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Advisory board

ECREA Advisory Board consists of members elected by the Governing Body and of ex-officio members (former members of the Governing Body). The Advisory Board provides the Governing Body with advice on the long-term strategies of the association. The consultation by Advisory Board can be summoned by the decision of the Governing Body or the Bureau (the Daily Governing Body).  

Chair of the Advisory Board

Hermes, Joke (Inholland University and University of Amsterdam, Netherlands)

Elected Members of the Advisory Board

Frau-Meigs, Divina (Université Paris 3-Sorbonne, France)

Raetzsch, Christoph (Aarhus University, Denmark)

Sousa, Carla (Lusófona University, Portugal)

Ex Officio Members of the Advisory Board

Akser, Murat (Ulster University, Northern Ireland)

Anania, Valentina (University of Nottingham, United Kingdom)

Bolin, Göran (Södertörn University, Sweden)

Downey, John (Loughborough University, United Kingdom)

Miazhevich, Galina (Cardiff University, United Kingdom)

Reifová, Irena (Charles University, Czech Republic)

Surowiec-Capell, Paweł (University of Sheffield, United Kingdom)

Tomanic Trivundza, Ilija  (University of Ljubljana, Slovenia)

Vicente-Marino, Miguel (Universidad de Valladolid, Spain)

FORMER Members of the Advisory Board 

Alvares, Claudia (Lusófona University, Portugal)

Balcytiene, Aukse (Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania)

Bruck, Peter (Research Studios Austria Forschungsgesellschaft , Austria)

Cabedoche, Bertrand (Institut de la Communication et des Medias, Gresec Université Stendhal Grenoble, France)

Carlsson, Ulla (Department of Journalism, Media and Communication, University of Gothenburg, Sweden)

Corcoran, Farrel (Dublin City University. School of Communication, Ireland)

de Moragas, Miquel (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain)

Gallagher, Margaret (Independent researcher,United Kingdom)

Hamelink, Cees (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands)

Hancock, Alan (United Kingdom)

Hartmann, Maren (Berlin University of the Arts (UdK), Germany)

Hasebrink, Uwe (Hans Bredow Institute , Germany)

Heinderyckx, Francois (Dep. of Information and Communication Sciences, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium)

Hill,  Annette (Lund University, Sweden)

Hurme, Pertti (University of Jyväskylä, Department of Language and Communication Studies, Finland)

Jelen, Alenka (University of Stirling,United Kingdom)

Martelli, Stefano (University of Bologna, Italy)

Nordenstreng, Kaarle (University of Tampere, Finland)

Nyre, Lars (University of Bergen, Norway)

Picard, Robert G. (The Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, University of Oxford, United Kingdom)

Pitasi, Andrea (Gabriele d’Annunzio University of Chieti and Pescara, Faculty of Social Sciences, Italy)

Sarikakis, Katharine (University of Vienna, Austria)

Schmidt, Mogens (International Media Development Advisors, France)

Scifo, Salvatore (Bournemouth University, United Kingdom)

Splichal, Slavko (University of Ljubljana,  Slovenia)

Tamas, Pal (Institute of Sociology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary)

van Zoonen, Liesbet (Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands)

Vartanova, Elena (Moscow State University. Faculty of Journalism, Russia)

Voltmer, Katrin (University of Leeds, United Kingdom)

Witschge, Tamara (Groningen, Journalism Studies and Media, Netherlands)



Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 14
6041 Charleroi

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