European Communication Research
and Education Association

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ECREA’s principle objectives are to:

  • build a community of communication scholars by providing spaces for exchange of ideas, theoretical insights, research findings, research methodologies and educational practices; 

  • ensure that such a scholarly community is built on principles of equality and inclusiveness, regardless of age, gender, race, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation of its members;

  • provide support for underprivileged groups of scholars; 

  • promote collaborative research, pedagogic or publishing projects;

  • support development of communication research or education in areas or regions where the field is underdeveloped;

  • promote the interests of communication scholars.

To facilitate this, our main activities include:

  • organisation of biennial ECC conference as well as smaller-scale conferences, seminars and workshops organised by Sections, Temporary Working Groups and Networks

  • providing organisational (permanent Networks) and financial support (Young Scholar’s fund for PhD student conference and summer school grants, EDI grants for conference and Sections, Networks and Temporary Working Groups activities) for underprivileged groups of scholars

  • publishing collaborative intellectual work of our members within Palgrave Studies in European Communication Research and Education Series and supporting publication of Researching and Teaching Communication Series

  • encouraging, supporting, and publishing the work of young researchers (e.g. within the framework of  European Media and Communication Doctoral Summer School);

  • co-ordinateing circulation of information on communications research through Newsletter and mailing list;      

  • defending critical principles on which academic freedom is based on, including issuing statements of protest in cases of prosecution of academics or academic institutions;

  • promoting widely recognised principles regarding integrity of scientific inquiry and academic work;

  • developing links with relevant national and international and with professional communication researchers working for commercial organisations and regulatory institutions, both public and private;

  • participating in initiatives and activities that promote the interests of communication scholars and social relevance of the field of social sciences and humanities.



Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 14
6041 Charleroi

Who to contact

Support Young Scholars Fund

Help fund travel grants for young scholars who participate at ECC conferences. We accept individual and institutional donations.



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