European Communication Research |
Task Forces
ECREA Task Forces are expert working bodies which aid ECREA Bureau (the Daily Governing Body) and the Governing Body in pursuit of specific strategic tasks. Mandated by the Governing Body, Task Forces are typically established for the duration of two years. Task Force to support Ukrainian communication scholars (2022) The aim of the task force is to support Ukrainian communication scholars based in Ukraine and beyond, support the better integration of Ukrainian scholars in European and global higher education in the field, and generally support the development of the field of communication in Ukraine. Members: Roman Horbyk (chair), Dariya Orlova (ECREA Governing Body liaison), Jasper Fessmann, former members: Tetyana Lokot (vice-chair), Göran Bolin (ECREA Executive Board liaison). Former Task Forces include: Practices of Academic Publishing in Communication (2019 - 2023) The aim of the task force is to monitor developments, engage in debate on publishing ethics and standards in the field, develop clear recommendations for ECREA members and therefore support Association’s mission to both promote and protect the highest academic standards. Members: Lenka Vochocová (chair), Burcu Sumer (vice-chair), Mercedes Medina, Angeliki Monnier, Klaus Rummler, Francisco Segado, Victoria Tur Viñes, Angel Arrese, Cátia Ferreira. Task Force Recommendations to ECREA Executive Board and to ECREA members - February 2023 Working Conditions in Neoliberal Academia (2019-2022) The aim of the task force was to initiate and conduct the efforts leading to monitoring of working conditions in academia and produce documents which could serve as a starting point for policy transformations, Members: Alenka Jelen-Sanchez (chair), Thomas Allmer (vice-chair), Sevda Can Arslan, Patricia Dias, Merja Ellefson, Anabela Gradim, Bruno Hachero, Colin Porlezza, Miguel Vicente (ECREA Executive Board liason), Sergio Villanueva Baselga. Mapping Changes in Research Support in Media and Communications across Europe (2015-2016) The aim of the task force was to address concerns related to shifts in funding or support for research within the field of media and communications and to inform inform future ECREA policy and discussion about research development, assisting liaison between ECREA and European research agencies and compiling relevant information to assist the Executive Board in lobbying strategies and policy interventions at both European and national levels. Members: Peter Golding (chair), Kirsten Drotner, Slavko Splichal, Christina Holtz-Bacha, Helena Sousa, Paolo Mancini, Claudia Alvares (ECREA Executive Board liason) , John Downey (ECREA Executive Board liason). Task Force Recommendations to ECREA Executive Board - May 2017 Joint ALAIC-ECREA Task Force (2010-2016) The main objective of the task force was to develop closer collaboration and exchange between Latin-American and Europen scholars and promote dialogue on methodological and theoretical perspectives for contemporary communication research. Members: Miguel Vicente-Mariño (co-chair and Executive Board liason), Uwe Hasebrink, François Heinderycxk, Nico Carpentier, Leonardo Custudio, Claudia Alvares, Cesar Bolano, Eliseo Colon, Fernando Oliveira Paulino (co-chair), Patria Roman, Lucrecia Escudero-Chauvel. Mapping Higher Education in European Communication and Media Studies (2012 – 2016) The main aim of the task force was to create a network of contacts and explore the curricula of the various faculties and departments of communication. Members: Natalia Abuín, Alberto Garcia (co-chair), Alenka Jelen (co-chair and Executive Board liason), Ancizar Narvaez, Liina Puustinen, George Terzis, Einar Thorsen, Elena Valentini, Hipólito Vivar. Quality in Publishing Task Force (2008-2016) The objective of the task force was to reflect on the very notion of "quality" in the area of communication research and education. Members: Nico Carpentier (Executive Board liason), John Downing, Cees Hamelink, François Heinderyckx, Denis McQuail, Kaarle Nordenstreng, Linda Putnam, Jan Servaes. ECREA's CEE Task Force (2008-2009) CEE Task Force was mandated to advise the Bureau on the strategies to be implemented by ECREA to increase the presence of CEE scholars and institutions in ECREA, and to increase ECREA's role in stimulating the intellectual exchange between scholars from the CEE and other parts of Europe as well as within CEE. Members: Beata Klimkiewicz (chair), Tomas Trampota (secretary), Jan Jirak, Boguslawa Dobek-Ostrowska, Maruša Pušnik, Aukse Balcytiene, Epp Lauk, Pal Tamas, Maria Heller, Miroljub Radojkovic, Nico Carpentier (ECREA Executive Board liaison). | More about ECREA |