European Communication Research |
EXECUTIVE BOARD (Governing body)If you want to contact ECREA Executive Board (Governing Body), please, send your message at JOHN DOWNEYPresident John Downey is Professor of Comparative Media Analysis at Loughborough University, UK.
John read Social and Political Sciences at Cambridge University where was a Senior Scholar at Gonville and Caius College and the Graythorne Scholar and Beaumont Scholar at Jesus College. His PhD was about the Frankfurt School and John was a post-doc at the Graduate College for Communication Sciences at Siegen University in Germany. John joined to the Department of Social Sciences at Loughborough in 2000. He was a Visiting Professor of Sociology at Williams College, Massachusetts in 2007. He is currently a Visiting Professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. John continues to work through the implications of Critical Theory for the study of communication and media highlighting the importance for the field of engaging with political philosophy and social theory and also the role of academics as participants in the public sphere. As well as receiving funding from the UK's Economic and Social Research Council on three occasions for his research, he has conducted research for the BBC Board of Governors, the BBC Trust, the Office of Communication, the Electoral Commission, the Commission for Racial Equality, and the Guardian newspaper. He is an Executive Board member of the Media, Communication and Cultural Studies Association in the UK. IRENA REIFOVÁVice-President Irena Reifova is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Media Studies, Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic.
Her research and teaching interests are at cultural studies, theory of popular culture, television studies and post-socialist mediated memory. Her methodological focus is on qualitative methodology. She completed her PhD and joined Charles University in 1999. In 2011-2015 she worked as the Research Director at the Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism. She was a founding member and later Vice-Chair of ECREA Central and East-European Network. Irena Reifova was member of Management Committee of COST Action IS0609 Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies in 2011-2014 and she was a principal leader of two nationally-funded research projects. In 2015 and 2016 she was a part of Czech critical initiative focused on unethical publishing practices (as described here). She publishes her research nationally and internationally in edited books and peer-reviewed journal. She is a member of an editorial board of CM: Communication Management Quarterly (Serbia) and Iluminace (Czech Republic). In 2016 she was Chair of Local Organising Committee of the 6th ECREA conference in Prague. andra siibakGeneral Secretary
Andra Siibak is a Professor of Media Studies and program director of the Media and Communication doctoral program at the Institute of Social Studies, University of Tartu, Estonia.
Her main field of research has to do with the opportunities and risks surrounding internet use, social media usage practices, datafication of childhood, new media audiences, privacy and cybercrime. Her forthcoming monograph “Datafied Childhoods: Data Practices and Imaginaries in Children’s Lives”, co-authored with Giovanna Macheroni, will be published by Peter Lang in autumn 2021. Andra has engaged in various international research projects and networks (e.g. EU Kids Online) and acted as expert consultant on Estonia for projects initiated by the European Parliament, European Commission, European Council and OECD. Andra is a member of the Estonian Young Academy of Sciences (since 2016), and in 2021 she was nominated to become a member of Film, Media and Visual Studies section of Academia Europaea. pille pruulmann-vengerfeldtTreasurer
Pille comes from University of Tartu where she obtained her PhD and worked last as a professor. Her research interests have focused on questions of cultural citizenship and participation in various online and offline contexts. She has studied engagement in museums, libraries and within the context of public broadcasting. She has also worked internet users and social applications of new technologies. She is currently the international director of European Media and Communication Doctoral Summer School and has been engaged with the summer school as student, teacher and organizer since 2004. She has participated and been a leader of different national and international projects. She has published over a hundred articles both in journals and as book chapters and has been part of the editorial team for more than ten books.
