relevant topics include, but are not limited to, the political implications of changes in media systems; the importance of different types of media for learning about and engaging with politics; the factors affecting the quality of political information and public discourse; media policy and regulation; the role of entertainment and popular culture in how people engage with current affairs; relations between political actors and journalists; the role of visuals and emotion in the production and processing of public information; the role of different kinds of media during conflicts and crises; and political communication during and beyond elections by government, political parties, interest groups, and social movements. The journal and the conference are particular interested in studies that adopt comparative approaches, represent substantial theoretical or methodological advances, or focus on parts of the world that are under-researched in the international English language academic literature.

    Titles and abstracts for papers (maximum 300 words) are invited by 23 May 2022. The abstract should clearly describe the key question, the theoretical and methodological approach, the evidence presented, and the wider implications of the study for understanding the relationship between media and politics. Authors are encouraged to provide as much detail as possible about the spatial and temporal context of their study, the research design employed, the data collected, and the main results of the analyses.

    Please send submissions via the online form available at

    The registration fee for the conference will be GBP 250, to be paid by 8 July 2022. The fee covers lunches and coffee breaks on 22 and 23 September, two conference dinners on 21 and 22 September, and farewell drinks on 23 September. A limited number of registration fee waivers will be available for early career scholars and scholars from countries that appear in Tiers B and C of the classification adopted by the International Communication Association. Applications must be made by 23 May 2022 via the abstract online submission form available at

    All attendees must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 to attend the conference and respect the UK Government and Loughborough University policies to protect themselves and the population against COVID-19. Attendees visiting Loughborough from abroad must commit to follow the UK Government’s regulations to travel to England.

    The conference is organized by Cristian Vaccari (Editor-in-Chief of IJPPand Director of CRCC). Please contact Professor Vaccari with questions at

    More about the journal, the University, and the Centre.

    The International Journal of Press/Politics is an interdisciplinary journal for the analysis and discussion of the role of the media and politics in a globalized world. The journal publishes theoretical and empirical research which analyzes the linkages between the news media and political processes and actors around the world, emphasizes international and comparative work, and links research in the fields of political communication and journalism studies, and the disciplines of political science and media and communication. The journal is published by SAGE Publications and is ranked 7th in Communication and 9th in Political Science by Journal Citation Reports.

    Based on a 440-acre, single-site campus at the heart of the UK, Loughborough University is ranked top 10 in every British university league table. Voted University of the Year (The Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide 2019) and awarded Gold in the National Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF), Loughborough provides a unique student experience. Loughborough University has excellent transport links to the rest of the UK. It is a short distance away from Loughborough Train station, a 15-minute drive from East Midlands Airport (near Nottingham), an hour drive from Birmingham Airport, and an hour and 15 minutes from London via train.

    Since its establishment in 1991, the Centre for Research in Communication and Culture has developed into the largest research center of its kind in the UK. The Centre is proudly interdisciplinary, combining social science and humanities approaches for the rigorous exploration of the production and consumption of different forms of communication and creative texts. CRCC’s research draws on and contributes to theories and methods in cultural and media studies, sociology, politics, psychology, history and memory studies, textual, visual and computational analysis, and geography. The Centre promotes research that explores how media and cultural texts are produced, how they construct meanings, how they shape societies, and how they fit within an ever-growing creative economy.

  • 07.04.2022 21:24 | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    May 26, 2022

    Paris, France

    The ICA 2022 preconference "Scholars in Exile/Scholarship on the Edges," on the place of critical race studies in media, comm, and political culture, is now open for registration!

    More information about the preconference:


    • Early registration fee, by May 2nd: US$40
    • Regular registration fee ()May 2-25): US$60

    Lunch will be included for all registered participants.

    It takes place on Thursday, May 26, 9:00am-3:30pm (rooms Regency 5 + 6, at the Hyatt Paris Ètoile, Porte Maillot, Paris, France, which is the main ICA conference hotel). Following the conclusion of the preconference, there is an optional "James Baldwin in Paris" walking tour, 4:30-6:30pm, open and free to pre-conference registrants on a first-come first-serve basis (space is limited; please contact Khadijah Costley White at

    Keynote speakers

    Karim Hammou (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique / French National Centre for Scientific Research)

    Chelsea Watego (Queensland University of Technology)

    Other confirmed speakers

    Ben Carrington, Sarah J. Jackson, Ralina Joseph, Sarita Malik, Samira Musleh, Clive Nwonka, Srivi Ramasubramanian, Simon Ridley, Raka Shome, Kim-Marie Spence, Anjali Vats, Ana-Nzinga Weiß, Ferruh Yimlaz

    Please see for more information.


    Anamik Saha, Department of Media, Communication and Cultural Studies, Goldsmiths, University of London, UK,

    Khadijah Costley White, Department of Journalism and Media Studies, School of Communication and Information - Rutgers University, USA,

    Eve Ng, School of Media Arts and Studies, WGSS Program, Ohio University, USA,

    Simon Dawes, l’Institut d’études culturelles et internationales (IECI), Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, France,

    Maxime Cervulle, UFR Culture et communication, Université Paris 8 Vincennes Saint-Denis, France,


    ICA IDEA (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Access) Committee

    ICA Ethnicity and Race in Communication division

    Rutgers University-New Brunswick, School of Communication and Information (SCI)

    Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines

    Université Paris 8 Vincennes Saint-Denis




Chaussée de Waterloo 1151
1180 Uccle

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