Göran Bolin
His most recent work is summarised in Value and the Media: Cultural Production and Consumption in Digital Markets (Ashgate, 2011) and Media Generations: Experience, Identity and Mediatised Social Change ;(Routledge 2016). He is a member of Academia Europaea, where he serves on the section committee for the section Film, Media and Visual Studies. His present research interests are focussed on the relations between media production and consumption, especially in the wake of digitisation and datafication. Bolin has since the early 1990s worked in or headed research projects on violence in the media, youth and cultural production, entertainment television and the relation between production practices and textual expressions, media consumption and the production of value in cultural industries, mobile phone use, media generations, etc. Christina Holtz-Bacha
Before joining FAU, she has taught at universities in Munich, Bochum and Mainz. She was also a visiting scholar at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, a Research Fellow at the Shorenstein Center, Harvard University and a guest researcher at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. Her primary research interests focus on political communication, media systems, media policy and gender and communication. She has published widely on these topics and serves on various boards of academic journals. She is also a co-editor of the German communication journal Publizistik and presently head of the Political Communication Research Section of IAMCR. patricia nunez gomez
Patricia has a PhD in Communication Science and Advertising. She is an ex-chair of the Advertising Research TWG in ECREA (European Communication research and education Association). Member in Digital Culture area, Children and Media and gender. She is a vice-chair in the section of Gender in IAMCR (International Association for Media and Communication Research). Head of Unesco Unitwin Spain (Network for universities) in Gender and Media. She is also a head of SOCMEDIA (Group of communicative behaviours and competences developed by children and young people (digital natives) through the use of new media and ICT. She leads different European projects related to Children, teens, and Gender as Milieu: WoMen, Disability and Inclusion –Scientific Excellence in Bulgaria.Horizon2020 (Enero 21-24) or European Project Sic-Spain for Kids (Safe Internet center) by CEF (Connecting Europe Facility) Telecom. Patricia is a member of the Advisory board of RAISD (Reshaping attention and inclusion strategies for Distinctively vulnerable people among the forcibly displaced) 2019-2022 (Horizon2020 project). She is also a member of the European project RISEWISE (Women with disabilities in social engagement) 2018-2021. Patricia works as a headmaster of the Chair in digital Communication for kids and teens, working in collaboration with more than one hundred schools, more than 5000 students from primary to Secondary developing different educational projects related to Media literacy, social networks, and privacy, youtubers and different Audiovisual contents. She is also a visiting researcher at several international universities and collaborating in Latin American and European universities in various research projects. Author of more than one hundred articles. ANDREAS SCHUCKAndreas Schuck is Associate Professor of Political Communication & Journalism at the Amsterdam School of Communication Research (ASCoR) at the University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Andreas received his Ph.D. degree in Political Communication from the University of Amsterdam in 2009. Between 2016 and 2021 he has been Chair of the ECREA Political Communication section. His research focuses on media effects on political opinions, attitudes and behavior. More in particular, research topics include public opinion dynamics during election campaigns, media effects on political participation, citizen (de-)mobilization and behavioral change, and the role of emotions in political communication. He has been visiting scholar at the University of Technology Sydney and The School of Media and Public Affairs at the George Washington University in Washington, DC. His work has been published in internatonal peer-reviewed journals such as Journal of Communication, Political Communication, Communication Research, European Union Politics, Electoral Studies, Journalism, British Journal of Political Science and International Journal of Press/Politics. In Amsterdam he is program manager of the international Erasmus Mundus MA program in ‘Journalism, Media and Globalisation’ (for more information see: SIMONE TOSONI
Simone obtained his PhD in Sociology from Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore on the topic of identity construction on the internet in 2003. He teaches courses on sociology of cultural process and on digital media. His main research interests span across the field of urban media studies, with a special focus on media engagement out of home, in mobility and in urban space. He is currently working on media machines and social robotics, and on the production and circulation of knowledge rejected by the scientific communities on social media. Within ECREA, he has co-founded and chaired or co-chaired the Temporary Working Group Media & the City, until its acceptance as a permanent session. He has also lectured at the ECREA Summer School, contributing to the organization of its Milanese editions (2016-2018). Herminder KaurSections representativeHerminder is the Director of Criminology and Sociology Programmes in the School of Business and Law at Middlesex University, London. She obtained her doctorate from Loughborough University in digital sociology funded by Loughborough University’s Doctoral College studentship. Her doctoral research has used and developed ethnographic and visual methods to study digital inequalities among young people with physical disabilities in educational and domestic settings. As a Member of Digital Skills and Inclusion Research Working Group for the UK Department of Culture, Media and Sport, Herminder has worked on a team project to update a national digital engagement toolkit titled ‘What Works’. As a Principal Investigator she has led a funded project by the Higher Education Initiative Fund at Middlesex University, to explore digital access and use among South Asian people in England. In her various roles and areas of research interest, Herminder has been advocating for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) and has published in journals such as New Media and Society and Mobilities. Małgorzata Winiarska-BrodowskaNetworks representative
Małgorzata Winiarska-Brodowska is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Journalism and International Communication, Institute of Journalism, Media and Social Communication, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland.
Malgorzata's research and teaching interests lie at the intersection of media, politics and international relations. Malgorzata holds a PhD in social sciences (political science). She graduated in journalism, cultural studies and European studies from the University of Vienna. She gained professional experience both in the academia as well as in governmental administration and media. Since 2020 she has been acting as a Dean’s Proxy for Quality Assurance at the Faculty of Management and Social Communication of the Jagiellonian University and a member of the Una Europa Quality Assurance Cluster. She authored several dozen scientific publications in the field of political communication, media and communication in international relations, organizational and strategic communication as well as quality assurance in the higher education institutions. | More about ECREA |